
(2)2016年6月3日 竭誠為主






June 3 The SecretOf The Lord

Thesecret friendshipR.V.of the Lord is withthem that fear Him.」 Psalm 25:14

What is the sign of a friend? Thathe tells you secret sorrows? No, that he tells you secret joys.Many will confide to you their secret sorrows, but the last mark ofintimacy is to confide secret joys. Have we ever let God tell usany of His joys, or are we telling God our secrets so continuallythat we leave no room for Him to talk to us? At the beginning ofour Christian life we are full of requests to God, then we findthat God wants to get us into relationship with Himself, to get usin touch with His purposes. Are we so wedded to Jesus Christ"s ideaof prayer – 「Thy will be done」– that we catch the secrets of God? The thingsthat make God dear to us are not so much His great big blessings asthe tiny things, because they show His amazing intimacy with us; Heknows every detail of our individual lives.

「. . . him shall He teach inthe way that He shall choose.」 At first we want the consciousnessof being guided by God, then as we go on we live so much in theconsciousness of God that we do not need to ask what His will is,because the thought of choosing any other will never occur to us.If we are saved and sanctified God guides us by our ordinarychoices, and if we are going to choose what He does not want, Hewill check, and we must heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop atonce. Never reason it out and say – 「I wonder whyI shouldn"t?」 God instructs us in what we choose, that is, Heguides our common sense, and we no longer hinder His Spirit bycontinually saying – 「Now, Lord, what is Thywill?」


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