
Q: Beloved OSHO, the question for the meditator used to be, "how to be in the world and not of it?" Since the ranch and having moved back into the world, many of us feel alien, different, not of it. The question now seems to be, "how to be in it?"


OSHO 奧修:

No, still the question is to be in the world and not to be of it. To be in it does not change the first position. The first position allows you to be in the world but not worldly.


It is perfectly good that you feel alien -- there is nothing wrong in it. You should feel so, that this world in which you have to be is not the world where you can synchronize with people, with their ideas, with their behavior.


This world is not the right world -- I mean the human world. And you want to be in it, part of it? Then you have to be a Christian in a Christian society. Then you have to go to the church, then you have to believe in THE HOLY BIBLE. Do you want to be in this way in the world? Then all that you have done before has been a sheer wastage of time.


Being in the world only means that you will be doing a job, that you will be earning your bread, that you will be living with people who are not of the same mind as you, that you will be living amongst foreigners; and naturally, you will feel alien. But that is something to be happy about.


I have not sent you into the world to get lost.


I have sent you into the world to remain yourself in spite of the world. And that was the meaning of the original statement: To be in the world but not of it. It remains unchanged. It is so fundamental that it will remain unchanged.


譯自:OSHO Beyond Psychology. 譯者:Aashna,僅此個人譯文聲明原創。



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