年度二十部電影佳作 很可能有一半你沒聽過[16]

Martin Scorsese"s passion project (in development since 1990) follows two Portuguese Jesuits (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) to 17th-century Japan, where they search for their mentor priest (Liam Neeson) and risk torture and death for preaching Christianity. Matters of faith and its meaning in a material world have long obsessed Scorsese. Silence is alternately brutal and cerebral. Some may balk at grappling with moral ambiguity for two and a half hours. Who needs them. Scorsese has crafted a film of potent provocation and fervent heart.馬丁·斯科塞斯這部充滿激情的作品(1990年開始籌備)講述的故事發生在17世紀的日本。兩個葡萄牙耶穌會會士(安德魯·加菲爾德、亞當·德賴弗飾)在尋找恩師(連姆·尼森)的途中經歷折磨和死亡的威脅,但仍不放棄追求基督教義的信仰。信念及其在世俗中的意義長期困擾著斯科塞斯。《沉默》是一部殘忍與現實交織的電影,也許有人在觀影的兩個半小時里會不認同片中的道德模糊感。誰管得了他們呢?斯科塞斯造就了一部充滿挑釁意味,讓人血脈賁張的電影。

陳子庄論畫語要 [16]
四角方陣刑沖會和透解 —— 梁湘潤[16] 

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