Task 2 預習盤點我知道了:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________我想問:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 3 活動探究(略)完成28頁3b和36頁4bTask 4 當堂達標:問題檢測(鞏固練習)。(一) 將下列單詞與正確的音標用線連起來。hot [blu:]football [huk]blue [ki:s]hook [futb:l]kiss [ht](二) 根據發音規則,選出每組中不發[w]音的1個單詞。1. woodwrite wheel which2. wheatsnow wet woman3. whitewindow now why4. whalewater watch row(三) 根據發音規則,找出發[j]的單詞寫在下面橫線上。cryyou your skyyellow lorrymoneyjelly toy boyyogurt soy_____________________________________________________________ _ _____Task 5:知識小結:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __Unit 1 音標學習音標並不是難事,但是意義卻非常深遠!Section 4(44頁4a和72頁4a)課型:新授課課時:1-2課時主備人:學習目標:1.學習母音音素: /ɑ://?:/ 以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。2.學習輔音音素:/θ//e/ /ts//dz/以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。3.學會用學習目標第1、2點的音素進行拼讀。並應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞。4.學習字母組合ar,or/oor,th,ts,ds,a(+ss/st/sk/sp),ai,ay的發音。5.學習語音知識:新舊英語國際音標對照表學習重點:學習目標第1、2、4點。學習難點:學習目標第3點。Task 1 預習熱身一、過音素關:1.試讀44頁4a和72頁4a的母音音素、輔音音素和字母組合發音,小組內相互拼讀44頁4a和72頁4a的單詞。2.在家聽寫或默寫44頁4a的6個音素和字母組合ar,or/oor,th,ts, ds, a(+ss/st/sk/sp),ai,ay的發音。3.讀44頁4a和72頁4a,寫出下列劃線字母或字母組合的發音, 並在課文中勾畫出來。1) think _______ 2) say ______3) hard _____4) parts_______ 5) train ______6) door _____7) kids_______ 8) grade ______9) grasp _____10) these_______ 11)rabbit ______ 12)north_____二、過拼讀關:1. 應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞.字母組合的發音在單詞中的發音ar[____ ]far darkhart farm gardenbar star carcard armor/oor[____ ]short more lord horsefor forty sport doorfloor storeth[____ ]think teeththick thank thoughtboth tooth truthfifth mouth clothbreath[____ ]this that thesethose then thanthoughts[____ ]sits seats peasantsparentsgets lets plants lotsds[____ ]needs seeds spends bedsboardsstands groundsa(+ss/st/sk/sp)[____ ]fast classlast glassai/ay[____ ]2.Read thefollowing:(朗讀下列音標)[:] [b:l] [:l] [f:l] [t:l] [sm:l] [h:l] [k ?:l] [b?:d][ɑ:] [ɑ:m] [ɑ:t] [kɑ:] [stɑ:t] [skɑ:] [fɑ:m] [hɑ:d] [lɑ:t][] [ri:] [i?] [ k] [nd?] [t u:] [ru:][e] [eis] [e?t] [ei:z] [e?uz] [eei] [wee?] [fɑ:e?][] [mi:?] [si:?] [mini?] [k??] [wei?] [ li?][] [b?:?] [ki?] [h?n?] [n?] [h?ndri?]三、過語法關:語音知識: 新舊英語國際音標對照表(見第2頁)Task 2 預習盤點我知道了:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________我想問:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 3 活動探究(略)完成44頁4b和72頁4bTask 4 當堂達標:問題檢測(鞏固練習)。(一) 寫出下列單詞的音標:park mark horse forkthank that goods cats(二) 根據發音規則,圈出發[a:]的2個單詞。1.arm lip doctorcard2. cloud cart gardengate3.ball scarf darktiger4. job lorry Marchpark(三) 根據發音規則,找出發[dz]的5個單詞寫在後面的橫線上。coatshands cats kitesbeds words petskidsseatshorse sands gates___________________________________________________________________Task 5:知識小結:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________附:新舊英語國際音標對照表Vowels母音新i:eЗ:Λu::舊i:ie:Λu:u:新ɑ:eIaIIaI?e?舊ɑ:eiaiiuaui?ε?u?Consonants輔音無變化pbtdkgfvszemnlrhwj∫t∫dtrdrtsdzUnit 1 音標A friend in need is a friend indeed(患難之交才是真朋友)Section 5(56頁3a和82頁3a)課型:新授課課時:1-2課時主備人:學習目標:1.學習母音音素:/:/ /?/。 以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。2.學習輔音音素:// // /d/ /t/ 。以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。3.學會用學習目標第1、2點的音素進行拼讀。並應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞。4.學習字母及字母組合ir,er,sh,ch,ge,al,au,c(+e/i/y),ck,s,c的發音。5.學習語音知識:濁化音, 連讀。學習重點:學習目標第1、2、4點。學習難點:學習目標第3點。Task 1 預習熱身一、過音素關:1.試讀56頁3a和82頁3a的母音音素、輔音音素,小組內相互拼讀56頁3a和82頁3a的單詞。2.在家聽寫或默寫56頁3a的6個音素和字母、字母組合ir,er,sh,ch,ge,al,au,c(+e/i/y),ck,s,c的發音。3.讀56頁3a和82頁3a,寫出下列劃線字母的發音, 並在課文中勾畫出來。1) aunt_______ 2) first ______ 3) ship _____4) already_______ 5) because ______ 6) farmer _____7)march _______ 8) pleasure______ 9) cat _____10)walk _______ 11)duck______ 12) rice_____13) orange二、過拼讀關:1. 應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞ir[____ ]dirtaffirm first girlbird skirt sirthirder[____ ]father mother brother sister farmersh[____ ]sheshoe short shopwash ship fishs [____ ]usually televisionpleasurech[____ ]chairmuch lunch Chinage[____ ]agepage huge orangeal[____ ]allball call fall hallmall small talk tall wall[____ ]also salt always alreadyau[____ ]auntlaugh[____ ]cause pausefaultc(+e/i/y)[____ ]facerace rice nicepencil city cyclec [____ ]cookmilk key deskkite cakeck[____ ]clocksock cock neck2.Read the following:(朗讀下列音標)[:][b :g][g :l][f :n][t :n][h :] [w:k][s :v] [d :ti] [sk :t][][bre] [sist] [kl] [rb] [ru:l][fget] [hldi][] [ st][in] [i:p][b] [m][rin][ri lis][] [ben] [ ain][w:][m?] [eri][][br] [i:p][ɑ:p] [ip][p] [fi][risepn][] [le] [ple] [ju:] [ju:li][telivi] [me]三、過語法關:語音知識:1) 濁化音以sp__, st___, sk___開頭的單詞中,清輔音/p/ /t/ /k/分別要發濁輔音/b/ /d/ /g/。 例如:sport store skirt請朗讀: spring, storm , sky2) 連讀在一個短語或句子中,如果相鄰兩詞的關係相等密切,而前一個詞以輔音結尾,後一個詞以母音開頭,輔音和元素連在一起讀。
例如:the part of the earth請朗讀:Stand up! Put on theskirt, not at all,half an hour,I love you and all、after all。請小組內相互朗讀:完成56頁3bTask 2 預習盤點我知道了:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________我想問:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 3 活動探究(略)完成82頁3bTask 4 當堂達標:問題檢測(鞏固練習)。(一) 寫出下列單詞的音標:shophuge first farmer fishChina walk also rice neck(二) 根據發音規則,找出下列單詞中發[t∫]的單詞,並抄下來。chair dumplingbeach cheese nightshe monkeyChina churchthese flower eggdream shark chickcatch(三) 讀音標寫單詞。[bi:] [b?:d] [si:] [swi:t] [′bizi][h?:] [′dkt?] [′sist?] [li:f] [hi:]Task 5:知識小結:Unit1 音標學習音標並不是難事,但是意義卻非常深遠!Section 6(64頁3a和90頁4a)課型:新授課課時:1-2課時主備人:學習目標:1.學習母音音素:// /a/ // // /e?/以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。2.學習輔音音素:/dr/ /tr/ 。以及在英文單詞中的應用規律。3.學會用學習目標第1、2點的音素進行拼讀。並應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞。4.學習字母組合ow,oy,ear,ure,tr,dr,air,are,augh,aw,a(+ble),a+(nge)的發音。5.學習語音知識:不完全爆破,意群的停頓, 音的同化。學習重點:學習目標第1、2、4點。學習難點:學習目標第3點。Task 1 預習熱身一、過音素關:1.試讀64頁3a和90頁4a的母音音素、輔音音素,小組內相互拼讀64頁3a和90頁4a的單詞。2.在家聽寫或默寫64頁3a的7個音素。默寫字母組合ow,oy,ear,ure,tr,dr,air,are,augh,aw,a(+ble),a+(nge)的發音。3.讀64頁3a和90頁4a,寫出下列劃線字母的發音, 並在課文中勾畫出來。1) wear _______ 2) sure ______ 3) dear_____4) drive _______ 5) brown ______ 6) share _____7) fair _______ 8) trade ______ 9) daughter_____10) table _______ 11) danger______ 12) joy _____二、過拼讀關:1. 應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞ow [____ ]flower cowhow now downoy [____ ]boy toyjoyear[____ ]hear nearfear dear yearear tear[____ ]bear swearpear wearure[____ ]sure purelure insuretr [____ ]tree treattrip train tramdr [____ ]dream dragdraw drink childrenair [____ ]hair chair pair fair airare [____ ]dare harecare shareaugh[____ ]caught naughtynautical taught daughteraw [____ ]draw strawberrylaw saw hawka(+ble)[____ ]able fabletablea+(nge)[____ ]change dangerstrange2.Read the following:(朗讀下列音標)[a] [k a] [h a] [a ] [fl a ] [t a ] [h a s] [m a s] [n a][] [p] [t] [l] [m] [b ] [ ] [t rist] [m ][] [d] [n] [w ri][f] [ ] [kl] [t] [pa n][] [l] [b l] [pnt] [nz] [vs] [s] [ n] [vd][] [h] [p] [f] [fri] [wri] [rip] [kful] [st][tr] [tri:][trai] [trein] [tru:][tru:li] [strein] [tru:][dr] [drai][draiv] [draiv] [druv] [dri:m] [dru:][drein]三、過語法關:語音知識:1) 不完全爆破爆破音[p][b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 後面緊跟另一個爆破音時,前面的那個爆破只在口腔內形成阻礙,而不能完全讀出。(前一音保留口型和發音時間卻並不發音。但是聽者能感到這個音的存在)如:basketball [bɑ:ski(t)b :l]自測:試一試cut down step down slab glassstick to jump pass get crackingbreak down think back take carelet go get back step by step2) 音的同化:兩個特殊的音碰到一起,會發出變異成特殊的音。如:Wouldyou do it? I am glad to meet you. Can"t you see it?3)意群的停頓對於一個較長的句子,可以根據意思和結構將其分成幾群,一個意群必須一口氣說完。自測:試一試,用 / 斷意群的停頓。Tomorrow is Mother』s Day. Susan wantsto give a present to her mother. Father tells her to go to the shop and try tofind something. Susan hurries(匆忙) to the shopping center(中心) and goes to the women』s store.She has $3.00. First she thinks she will get her mothersomething to wear. Then she thinks she will buy something for her to use(使用).Task 2 預習盤點我知道了:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________我想問:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 3 活動探究(略)完成64頁3b和90頁4bTask 4 當堂達標:問題檢測(鞏固練習)。(一) 寫出下列單詞的音標:fair share draw fable dangerdown toy year sure drive(二) 把下列單詞用線連接起來。parrot [′p?r?t]heart [lk]lock [ha:t]dollar [klaim]climb [′d l?]Task 5:知識小結:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unit1 音標Better late thannever.(遲做總比不做好)Section 7(98頁4a)課型:新授課課時:1課時主備人:學習目標:1.用所有的音素進行拼讀。並應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞。2.學習字母及字母組合a(+th/n/f),(w+)a,ch, tch,mb/bt的發音。3.學習語音知識:判斷單詞讀音的三個步驟。學習重點:學習目標第1、2點。學習難點:學習目標第1點。Task1 預習熱身一、過音素關:1.試讀98頁4a的母音音素、輔音音素,小組內相互拼讀98頁4a的單詞。2.在家聽寫或默寫98頁4a的字母及字母組合a(+th/n/f),(w+)a,ch, tch,mb/bt的發音。3.讀98頁4a,寫出下列劃線字母的發音, 並在課文中勾畫出來。1)father _______ 2) watch______ 3) climb _____4) boss _______ 5) watch______ 6) dance _____7) debt _______ 8) chair______ 9) after _____二、過拼讀關:1. 應用拼讀規律拼讀單詞a(+th/n/f)[____ ]banana fatherafter(w+)a[____ ] wantwash watch whatch[____ ] chair much lunchChinatch[____ ]watchmb/bt[____ ]debt climb comb2.Read thefollowing:(朗讀下列音標)/t: l/ /: t/ /str/ /?uld//j/ /big/ /hevi/ /l//θin/ /sm: l/ /fi:v?/ /h?:t//k?uld/ /tu:θeik/ /hedeik/ /s://θr?ut/ /m?t?/ /n?uz/ /tai?d//ik`saitid/ /??gri/ /h?pi/ /b: d//s?d/ /wt?/ /w/ /kli:n//plei/ /vizit/ /du:/ /la:st//wikend/ /g?u/ /tu:/ /pa:k//swimi?/ /ri:d/ /fii?/ /haiki?//l?:n/ /tai`ni: z/ /si: ?/ /end//da:ns/ /i:t/ /gud/ /teik//klaim/ /h?v/ /bai/ /prez?nt//r?u/ /b?ut/ /si:/ /elif?nt//ski:i?/ /ais-skeiti?/ /hau/ /get/3.認讀單詞She shoulderusually cheer matchfetch jet joyThank thin those thistree train trydress dry catsjunphats antsbeds reads pinkmonkey ring三、過語法關:語音知識: 判斷單詞讀音的三個步驟第一、數母音字母組的個數數一數母音字母組的數目。有幾個母音字母組就有幾個音節。第二、劃分音節劃分音節時以元字組為核心。第三、找出重讀音節1).單音節詞都是重讀音節2).雙音節詞通常是第一個音節重讀(前綴不重讀)3).多音節詞在倒數第三個音節上重讀Task 2 預習盤點我知道了:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________我想問:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 3 活動探究(略)完成98頁4bTask 4 當堂達標:問題檢測(鞏固練習)。(一) 寫出單詞或音標。[nais] [wt∫][w:t?][b?ηk][riη][ja:d][jip] [net]thinknose rain yourswing kingwetwhere what yes(二) 把下列單詞用線連起來。knee [h?η]hang [ni:]yolk [juk]whale [iηk]ink [weil](三) 選出下列沒有相同發音的詞。( ) 1. car arm food garden( ) 2. true jumpbus cut( ) 3. bag short mapflag( ) 4. egg pen head small( ) 5. got clock bell dog( ) 6. rabbit bookwood foot( ) 7. rat bat apple ten( ) 8. gun star duck moneg(四) 看音標寫字母。音標字母音標字母音標字母音標單詞[si:][ei][u][i:][ef][ei?][vi:][sist?][i:][ai][eks][gud][ɑ:][ei][zed][tu:][es][kei][el][eis][ti:][em][kju:][ei:z][pi:][en][ju:][k?t][d?blju:][wai][bi:][d?g]含有[e]音素的字母有:含有[i:]音素的字母有:含有[ju:]音素的字母有:含有[ei]音素的字母有:Task 5:知識小結:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________英語國際音標練習時間您的寶貝練習時的態度您的寶貝練習的效果家長確認簽字月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真10個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真19個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真29個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真35個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真41個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真48個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真48個音標裡面有 個會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真單音節拼讀訓練裡面有 個不會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真單音節拼讀訓練裡面有 個不會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真單音節拼讀訓練裡面有 個不會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真雙音節拼讀訓練裡面有 個不會讀月 日 時㊣不認真 ㊣較認真 ㊣很認真雙音節拼讀訓練裡面有 個不會讀填塗說明: 此表由家長檢查後填寫,孩子不能填寫 請根據實際情況將認真或不認真前面的「 ㊣ 」塗黑 孩子讀的不流利的,都算作不會讀 家長不必管孩子所讀音標的對錯,對錯由老師在學校檢查單音節拼讀訓練pbtdgszθe∫hrtrdrmnlωɑ:::i:u:e輔音組合plbltldllgllrrbrtrdrrgrgsmsωωntsn∫ntnntssprstrspsts雙音節拼讀訓練pbtdgszθe∫hrtrdrmnlωe?a?e?a?輔音組合plbltldllgllprbrtrdrrgrgsmsωωntsn∫ntnntssprstrspsts音標拼讀練習(一)一.認讀音標/f//l/ /m/ /n//s//b//d/ /d/ /k/ /p//t/ /v/ /z/二.拼讀音標/ p e n// k ?p/ / b i: t/ / m ? p// t i:/ / i: t// d g/ / b e d/ / k r ai// e g/ / f u: d/ / k f//′f ?ut ?u/ / f ai ?/ /′v e r i// l v/ / l i: v//′s m ?/ / m i: t// s m/ /′m : n i ?/ /′n m b ?//′f n i/ / s i:/ /′i: z i/ / t i: z/ / b r i d//d b/三.認讀單詞flyball monkey nestsilly snake storyblue betty breadJuly orange toldpadvest lie家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(二)一.認讀音標/g//h/ /j / /w//r//?//e/ /i/ // //二.拼讀音標/g ?: l// g l a: s/ / g ei m/ / h ei t// h ? v/ / h u:// j u: z// j :/ / j e s// w t// w ?: k// r ai s// r ai t/ / f l ? g/ / b ? t// f r e n d// l e g// h e d/ / s i t/ /′b i z i/ / b ks// s t p/ / h t/ / b l d/ /′ n d ?/三.認讀單詞gluegreen hair hatgas run wetruler rap foxmop butunderumbrella duck yesyellow yummybutterrug jump henegg sand家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(三)一.認讀音標/ei//i:/ /ai/ /?u//ju:/二.拼讀音標/′t ei b l// l ei k/ /′t r ei n/ / p l ei n/ / i: p// w i: k// tr i:/ /θr i:/ / r ai d/ / n ai f// l ai t// d ai/ / b ?u t/ / r ?u d/ / h ?u m//′uld?/ / k j u: t/ / j u: z/三.認讀單詞Spanmake late hatesane mate facegate flag dap gassan tan ratran vat van, bedegg date cakefade wake inkbig pink bikerice ride micefoxdogcoke rose bonego so underbusrugcute use amusetune家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(四)一.認讀音標/e/ /?/ /?:////:/ /u//u:/ // /a://ei//ai/ /?u/ /i/ /au//u?/ /i?/ /ε?/二.拼讀音標/b?:d//f?:st/ /n?:s/ /′sek?nd//k?m′pju:t?//du:/ /du:n/ /fut//′bt?flai/ /a:sk//gla:s/ /wait/ /ti/ /si//b?ut/ /sl?u//sn?u/ /′sau?/ /bau//di?/ /si′vi?/ /ε?//kε?/ /′tu?rist/ /mu?//beit/三.認讀單詞lighthow snow bowboat here bearhear oil rainweight head hideboy toy hopecoat househorse mouth nearball shoe goosepear家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(五)一.認讀音標// / // t/ / d//θ/ /e // tr// dr/ / ts/ / dz//m/ /n/ / ?/二.拼讀音標/i:/ /eim/ /′ju:u?li/ /ti:z/ /k?t//du:′lai/ /dmp/ /tu:θ//θ?nk/ /′me?//eis//h?ts/ /?nts/ /hedz//trein//dr:/ /pi?k//mauθ/ /n?:s/三.認讀單詞Sheshoulder usually cheermatch fetch jetjoy Thank thinthose this treetrain try dressdry cats junphats ants bedsreads pink monkeyring家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(六)一.認讀音標音標大家庭中的28個輔音:/p/ /t//k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ ///h/ /t/ /ts/ /tr/ /b//d/ /g/ /v//e/ /z/ ///r/ /d/ /dz/ /dr/ /j/ / w//m/ /n/ /?//l/二.拼讀音標/t: l/ /: t/ /str/ /?uld//j/ /big//hevi//l/ /θin//sm: l/ /fi: v?//h?:t//k?uld//tu:θeik/ /hedeik/ /s://θr?ut/ /m?t?//n?uz/ /tai?d//ik`saitid/ /??gri/ /h?pi//b: d//s?d//wt//w//kli: n/ /plei/ /vizit//du:/ /la:st/ /wikend//g?u/ /tu:/ /pa:k//swimi?//ri: d/ /fii?/ /haiki?/ /l?:n//tai`ni: z//si: ?//end/ /da:ns/ /i:t//gud/ /teik//klaim//h?v/ /bai/ /prez?nt//r?u/ /b?ut//si:/ /elif?nt/ /ski:i?//ais-skeiti?/ /hau/ /get/家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(七)一 .認讀音標。音標大家庭中的20個母音:/i:/ /:/ /a:/ /:// u:// i/ /e/ /?// ?/ // / / / u/ / ei// ai// i//?u/ / au/ / i?//ε?/ / u?/二.小練習(一). Read and tick or cross1. cakesnake ( ) 2. vanebag ( ) 3.hat fat ( )4. pantsplant ( ) 5. norose ( ) 6. uncleup ( )7. hitfinish( ) 8. gotlock ( ) 9.shell end ()10. discdesk ( )11.get eleven ( ) 12.hide hidden ( )(二).Read and match (請根據單詞的讀音歸類)got, fish, gate, sake, fifth, clone, clock,update, yes, flash, yellow, wind, whale,joke, must, thank, guess, match, shrimp, quick, bone, uncle, write, risk, fine,name:_____________________________________nose:________________________________________bike:________________________________________dog:_________________________________________big:_________________________________________duck:_______________________________________bag:________________________________________家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(八)一.母音字母a, e, i, o, u 在開閉音節中的讀音a:/ei/ wake, lake, cake, date, fate, fade, bate, name, plate, plane,spade, make, late, hate, sane, mate, face, gate, Jane, Kate, lane, pave, rate,/?/ bag,cat, fat, lack, fan, Dan, dad, bad, flag, plat, sad, pad, mad, mat, pan, span,flag, dap, gat, san, tan, rat, ran, vat, van, can,e:/i:/ we, she, he, Chinese,/e/pen, bed, ten, hen, seven, tent, wet, leg, men, ken, blend, fled, sled,i:/ai/ bike, ride, five, nine, white, Nike, side, bide, dine, dive, kite,pine, ice, fine, nice, mine, cite, wide, wine, vice, pipe, write,/i/ fish, big, sit, his, it, this, kick, dig,pig, fix, hid, kid, hip, lip, lit,o: /?u/nose, vote, those, coke, done, zone, code, hope, joke, poke, woke, no, go, so,// fox, sock, clock, not, pop, dog,log, cock, rot, Bob, fog, frog, hop, job, lop, rod, top, toss,u:/ ju:/ fuse, use, cute, tube, duke, amuse,mute, tune,/u:/blue, clue, true, rude,// bus, sun, duck, mutton, lunch, up, hurry, pump, jump, dump, trunk,us, usher, fuss, fun, funny, sunny, run, gun, cut, hug, mug, jug, cup, truck家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(九)一.常用字母組合發音規律ar/a:/ car farstar scarf markermarket hard parkarm farmai /ei / tail rainytrain wait faintmain nailair /ε?/ airchair stairs fairhairay /ei/ daymay today playsay way staylay play Mayay / i/Sunday Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Saturdayal / :/ talk walkchalkall / : l/ ballsmall tall wallmall call fallaw / :/ paws drawere /i?/ hereere /ε?/ therewhereea /i: / seatea peach teacherread please eatmeat seat dreamleavesea /e/ headbread feather weatherear /i?/ earhear near dearear /ε?/ bearpearee / i:/bee three treesee need feedweek sleep thirteensheep feet meetfeel greenir / ?:/bird shirt skirtsir girl circlethirty thirteen thirstyor / :/ for shortforty force horsestoreoa / ?u/ roadboat coat goatsoapoo / u:/too zoo coolschool room moonafternoon spoon kangaroooo / u/good foot classroomlook book cookiesou /au/ cloudy housemouth mouse aboutmountain blouseow /au/ cowhow now browndown flowerow / ?u/ slowknow snow blowur/ ?: / nurse turnhurt furtr /tr/ train treetry truck streetstraighttraffic lights waitressdr /dr/ dress drawdry drink driverdream hundredph /f/ elephant phonech /t/ China chickenmatch Chinese chainchairwh / w/what where whitewhen why whichwheelwh / h/ whowhoseth / e/this that thesethose they thenthere father motherfeather weather brotherth /θ/ thankthree thirty thirstyThursday birthday thirteensh / /shoe shop sheepship short shortsshirtshoulder she家長簽字:助教簽字:音標拼讀練習(十)一.輔音連綴:cl: clockclose clean classclickbl: black;blood blue blowgl:glad glueglassfl:flag fly flewpl:play please planeplatebr:brown bread brainbrave bridgecr:crop cry crabcraft creamfr:frog from fridgefree frankgr:grass green graygrand gradest:stop stamp stillstupidsk:skate skill skysp:speed space spoilsport spell家長簽字:助教簽字:
※【CET3】【音標欄目】【NCE3】An Unknown Goddess
※【CET3】【音標欄目】Lesson12 Goodbye and good luck
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