
約書亞的傳導 《愛的關係》

約書亞的傳導《愛的關係》Dear friends,I am Jeshua. I greet you all sincerely. I am here with a full heart. I want to share with you, for you are my brothers and sisters and I feel a deep kinship with you. I am neither more nor higher than you, we are one.親愛的朋友們我是約書亞。我真誠的向你們所有人問候。我們懷著熱誠的心來到這裡。我希望與你們分享,因為你們是我的兄弟和姐妹,我感到與你們之間一種深層的親密關係。我並非比你們更高貴或卓絕,我們都是一體。We embarked together to plant the seed of the Christ energy on Earth, a seed that over time would slowly grow and blossom into a fully mature flower. This time on Earth is one of completion of that journey. It is a time in which many seedlings begin to develop, and in many ways you are the budding flowers. Together we form a unit, a collective of souls who dedicate themselves to the birth of a new awareness. So see me no longer as a master who stands above you, but as a friend who holds you by the hand and wants to share his love with you, because I do deeply love you all.我們一起從事著在地球上播種基督能量種子的任務,一顆經歷時間慢慢成長,直至以全然成熟的姿態綻放花的美麗的種子。在地球上的這段時間便是那旅程的其中一個完結。這個時刻是許多的種苗開始生根發芽,以許多種方式,你們便是這些不斷萌芽的花蕾。團結起來我們形成一個聯合體,一個靈魂團體,決定致力於把一種新的意識覺知萌發出來。所以請不要再把我看作是一位高高在上的大師,而是一位牽著你的手的朋友,希望與你分享他的愛,因為我如此深深的愛著你們所有人。You have an intense desire for love. You seek it in relationships with others, and also through a connection with the divine. But truly, what you are craving for lies within yourself; it is your own divine nature, the part of you that is one with unconditional love and joy. When you experience this part of you, it feels like coming home. Everything else in your life becomes easy, light, and joyful. You are at one within yourself and you do not need anything outside yourself to make you feel good. You are a unity unto yourself – and yet you feel connected with everything else in a deep and intimate way.對於愛你們有著一種強烈的意願。你在與其他人尋求它的關係,同時也通過神聖來建立一種連接。不過真實的是,那些你在自己內在正渴望的,是你自我神聖的本質,這部分的你便是帶著無條件愛和喜悅的它。當你體驗這部分的你,感覺就像是回家一般。在你生活中的其他事情都變得簡單,輕鬆並充滿喜悅。你屬於你自我的內在,你也完全無需任何外在的事物才能讓你感到美好。你是指向你自我的一個單位---不過你也感到與其他任何一樣事物之間存在著一種深深的,親密的連接。What is paradoxical about relationships is that you can only be intimately connected with another person if you are able to embrace the oneness within yourself. If you are ready to accept yourself, with the burdens from the past, with your highs and lows – then there is space for another person with his or her unique individuality. Then you are no longer using another person in order to come Home. Instead, you share the Home you carry within your heart with that other person. This type of relationship becomes a celebrating together, a sharing, and that is a healing relationship, whether it be with a partner, a friend, or a child; it makes no essential difference. However, love relationships – partner relationships – are the relationships that call up the most in you. They touch you profoundly and stir up deep emotions, because they seem to hold the promise of coming Home like no other relationship does.對於關係之間十分矛盾的地方是,只有當你能夠擁抱你自我的合一,才能夠親密的連接到其他任何人。如果你準備好接納自己,包括來自過去的負擔,包括你的高潮和低潮----那麼伴隨著他/她獨一無二的個人體驗,就會給對方留下空間。隨後為了回歸家園你就不再需要去利用其他人。取而代之,你與對方分享這個已經攜帶在你心中的家的感覺。這種類型的關係變成了一種共同的慶祝,一種分享,而且這是一種療愈的關係,不管它是否是與一個搭檔,一位朋友,或是一個孩子都不重要;在本質上沒有任何不同。不過,愛的關係---搭檔的關係---對你來說算是最重要的。他們會深深的觸動你,激起深深的情緒,因為他們看似攜帶著歸家一般的承諾,而這是其他關係無法取代的。Before I talk about love relationships, I would like to remind you that the Home you long for, that original unity from which you were born as a soul, is not far away. You can say that in the realm of time it was extremely long ago that you took your leave, symbolically speaking, ofParadise. That you went on your own path as a 「soul in body」 and chose a certain form in which to manifest yourself and undergo experiences and visit different places in the universe.在我談到愛的關係之前,我想讓你想起那個你期待已久的家,那種最初的聯合,在那裡你作為一個靈魂而誕生,那個時間也並非那麼遙遠。你可以說在時間的本質中在你離開之後已經過去了很久很久,象徵性的說法是,天堂樂園。作為一位「處於肉身之中的靈魂」你踏上了自我的道途,並選擇了一種特定的形式來顯現自己,經歷體驗,拜訪宇宙中不同的地點。When you were born as an individual soul and undertook your journey, you relinquished that primal unity, which you can imagine as a warm blanket of love and light that was so familiar to you. A unity where you always felt the secure presence of a Father-Mother-God, and so you were never afraid of being alone or rejected. These 「negative」 concepts were not even in your understanding, and yet an archetypal power was at work in God that birthed you out of the womb of this Father-Mother-God oneness.當你作為一個單獨的靈魂誕生並開始經歷你的旅程的時候,你放棄了那種最初的融合,在那裡你可以想像成一條十分溫暖的愛與光的毛毯,曾經對你來說是如此的熟悉。一個融合的地方讓你總是會感到完全的存在,伴隨著父神和母神,同時你那時也未曾害怕過孤獨或被拒絕。這些「負面」的觀點曾經都不處於你的認知範圍內,而是一種原型的力量運作於神的力量中,讓你從父神母神合一的子宮中誕生出來。What was the purpose of that birthing? So you all could become independent gods! So you yourselves could become the starting point of a Father-Mother-God source of warmth and love from which an infinity of beings are created and emerge. But the farewell you bid in the beginning came to you as a shock. You realized that with this separation from oneness came the knowledge that in order to truly experience the process of evolvement, you could not know anything in advance. You realized you could only separate from that primal unity by going entirely your own way as an individual soul, who for the first time becomes acquainted with the fear and desolation and darkness of not-knowing and not-understanding.那樣的誕生到底有著何種目的呢?讓你們所有人都成為單獨的眾神!這樣你自己能夠成為這個源自於父神母神的溫暖與愛的起點,在其中存在的無限被創造和浮現了出來。但是在一開始你所經歷的道別給你帶來了一種震驚的感受。你認知到了這種與合一分離的感受帶來的是知識,為的是真實的體驗進化的過程,而你又無法預先明白任何事。你認識到只有通過與最初融合的分離,通過全身心的經歷自己的方式,作為單獨的靈魂,你第一次開始了解恐懼和憂傷,那種未曾了解,未曾懂得的黑暗。You still carry that original experience of desolation and solitude, which may arise very strongly in the arena of love relationships. But before I address those relationships, I would like to remind you that you have the possibility to experience that primal connection at any time. When you go into dreamless sleep, you leave your body and connect with the deepest source from which you came, with God, if you want to call it that, or with the deepest core in yourself: that part of you that never left Paradise and is still there. Although you left there billions of years ago, the oneness is still within you; it is an inalienable part of your consciousness. At night, if your mind is not too active and you surrender to sleep and to the non-physical realms that you enter, then, as you leave your body, you take in that Source and so refresh yourself. Also in your daily life, you can make the connection with this reality of the divine spirit, of which you are an intimate part. By becoming very still, you can feel that presence here and now. I invite you to feel how together, as one, we all constitute part of that original face of God.你依舊攜帶者那種最初憂傷孤獨的體驗,在愛的關係舞台中會十分強烈的升起。但是在我陳述那些關係之前,我想提醒你---你有能力在任何時間去體驗那種最初的連接。當你走入無夢境的睡眠,你離開自己的身體並與曾經你來的最深源頭建立了連接,與神,如果你這樣稱呼的話,或者是在你內在最核心的地方:那部分的你從未離開過天堂樂園,而且依舊在那裡。雖然你在億萬年前就已離開那裡,但這中合一的感受依舊在你的心中;它是你意識之中不可分割的部分。在夜晚,如果你的思維不那麼活躍的話,你陷入睡眠,並進入到非物質的實相中,隨後,由於你離開自己的身體,你接通那個源頭並因此而更新自己。在你的日常生活中,你也能夠與這個神聖靈性實相建立連接,在其中你有著一種親密的連接。只要內心足夠的寧靜,你就能夠感受到此地和此刻的那種存在。我邀請你一起來感受,如何連接起來,作為一個整體,我們所有人構成了神最初的面孔。Imagine that in the middle of your chest, in your heart chakra, is a bright, beautiful crystal. Imagine it there and feel its power: a pure, clear crystal in which all facets simultaneously reflect your many experiences. This heart-crystal is also connected with everything around you. The feelings you receive from others can be reflected by this crystal, and so by receiving their moods and emotions through this crystal, you come to understand others. From this heart-crystal, you understand the experiences of others: their pain and disappointments are clear to you.請想像在你的胸骨的中間,在你的心輪,是一顆明亮美麗的水晶。想像它在那裡,感受它的力量:一個純凈,晶瑩通透的水晶,在它所有的刻面同時反射著你許多的體驗。這個心靈-水晶也連接著你周圍的一切。這股由你從其他事物中獲得的感受也通過這顆水晶反應了出來,於是通過接收他們的心情和情緒穿過這顆水晶,你開始了解其他人。從這顆心靈--水晶,你懂得了其他人的體驗:他們的痛苦和沮喪對你來說是如此的清晰。This heart-crystal is connected to the hearts of all other living beings, because we all are one. And yet you can also feel that this heart, which you carry in your chest, belongs to you: it is your soul-heart. Feel how both aspects go together. You are connected on the level of the heart – a horizontal field that connects you with everything alive – so there is no separation as we all are one. Yet you are also 「one」, meaning that you are you, and no one else is exactly like you. You are an individual being and there is a vertical line which connects you directly to your Source, to God. You are in this physical body, which is the bearer of your heart, your own piece of God consciousness.這顆心靈-水晶連接著所有其他有形生命的心靈,因為我們都是一體的。然而你也能夠感受到這顆心,在你胸中的,屬於你:它是你的靈魂--心靈。請感受一下這兩者合在一起的感覺。你連接在心靈的層級---一個水平領域,在這裡你與每樣活著的物質存在著連接---所以根本不存在分離,因為我們都是一體的。然而你也是「單獨」的,這意味著你依舊是你,沒有誰能夠完全和你一樣。你是獨一無二的存有,在這裡存在著一條垂線,連接著你和你的源頭,連接著神。你處在這副肉身之中,它支撐著你的心,你造物主意識的自我片段。Feel the vastness of this crystal: the infinite consciousness that belongs to you and yet can go wherever it wants. It is not tied to this body, although it is in this body now, temporarily, but it is such a vast energy that ultimately it is not bound to any form. You are this consciousness; you have brought a piece of the divine fabric of the Father-Mother-God along with you here to Earth. You are whole and complete within yourself, and you are the guardian of this heart-crystal. Remember that, while we now look at the theme of love relationships.請感受這顆水晶的廣袤:這個無限意識屬於你,而且可以去到任何它想到的地方。它並沒有束縛在這個肉體之中,雖然它此刻確實存在於這個身體之內,臨時的,但它是如此巨大的一股能量,最終它將不受制於任何形式。你就是這個意識;你已經攜帶者父神母神神聖組織的一個片段,來到了此刻的地球。在你的內心之中你是純粹與完整的,你也是這顆心靈-水晶的守護者。當我們此刻看待愛之關係的主題時,請記住這點。When you fall in love with another person, there is often an intense experience of delight at the beginning of the relationship. It seems as if something gets torn wide open within you, something that was long hidden and can be only unlocked by the look of that other. Other people do not seem to see that 「something」 within you, but your loved one awakens the naked beauty of who you are. Your passion and your enthusiasm for life return, you feel seen and loved, and you are going to experience your own depth – the wonder of you. That is what you experience in infatuation. And although it seems to be about the other, it is really about you, what the other evokes within you, which is delicious, a miracle! You seem to become awake only then and to feel how much you have to give and how much you can be loved.當你與另一個人墜入愛河,在關係開始的期間通常有一種強烈的欣喜感受。它看起來就像是某樣東西從你心中奔涌而出,某樣長期以來被隱藏的東西,卻僅僅因為看到了對方就如被釋放了一般。其他人則看似無法察覺你內心的那樣東西,而你所愛的人喚醒了這份你是誰的這種無裝飾的美麗。你對於生活的熱情和激情回歸了,你感覺被看到,被愛著,你即將體驗到你內在的深度---你自我的奇蹟。在迷戀的狀態這便是你所經驗的。雖然看起來它好似是關於對方,其實是關於你自己,是由對方在你的心中喚醒了什麼,這才是美味可口的,一個奇蹟!你看似只有在那之後才覺得被喚醒,並感到自己有多麼的想付出,同時感到自己有多麼的被愛著。At that moment, people usually become intoxicated with the awe and wonder of this infatuation they experience, and they blindly attach themselves to the one who awakened this feeling within them. She or he has the 「magic wand」 in their hands, and what first led to a revelation, and a loving feeling toward yourself as well as the other, leads gradually to a flight from yourself, as you become totally focused on the other.在那個時刻,人們通常變得陶醉於自己所體驗的奇妙與迷醉的體驗當中,他們把自己盲目的粘附在另一個喚醒自己內在感受的人身上。他/她就好像在其手中有著「魔法棒」一般,首先帶來的一種揭示,與一種朝向你自己的愛的感覺,當然還有對方,逐步的導致你自己如騰雲駕霧了一般,因為你完全把精力放在了對方身上。Then begins a struggle with the other. You will want to possess the part of them that makes you feel so good. And the other often does the same with you, and you both become immensely confused by this tug-of-war. In this way, the highest that you can give each other eventually calls up the lowest, namely jealousy, dependency, and power struggles. This is an extremely painful fall that almost everyone has experienced in their life.隨後與對方的一場鬥爭開始了。你希望擁有他們的那個部分,那個讓你感覺如此良好的部分。同時對方通常也是和你一樣的感受,你們兩者對於這場拔河戰演變成極大的混亂。以這樣的方式,你們能夠給予彼此的最高感受最終換來最低層次的,也就是,嫉妒,從屬感和權力的鬥爭。在每個人所體驗的生活中這就是落在自己身上一種最極端痛苦的事情。How does this fall happen? There are two parts within you. From that heart-crystal I described, there is a love in you that can see the other exactly as he or she is, and can experience the beauty that is there. From this space in your heart, you can enter into an equal and balanced connection with each other, in which you acknowledge the divine in each other and in which you also do not lose sight of the human in each other. You grant the other their pain, mistrusts, disappointments, and resistance.事情怎麼會落到如此這般的田地呢?在你的內在有著兩個部分。從我描述的心靈--水晶那裡,那裡存在的是愛,在那裡你能夠看到對方他/她真實的樣子,能夠體驗到在其身上的美麗。從這個存在於你心中的空間,你能夠進入到彼此之間一種平等與平衡的連接中,在那裡你接受彼此之間的神聖,在其中你也完全不會丟失掉在彼此之間的人類視角。你允許對方的痛苦,懷疑,失望和拒絕。But from your belly there is another energy at work, something that can be a very strong, disruptive force in infatuation. I call this energy the neglected inner child, who carries a very strong and deep pain within that goes back to that original cosmic birthing pain of leaving the Father-Mother-God oneness. This child also awakens as you fall in love, and this child has many emotions that can obscure your heart. These emotions can envelop the heart-crystal and cloud the fact that you are the source of the delight and bliss you experienced in the beginning stages of romantic love. Those feelings had to do with you and the space that you gave yourself, which was made possible by the other, but it still had to do with you.但是在你的腹部還有另外一種能量在運作著,某樣東西能夠變得十分的強大,在迷醉中出現了破壞性的力量。我稱呼這股能量為被忽視的內在小孩,它攜帶著一種十分強烈且十分深層的痛苦,可以回溯到最初的源頭宇宙,那種離開父神母神合一境界時所誕生的別離痛苦。這個小孩也由於墜入愛河而被喚醒,而且它含有著許多的情緒能夠遮蔽你的心靈。這些情緒能夠包裹住心靈-水晶,同時遮蔽住在一開始踏上羅曼史之愛的階梯時,由你所體驗的歡快和福佑源頭的實在感受。這些感受不得不與你以及由你給自己提供的空間產生作用,它曾經可能是由對方引發,但是依舊不得不與你產生作用。However, the child in you, who is in pain and crying out for the attention, love, and recognition it has missed for so long, may be tempted to take a kind of stranglehold on the partner; it wants to hold on at all costs in order to get for itself what it lacks. In this way, the child and the heart-crystal can end up on two opposing sides. What at first seemed to be very beautiful, turns into a destructive relationship where you are going to fight with each other and enter into a battle that nobody wants, but that happens anyway.不過,這個內在小孩,它處於痛苦中,大聲呼喊著尋求關注,愛與認可,它已經被忽視如此長的時間,也許會忍不住在伴侶關係上採取一種束縛性的做法;它希望對自己所缺乏的事物不惜一切代價去持有。在這樣的情形中,這個小孩與心靈-水晶就可能在兩個對立面僵持不下。那些在一開始看似十分美麗的一切,轉而變成一種破壞性的關係,在這裡你們彼此之間即將發生戰爭,進入一個誰都不希望的戰場,但是它不論如何都會發生。At the time the magic threatens to disappear, you may become desperate. At all costs, you want to cling to your partner, because you once felt a sense of absolute love with that person. You are going to fight to hold on to them, and your oldest pains, your emotions of anger, fear of abandonment, hatred even, can come into play. It is very difficult to let go of the other person even then, because you will be driven by a reminder of how good it was when all was in harmony.在這個時候,這個魔法威脅著消失了,你也許變得絕望。不惜任何代價,你希望粘附著你的伴侶,因為你們曾經感到與對方一種真切的愛。為了持有它們,你即將開始一場戰鬥,你最古老的痛苦,你憤怒的情緒,被遺棄的恐懼,甚至是憎恨,全部浮現了出來。即時在那之後都很難放手對方,因為你被一種曾經兩個人在一起時所經歷的和諧美好而暗示著。It is very important that, at this stage, you know how to let go. The moment you feel your relationship going into a downward spiral, and you are going to accuse and blame each other, is the time to step back. You can injure each other so badly, precisely because you have touched each other so deeply, and that pain is hard to heal.在這個階段,非常重要的一點,你要明白如何放手。在這個時刻你感到自己的關係跌落到一種向下的螺旋,你們就要彼此互相指控和責怪,現在便是要後退一步的時候了。你們有可能會深深的傷害彼此,確切的說是因為你們如此深的觸及彼此,以至於這種痛苦很難治癒。So dare to take a step back when you feel that you are spinning out of control, that you are being swept away by emotions that prevent you from approaching your partner with an open heart. You may sense a deep fear of being abandoned, or just the opposite: a fear of connecting so deeply to someone that you lose yourself in it. There can be other emotions such as anger or jealousy, but what is important is that you notice how the most intense emotions are more about you than about the relationship. The relationship triggered the emotions, but they themselves stem from deeper causes.於是要敢於後退一步,當你感到自己就要失控的時候,因為你正被情緒牽著鼻子走而無法以一顆敞開的心去接近自己的伴侶。你也許感受到一種深深的被拋棄的恐懼感,或者剛好相反:一種對於如此深層的連接某人而有可能讓你在其中失去自我的恐懼感。這裡就有可能帶來另外的情緒,諸如憤怒或者嫉妒,但是重要的是你要注意到這種最強烈的情緒是如何更多的關於你自己,而不是彼此之間的關係。這種關係引發了這些情緒,但是它們本身卻由更深的成因而阻礙了。What matters now is that you turn toward the hurt and neglected child within, who is the real cause of your emotional imbalance. Doing that is not the responsibility of your partner. And you, too, are not responsible for the inner child of your partner. Making someone else responsible for your pain and expecting them to heal it leads to enormous confusion in relationships.現在重要的問題是你要轉向這個傷痛與被忽視的內在小孩,它才是導致你情緒不平衡的真正原因。做到這一點並非是你伴侶的責任。然而你自己,同樣也並非要為你伴侶的內在小孩而負責。讓其他某個人為你的痛苦負責,並期待著他們治癒它,卻導致了在關係中更多的混亂。So, how can you see when the relationship, which was initially a loving bond, is going wrong and is getting unbalanced? Actually, there are clear signs, and one of the ways you can find out is by symbolically doing an exercise with your inner child.所以,你要如何能夠明白,那時這個關係,它在最初曾經是一種愛的聯繫,卻發生錯誤變得失去平衡呢?事實上,這裡有著清晰的跡象,其中的一個方法能夠讓你理清頭緒的是,象徵性的與你內在小孩做一個練習。Imagine you stand opposite your partner at this moment. Or take someone who is very important for you, if you currently have no partner, and allow your inner child to stand to your left. Simply imagine yourself as a child somewhere under the age of ten, and stand with that child to your left opposite your partner. Now see how the child responds to your beloved. Look at the first reaction of that child. Ask the child: 「What attracted you to him or her? What did you find so irresistible? What touched your heart, what fascinated you?」 And then you ask: 「How do you feel now?」想像一下此刻你站在自己伴侶的對面。或者換做是一個對你來說十分重要的人,如果你當前沒有伴侶的話,同時允許你的內在小孩站在你的左邊。單純的想像你自己作為一個孩子,某地不足十歲的小孩,與你左方的小孩並排面對著你的伴侶。現在看看這個孩子對你的伴侶做出何種反應。觀察那個小孩的第一反應。詢問這個小孩:「是什麼讓他/她吸引你?是什麼讓你覺得神魂顛倒?是什麼觸及了你的心,讓你著迷?」隨後你問道:「現在你感受如何呢?」Did something happen to that original quality? Can the child still feel that love? In a healing relationship, that unique quality is still very much present. It feeds you still, warms you still, while at the same time your partner has gotten a more human form, with her or his own problems and ups and downs. However, something of that original magic is still there, and because of that magic, problems can be overcome. If you notice that the magic is absent, if your inner child actually feels unloved or treated unfairly, then there is something going on to which you need to pay attention. Take the time to discover this with your inner child.對於那最初的特性有什麼事情發生了么?這個小孩依舊能夠感受到那份愛么?在一種治療關係中,那種獨特的品質依舊是非常突出的。它依舊在滋養著你,依舊溫暖著你,而且在同一時刻你的伴侶也已獲得一種更人性化的形式,帶著他/她自己的問題,有喜有悲。然而,那最初魔法的某樣東西依舊在那裡,因為那個魔法,問題能夠被解決。如果你注意到這個魔法並未出現,如果你內在的小孩確實感到不被愛或者沒有被公平的對待,那麼就存在著某樣事情需要獲得你的關注。請花些時間去發掘這個你內在的小孩。To clarify the situation, let go of the image of the inner child, and now imagine that you stand before the partner you have chosen and look how the energy of giving and receiving flows between you. First, see what you give the other and feel it, and it does not have to be expressed in words, as long as you sense it. Look at what flows from you toward the other, and sense how you feel in this moment. Do you become more energetic because of this giving, or do you feel empty and exhausted? Is giving inspiring, or do you become depleted by it? Hold on to that first feeling.為了澄清這種條件,鬆開這個內在小孩的畫面,現在想像你站在已經由自己所選擇的伴侶面前,看著在你們之間這股送出與接收的能量流動。首先,看著你向對方送出的能量並感受它,它並非需要以語言來形容,一直到你能夠感受到它。觀察從你朝向對方的流動,感受一下此刻你所獲得的感覺。因為這種給予是不是讓你變得更充沛,或者你感到空虛和疲憊?是給予帶來鼓舞,還是由於它讓你感到被耗盡?繼續感受那種最初的感覺。After looking at what you give to the other, take a look at the reverse interaction. What do you receive from the other? Just rely on your first feeling as it comes to you. Does what you receive feel good? Does it make your heart more open? Do you feel happier about yourself as a result of what you receive? The essence of a healing relationship is that the other gives you something that creates joy in your heart.在觀察你所給予給對方的之後,看一看這相反的交互作用。你有沒有從對方那裡接收到什麼呢?僅僅依賴於它帶給你的第一感受。你所接收的是不是感覺很好呢?它是不是讓你的心更加的開放?因為你所接收到的,你對自己是不是感到更加的開心?這樣一種治療關係的本質是,對方給予你的某樣東西在你的心中創造出喜悅。Finally, there is another sign of a destructive relationship. From your solar plexus – a spot close to your stomach – sense a 「cord」 of energy that connects you with the other. If you are sensitive, maybe you can experience that cord. What you are looking for is the feeling that you need to possess the other; that you panic at the thought that the other will no longer be here; that something pulls on that cord. If you sense that, then that is essentially an energetic umbilical cord that connects you with the other, and gives you the feeling: 「I need them, I cannot do without them!」 That panicky feeling shows you do not operate independently, or at least you think you are not able to do without the other, and such a dependency can lead to a destructive relationship.最終,這裡還有另外一種破壞性關係的跡象。來自於你的太陽神經叢脈輪---一個接近你胃部的地方---感受一種能量的「繩索」連接著你和對方。如果你很敏感,也許你能夠體驗到那種繩索。你所尋求的就是這樣一種需要擁有對方的感覺;你對這個想法的恐慌是對方不再在這裡;某樣東西在拉扯那條繩索。如果你能夠感覺到,那麼其本質上就是一種含有能量的臍帶,連接著你和對方,同時給你這樣的感覺:「我需要它們,沒有它們我不行!」那種恐慌的感覺展現的是你完全沒有獨立的操作,或者至少你認為自己沒有對方什麼都不能做,這樣的一種從屬感能夠導致一種破壞性的關係。In a healing relationship, it is natural to miss each other if in one way or another you would be separated. It is natural to enjoy and therefore long for each other』s company. You may want the other, but you do not need the other. But in a destructive relationship, there is something malignant at work. There is a feeling that you cannot do or be without the other, that you are dependent upon them for your well-being – maybe your very life! – and this substantially weakens you. There is a deep fear of possible rejection by the other, and that makes you feel small and constricted, and the whole relationship no longer has that joyful spaciousness and freedom it had in the beginning.在一種治療關係中,如果以某種方式你們需要被分開,思戀彼此是很自然的。享受在彼此長久分離之後的陪伴也是自然的。你可以想著對方,但是你並非一定需要對方。但是在一種破壞性的關係中,某樣惡性的事情在運作著。這裡有著一種感受,你無法或者不能沒有對方,為了你自己的幸福你很依賴他們--也許是你的生活!---而這實際上是讓你變得軟弱。這裡存在著一種可能被拋棄的深層恐懼,被對方,而這使得你感覺到渺小與受限制,同時整體的關係不再具有那種在開始的時候令人快樂的寬廣和自由。Try to feel these things for yourself, calmly, in your own way. And do not be afraid to make room in the relationship to allow yourself to feel this kind of thing. Because once you find yourself in a negative spiral in a relationship, it is often necessary that the partners distance themselves from each other, physically and emotionally, in order to realize where they each stand. At such a time, it is often not useful to try to talk things out. It is necessary that your energy fields first become free from each other in order to gain sufficient space to come back to the center of your heart-crystal. Descend with your awareness inside that beautiful clear crystal that is your essence. Do not depend on others to experience that in you; it is there for you – always. It is the whisper of God you can hear in the silence.嘗試為你自己感受這些事情,平靜的,以你自己的方式。而且不要擔心在關係之中騰出空間,允許你自己感受這樣的事情。因為一旦你發現自己處於一種關係的負面性漩渦中,通常需要伴侶們在彼此之間疏遠一點,肉體上和情緒上,為了弄清彼此所處的位置。在這樣一個時刻,通常來說把話都說出來並沒有幫助。在這裡需要的是你能量的領域首先從彼此之間獲得自由,為了獲得足夠的空間以回到你心靈-水晶的中心。下降你的覺察進入到那顆美麗的水晶,也就是你的本質之中。完全不需要依靠其他人去體驗在你之中的那份特質;它就在那裡等著你--永遠如此。這是神的細語,你能夠在靜寂之中聆聽到。Feel then how, from this crystal, light rays shine onto the child in you that still suffers pain and who is still seeking outside itself for acceptance and love and security. Let your light rays fall on that child, and you can literally see that the crystal light seems to anchor itself by flowing deeper and deeper down through your belly and all the way down through your legs into the Earth.隨後感受是怎樣的感覺,從這顆水晶中,光線閃耀在這個在你內在中依舊感到痛苦的小孩身上,它依舊在尋求外在的自我,為了被接納,被愛和安全。讓你的光線沐浴那個小孩,你完全能夠看到這股水晶之光看起來就像在錨定它自己,越來越深的流動下去,經過你的腹部,一路下降通過你的腿進入到地球。This is your light, your unique Soul Light! You are here to experience this light in a body on Earth. Your particular light is unique, it is your Angel Light, and if you remain connected with it, then you attract healing relationships in your life. You have no 「need」 for another. And you also have no need to make another into something 「perfect」: someone who finally sees you in the perspective you desire, and who unconditionally understands and embraces you in the way you want them to.這是你的光芒,你獨一無二的靈魂之光!你來到這裡就是為了在地球上在一副身體中經驗這股光芒。你獨有的光芒是唯一的,它是你的天使之光,如果你保持與它的連接,隨後你會在自己的生活中吸引治療的關係。你對於對方沒有任何「需求」。你也沒有需要讓某人因某事而變得「完美」:某人最終在你意願的遠景中懂得了你,他/她無條件的理解並擁抱你,而你也同樣以這種方式為他們著想。Unconditional acceptance and love is to be found only in your own heart – by and for yourself. Do not burden another with that duty. That absolute love is something between you and your Self. This you can only give to yourself, and when you do, you will become a fountain of love for others, because you then have become completely honest and true with yourself. You love yourself, including the dark part: that child in you who struggles sometimes and is tormented.無條件的接納與愛即將在你自我的心靈中被尋找到---經由你自己。不要讓這份責任變成另外一個負擔。那份完全的愛是某件在你與自己之間的東西。這是只有你能夠給予自己的,當你做到,你將成為其他人愛的源泉,因為你隨後變得全然的誠實,真實的對待你自己。你愛自己,包括自我的陰暗面:那個小孩,在其中你有時候與它鬥爭並飽受折磨。When you love yourself, it is easier for you to see the other person in a true perspective. You no longer have to take so personally the sometimes offensive or hurtful things that she or he says or does. Their actions and reactions belong to them, and it becomes easier to not respond too emotionally to it. The other person is no longer responsible for your soul』s salvation – you are. You are the master of your world, your reality.當你愛自己的時候,對你來說就能更輕易的以一種真實的觀點看待其他人。你不再被迫因為他/她所說或者所做的事情,而有時候以如此個人的方式做出冒犯或有害的事情。他們的行為和回應屬於他們自己,同時這變得更為輕易的不再以情緒化的反應去回應它。另外一個人不再需要為你靈魂的救贖而負責---而是你自己。你才是自我世界,你實相的掌權者。You all are on this path to self-realization, and already you are touching other people with your heart-crystal: you are giving sparks of love and hope to them. I thank you for coming to Earth at this time, in this period of change and transition. I am with you and I care for you deeply. You are my brothers and sisters, and I love you.你們全都處在這條自我明晰的道路,而且你已經在用你的心靈-水晶接觸著其他人:你在給予他們愛與希望的火花。我感謝你們此刻來到地球,在這個轉變與過渡的時期。我和你們同在,我深深的關心你們。你們都是我的兄弟姐妹,我也深愛著你們。原文地址 http://spiritlibrary.com/pamela-kribbe/love-relationshipshttp://www.jeshua.net/

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