辭彙的遺傳與變異?respect, respective和respectively
寫科技論文,經常有「...分別進行了... 」這類的表述,此時應該用respectively嗎?雖然respective有「各自的」的意思,但是respectively並不能簡單地按「各自地」使用!
同源辭彙的詞義往往是遺傳的,但respect, respective和respectively這三個單詞詞義的突變太厲害的,厲害到你感覺不到它們的父子關係。
Respect來自拉丁語的respectus,是往回看(retrospect)的意思。漢文化一向有尊古傳統,不知道英語體系是否也有,但是respect的「往回看」確實有「尊敬、敬重」之意(A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem),如 I have great respect for your work。進一步則有被尊重的狀態之意(The state of being regarded with honor or esteem),如a leader held in the greatest respect。這個變異已經相當大了。
當然也不是什麼人都能被敬重的,所以你肯定得掂量掂量,於是repsect也有考慮考慮的意思啦(Consideration or appreciation),如 Can"t you at least give me some respect?
因為respect的「往回看」中有「看」(spect與view有關)(遺傳的另一個物種),只要「看」(view)就有視角,於是它也有 A particular aspect(view)之意,如In many respects this is an important decision。進而,view也可能抽象化,包括feature, or detail,即「in many respects」不再限於「物理視角」,而是從許多方面(如特性、細節等等)。
短語「in(orwith) respect to/」意思是「in reference to」(關於),此處的respect應該是a particular aspect,feature, or detail之意, 如: In respect to the defense"s claim that Ms. Smith acted alone, we have evidence to the contrary(關於辯護人Smith女士獨自行事的說法,我們有相反的證據)。同樣的還有短語in some (or many) respects, 如In some respects, Anne"s comments are similar to yours(在某些方面,安妮的評論與你的相似); The three proposals are quite differentin many respects(這三項提案在很多方面都有很大不同)。
但是,短語「with all due respect」的「respect」是「尊敬」的意思,如: With all due respect, sir, I think we could look at this situation differently(尊敬的先生,我想我們可以以不同的方式來看待這種情況)。
Respective是形容詞,只有一個義項,就是存在兩個或以上的人或事,與各自相關的,獨有的(Relating to two or more persons or things regarded individually; particular),如:After the music class, the boy and the girl went home to their respective homes(音樂課結束後,男孩和女孩回到他們各自的家中);Marie Curie and Albert Einstein both excelled in their respective fields(瑪麗居里和阿爾伯特愛因斯坦在各自的領域都表現出色)。
Respectively是第三代(很難與retrospect意思聯繫上了)。它是副詞,但並非與中文「分別地,各自地」簡單對應,它的意思是「按照指定的或提及的順序逐一依次地」(Singly in the order designated ormentioned),如,"Cathy and Patty like bread and hotdogs, Respectively"—Cathy和Patty分別喜歡麵包和熱狗(Cathy喜歡麵包,Patty喜歡熱狗)。像「對A和B都分別進行了檢測」不可以用respectively,但是「對A和B都分別用甲和乙進行了檢測」可用respectively。另外respectively要放在句末(前面加不加逗號都有),而中文的「分別」都是在句中。
再次強調像這樣是正確的:Sarah,David and Hameed are awarded the first, the second and the third prize respectively。但像這樣是錯誤的:They are awarded the first, the second andthe third prize respectively。一定要「一一對應」。
再比如「 For men, the proportion of treatment admissions rose from 1.8% in 1998 to 8.1% a decade later; for women, those figures were 3.5% and 13.3%, respectively」也是不正確的(those figures與3.5%和13.3%沒有一一對應上)。
這樣也不當:The value of Vext was 17, and the value of Vint was 68, respectively;Traces of plutonium were found in the Exeter samples and the London samples,respectively。 因為這裡的respectively冗餘了。
※第5章 基因突變及其他變異