
Omar Akram 高品質的音樂 5碟(習作)

專輯介紹:fter copping a Grammy for his third record Echoes of Love, Omar is back with a full-on sonic assault to make sure he does it again. Not exactly pop, he does turn it up a notch loading the new age deck with pop and jazz smarts, keeping it buoyant, upbeat and winkingly sassy.發行時間: 2013年09月24日

專輯介紹:新婚不久的 Omar Akram 以《Echoes of Love》向我們展現一個真實的愛情故事...發行時間: 2012年06月5日

專輯介紹:REAL MUSIC最炙手可熱的鋼琴手OMAR的最新大碟,[神秘的旅程]充分展現了音樂家全力邁進、開創新篇章的奔放激情與泰然優雅。融合了輕柔爵士與新世紀樂的精粹,Omar的第三張個人專輯無疑又有了新的提升,盡顯時尚優雅風情洒脫,更受樂迷喜愛,NEWAGE鋼琴和FLAMENCO的完美結合,絕對不能錯過!奧馬爾的前張專輯《Free As A Brid翱翔萬里》讓他成為音樂界不能小視的力量。而今他的第三張專輯《Secret Journey秘密發行時間: 2007年09月25日

專輯介紹:by Jonathan WidranEven as Real Music kicks up its release schedule to include more Eastern meditation projects, the label has committed to more pop-minded new age artists who beautifully blend relaxing atmospheres with tight, colorful melodies and grooves. Pianist/composer發行時間: 2004年04月27日

專輯介紹:by Jonathan WidranThis one-name-only new age upstart -- who, as the son of a UN diplomat, grew up in places like Cuba, Switzerland, and Afghanistan -- creates a wide range of musical atmospheres and exotica around the core of his beautiful acoustic piano. Most of this kind of music is pleasant and very predictable, but發行時間: 2002年09月03日



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