【Best Of Taylor Swift】Taylor Swift(泰勒·史薇芙特)(美國)(2015)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆

專輯名稱: Best Of Taylor Swift | 專輯藝人: Taylor Swift | 唱片公司: Big Machine音樂風格: Country Pop | 發行日期: 2015年05月01日 | 資源品質: FLAC/649MB專輯曲目

01.Taylor Swift - A Place In This World

02.Taylor Swift - Should"ve Said No

03.Taylor Swift - Our Song

04.Taylor Swift - Fearless

05.Taylor Swift - Love Story

06.Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

07.Taylor Swift - Today Was A Fairytale (From Valentine"s Day)

08.Taylor Swift - Mine

09.Taylor Swift - Speak Now

10.Taylor Swift - Dear John

11.Taylor Swift - Mean

12.Taylor Swift - State Of Grace

13.Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble

14.Taylor Swift - 22

15.Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

16.Taylor Swift - Sad Beautiful Tragic

17.Taylor Swift - The Lucky One

18.Taylor Swift - Welcome To New York

19.Taylor Swift - Blank Space

20.Taylor Swift - Style

21.Taylor Swift - Out Of The Woods

22.Taylor Swift - Shake It Off

專輯簡介Taylor Swift is that rarest of pop phenomenona: a superstar who managed to completelycross over from country to the mainstream. Other singers performed similar moves --notably, Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson both became enduring mainstream icons basedon their "70s work -- but Swift shed her country roots like they were a second skin; it wasa necessary molting to reveal she was perhaps the sharpest, savviest, populist singer/songwriter of her generation, one who could harness the zeitgeist and turn it personaland, just as impressively, perform the reverse. These skills were evident on her earliesthits, especially the neo-tribute "Tim McGraw," but her second album, 2008"s Fearless,showcased a songwriter discovering who she was and, in the process, finding a massaudience. Fearless wound up having considerable legs not only in the U.S., where itracked up six platinum singles on the strength of the Top 10 hits "Love Story" and "YouBelong to Me, " but throughout the world, performing particularly well in the U.K.,Canada, and Australia. Speak Now, delivered almost two years later in the autumn of2010 consolidated that success and Swift moved into the stratosphere of superstardom,with her popularity only increasing on 2012"s Red and 2014"s 1989, a pair of records thatfound her moving assuredly from country into a pop realm where she already belonged.

藝人簡介藝 人: Taylor Swift出生時間:1989年12月13日出生地點:Wyomissing,Pennsylvania現居地點:Nashville,Tennessee歌手類型:創作型歌手歌手流派:Country職 業:歌手 作曲作詞者樂 器:木吉他 鋼琴 夏威夷四弦琴唱片公司:Big Machine RecordTaylor Swift has been singing all her life, motivated by her grandmother, who was aprofessional opera singer.She began performing locally around her town and countyat the age of ten,and at age 11 sang the national anthem before a Philadelphia 76ersgame.By the time she was 12,she had picked up the guitar and began practicing fourhours each day,until her fingers started to bleed.Swift"s parents began to support hermusic, and recognized her talent,perseverance,and budding future as a professionalmusician.The family began making regular visits to Nashville, TN, where Swift wouldperform casually and meet with songwriters in the area. The family decided to moveto an outlying Nashville suburb, which accelerated Swift"s career. While performingat a showcase at Nashville"s Bluebird Café, Swift caught the eye of music industryveteran Scott Borchetta. He had plans to create a new label and decided Swift wasone of the first acts he wanted to sign. Still a high school student fascinated by love(which she uses as her muse),she released her debut single,"Tim McGraw," in August2006, followed by a self-titled album that October.

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