
Economic downturns aside, the road to success as a businesswoman is not an easy one.先不考慮經濟衰退的因素,對職場女性來說,通往成功的道路並非康庄大道。

While the hope is that the working world is gender-blind, women face certain challenges that men often avoid.雖然人們寄希望於職場的性別零歧視,但是女性卻往往要面對某些男性可以豁免的挑戰。

Fortunately, there are plenty of successful, effective women who have killed it in the business world to keep the rest of the female population hopeful motivated.幸運的是,已經有很多成功、高效的女性在職場上戰勝了各種困難,給其他職業女性以前進的動力。

And while many of the assets of these women are gender-neutral, some of the habits and skills they share come from harnessing and molding uniquely female strengths to their advantage.雖然這些女性的很多傑出表現與性別無關,但她們所具有的一些習慣與能力,正是源於她們對自身獨特女性優勢的利用與駕馭。

All it takes is perseverance, organization and an unwavering sense of self.這一切所需要的不過是毅力、規劃以及毫不動搖的自我意識。

Piece of cake, right?聽起來小菜一碟,是吧?

1. Have Confidence充滿自信

No matter what your trajectory may be, having confidence in yourself and your goals is hands-down the top quality you will need for success.無論你採取怎樣的方法,對自身及目標充滿信心無疑是成功道路上所必需的首要品質。

This confidence will fuel the ultimate edge in any profession: perseverance.這份自信將助你獲得在任何行業都必須的終極優勢:毅力。

「(Perseverance) requires an unwavering sense of self-belief about yourself, your product, your mission,」 said Maseena Ziegler, author of a No. 1 best-selling book in Hong Kong, "Ladies Who Launch in Hong Kong.「培養毅力需要你對自身、對自己的產品、職責有堅定的自信。」香港暢銷書排行第一《女性從香港起步》的作者瑪莎拉·齊格勒(Maseena Ziegl)說道。

Perseverance is the characteristic common to the 12 female entrepreneurs about whom Ziegler wrote.毅力是齊格勒在書中從12位女企業家身上概括出的共同品質。

2. Monitor Emotions控制情緒

While men struggle with being vulnerable and emotive, women are encouraged from an early age to express their emotions.男性一直以脆弱、多愁善感為恥辱,但女性則從小就被鼓勵表達自己的情感。

This can prove problematic in the workplace.但這卻會在職場上產生諸多問題。

Letting emotions take over in a business setting can often mean losing control of the situation.在商業背景下,讓情感沖昏頭腦通常意味著對局勢失去控制。

If emotions overwhelm in the workplace, go for an extended bathroom break and get out what ails you.如果情緒在工作場合突然失控,假裝去廁所,稍稍待久一些,舒緩一下折磨著你的情緒。

If you"re finding yourself doing this every day, it may be an indicator to examine your current work situation.不過要是你天天都需要這麼做的話,或許是時候好好審視一下你的工作現狀了。

3. Organize and Structure組織與條理

Whether you』re working for yourself or someone else, having your own personal structure to a day is a huge help in making strides toward your goals.不管你是為別人打工還是自己創業,想要朝著你的目標昂首闊步前進,擁有每日個人規劃無疑幫助巨大。

Roussel advises taking one step at a time and one day at a time, and not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by larger, long-term goals.魯塞爾建議從小處著手,從每一天入手,這樣可以避免自己一下子被長期、遠大的目標壓垮。

Writing a to-do list is a simple, satisfying way to tackle a day"s objectives.寫一份待做清單可以助你簡單、有效地處理一天的事務。

Whether your schedule is set for you or you create it yourself, sticking to a structured day — even in your personal life — is imperative.無論你的時間表是他人安排的還是自己制定的,即便是在日常生活中,都必須恪守一天的日程體系。

Mandell stresses the need to be prompt in work-related activities.曼德爾強調了守時在職場活動中的重要性。

Don"t make excuses of being a "late person" to yourself or others.不要為自己的「遲到」找借口。

Make a point of changing that behavior.拿出行動來改變這一狀態。

Being late to work, a meeting, or even to a social gathering, will imply either that you don』t have your act together or that your time is more important than that of the person who was waiting for you.上班遲到、開會遲到甚至社交活動遲到,要麼顯得你是個沒有條理的人,要麼顯得你對等待其他人毫不重視。

Being prompt reflects courtesy and reliability, both of which are powerful traits in business.為人守時可以反映出個人修養與可靠程度,這些都是職場中的可貴品質。

4. Hone Communication Skills提高溝通技巧

Speaking from behind a lectern, participating in a conference call or composing an email, excellent communication skills are essential.無論是在講台上演說、參與電話會議還是撰寫電子郵件,出色的溝通技巧必不可少。

While some people may be naturally gregarious or charismatic, even introverted women may still excel at this, as long as they are assertive and pay attention to detail.雖然有些人可能天生就魅力無窮、熱愛交際,但是即使內斂的女性也仍能脫穎而出——只要她充滿自信並且注重細節。

「What you have to remember is that you』re an intelligent, articulate woman and you』ve more than earned your place at the table.」「你必須要記住:你是一位思維敏捷、善於表達的女性,你還可以做到更好。」

If you have a tendency toward falling back on weaker language, prepare what you have to say in advance of any meeting so that you』re sure of the words coming out of your mouth.如果你會不由自主地使用回軟弱的語言,那就在每次會議前預先準備好自己要說的內容,這樣就能對脫口而出的話更有把握。

5. Find a Mentor or Community找到一位導師或是一個團體

It is crucial to actively seek out women with whom to connect in your industry.從你所在行業里積極尋找、聯絡同性夥伴是非常關鍵的。

It is easy to get wrapped up in seeing another woman as a threat, but that will only keep both of you down.不要輕易封閉自己、把其他女性看作威脅,那樣只會讓你們兩敗俱傷。

Invite a female colleague to play tennis or lunch.邀請一位女性同事一起打網球或是共進午餐。

Or you can go an even more basic route.或者也可以採取更簡單的方式。

When you』re just starting out or changing careers, seek out women in your industry and build relationships with them.如果你剛剛在職場上起步,或是剛剛換了新工作,一定要找到女性同行,並且和她們建立人際關係。

6. Keep Personal Life Personal私生活留在私下

In most modern work environments, the line between friends and co-workers is often blurred, and before you know it, your entire office knows about your marital woes or your chronic insomnia.在當代職場上,通常朋友與同事的界線已經模糊了。還沒等你察覺到這點,你不幸的婚姻或是慢性失眠症就已經在辦公室里眾所皆知了。

Mandell advises against revealing too much about your personal life in the workplace.曼德爾的忠告是不要在工作場合透露太多個人隱私。

「Be it romantic life, home life or health,」 she said, 「if you say you have a headache, guys are going to think, 『Oh, it』s that time of the month.』 」「不管是愛情、家庭還是健康,」她說,「只要你說你有點頭痛,大家就會開始猜『哦,每月一次又來了』。」

Gushing about your personal problems will give colleagues an altered perception of who you are as a person.滔滔不絕地討論你的私生活問題,將會使你的同事們對你個人的看法有所轉變。

The relationships will seem more frivolous and casual.你們的工作關係將會更隨意輕浮,散漫草率。

And while there』s no problem with being friends outside of work with your co-workers, refrain from talking about last night』s traumatic first date until your lunch break.在工作之餘,與同事保持朋友關係當然沒有問題,但是請把昨晚約會的情傷留到午間休息時再聊吧。

By the same token, it is critical to protect your personal life from being invaded by your career.同樣的道理,保護你的私生活不受工作侵犯也很關鍵。

While many people check emails until bedtime, make sure that when you want a break — whether to connect with a family member or go for a run — the phones go away.雖然很多人會在睡前還查收郵件,但一定要確保當你想要休息的時候,或是想聯絡家人、出去玩的時候,可以隨時放下工作。

Not only is it good manners, but it allows you to take a mental vacation from the intensity of the work day.這可不僅是禮貌,更重要的是你可以在緊張的工作之外得到精神的放鬆。

Balancing those two sides of life — knowing how to distance yourself from work in personal time and from personal life during work — will help you thrive in both worlds.平衡工作與生活的關係,懂得讓工作與生活保持距離,這會讓你在兩個世界都遊刃有餘。

7. Stay Informed and Connected保持聯絡與靈通

Of the women interviewed, most begin their days checking newspapers, blogs, RSS feeds, Facebook and Twitter to stay connected with the world around them.接受採訪的女性,大多每天第一件事就是閱讀報紙、博客、RSS訂閱、臉書和推特等了解周邊的大小事件。

Knowing what』s happening in your own career field — from real estate to teaching 1st grade — will set you apart from the pack.知道你所在領域的新鮮事——不管是房地產業還是中學教育,都能讓你遠離平庸。

Seek out blogs, set up Google alerts, and follow leaders in your industry on Twitter to keep yourself continually in the loop with what』s happening each day.精選博文,建立谷歌快訊,在推特上關注行業精英,都能不斷讓你知曉每天發生的事情。

This will allow you to be ready to participate in any conversation and come up with new, relevant ideas.這能幫你更好地融入任何話題,迸發出新穎、相關的靈感。

Social networks, if you know how to use them, are valuable resources.當你學會利用社交網路的時候,它們會是非常寶貴的資源。

Roussel makes a point of commenting on posts, wishing people happy birthday, and providing updates about herself to ensure that her network is continually maintained.魯塞爾通過評論推送、給朋友送上生日祝福以及時不時更新她的生活狀況,來持續維護她的人際網路。

「Keeping in touch, putting yourself out there, networking … you never know," she said. "You can connect with someone online and then months later they give you the biggest job you』ve ever had.」她說:「保持聯絡,掛在網上,這就是社交網路……世事難料,說不定你在網上認識的某人,幾個月以後就交給了你一個經手過的最大項目。」

As long as you set time aside in your schedule, you may happily browse your global community to maintain connections with people in every facet of business.只要你在日程里合理地安排時間,你就可以愉快地瀏覽你的全球網路社區,與各行各業的人士建立社交關係。




TAG:女神 | 女性 | 職場 | 習慣 | 高效 |