

本文結合了現實中不同的求職例子,結合所有求職所需要的資料及文件,給出一個從個人簡歷,到求職信;針對性的求職等一套的學習及實踐的方法,以及附上一些求職所需要用到的辭彙,求職時會遇到的提問,及入職時常見的問題等的資料。 www.6park.com

首先要介紹的是如何去寫一封讓人看起來舒服,並且有說服力讓對方進一步考慮錄取你的求職信 www.6park.com

網上雖然很多教人怎麼寫求職信的例子,但是卻沒有相關的資料幫助一些初學者怎麼去寫屬於自己個性的求職信。本人將結合不同例子,給出常用的辭彙等幫助新手學習怎麼去寫一份讓人滿意的求職信。 www.6park.com

Purpose = get the reader to look at your CV/resume!(英國的個人簡歷稱為Curriculum Vitae(CV),而美式一般稱為resume)第一步:求職信的目的,如何去說服對方進一步看你的個人簡歷Always personalize求職信是針對個人的!以下是一封針對在線遊戲客服職位的求職信:1. Opening paragraph: Who you are, what you want開篇,你是誰,你想要什麼,從什麼渠道得到職位信息的 www.6park.com

Dear Sir or Madam: www.6park.com

I am writing to apply for a post in Player Support Team; my Curriculum Vitae is enclosed with this letter. The advertisement appeared in the latest issue of the vacancy list published by the Careers Service at Northumbria University, where I am in my second year of a degree in Computing Studies.這裡簡單介紹了想要申請的職位,附上個人簡歷,以及在什麼地方找到個職位廣告信息,和目前在做什麼。 www.6park.com

2. Middle paragraph: Why you are a good candidate信件主體,為什麼你是個好的應徵者 www.6park.com

As you can see from my CV that I was a part-time volunteer for an online game union for more than 4 years, my duty on this job was to work online with other colleagues to manage the union, dealing problems from members online and interactive with players by holding online game functions. I have worked in different post in different places during my year out between college and university; I was able to make good use of my experience as well as improving myself by learning new skills while working in different challenging post. www.6park.com

As a computer game fan, I have made many Mods(game modifications) for different games by reviewing other players feedback and my own experience to improve the interest of games, a part from making game Mods I also have a 12 years of online game experience, this taught me the basic idea of running online games, solving problems, communicating with others through internet.這裡分成兩段,第一段主要針對性的說下自己對所申請的職位的一些相關工作資料和經驗,第二段則更進一步介紹下自己在其他該職業上的興趣和各種經驗,這樣可以更加進一步提起對方的興趣。 www.6park.com

3. Final paragraph: Restate interest and action 結尾,告訴對方你為什麼被這個職位(或者工作)所吸引,和說下你的情況。I am attracted by your company because your game software creativity, great working environment and passionate in computer games like me. www.6park.com

I look forward to the opportunity to having an interview with you. I am available at any time except January, between 21st May and 25th June, when the examinations are held. www.6park.com

Yours sincerelyXXX www.6park.com

總結,一封好的求職信是抓住工作機會的第一步,就如求職信的作用一樣,只有首先提起對方對你的興趣,才有機會讓對方繼續進一步看你的個人資料,甚至給你一個面試的機會。下面附上一些求職時會經常用到的辭彙,這些辭彙可以幫助你更加好的形容自己,提高你獲得面試的機會。 www.6park.com

下面是另外一個完整的求職信的例子: www.6park.com

Dear Mr. Hanks: I am writing to apply for the Client Account Coordinator, which was advertised May 4th with the Career Services Center at Florida State University. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. I believe that I have the training, experience and qualities that you are looking for. According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, computer literacy, and a B.S. degree in Finance. My studies have included courses in computer science, management information systems, speech communications, and business writing. I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team and detail-oriented, works well under pressure, and is able to deal with people in departments throughout the firm. These are skills I developed both in my course work and in my recent internship at Liberty Mutual, Inc. in Orlando, Florida. Your job de***ion suggests that our relationship could be mutually beneficial. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic, nationally recognized investment management firm. I look forward to discussing my background and qualifications with you. If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in the position, I can be reached at (218) 365-3333. Sincerely, www.6park.com



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