
《每天讀一點英文》之那些年那些詩27 Love at First Sight 一見鍾情

Wislawa Szymborska—維斯拉瓦·辛波絲卡

They"re both convinced that a sudden passion joined them.他們彼此深信是瞬間迸發的熱情讓他們相遇such certainty is more beautiful,這樣的確定是美麗的but uncertainty is more beautiful still.但變幻無常更為美麗since they"d never met before, they"re sure that there"d been nothing between them.他們素未謀面所以他們確定彼此並無任何瓜葛

but what"s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways但是自街道、樓梯、大堂傳來的話語perhaps they"ve passed by each other a million times?他們也許擦肩而過100萬次了吧i want to ask them if they don"t remember a moment face to face in some revolving door?我想問他們是否記得在旋轉門面對面那一剎perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?或是在人群中喃喃道出的對不起

a curt "wrong number"caught in the receiver?或是在電話的另一端道出的打錯了but i know the answer.但是我早知道答案no, they don"t remember.是的,他們並不記得they"d be amazed to hear that chance has been toying with them now for years.他們會很訝異原來緣分已經戲弄他們多年

not quite ready yet to become their destiny,時機尚未成熟變成他們的命運it pushed them close, drove them apart,緣分將他們推進it barred their path,距離阻擋他們的去路stifling a laugh,忍住笑聲

and then leaped aside.然後閃到一旁there were signs and signals,有一些跡象和信號存在even if they couldn"t read them yet.即使他們尚無法解讀perhaps three years ago or just last tuesday也許在三年前或者就在上個星期二

a certain leaf fluttered from one shoulder to another?有某片葉子飄舞於肩與肩之間?something was dropped and then picked up.有東西掉了又撿了起來?who knows, maybe the ball that vanished into childhood"s thicket?天曉得,也許是那個消失於童年灌木叢中的球?there were doorknobs and doorbells where one touch had covered another beforehand.還有事前已被觸摸層層覆蓋的門把和門鈴

suitcases checked and standing side by side.檢查完畢後並排放置的手提箱one night. perhaps, the same dream,有一晚,也許同樣的夢,grown hazy by morning.到了早晨變得模糊。every beginning is only a sequel, after all,每個開始 畢竟都只是續篇,and the book of events is always open halfway through.而充滿情節的書總是從一半開始看起


維斯拉瓦·辛波絲卡(Wislawa Szymborska),波蘭女詩人。1996年諾貝爾文學獎得主。她是第三位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的女詩人、第四位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的波蘭作家,也是當今波蘭最受歡迎的女詩人。她的詩具有高度的嚴謹性及嚴肅性,在波蘭擁有廣大的讀者群。在這首詩里,我們看到人與人之間的微妙關係:兩個素昧平生的人偶然相識,擦出火花,然而這真的是第一次相見嗎?詩人使我們用全新的角度去看待疏離的人際關係,並且感受到一絲暖意和甜蜜。喜歡幾米繪本《向左走,向右走》的朋友,一定不會忘記這首詩吧?



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