【成功人生 - 現代人修身立命的四句話】

【成功人生 - 現代人修身立命的四句話】圖文:網路 編輯: 小絲

古人所云:大事難事看擔當,逆境順境看襟度,臨喜臨怒看涵養,群行群止看識見。讀懂這四句話,對現代人修身進德、明辨是非以及「立德、立功、立言、立業」有著積極的指導意義。一、大事難事看擔當人的行為是事。事在人為,有什麼樣的人就會有什麼樣的事,有什麼樣的事也會造就什麼樣的人。事有大小難易,人有巧拙、賢愚。一般人遇到了自己所不能解決或是無力承擔的「大」事時,往往容易採取逃避的辦法,或是自我保護的措施。他們總想著,天塌下來有高漢頂著,所以從來不會承擔什麼責任。但是,若人人都來採取這樣的態度,豈不是無人來擔當重任了嗎?所以,逢著那些大事或難事的時候,便可看出一個人的擔當來。如果他能夠在艱難危險的時候挺身而出,或者是在緊要關頭承擔大任,那麼就肯定會成為更多的人的精神支柱,也往往會被大家所信服和擁戴。二、逆境順境看襟度看一個人的胸襟和氣魄,要把他放在一種關係裡。人事關係無非是順和逆,人們往往適宜於在順境中生存,因為這樣只需要一種技術就可以了;但在逆境中卻完全不同了,不僅僅需要技術還需要一個人的膽識、意志、毅力、胸襟等等,是一種綜合能力的磨練和考驗。一個有胸襟氣度的人,在身處逆境的時候不會怨天尤人,他能夠接受順境,也能夠接受逆境。因為在他的眼裡,世間的事情從來都不會是一帆風順的,也不可能十全十美,所以他會把逆境和順境都當成是生活必須走過的路,從而會付出同樣的努力。要度過逆境的辦法只有一條,靠自己不懈的努力,當然它的前提是有一種大無畏的胸襟和氣度。三、臨喜臨怒看涵養人類的感情中最可怕的就是喜和怒,這兩種感情最容易使人的心理動搖而失去正確的判斷力。「為將之道,當先治心,泰山崩於前而色不變,,麋鹿興於左而目不瞬」。作為領兵大將的素質,首先要有良好的心態。面對泰山崩塌面不變色,面對麋鹿出現在旁邊而不眨眼,然後才可以左右局勢,戰勝敵人。這裡要求的是良好的心理素質,處變不驚,臨危不亂,不為眼前利益所打動。一旦有佞臣諂媚,皇帝龍顏大喜,便會賜以重賞,甚至是半壁江山;忠臣犯顏直諫,真言逆於龍耳,龍顏大怒,便要殺頭,幹下許多蠢事。劉備一怒而伐吳,坑害了蜀中將士;吳三桂一怒為紅顏,招來千秋罵名。大人物不敢輕易喜怒,小人物又豈敢輕易喜怒呢!喜要能不得意忘形,心中要有數,不至於昏了頭腦,做了過頭的事情;怒要能夠明白後果,怒得有威有嚴,不至於招來是非惡果。所以,有涵養的人對於事理十分通達,往往不容易為喜怒所轉動,一是真正可以使其喜怒的事不多,一是喜怒之時情緒不穩會造成判斷錯誤。那麼,為了不至於造成悔恨,就必須增強自己的涵養,以便在喜怒之際而能夠無動於衷。四、群行群止看識見一般人都是隨大流,容易隨著別人的路子走,人云亦云,隨聲附和,沒有自己的主見。如果與大家一樣去做事,不管事對不對,也不分析和判斷。這樣的人,也與大家沒有任何區別,只是凡人一個,是不會有什麼出息的。和人在一起的時候,看這個人的談吐舉止,就可以知道他的思想。他的言行舉止,正表露出一個人的識見,而識見,是日積月累的結果,是對人世間的是與非、黑與白、善與惡、美與醜、香與臭、恩與仇、好與壞、長與遠等看的清楚的人,這叫識見。有的人識見長遠,有的人目光短淺,有的人智慧詼諧,有的人愚不可及,有的人目光如炬,有的人鼠目寸光,有的人分不清楚好人與壞蛋,這些識見的法理,是一通百通、融會貫通的,心竅即開,就一切都明白了。真正有識見的人,把這些都看的很清楚的人,心中自然有其獨到的準則,決不會盲目追隨他人。人要有真正的見識。能享受最好的,也能承受最壞的。The Ancients the cloud: look at the big play, the difficult times of adversity and see the flap, thas tha nu see joy for civility, group executive group stop watching experience. Read this four words, the cultivation of modern people into Germany, as well as the "right from wrong, good, Khalid lì yán, greatness" has a positive meaning of guidance.A big, hard to see the playPeople"s actions are. Success, what kind of person who will have the kind of thing, what kind of things will create the kind of person. Things are easy or difficult, the size of a person than coincidence, Hyun-woo.People generally encountered by themselves cannot solve or cannot afford the "big" things, often taken the easy way to escape, or self-protection measures. They always want to, the sky is falling down a Cohen hold so never what responsibility. However, if everyone to take this attitude, no one would come to reign.?So, with those big or difficult times, they can see a person to play. If he can be difficult and dangerous time to come forward, or are in the clutch shoulder Daren, then it will definitely become more people, the spirit of the pillars will also tend to be convincing and all the support.Second, the good times of adversity to see flap degreesLook at a person"s mind and want to put him in a relationship.Personnel relationship is smooth and reverse, often people are suitable for the good times in survival, because that would only need a technology on it; but in adversity but totally different, not only the need for technical also need a man with courage, determination, Perseverance, tolerance, etc, is a comprehensive capacity of honing and test.A breadth of people who, in times of adversity will not blame God, he will be able to accept the good times, can also accept adversity. Because in his eyes, worldly things are never gonna be easy, nor perfect, so he will bring adversity and all the good times as life must walk the path, which in turn will pay the same amount of effort. Going to get through adversity only by way of a section of their tireless efforts, of course, it is a prerequisite for a fearless mind and magnanimity.Hi three, temporary anger look for civilityThe feelings of mankind in the most horrible is the joy and anger, these two emotions are most vulnerable to the psychological shake and lose the correct judgment." for the road, to anticipate, George heart, Tarzan available color unchanged,, Elk Hing on the left eye and not instant ". as a general of quality, we must first have a good mentality. Tarzan collapse face to face no discolouration, elk appeared in the face of the next and not blink, then we can about the situation, defeat the enemy.Here is the requirement of good psychological qualities, unruffled, composure, not impressed by the immediate benefits. Once the emperor nìng chén flattery, weakly wedding will be blessed, to reward, and even bàn bì jiāng shān fàn yán; loyal, straight to the shingon reverse dragon ear weakly, furious, and then to the battlefield, do many stupid things. Liu bei enraged expeditions wu, trap. Shu in boots; Wu Sangui Wrath for a female, begets chiaki. Big man can"t easily emotions, nobody dare to easily turn your emotions!Hi can"t get carried away, in the hearts of thousands, not to your head, did too; anger is to be able to understand the consequences of anger have williams have strict, not to non-evil. So, people have to conserve is very sensible and mastery, not always easy for your emotions, the rotation is a truly can make their joy, anger, nothing much, is a time of joy, anger, unstable causing error of judgement. So, for the sake of not causing remorse, it must be to strengthen themselves in order to conserve, emotions and indifferent to the occasion.Four Executive Group, the group ended watching experiencePeople are generally herd, easy with someone else"s path, others views, not of your own. If we go with the same things, don"t care right, nor the analysis and judgement. Such a person, also with everyone without distinction of any kind, just a mortal man, is not what will be in the gutter.And people together, look at this guy talk and behaviour, we can know his thoughts. His demeanor, his is a personal experience, and experience, is the cumulative result is to be on earth, black and white, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, stink, Hong with Caine and chow, okay. With the bad, and the director of the far waiting to see a clear people, it"s called experience. Some people experience long-term, some people, some are short-sighted wisdom witty, some stupid, some people like torches, some people and some people don"t know the good guys and bad guys, these discriminations of jurisprudence, is yī tōng bǎi tōng, mix it all up, that is open, the Jedi mind trick. On everything I see.There is a genuine experience of these people, all looking very clear people, naturally has its unique criteria will not blindly follow others. Anyone want to have real insight. Enjoy the best, also can endure the worst.

製作日期:2016.12.12.*****歡迎光臨感謝欣賞,小絲祝您欣賞愉快,天天快樂 ******


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