
1 1 "There is a brilliant child locked inside every student."   在每一個學生的內在,都深藏著一顆閃閃發光的赤子之心。   2 "Don"t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed."   不要試圖改變學生,首先要改變自己。好老師使差學生成為好學生,好學生變得更出色。如果我們的學生失敗了,作為教師的我們也同樣失敗了。   3 "The essence of teaching is to make learning contagious, to have one idea spark another."   教的實質就是努力使學習的熱情蔓延,並使彼此之間的靈感持續不斷地相互激發。   4 "Once teachers try the Socratic, or direct method of teaching, they will never return to anything that cannot produce the "magic.""   一旦教師試圖使用問答式或直接結論式的教學法,他們就再也沒有可能回到任何可以產生「奇蹟」的地方了。   5 "Success doesn"t come to you... you go to it."   成功不是想來的...你只能走向成功。   6 "Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do best."   卓越不是一個行為,而是一種習慣。你做的最出色的事都是你最願意儘力做的事。   7 "Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide."   相信自己,想你自己所想的,做你自己願做的,說你自己要說的,做你自己。任何模仿都是自殺行為。   8 "Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail."   果斷的決定和堅韌的意志可以改變世界,期待依賴什麼人的幫助就能達到目標是絕對行不通的。   9 "Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have."   自己是怎樣的人自己最知道,管他別人怎麼說呢。   10 "If you can"t make a mistake, you can"t make anything."   一個人如果連犯錯都不敢,他終將一事無成。   11 Mr. Meant-to has a friend, his name is Didn"t-Do. Have you met them? They live together in a house called Never-Win. And I am told that it is haunted by the Ghost of Might-have-Been.   「認命」先生有一位朋友,他的名字叫「別干」。你見過他們嗎?他們倆一起住在一間被叫做「不成」的房子里。我聽說這棟房子里遊盪著一個叫做「沒準」的鬼魂。



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