



流 行 美 語(Popular American)

--- 聽美國之音 學流行美語

 流行美語(Popular American),這個短小精悍的英語教學節目每次五分鐘,生動活潑,幽默輕鬆。節目通過兩個大學生的對話來教授美國年輕人常用的俚語,有的在字典上還查不到。

151 downer; baby

152 pump; iffy

153 knock-off; running on empty

154 copycat; wacky

155 butterfingers; klutz

156 cash cow; tickled pink

157 clam up; tank

158 dilly-dally; dis

159 flying colors; butter up

160 swamped; get axed

161 putz around; worrywart

162 gibberish; google

163 bang for the buck; number crunchers

164 boss; mob scene

165 gross; in a pinch

166 cell; the 411

167 deadbeat; cool it

168 whatever floats one『s boat; up a creek

169 wiped out; cutie-pie

170 high maintenance; dating 101

171 crummy; sack out

172 clotheshorse; shell out

173 go overboard; guzzle

174 dump; ham

175 fixed to do sth.; tricked-out

176 set of wheels; the pits

177 have a beef with sb.; hit pay dirt

178 hit the road; have a hissy fit

179 have a ball; tizzy

180 knock it off; conked out

181 can of worms; cut one『s losses

182 grease monkey; fender bender

183 learn the ropes; put a lid on it

184 rattle on; third degree

185 bottom feeder; bounce

186 freak out; wig out

187 let off steam; oops

188 shrink; gross out

189 bad vibe; wake up call

190 whoa; booboo

191 cushy; legit

192 shindig; a steal

193 make a u-ey; step on it

194 diddlysquat; rub it in

195 runaround; take a chill pill

196 kiss sth. goodbye; lose one『s cool

197 make a big stink; to be creamed

198 eager beaver; grunt work

199 baloney; party animal

200 holed up; come up for air




LH: Larry,我的錢包不見了。找了半天也沒找到。我肯定是放在家裡的,你說現在怎麼辦呢?

LL: That『s a real downer. Let me help you look for it. What does it look like?

LH: 嗯,我的錢包是紅顏色的,上面還鑲有藍色的邊。你剛才說downer,那是什麼意思?

LL: Oh, a "downer" is something that makes you feel "down" or depressed. Losing your wallet is definitely a downer.

LH: Downer就是讓人不高興的事情。嗯,丟錢包真的是很倒霉。丟了錢還不算,還得重新申請駕駛執照、身份證件,還得打電話給信用卡公司取消我的信用卡,想到這些我就頭疼。

LH: Hey, don『t get all upset yet. We still haven『t finished looking for it.

LL: 我知道。這樣吧,我到廚房去找,你幫我找一找沙發底下。

LL: Sure. Hey, you know what else is a downer? Julia can『t go out with us tonight. Her boyfriend is sick and she went over to his house to take care of him.

LH: 噢,Julia今晚不能和我們去吃飯啦?真讓人失望。That is a downer! 自從她交了男朋友以後,我已經好久沒見到她了。

LL: I know what you mean. I haven『t seen her in at least two months.

LH: 我找到了!我找到我的錢包了。你看,在冰箱下面,一定是今天早上我買菜回來時掉下去的。

LL: Great! Let『s go. I『m so hungry that I can eat a whole horse. It would be a real downer if we have to wait for a table at the restaurant.

LH: 餐廳里等不到位子,那還不是什麼大問題。我要是真找不到我的錢包,那才真是a real downer。

LL: Yeah, then I『d have to pay!


LH: (Whiny) 什麼!還得等一個小時才有座位啊?啊,我不行了,我快要餓死了!

LL: Oh, don『t be such a big baby. You『ll survive. Besides, it might not take that long.

LH: Larry, 你說我像個baby 。Baby 就是嬰兒,娃娃。我餓了還不行嗎?大人也會肚子餓哪!

LL: Well, then don『t act so immature and whiny. You『re too old to whine like a baby.

LH: 你說我表現得象個孩子一樣,所以叫我baby。我餓了還不能說呀?

LL: Saying that you『re going to starve to death is a little dramatic, don『t you think?

LH: 我說快要餓死了。這是強調,誇張!為了找錢包,我中午飯都沒有來得及吃。所以我真的是很餓啊!

LL: All right, don『t get so upset. I was just teasing you. You don『t need to be such a big baby about it.

LH: 你怎麼你又叫我baby了!

LL: I『m sorry. It『s just fun to tease you.

LH: 噢,你就喜歡逗我。你覺得這樣很好玩啊?好啊!你不也是經常抱怨沒有時間看球賽,沒有時間出去玩嗎。那下回我也叫你a big baby!

LL: I really was just kidding, Li Hua. You『re not a big baby. You don『t need to start thinking of ways to get even with me.

LH: 你惹急了我就說是開玩笑。我當然要想辦法報復了。

LL:Hey, look our table『s ready.

LH:謝天謝地。我們終於等到位子了。現在你再叫我big baby, 我也無所謂了。吃飯要緊,快點菜吧。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是downer, 就是指讓人非常失望,非常不高興的事。另一個常用語是baby, 是形容一個人表現得像小孩一樣幼稚。


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今天早上Larry和李華和一對朋友Charles and Lisa約好一起打網球。李華會學到兩個常用語:pumped和iffy.

LL: I『m really pumped about today『s tennis match. How about you, Li Hua?

LH: 你對今天的比賽怎麼啦?Pumped?你是不是在說你很緊張?

LL: No, I『m not nervous. Pumped means energized and excited. I『m looking forward to today『s game because I think it will be a lot of fun.

LH: 原來pumped是很興奮。對了,pump不是也有打氣的意思嗎?你是說你打足了氣,躍躍欲試的意思。

LL: That『s right! What about you? Aren『t you pumped about the game?

LH: 嗯,我是很期待這場比賽,不過,我可不敢說我像你那樣pumped. 我對體育沒有象你那樣感興趣。

LL: Yeah, I guess I get particularly pumped about sports. If sports don『t get you all that pumped up, then what does?

LH: 我呀,我是一談起旅行就特別興奮。I『m pumped about travel。只要想到要去旅行,我就非常興奮。明年暑假,我計劃要到溫哥華去玩一個星期。

LL: You『re pumped about going to Vancouver? What is there to do in Vancouver?

LH: 到那兒去幹什麼? 溫哥華有很多美麗的高山。景色一定很壯觀。還有那裡的野生動物!我一想到有機會看到野生麋鹿我就特別興奮。Yes, I『m pumped about going to Vancouver.

LL: Well, I guess people get pumped about different things. Personally, I don『t get very excited about mountains and wild animals.

LH: 我知道,高山美景和野生動物對你來說沒有太大吸引力。還不如在網球場上打球來得過癮。

LL: Hey, tennis is fun and it『s good exercise.


LH: Larry,剛才跟Charles和Lisa一起打網球挺過癮的。對了,我差一點忘了問你,這個周末在麥迪遜廣場花園有一場職業網球賽。你想去看嗎?

LL: I don『t know. It『s iffy that we『ll even be able to get tickets. Tickets for things like that sell out very quickly.

LH: 那倒也是,像這種熱門球賽的票八成已經賣完了,所以你剛才說iffy,就是指我們「不太可能」買到票,是嗎?Iffy肯定是從if 這個詞來的。

LL: That『s right. If something is "iffy",that means that it is uncertain or even a little unlikely.

LH: 要是用iffy這個詞來形容什麼事的話,那就是不肯定,不太可能。不過,Larry,我們還是可以試一試嗎。沒準運氣好,還有票呢!

LL: Yeah, but even if I can get tickets, it『s iffy that we『ll be able to afford them. Tickets for games like that tend to be expensive, too.

LH: 你說門票可能很貴,我們可能買不起啊?Larry,也許他們有半價的學生票呢。我們試試看嘛,好不好?

LL: Sure, I『ll call the ticket vendor this afternoon. But it『s iffy that they have half-priced tickets for students.

LH: 沒關係,如果真的買不到票,我們可以做別的事啊!如果我們不能去看職業選手打球,我們還可以找朋友去打嘛!

LL: Speaking of which, wasn『t that last game fun? Do you think Charles and Lisa would play with us again?

LH: 對,跟Charles和Lisa打的最後一場是真好玩!

LL: But it『s iffy that they『ll want to play against us again.


LL:Can『t you see? They were defeated by us every round. It『s really iffy that they had any fun this morning.




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今天李華和Larry在紐約市中央公園附近散步。路邊有許多小販在賣仿名牌的手提包和圍巾等東西。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:knock-off和running on empty.

LL: Li Hua, don『t bother buying any of those. They『re just cheap knock-offs.

LH: 可是這個手提包真漂亮!你看,上面還有名牌古姿的標記呢!你說這些都是便宜的knock-offs。是不是說它們都不是真貨?

LL: Yeah. A "knock-off" is a fake, an imitation of the real thing.

LH: 你瞧。我一猜就猜對了,knock-off就是指假的,仿冒的東西。這些皮包當然不可能是真的啦!一個真的古姿皮包可是要上百美元呢!我根本就買不起!

LL: Well, if you can『t afford the real thing, why would you want to buy a cheap knock-off?

LH: 買不起真貨的人才買假冒品嘛!有的假冒品做的非常好,你不仔細看還分不出是真是假呢!你看,這個皮包還是很漂亮,而且也很實用呢!

LL: Well, it『s your decision whether you want to buy a knock-off.

LH: 我很喜歡這個皮包。不過我現在還不需要。算了吧!我想還是別買了。

LL: Hey, look that vendor is selling knock-offs of famous paintings. Some of them are pretty good.

LH: 真的耶!這些仿冒的藝術畫看起來和真品一樣,模仿得真像! 不知道是不是那個賣畫的人自己畫的。

LL: It『s possible. He might be an art student and practices his skill by making knock-offs of famous masterpieces.

LH: 在中國也有很多學藝術專業的學生,他們會臨摹一些名畫,順便練習自己的繪畫技巧。所以你經常可以找到一些假的中國名畫呢。

LL: I know. When I was in China, I bought several and brought them back to my friends as gifts.

LH: 你在中國買這樣的仿冒品帶回來送人啊?不過很多美國人都不太懂中國的畫,說不定他們還以為你送給他們的是真品呢!

LL: The important thing is not whether the paintings were knock-offs but rather that they made my friends happy.


LL: Wow, Li Hua. I『m really running on empty. Do you mind if we go back home now?

LH: Running-on-empty? 什麼是「running on empty"? 你不舒服,想回家了?

LL: No, "running on empty" means that I『m exhausted and I don『t have any energy. I feel like a car whose gas tank is empty.

LH: 噢,你用汽車沒有油來比喻,我就知道了。Running on empty就是很累,一點勁兒都沒有了。或許我們可以找點東西吃。你可以補充一下體力。

LL: That might help a little, but I really need to go home and get some rest.

LH: 對了,你前兩天感冒剛好,所以才會覺得running on empty。好吧,那我們就買點東西吃。休息一下,然後就回家。

LL: That sounds like a good idea to me. When I『m running on empty, food and sleep are always the best remedies.

LH: 我也是呀!我一累,只要吃飽睡足,馬上就能恢復體力。我們這兩天都夠忙的。真是該好好休息一下。

LL: It『s kind of difficult to enjoy the park when you『re running on empty.

LH: 沒錯。人一累,再好玩的事都提不起勁來。

LL: Hopefully, by tomorrow, I won『t be running on empty anymore and we can enjoy a nice walk in the park.

LH: 今天你回家好好睡一覺,多吃點有營養的東西,我保證你明天就會有精神了。如果你還想來公園散步,我一定奉陪!走吧!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是knock-off,是指假的,仿冒的東西。另一個常用語是running on empty,是形容一個人很累,體力不足。


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LH: Larry,我特別喜歡看這種偵探片,最後把壞人抓住,特痛快。對了,剛才那電影里的偵探說,那殺人兇手是個copycat。那是什麼意思啊?

LL: A copycat is someone who imitates someone else. The murderer in the movie imitated other famous murderers, so he was copycat killer.

LH: 嗯,copycat就是指模仿別人的人。噢,現在我懂了。那個偵探是說那個殺人犯是模仿其他殺人犯的作案方法。哎呀,怪不得我看電影的時候有些地方弄不懂。對了,Larry,這個copycat還可以用在其他的地方嗎?

LL: Sure. For instance, my younger sister used to imitate me a lot when she was a kid. She would repeat whatever I said, so I caller her my little copycat.

LH: 你叫你小妹妹little copycat。你妹妹一定很可愛。她一定很崇拜你,所以才模仿你的一舉一動,重複你說的話!

LL: Yeah, it was kind of cute, but it got annoying after a while.

LH: 小妹妹學你的樣有什麼討厭的?

LL: Kids are great copycats and they always manage to copy things that they shouldn『t. If I said a bad word, my sister always repeated. My mother thought I was teaching her bad words on purpose.

LH: 所以大人要給小孩樹立好的榜樣嘛! 你不要你妹妹說粗話,那你就不該說粗話。不過,你媽媽以為你故意教壞妹妹,那肯定讓你很不好受。對不對?

LL: That『s right. It got me into a lot of trouble. Hey, I also remember that when I was a kid, it was common for kids to accuse each other of being a "copycat."

LH: 沒錯,小孩子最喜歡說別人學自己,好象自己很聰敏,別人就只會模仿。

LL: You『re right. To call someone a copycat means that the other person isn『t original and was just imitating what someone else was doing.

LH: Larry,你說的這句話不是跟我剛才說的意思一樣嗎? You『re a copycat!

LL: Not entirely the same!


LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you ever do any wacky things when you were a kid?

LH: 對不起,Larry,你剛才說什麼。我沒聽懂,你問我小時候做過什麼wacky的事,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: Wacky means crazy or silly. Kids tend to do wacky things. For instance, when I was a kid, I tried to play Tarzan with our living room curtains.

LH: Wacky就是指瘋瘋顛顛或犯傻。對,小孩子往往會做一些傻事。不過,像你小時候想學泰山而把窗帘當樹枝爬上去,這也太危險了。

LL: Yeah, I had just seen the movie, Tarzan, and I decided to climb the curtains and swing from them the way Tarzan swung from the vines. Pretty wacky, huh?

LH: 我想也是,你肯定是看了泰山這電影后才那麼wacky的。 不過說到wacky,我小時候也不見得比你差,也做了不少wacky的事呢!

LL: Such as?

LH: 嗯,比方說,我8歲那年,我爬上鄰居家的一棵樹,上去了,卻不知道該怎麼下來呢。

LL: That『s wacky! So what did you do?

LH: 我掛在樹上,還能怎麼辦?只好大叫,請人來救我嘍!後來有人拿了張梯子,把我給救下來了。

LL: That『s funny. Hey, how『s your cat doing? Has she done anything wacky lately?

LH: 嗨,說到我的貓小雪球,它做的wacky 事那才多呢!昨天我在看電視上一個介紹大自然的節目,小雪球看到銀幕里的小鳥就一直想撲上去和它玩。那個模樣真逗!



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LL: Here, Li Hua, catch!

LH: 嘿!Larry,你不要那麼用力嘛!你這麼用力我接不住啊!

LL: Don『t blame the fact that you『re a butterfingers on me. I don『t think it『s my fault that you keep dropping the ball.

LH: 對,我老是接不住球,可我沒有怪你呀!我只是讓你別使那麼大勁兒。你說我是什麼來著 ? Butterfingers? 你肯定又在損我,是不是?

LL: A butterfingers is someone who is clumsy and tends to drop things.

LH: 噢,我知道了,butter是黃油,fingers是手指,butterfingers就好像手上抹黃油,油膩膩的抓不住東西。也就是指那些笨手笨腳,經常會把東西掉在地上的人。Larry,我才不是呢,都是你扔球太用力,所以我才接不住!

LL: Okay, butterfingers, you can keep trying to blame this on me, but I know the truth.

LH: 別再叫我butterfingers了。來吧,再丟一次,只是別那麼用力了!

LL: All right, but I don『t think it『s going to help.

LH: 你看。我這不是接住了嗎?I『m not a butterfingers!

LL: That was just luck. Don『t feel too bad, though, my sister『s much more of a butterfingers than you are.

LH: 你妹妹比我還糟糕?怎麼說啊?

LL: She used to try out for the softball team every year in high school, but she never made the team because she couldn『t catch the ball.

LH: 啊,她念中學的時候每年都參加壘球隊選拔,從來沒有被接納呀!就是因為她老接不到球!看來她真的是個butterfingers。

LL: My sister『s tough, though, she never let the fact that she『s a genuine butterfingers stop her from trying.


LH: Larry,你怎麼摔倒了,沒事吧?

LL: Yeah, I『m all right. I just tripped over that rock. I『m such a klutz!

LH: 噢,一塊石頭把你絆倒了?嗨,你說你是什麼來啦?Klutz?那是什麼意思?

LL: A klutz is someone who is very clumsy and falls, trips, and bumps into things very easily.

LH: Klutz就是指那種經常會撞上什麼東西,經常會跌倒的人。Larry,我可從來沒有見你摔倒過。這還是第一次,所以你還算不上是個klutz。

LL: Thank you, Li Hua. I appreciate it. However, I assure you that I can be a real klutz sometimes. Fortunately, I usually do klutzy things when no one else is looking.

LH: Larry,你真有意思。你怎麼知道你笨手笨腳的時候沒有人看見?不久前你好象告訴我你撞到什麼東西。我聽了也忘了。

LL: Oh, that『s a few months ago. One day, I wasn『t paying attention and I walked into a street sign. Some girls saw me and they started laughing. I felt ridiculous!

LH: 光聽你這麼說,我就覺得好笑,沒聽說有人走在路上會撞上路標的。我可以想像,你當時一定顯得很傻,a real klutz!

LL: Well, that『s the only time people saw me being a klutz. I don『t plan on doing a repeat performance.

LH: 就這一次給人看見? 以後不再會這樣傻了?別太自信了!

LL:You mean once a klutz, always a klutz?


LL:Well, let『s see!



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Larry和李華到學校附近一家新開的墨西哥快餐店吃飯。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:cash cow和tickled pink。

LL: Wow! This place is a real cash cow! Look how crowded it is!

LH: Cash cow? 什麼是cash cow? 我知道cash就是錢,現金;cow是一頭牛。噢,我懂了,cash cow就是一頭很有錢的牛。意思就是,這裡生意這麼興隆,錢賺很多。對不對?

LL: That is right! A cash cow is a business that is very profitable. This is obviously a popular place, so they must be making a lot of money.

LH: 沒錯,這家餐廳一定很賺錢。你看,要是這裡每小時來200個客人,每人平均消費7美元,那就不得了了!

LL: That『s $1,400 an hour! This place is definitely a cash cow. I wish I owned a business like this.

LH: 嗯,我也希望自己能有這樣一個賺錢的搖錢樹呢。

LL: You know what? The new movie theater that they just opened by campus is another real cash cow.

LH: 對耶!學校旁邊那家新開的電影院,是這附近唯一的一家,所以大家都上那兒去看電影。他們肯定也很賺錢。

LL: Tickets are really expensive, too, but we don『t have a choice because there aren『t any other movie theaters nearby.

LH: 真沒辦法,就因為這是這兒唯一的一家電影院,儘管票價貴,大家也別無選擇!他們變成了賺錢的影院,a cash cow!可苦了我們這些窮學生!

LL: At least they give student discounts on weekdays. That makes it a little bit easier on us.

LH: 看來,我們最好在星期一到星期五之間去看電影。這樣可以享受優惠價。不過這對戲院本身也有好處么!這樣一來,學生就願意在生意比較清淡的時間去看電影嘍!

LL: You should be a businesswoman, Li Hua. It seems like you really understand these things. If you own a business, I『m sure it will turn out to be a cash cow.

LH: 也不見得啦!我其實對做生意沒太大興趣。


LL: I『m tickled pink with the food here. What do you think, Li Hua? Do you like Mexican food?

LH: 我很喜歡墨西哥菜,好吃極了。你說你tickled pink ?Tickle是搔癢的意思,pink是粉紅色,你是說這道菜太辣了?

LL: No, I mean that I really like the food. To be tickled pink by something is to be really pleased by it.

LH: 噢,原來,tickled pink是指非常高興,很滿意的意思。嗯,我也很喜歡這裡的菜。I am tickled pink too。

LL: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you: I got a really good job for the summer. I『m really tickled pink about it.

LH: 你找到一份非常好的暑期工?那太好了。我真替你高興。那你什麼時候開始工作呢?

LL: I『ll take a couple of weeks off after exams and then start work at the beginning of June. I told my mom and she was tickled pink too.

LH: 考完試休息幾個星期再工作。這安排真是不錯。別說你媽聽了高興,誰聽了都會替你高興。我還不知道暑期幹什麼呢!

LL: Aren『t you going to visit Vancouver?

LH: 對,我是要去溫哥華看我哥哥,但是我得先打工,賺了錢才能去呀!聽說學校圖書館有暑期工作。

LL: That sounds good. You could sit in the air-conditioned library all summer and read and play on the Internet. You should be tickled pink to get a job like that!

LH: 對,要是他們要我的話,我可以一個暑期坐在有空調的圖書館裡看書,玩互聯網。有那麼一個工作,我當然高興啦!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是cash cow,這是指非常賺錢的生意。也就是搖錢樹。另一個常用語是tickled pink,是讓人非常高興,非常愉快的意思。


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Larry和李華正在為他們的朋友Laura擔心。他們兩人都覺得Laura好像有什麼心事。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:clam up和to tank。

LL: Laura has been acting really strange lately, but every time I try to ask her what『s bothering her, she just clams up.

LH: 我也注意到了,Laura最近是有點怪怪的。我也問過她怎麼回事,她就是不肯說....對了,Larry,你剛才說clam up,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: To clam up is to become silent and refuse to talk about something.

LH: To clam up就是閉緊了嘴巴,不肯把心裡的事告訴別人。可是Larry,clam不是一種蛤蜊嗎?這跟說不說話有什麼關係?

LL: Yes, in fact, that『s where the expression comes from. Clams can close their shells very tightly. If a person refuses to talk, his lips are closed just like a clam『s shell.

LH: 噢,對了。一個人嘴巴閉得緊緊的時候,就好像蛤蜊閉上殼,怎麼也不打開。這個說法太形象了!

LH: The problem is that Laura has clammed up about whatever is bothering her, which means that we have no way of helping her out.

LH: 那倒也是。她要不說,我們又怎麼能幫她。也許我們應該讓她一個人靜一靜,等她想說的時候自然會告訴我們到底是怎麼回事。

LL: That『s probably the only thing we can do.

LH: 其實我爸爸也是一樣。心裡如果有事,從來不肯說。有的時候把我媽急的一直生氣。

LL: A lot of people clam up when something is bothering them. I tend to clam up when I『m really nervous.

LH: 我也是耶!我只要一緊張,就不說話了。每個人不一樣,我妹妹一生氣就可以幾天不說話。別人也不知道她在生什麼氣。

LL: That『s like my mother. She could clam up for days when she is angry with my father.

LH: 你媽媽跟你爸爸生氣幾天不說話。那你爸爸怎麼辦哪?

LL:Whenever my mother clams up, he clams up too.


LL: I found out what was bothering Laura. She was upset because the last play she wrote tanked. Everyone criticized it.

LH: 大家都批評她最近寫的劇本。為什麼?你說她寫的那個劇本tanked,那是什麼意思?Tank, 不就是打仗用的坦克嗎?

LL: No, this has nothing to do with the tank used in war. This "tank" is a verb. When something "tanks" that means that it is a complete failure.

LH: 噢,這個tank 和軍用坦克毫無關係。這裡說的tank是個動詞。意思是完全失敗。所有的劇評家都批評Laura的舞台劇。那真是太慘了。可憐的Laura!

LL: Yeah, no wonder she clammed up. I wouldn『t want to talk about it if one of my projects tanked, either.

LH: 就是啊,自己的成果被別人這樣批評,心情一定不好受。對了,Larry,為什麼大家不喜歡Laura的劇本呢?

LL: I have no idea. I haven『t seen or read her play, so I have no way of judging her work. Laura is a good playwright, I don『t understand why her work tanked.

LH: 嗯,沒有看過她的劇本是很難判斷。不過,Laura確實是一個很好的劇作家。也許我們應該去看看她寫的舞台劇,說不定沒有這麼糟么。

LL: Even if the play really is terrible, we could at least show our support by going to see it.

LH: 你說的對,不管是好是壞,我們去看就代表我們對Laura的支持。好!我去問她在哪兒可以買票。Larry,那你什麼時候有空去看呢?

LL: Let『s go this Friday. Originally, I had planned to see a movie this Friday, but the movie I wanted to see tanked, so I might as well go and see Laura『s play.

LH: 怎麼就那麼巧呢?你要看的電影也失敗了。好,就這麼說定了。我去買票,星期五我們就去看Laura的舞台劇嘍!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是clam up,是指一個人不肯把心裡的話告訴別人。另一個常用語是to tank,也就是失敗的意思。


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LL: Come on, Li Hua. Aren『t you ready yet?

LH: 再等一下,我頭髮還沒弄好呢。

LL: Come on, already. Stop dilly-dallying and let『s go!

LH: Larry,你在說什麼啊,什麼是dilly-dally啊?

LL: To dilly-dally is to waste time doing pointless things. Right now, you『re dilly-dallying with your hair when our friend is waiting for us.

LH: Dilly-dally就是拖拖拉拉。噢,你是說我們的朋友在等著,而我在這兒浪費時間。整理頭髮是浪費時間?我總不能披頭散髮地出門吧。 你不有的時候也愛拖拖拉拉,- dilly-dally嘛。

LL: Me? Dilly-dally? Tell me, when have I ever dilly-dallied?

LH: 瞧你說得,好像你自己從來沒有拖拖拉拉過?兩天前,我們約好晚上七點吃晚飯,結果你在家打電話跟朋友聊天,到了七點半才來! 這不是Dilly-dally嗎? 你忘啦?

LL: Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah, I guess I do dilly-dally sometimes. I really felt sorry for making you wait.


LL:Hey, Li Hua, you do have a good memory. I already forgot about it. But, I am sorry for dilly-dallying.


LL:You『re right. But at least you『ve learned how to use "dilly-dally".

LH: 不過說真的,現在是5點半,我們和John的約會是6點,真的得趕快走了。

LL: Well, because of your dilly-dallying, we『re really going to have to hurry.


LH: Larry,你的上衣和褲子根本就不搭配,你是關著燈穿衣服還是怎麼著?

LL: Don『t dis my clothes! I may not have great fashion sense, but at least I don『t waste a lot of time dilly-dallying with my hair.

LH: 哎,我是在說你的衣服,你怎麼又扯上我的頭髮。你說我dis你的衣服。那是什麼意思?

LL: To "dis" something is to criticize something or make a negative comment about it. I think dis is short for "disrespect."

LH: 原來dis就是disrespect這個詞的簡稱,disrespect就是不尊重。你說:※Don『t dis my clothes" 就是讓我別批評你的衣服。我不是批評你的衣服,只是搭配得不好么。

LL: That doesn『t make me feel any better, Li Hua. It『s not nice to dis your friends or their clothes.

LH: 我以為朋友之間應該坦率,我說你衣服搭配得不好,你也不高興,還說我這樣說是不禮貌的。你不覺得你這樣批評我也是不對的嗎?

LL: Oh, please, you started the whole thing by dissing my clothes.

LH: 好啦,好啦,我以後不說就行啦。

LL: All right, I promise not to dis you if you promise not to dis me or my clothes, deal?

LH: Deal。以後你不批評我,我也不再批評你穿衣服的品味。我們就這麼說定了。 Larry,已經六點了,怎麼John還沒有來呢?

LL: Yeah, I wonder where he is? I hate people dilly-dallying.

LH: 也許John正在哪裡閑晃,根本就忘記時間了!



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經過一個星期的緊張考試,學期結束了,Larry和李華正在很輕鬆地吃午飯。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:flying colors和to butter up。

LL: Well, Li Hua, how do you think you did on your English exam? I『d be willing to bet that you passed it with flying colors.

LH: 我想我英語考試考得還可以。你剛才說你敢打賭我一定會通過,但是with flying colors是什麼意思啊? Flying就是飛; colors是顏色, flying colors,我可不懂。

LL: Oh, to pass a test or an exam with flying colors means that you did a really great job.

LH: 噢,flying colors就是非常出色。你的意思是我英語考試一定考得非常出色。是不是出色,我可不知道,其實只要及格,我就很高興了。

LL: Come on, you had me for a tutor. I『m sure you did well!

LH: 你輔導我英語,我就一定會考得成績優異?你真的對自己的輔導這麼有信心啊?

LL: That『s not a very appreciative attitude, Li Hua. Whether or not you pass the exam with flying colors, I still put in a lot of time helping you.

LH: 跟你開個玩笑嘛!我知道你花了很多時間和心血來輔導我的英語。我怎麼會不感謝你呢!不管我考的好不好,我都應該謝謝你呀。

LL: You helped me a lot, too. I『m not sure if I passed my Chinese exam with flying colors, but I『m sure that I got at least a B+.

LH: 你肯定你的中文考試能得個B+? 那已經算是很出色了。對了,你剛才是怎麼說來啦? 噢,我想起來,flying colors。好了,現在一切都結束了。暑期里,你不需要再苦苦地讀中文了!

LL: I know, I『m so glad this semester is over.

LH: 就是啊。學期結束真讓我感到輕鬆。 這個星期我什麼也不想做了。

LL: We both deserve a break. Even if we didn『t pass all our courses with flying colors, we both worked really hard all semester.

LH: 我同意,儘管我們不見得每門功課都成績優異,我們都已經盡最大的努力了,應該休息一下!


LH: 嗨,Larry,你看起來好帥!是不是今晚有約會啊?

LL: No, I don『t have a date tonight. Why are you being so nice? Are you trying to butter me up for something?

LH: 說你帥,還要問我為什麼對你這麼好?你真是疑神疑鬼的。還說我想什麼來啦?Butter up, butter不是黃油嗎?什麼意思呀?

LL: To butter someone up is to be really nice to him so that you can ask him for something.

LH: 其實,我猜到了,to butter up就是為了得到好處而拍人馬屁的意思。哼,我才不會那麼做呢!

LL: I know you weren『t trying to butter me up, Li Hua. I was just joking with you.

LH: 好吧,只要你知道,我是誠心誠意的讚美你,不是另有企圖,別有用心就好了。

LL: I know you『re not like that, but there『s a girl in my Chinese class who is.

LH: 真的啊?你的中文班裡有個女孩就是這樣的人?她怎麼啦?

LL: She was really nice to me one day. She offered to help me with my homework and everything. It turns out, she was just buttering me up so that she could ask me to help her move to a new apartment.

LH: 原來她是想讓你幫忙搬家啊!其實她沒有必要幫你做任何事,直接了當請你幫忙不就行了嘛!也許她不好意思。

LL: I guess, but what bothers me is that she ignored me until she needed my help with something. She was only nice to me when she was buttering me up to ask for help.

LH: 原來如此。她過去從來不理你,到了要你幫忙的時候才來拍馬屁。那她也真是太會利用人了。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是flying colors,這是指的是什麼事情做得很出色。另一個常用語是to butter up,這是指為了得到好處而拍人馬屁。


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Larry已經開始在一家公司做暑期工作。他正在向李華抱怨工作上的問題。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:swamped和to get axed。

LL: I『ve only been working there two days and I『m already totally swamped with work! It『s unbelievable!

LH: Larry,你說 swamped with work,是不是說你不知道怎麼做這份工作?

LL: No, I know how to do the work. It『s just that there is too much of it. To be swamped means to have too much work to do.

LH: 噢,我懂了,swamp一般是沼澤地的意思,你說swamped with work就是工作太多,好象陷進了沼澤地一樣,讓你覺得喘不過氣。那他們到底給你什麼樣的工作?

LL: It『s all relatively simple stuff like filing, typing, copying. It『s just that there are piles of it and everyone wants it finished right now.

LH: 啊!歸檔、打字、複印都是很簡單的事,可要是辦公室每個人都要你做這些事,每個人都要你馬上給他做,這確實難以對付。Larry,也許你該建議他們再多雇個人來幫你啊!

LL: I doubt that. Besides, I don『t want them to think I『m lazy. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I『ll be swamped with work for the rest of the summer.

LH: 真是的。一個暑假就陷在這些繁瑣的工作里,太沒勁了。我只想在暑假裡輕鬆輕鬆。

LL: I was hoping to relax a little, too, but it doesn『t look as though that『s going to happen.

LH: 不過Larry,雖然你白天在公司里工作很忙,可是你晚上回到家可以輕鬆一下啦,因為你不必像學期當中忙於寫作業或交報告!

LL: That『s true, but I『m so tired by the time I get home from being swamped all day that I don『t have the energy to do anything fun.

LH: 這你就跟我不一樣了。我呀,再累也沒有關係,只要一聽到玩,我就精神百倍了。不過,Larry,我真希望能幫你一點忙。

LL: Oh, it『s not your fault, Li Hua. I『m sorry for complaining like this.


LH: 嗨!Larry!你的暑期工作現在怎麼樣了!還是很忙嗎?

LL: It『s even worse than ever! The management just axed one of the other employees and now they『re giving me all of his work!

LH: Ax不是斧頭嗎?你說你公司把那個僱員怎麼啦?Axed?不是把他砍了吧?聽起來好嚇人的!

LL: To ax someone is to fire them. The other guy was really unreliable so management decided to ax him.

LH: 噢,我明白了,to ax someone就是把某人開除的意思。你真倒霉。公司把那個不可靠的人開除了,他的工作也就落在你頭上。你們公司有沒有考慮僱用新人來接替他的工作?

LL: I have no idea. In the mean time, I have so much work that I『m running around all day long.

LH: 你真可伶,每天忙得暈頭轉向的。也許你可以問問他們什麼時候會僱用一個新人啊?

LL: I want to ask, but I『m afraid of getting axed, too.

LH: 你不過問問而已嘛!他們為什麼要開除你呢?

LL: Well, I guess they wouldn『t fire me, because I『ve been doing a good job although I『m swamped with work. I just don『t want them to think that I『m lazy or that I『m complaining.

LH: 我肯定他們不會開除你。他們也不傻,知道你做很多工作,而且還做得很好。你要不說,他們絕對不會再顧一個人。這樣不是省錢嘛!

LL: I guess you are right. I『m more likely to get axed for messing up rather than telling them I『m overworked.

LH: 沒錯。老老實實地告訴他們你太忙,總比你忙不過來,把事情搞砸了要好。

LL:Li Hua, you『re so smart!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是swamped,是指陷入大量工作,或其他什麼事。另一個常用語是to get axed,就是被開除的意思。


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李華打電話問Larry,想不想到動物園參觀新的熊貓展覽。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:to putz around和worrywart。

LH: 嘿,Larry,你在做什麼?忙不忙?

LL: Not really. I was just putzing around the apartment, cleaning up a little and putting some things away. Why? What do you have in mind?

LH: 噢,你在家打掃,整理東西。你還在家幹什麼啦?什麼是putzing around?那是什麼意思?

LL: To putz around is to behave idly, without anything very urgent or important to do. I don『t have anything special to do, so I『m just putzing around doing minor things.

LH: To putz around就是沒有什麼迫切或重要的事做,只是在家東晃晃,西摸摸。嗨,既然你沒什麼重要事做,要不要一塊兒去動物園。我想去看新來的熊貓。

LL: Sure. We can putz around the zoo and look at the animals. The weather is beautiful today, so it will be nice to go outside.

LH: 就是啊,今天天氣這麼好,待在家裡太可惜了,還不如到動物園去逛逛,看看動物。

LL: Yeah, it『s much better to putz around outside in the sunshine. It『s so great to have time to relax.

LH: 沒錯。前一陣子我忙得連睡覺的時間都沒有,更別說四處閑晃了。說實話,我還真喜歡閑逛,I like to putz around。

LL: When do you want to leave?

LH: 嗯,你半小時內能出門嗎?我聽說熊貓在下午的時候比較活躍,這時候去最有意思!

LL: Sure. I『ll meet you at the university gate in half an hour.

LH: 沒問題!一會兒見!


LH: Larry,快點!我怕我們會錯過這班公共汽車,太晚了我們就看不到熊貓了!

LL: Calm down, Li Hua. Don『t be such a worrywart. We have plenty of time to catch the bus and the pandas aren『t going anywhere.

LH: 嘿!你又說我什麼了?什麼是worrywart?

LL: A worrywart, very simply, is a person who worries too much.

LH: A Worrywart,就是指一個人不是擔心這事,就是擔心那事,而這些都是一些微不足道的事情。那不就是我們中文裡說的「杞人憂天」嗎?Larry,我真的是這樣的人嗎?

LL: Sometimes, you can be a worrywart. For instance, you worry a lot about your grades.

LH: 可是,擔心成績不好。這很正常啊!很多人都會擔心他們的成績,學習成績可不是什麼微不足道的事呢!

LL: Most people worry about their grades, but you worry more than most people.

LH: 我比別人擔心更多!我才不信呢。你自己也不是老擔心工作,老擔心你老闆和同事對你印象不好。

LL: I don『t worry too much about work! I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think, but I don『t think I『m a worrywart.

LH: 噢,我擔心就是過份。你擔心就是正常的!你自己想想,你應該8點上班,可上星期你每天早上5點就起床,就怕遲到。這不是過份么?

LL: Yeah, I guess that is a little extreme. I think I『ll get more relaxed at work once I『ve gotten more settled in. I『m still new.

LH: 我知道。你是剛到那家公司去工作,所以特別緊張。等到你習慣以後就會放鬆一些的。得了,我們還是好好享受今天這麼棒的天氣,去看熊貓嘍!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是to putz around,就是四處閑晃,無所事事的意思。另外一個常用語是worrywart,是指一個人擔心個沒完,就像中文裡所說的「杞人憂天」。


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LH: Larry,你能不能幫我看看這張字條上到底寫些什麼?

LL: I can『t read it, either. It looks like gibberish to me. Are you sure someone didn『t leave it as a joke?

LH: 為什麼有人要跟我開玩笑留這張字條?你說這看來像gibberish。那是什麼語言?

LL: Gibberish means language that doesn『t make any sense.

LH: Gibberish就是寫得亂七八糟,沒有人看得懂的意思。那不就是胡言亂語嗎?為什麼有人要寫這張奇怪的字條,還放在我門上呢?

LL: I don『t know. That doesn『t make any sense to me.

LH: 我想這字條應該很重要,不然這個人不會千里迢迢到我的樓里,在我門上留下這張字條。

LL: Well, it wasn『t important enough for them to write in plain English. I wouldn『t worry about it if I were you.

LH: 那倒也是,要是很重要,這個人應該寫清楚一點嘛!我只希望這個留字條的人不要認為我沒禮貌,不給他回復。

LL: Hey, it『s not your fault that the note was all gibberish. Besides, if it『s really important, whoever it is will try to contact you again.

LH: 沒錯,如果真有什麼重要的事,這個人會再和我聯繫的。對了,Larry,你知道我還在哪裡見過這種寫得亂七八糟的東西嗎?

LL: No, but I『m sure you『re going to tell me.

LH: 一些美國人喜歡在身上刺中文刺青或穿帶有中文字的衣服。可是有時候這些中文根本就不對,看不清是什麼字。所以也算是gibberish。

LL: Yeah, I『ve seen people do that, too. But the truth is, I saw the same thing in China: People would wear clothes with English writing on them that was pure gibberish.

LH: 嘿嘿,這真有意思。我想都是因為大家對外國語言似懂非懂吧?


LH: Larry,又有人在我門上留條了,不過這一次,還有個公司商標在上面。你聽說過一個叫West的公司嗎?

LL: No, I『ve never heard of it, but you can find out what sort of company it is by googling it.

LH: 你要我做什麼?Google?那是什麼意思?

LL: You know that there is an internet search engine called Google, right?

LH: 我當然知道網際網路的搜索引擎Google。中文叫古狗網站,我經常用。

LL: Well, people use it so often, that now it has become a verb meaning to do an internet search using Google.

LH: 噢,因為大家經常用古狗網來查詢,所以現在google已經成了一個動詞,意思是上網用古狗網查資料或信息!你是要我上網去google一下,查查這家公司?

LL: That『s my advice. It will only take a minute. Googling stuff is so convenient. I can『t imagine what life was like before Google.

LH: 就是啊,要是從前找一家公司,不知道要花多少時間翻電話本,現在只要上網,一下子就找到了。

LL: Sometimes when you google something, you get a lot of unnecessary information, but you can look through it relatively quickly.

LH: 沒錯,我剛開始google的時候,我總覺得不到點上。現在我看誰都得google,因為它實在是很方便。好,我現在就上網來看看這家West公司到底是做什麼的。

LL: Good luck. I hope you get an answer to the question of who has been leaving mysterious notes full of gibberish on your door.


LL:Oh, google is so easy, you won『t have any problems.



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Larry和李華正在紐約蘇活區吃午飯。兩人聊起了自己的暑期工作。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:bang for the buck和number crunchers。

LL: Did I tell you that my boss has decided to advertise his business online? He says newspaper advertisements are too expensive and believes the Internet will reach more people.

LH: 你老闆的主意很好啊。在網際網路上登廣告當然比在報紙上登廣告要便宜,而且看到的人還會多很多呢。

LL: Yes it does. He figures that for a fraction of the cost, he will get more bang for his buck!

LH: 花一點點錢就能怎麼啦?More bang for his buck?那是什麼意思呀?

LL: More bang for your buck... Bang for the buck is when someone gets more value for the money they put into something. "Buck" is another way of saying dollars or money.

LH: 我懂了!Bang for the buck就是※花最少錢取得最大效果§。也就是成本低,收效高,很合算的意思啦。就像我們現在吃的自助餐,每人只要4美元,就可以吃到各式各樣的菜色,還有可口的點心,像冰淇淋、蛋糕等等。

LL: That『s right Li Hua, by paying less and eating more you are getting more bang for your buck.

LH: 這麼說來,昨天我到艾爾加油站去加油,也是很合算的。I got more bang for my buck!

LL: How『s that?

LH: 那個加油站昨天在大促銷啊!一加侖汽油只要1塊5美元呢!

LL: US$1.50 a gallon! That『s incredible! Prices at most stations now are as high as US$2.70 a gallon. You definitely got more bang for your buck!

LH:沒錯,有的加油站都快要三美元一加侖了。你好象沒有聽說過艾爾加油站。我明天帶你去,so that you can get more bang for you buck too!

LL:That sounds good!


LH: 對了,Larry,你還沒說你老闆決定在那個網站上登廣告?

LL: He says he would like to put his advertisement on the Website for the New York Times. Of course, that really depends on what his number cruncher says about the idea.

LH: 你老闆想把廣告登在紐約時報的網站上。不過,什麼是number cruncher?那是什麼意思?

LL: A number cruncher is someone who is good with numbers, like an accountant.

LH: 等,等。Number就是數字;cruncher這個詞來自crunch,就是在嘴巴里咀嚼,crunch後面加上e, r, 就成了咀嚼的人。咀嚼數字...?噢,我知道了,a number cruncher就是會擺弄數字的人,也就是象會計那樣會算帳的人。你的老闆一定很信任公司的會計。

LL: Who happens to be his wife.


LL:When he and his wife first started their business he was in charge of the finances. That didn『t last long. When they found themselves $10,000 in debt they knew something had to change.

LH: 公司開辦時,你的老闆管帳,結果一下就虧了一萬美元呀!所以後來才讓他太太來管帳的。

LL: Yes. In six months, she helped turn the business around and now they are making as much as $10,000 a month in profit.

LH: 喲, 你老闆的太太真厲害。她不但扭轉了虧損,現在一個月就能贏利一萬美元哪!我可最怕數字的。

LL:I am not a number cruncher either. She『s a real number cruncher。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是bang for the buck,意思是花最少錢得到最大的效果,也就是合算,划算的意思。另一個常用語是number cruncher,這是指對數字很在行,很能算計的人。


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Larry和李華正在中央公園等著聽音樂。那裡舉行的戶外搖滾樂演唱會馬上就要開始。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:Boss和Mob scene。

LL: Hey, Li Hua, I can『t wait for the band to start playing. The last concert I went to by this band was totally boss.

LH: 你說上回去聽這個樂隊演出怎麼啦?Boss?那不是指監督工作的老闆嗎?

LL: Right, but when I said the concert was boss, I meant it was really great.

LH: 啊?Boss在這裡是形容演唱會很棒的意思,可是Boss跟很棒有什麼關係呀?

LH: You know how a boss is above his employees and tells them what to do? Something that is boss is above the others. And better than the rest.

LH: 噢,因為老闆,也就是boss比其他人更能幹,指揮手下人幹活,所以就是棒!那我很喜歡星際大戰電影里的特效,我能不能說they were boss?

LL: The special effects in the new Star Wars movie were boss. They were much better than in the older Star Wars movies.

LH: 對,我同意。新的星際大戰裡面的特效比以前的星際大戰更棒。Larry,你看到Rick 買的新車嗎?

LL: Yeah, it is nice, isn『t it? Fire engine red with leather seats and a sunroof. That is definitely one boss car.

LH: 我可不喜歡那大紅顏色,象救火車。可是皮座墊和天窗我倒很喜歡。Larry,要是我認為一樣東西不太棒,那該怎麼說呀?

LL: If you don『t think something is that great, you can say something is not so boss.

LH: 要是今天的演出很棒,我就可以說:They are boss! 但是上星期的表演不怎麼樣,那就是:They weren『t so boss.

LL: You are right, in fact. Last week『s act wasn『t so boss. I was there.

LH: 嘿!你看!樂團出來了。哇!他們的服裝好棒噢!So boss!

LL: And wait until you hear the lead guitarist start playing. I think you『ll find he is pretty boss, too.

LH: 你說那吉他手很棒呀?那他肯定很有名,是嗎?噓!要開場了。別說話了!


LL: What a mob scene! The concert is over and now there are people everywhere.

LH: 就是,演唱會一結束,大家都搶著要回家,你瞧這人群哪!哎,Larry, 什麼是mob scene?

LL: Well, a mob scene, is a big group of people, who are acting in a random and disorderly way.

LH: 噢,mob scene就是指亂糟糟的一大群人。上星期我去看星際大戰電影的首映,買票的人排著隊打鬧說笑,有票的人在門口等著開場。That was a real mob scene.

LL: Yes, the theaters were mobbed for the opening of Star Wars. I am going to wait a few weeks to see it when the lines will be shorter.

LH: 早知道首映的時候會那麼多人,我也該象你這樣等幾個星期再去看,就不必排那麼長的隊了。Larry, 我們該往哪兒走呀?我們得脫離這個mob scene才行,不然我們什麼時候才能到家呀!

LL: Well, the subway will probably also be mobbed. It will be just as much of a mob scene on the train as it is here.

LH: 啊?連地鐵也會象這裡一樣擠滿人啊?那我們別去和人擠了。我們先走一段路吧!

LL: Okay, Li Hua, I『ve got an idea about how to get away from this mob. Follow me. I know a shortcut!


今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是boss,這是很棒,很好的意思。另一個常用語是mob scene,這是指人很多的場面。


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李華請Larry到家來幫她修理堵塞的澡盆。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:gross和in a pinch。

LL: Oh, Li Hua, look at the hair clogging your drain. How gross!

LH: 我知道是頭髮把澡盆給堵死了。不過, Gross是什麼意思哪? 你是說這裡有很多頭髮啊?

LL: No, I『m not referring to the quantity. I mean it is disgusting and sickening!

LH: 原來gross在這裡是指讓人看到難受,令人噁心,不舒服的意思。堵住下水道的東西當然都是很髒的,看見了讓人噁心。不過,上回我在你家看到你的冰箱,那才叫噁心呢!

LL: What do you mean?

LH: 我是說,你冰箱里的食物有的已經發霉了。That was gross!

LL: I『ve cleaned out my refrigerator since then, and I don『t think it is that gross any more.

LH: 你清理過你的冰箱啦?過兩天我去看看。還有,你把臟衣服到處亂丟,that『s gross, too!

LL: All right, Li Hua, I『m the first to admit that I『m not the best housekeeper. I『ve been so busy lately, that my whole apartment is pretty gross right now, to tell you the truth.

LH: 你能老實承認自己不會理家。那還算不錯的。一般男生都不會整理家。這樣吧!Larry,過兩天我去你家幫你打掃乾淨,作為對你今天的幫忙表示感謝。請人來修要花好多錢哪!

LL: Yeah, the amount the plumber will charge you will be pretty gross, I am sure. What tools do you have?

LH: 讓我看看,工具可能都在水槽下的柜子里。Ooh, gross! 有隻大蜘蛛!

LL: Oh, Li Hua, it is a tiny spider, and I think it is cute. I don『t think it is gross at all.

LH:哎喲,你還說那隻大蜘蛛看起來挺好玩吶!It is gross, Larry。


LH: Larry, 我找到那個通馬桶的工具了!用這個來清除這些頭髮行嗎?

LL: It will have to do in a pinch.

LH: In a pinch? 那是什麼意思?

LL: You know, a pinch is a tight spot in which you can『t move around or a difficult situation in which you don『t have many options.

LH: Pinch就是很小的地方,沒有什麼周轉餘地,或者是處於困難的情況下,沒什麼選擇餘地。我的廁所是很小,可是也足夠你站在裡面修澡盆呀!

LL: I meant that we don『t really have a choice about whether or not I use the plunger. I『ll either have to use your plunger, or call the plumber.

LH: 噢,原來你說的in a pinch是指我們別無選擇的意思,要就用這個工具,否則就得請人來修。那你就用這個工具試試看哪!

LL: Well, then let me try to get us out of the pinch we『re in. Let me use the plunger.

LH: 對,用這個工具試試,沒準你能解決這個難題!

LL: Yes, it is working. The tub is draining now.

LH: 水開始流啦?哇!太棒。太謝謝你了,幫我解決了這個大麻煩。You really get me out of this pinch!

LL: It is my pleasure. I am always glad to help a friend in a pinch.

LH: 我們都知道你是樂於幫助朋友解決困難的。好,現在要想辦法解決你的問題了。

LL: Yes, if I don『t get that apartment cleaned before my parents come to visit, I am going to be in a real pinch.

LH: 你要在你爸媽來之前打掃乾淨你的公寓,否則你也只好讓他們看到你那骯髒噁心的家了。

LL: Exactly, so now it is your turn to help me out of the pinch I am in.


今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是gross,這是指看到的東西讓人感到很噁心,很不舒服。另一個常用語是in a pinch,這是指陷入困境,沒有選擇餘地。


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Larry和一個朋友約好碰面,但眼看自己就要遲到了。他向李華藉手機打電話讓他朋友等一會兒。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:cell和the 411。

LL: Hey, Li Hua can I borrow your cell?

LH: 你要借我的什麼來著,cell?

LL: You know your cell. Your cell phone.

LH: 噢,原來cell就是cell phone手機的簡稱。你當然可以借用我的手機。拿去!

LL: Thanks. Having a cell is so convenient. I just need to give Rick a call and let him know I am going to be late to meet him.

LH: 手機是很方便。你看,你現在快要遲到了,有手機就可以打個電話告訴Rick,否則他會以為你不來了呢!

LL: (Larry makes phone call) Hey, Rick, it『s Larry. I『m running a bit late. I『ll meet you at the library in about half an hour. OK? See you then, Bye! Thanks, Li Hua, here『s your cell back.

LH: 你半小時就能到圖書館見Rick? 那你就快走吧!對了,Larry,你不自己也有手機嗎?

LL: I am embarrassed to say my apartment is such a mess that I can『t find my cell. I am sure it is there somewhere under a pile of clothes.

LH: 你找不到你的手機啦?沒錯,肯定是埋在那堆衣服里了。沒問題,今晚我給你手機打個電話,你聽到鈴聲就知道手機在哪裡了。

LL: Right, when my cell starts ringing, I『ll be able to find it. I『ll just follow the sound of the ring. Good idea!

LH: 好,那你把你手機的號碼給我,我輸入我的手機里,今晚就可以給你打電話。

LL: Okay, it is 5-5-5-2-3-4-5. I already have your cell number programmed into my phone, Li Hua.

LH: Larry,我得用一下我的手機,Mary給我留了話,不知道她找我做什麼?


LL: So, what was the call about? Give me the 411.

LH: 你在說什麼奇怪的東西啊?什麼是give me the 411?

LL: You know you dial 411 to reach the information operator, right? Well, when I said to "give me the 411," I meant for you to give me information just like the operator gives you the number you are looking for.

LH: 對呀,要查電話號碼就打411,然後他們就會把你要的號碼告訴你。所以,你說「give me the 411」,意思就是要我告訴你Mary打電話給我有什麼事。Mary是問我想不想參加明天晚上在她家舉行的讀書會。

LL: Hmmm....I don『t know Mary. What is the 411 on her?

LH: 噢,你要知道有關Mary的情況?Mary她人很好,也很用功。你想不想跟我去參加明天的讀書會。這樣你就能見到Mary了!

LL: I『d really like to meet Mary, but I『ve been invited to a party tomorrow evening.

LH: 你明晚要參加一個party?什麼party, give me the 411?

LL: One of the guys I work with - Fred - has been given a big promotion. He has invited several of us from work to meet him at a pub to celebrate.

LH: 噢,你的朋友被提升要請你們去慶祝。這個party聽起來很棒耶!Larry,我能跟你一起去嗎?

LL: Sorry, Li Hua. According to the 411 I have, this is a co-workers only event. Fred wants to express his thanks to the people that have helped him at work.

LH: 哼,只有同事才能參加啊。好吧。對了,這個Fred是個什麼樣的人?What is the 411 on Fred?

LL: He『s a great guy. Oh, Li Hua, I『ve got to go! I『ve got to meet Rick at the library. I『ll give you more 411 on Fred some other time.

LH:你下回可別忘了告訴我有關Fred 的情況。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是cell,也就是cell phone 手機的簡稱。另一個常用語是the 411,意思是有關某人或某件事的信息。今天的流行美語就播送到這裡。謝謝大家收聽,我們下次節目再見!


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Larry和李華在海灘享受溫暖的陽光。不過李華有點心事,因為她的朋友Joe向她借了錢,卻一直沒還。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:deadbeat和cool it。

(Ambience sound on the beach)

LL: Li Hua, relax and enjoy the day. Joe isn『t a deadbeat. He『ll pay you back as soon as he can.

LH: 我也希望Joe會還我錢。你說Joe不是一個deadbeat,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: A deadbeat is someone who does not pay his/her debts or fulfill his/her obligations. Joe is not a deadbeat. He always pays people back.

LH: A deadbeat就是一個故意賴帳的人。你說Joe不是那樣的人,可要是他一直不還我錢,那我該怎麼跟他提這件事,又不傷他的自尊心呢?這事真麻煩!

LL: You『re right; money is an awkward subject. I usually just avoid lending people money altogether. That way I don『t have to worry about deadbeats.

LH: 唉,我也不喜歡借錢給別人,可我是真的想幫他忙。

LL: Yeah, I know what you mean. Just be careful who you help in the future: there are a lot of deadbeats out there.

LH: 我知道,下回我再要借錢給別人,一定會格外小心,因為借錢不還的人還是有的。對了,Larry,我還聽過別人說deadbeat dads。那是什麼意思啊?

LL: Well, after a divorce, a man is supposed to send money to his ex-wife to help her support their children. A man who doesn『t send money is a "deadbeat dad."

LH: 噢,我懂了,A deadbeat dad就是離婚後不肯負擔孩子撫養費的父親。

LL: Exactly. I know a guy whose father was a deadbeat dad. The poor guy『s mother had to work three jobs to support her children.

LH: 這個媽媽要做三份工來撫養她的孩子,就是因為爸爸不肯撫養孩子。難道法律都不懲罰這些不負責任的父親嗎?

LL: Well, the courts can tell a deadbeat dad that he needs to pay child support, but that doesn『t mean that he actually will.

LH: 什麼!法庭告訴他們要付錢,他們不付也沒事呀?唉,真是糟糕!


LL: Wow! Those kids over there are really loud. I wish they『d cool it.

LH: 那些孩子是挺吵的。你要他們怎麼著,cool it?什麼意思呀?

LL: I wish they would "cool it" means calm down. It can also mean to stop what one is doing.

LH: 噢,cool it就是安靜下來,或者停止做某件事的意思。你的意思是要這些孩子別再吵了。

LL: Exactly. I wonder where their parents are? I『m surprised that their parents haven『t told them to cool it yet.

LH: 就是啊,那些孩子在那裡鬼吼鬼叫好一會兒了。他們的爸媽到底聽見了沒?怎麼不好好管教自己的孩子呢?

LL: It『s hard to enjoy the day with such noisy kids around. I『m considering going over there myself and telling them to "cool it."

LH: 啊?你想自己過去叫那些孩子安靜一點?我不知道這樣做好不好呢。

LL: Why not? Their parents obviously aren『t going to do it and those kids are ruining the day for a lot of people.

LH: Larry,也許你該冷靜一點,cool it,別跟那些孩子一般見識了。不然,我們可以搬到遠一點的地方坐。

LL: Yeah, that『s probably a good idea.

LH: 來吧,我們把東西收一收,搬到海灘的另一邊去好了。

LL: Okay, let『s go.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是deadbeat,是指借錢不還,故意賴帳的人。另一個常用語是cool it,是指安靜下來,或停止做某件事。


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 Larry和李華正在討論星期六要幹什麼。李華要去逛街,但是Larry想去打籃球。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:whatever floats your boat和up a creek。

LH: Larry,我真的很想去逛街嘛!這個周末在購物中心有大特賣耶!

LL: I don『t understand why you like shopping so much, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

LH: Boat?你在說什麼啊?我是想去逛街買衣服,不是要去乘船玩啦!

LL: No, "whatever floats your boat" is an expression. Whatever floats your boat means that you should do whatever you like doing. It also implies that everyone likes to do different things.

LH: 噢,whatever floats your boat就是說你愛幹什麼就干什,而且還有每個人愛好不同的意思。好,那我星期六去逛街!

LL: Fine then. You should do whatever floats your boat. However, I think I『ll go play basketball instead.

LH: 行,你想去打籃球,那就去吧! Whatever floats your boat!

LL: I guess we won『t be spending Saturday together. We could still meet for dinner, though.

LH: 沒問題,晚上一起吃晚飯,那你想去哪裡吃飯呢?

LL: I don『t have any preferences. Whatever floats your boat is fine with me.

LH: 真的嗎?由我來決定去哪兒吃飯啊?

LL: Yep, the decision is yours.

LH: 嗯... 這樣啊,我們能不能去學校附近那家新開的泰國餐廳?我朋友告訴我,他們的菜很好吃!

LL: If that『s what floats your boat, then it『s fine with me.

LH: 好,沒問題。那我們星期六晚上6點半在餐廳見嘍!

LL: Okay, I『ll see you then.


LH: 怎麼啦?Larry,出了什麼事嗎?

LL: I lost my keys when I went to play basketball today. Now, I『m really up a creek.

LH: 你把鑰匙弄丟了?哎呀,那可真是麻煩了。不過,這跟a creek有什麼關係哪? Creek那不就是小溪嗎?

LL: If someone is "up a creek" it means that he or she is stuck in a bad situation without an obvious solution.

LH: 噢,我懂了,up a creek就是說一個人碰上難題,而且還沒有辦法來解決。也就是我們中文裡說的「陷入困境」。唉,你現在真的是碰上大難題了。那你打算怎麼辦呢?

LL: I don『t know. I can『t get into my apartment or my car without my keys.

LH: 對,你沒有鑰匙就進不了家,也進不了你的車。那你能不能打電話問你房東,或許他有多一把鑰匙。

LL: My landlord is out of town for the weekend, so I『m up a creek until he gets back on Monday.

LH: 什麼?你的房東出遠門,要到星期一才會回來?那可真麻煩了。也許你可以找個鎖匠來開鎖?

LL: I think that might be my only solution, but it『s going to be expensive.

LH: 我知道請鎖匠來開鎖,可能要花一點錢,可是那總比你一個周末被關在家門外,不得其門而入要好吧?

LL: Yeah, you『re right. I have no idea what to do about my car keys, though. They『re a little bit more difficult to replace.

LH: 不好意思,我不開車,所以不知道上哪兒能找到新的車鑰匙。看來你真是up a creek, 陷入困境了。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是whatever floats your boat,意思就是你愛幹什麼就干什。另一個常用語是up a creek。這是形容一個人陷入困境。


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李華的教授剛添了個女兒。李華和Larry準備去拜訪這位教授,向他們表示祝賀。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:wiped out和cutie-pie。

LH: 嘿!Larry,我想去看瓊斯教授和他太太。他們的女兒Sarah現在也應該有幾個星期大了!

LL: Aren『t you worried they are too wiped out to have company?

LH: Wiped out?你說瓊斯教授他們怎麼樣了?

LL: Too wiped out means they must be really tired. I am sure they haven『t gotten much sleep with a new baby in the house.

LH: 噢,Wiped-out就是很疲乏的意思。添了小寶寶他們倆可能都睡不好。不過我想,我們早一點去拜訪他們,坐一會兒就走,應該沒問題吧。我聽說baby Sarah真的很可愛呢!

LL: OK, That sounds good, but we should call before we go. You know, I am amazed Professor Jones is still teaching classes considering how wiped out he must be.

LH: 就是啊,雖然很累,瓊斯教授還來上課呢!真是讓人佩服!我啊,只要想到去上課都會累,更何況我還沒有小寶寶呢。

LL: You『re right! Just going to work every day wipes me out. I can『t imagine what it must be like to have to get up so many times in the middle of the night to feed the baby and change diapers.

LH: 沒錯,半夜裡要起來好幾次餵奶,換尿布,真是難以想像。我可受不了。

LL:Wait until you have your own baby, you wouldn『t mind to be wiped out.

LH:我想是這樣,有了自己的孩子再累也不在乎。 好吧,那我們就給瓊斯教授打個電話,看他們什麼時候方便讓我們過去,順便看看小寶寶。

LL: And before we go we probably should stop somewhere and get a card and present for the baby. You aren『t too wiped out to do a little shopping first, are you?

LH: 說到逛街買禮物,我才不會覺得累呢!特別是買那些可愛的小寶寶衣服。我再累也願意去!

LL: I should have known!

LH: 好,那我現在給瓊斯教授打電話!


LH: Larry,你覺得baby Sarah是不是真的好可愛?

LL: She was indeed. She was a real cutie-pie!

LH: A cutie-WHAT? 你怎麼說她是個派?Pie那不是一種點心嗎?

LL: Well, a "cutie-pie" isn『t actually a pie like the desert, but means someone who is very cute.

LH: 原來如此,cutie-pie不是指點心,而是指人長的很可愛。小寶寶Sarah眼睛大大的,再加上圓圓的臉蛋,真可愛!She is certainly a cutie-pie!

LL: And little Sarah certainly takes after her mother. Professor Jones『s wife is a cutie-pie, too!

LH: 哎,Larry,瓊斯教授的太太可是已婚婦女噢!就算你覺得她長的可愛,恐怕也沒機會了。我勸你啊,還是多注意身邊是不是還有其他可愛的女孩吧!

LL: Do you have any one in mind?

LH: 說起來,我還真有幾個長的很可愛的女朋友,或許可以給你介紹一個,讓你們出去吃個飯或看電影什麼的。

LL: Well, you would be a real sweetie-pie if you would give one of them a call and say nice things about me.

LH: 哎。等等,我以為你剛才教我的是cutie-pie, 怎麼你現在又說我是個sweetie-pie?

LL: Sweetie-pie just means you are a very nice person. "Cutie-pie" and "sweetie-pie" are both often used to describe young children.

LH: Sweetie-pie和cutie-pie往往是形容小孩。那我是不是可以叫你"oldy-pie"?因為你可不年輕了。

LL: Sorry, Li Hua, it is just "sweetie-pie" or "cutie-pie." That『s it.

LH: 我知道,跟你開個玩笑而已,而且你也不老。Larry,你這麼熱心教我英語,真是個sweetie-pie。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是wiped out,是形容一個人很疲乏。另一個常用語是cutie-pie,是形容一個人長的很可愛。Sweetie-pie則是指一個人心地善良,熱心助人。


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Larry在告訴李華關於他們的一個同學最近和女朋友鬧彆扭的事。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:high maintenance和dating 101。

LL: You know, Li Hua, I feel bad for Tom. His girlfriend is so high maintenance.

LH: 什麼?High maintenance不就是指一些需要精心維護的機器嗎?

LL: Exactly. And in this case, Rachel is very complicated, and Tom needs to put a lot of efforts into maintaining his relationship with her.

LH: 嗨,把high maintenance這個說法用在人的身上!不過也有道理,要是一個人需要high maintenance,那不就是很難伺候嘛!我和Rachel不熟,但是她看起來好象是個很好的人啊!為什麼你認為她很難伺候呢?

LL: Well, she gets upset if Tom doesn『t call her every day. If he takes her out to eat, it has to be to a very expensive restaurant or she『ll complain. It is hard for Tom to keep her happy.

LH: 真沒想到她那麼難伺候。不每天給她打電話,不去高級餐館就要生氣。聽起來倒是和我的朋友美玲很像。美玲也是個需要high maintenance的人。

LL: Yeah, Meiling is a high maintenance friend. I know she doesn『t like it when you spend time with me and not her.

LH: 就是。她經常抱怨我花太多時間和你一起。我得經常向她解釋我是在跟你學英語,還得跟她道歉。對了,Larry,你覺得我會不會像他們一樣很難伺候?

LL: Of course not, Li Hua, you are a very relaxed and easy-going person. In fact, as friends go, you are pretty low maintenance.

LH: Low maintenance,你是說,和我交朋友,你不需要為了避免我生氣而費盡心思。那就好。我可不想變成朋友心目中很難搞的人呢。


LL: Well, Li Hua, I just talked to Tom. Rachel just broke up with him. It is back to Dating 101 for Tom.

LH: Tom和Rachel分手啦?!你說Tom需要上約會101的課?我怎麼沒聽說學校有開這門課呢?

LL: Of course the university doesn『t offer such a class! But it does offer History 101, English 101, and Chinese 101. These are all basic classes.

LH: 噢,像歷史101,英語101都是指一些基本課程,所以dating 101就是指學習有關約會的一切,就好像他到學校里修一門基礎課學習怎樣約會。

LL: Right. And Tom isn『t the only one who needs to take Dating 101. I haven『t had a date in a long time.

LH: 嘿!Larry,說到約會,你還記得我很喜歡的那個男孩,上星期我和他出去一次。我們去一家氣氛不錯的餐廳,可是他的話實在不多。

LL: Sounds like he needs to enroll in Conversation 101. He should at least be able to keep a conversation going through dinner.

LH: 沒錯,看來他的確需要修一門對話101的課程。不過他人是真的很好,就是非常害羞。

LL: Then maybe what he needs is Confidence-Building 101, instead.

LH: Larry,你真有意思,居然說他該上一門建立自信的基礎課,Confidence-Building101!

LL: And as for you Li Hua, you could use a little Relaxation 101. You are always so worried about your grades.

LH: 沒錯,我是很擔心學習成績,所以你建議我修一門學會放鬆的基礎課,Relaxation 101。你呀!我看你應該修一門有關整理家務的101課,看你的房間亂得那樣。

LL: Well, as you probably guessed, I failed Housekeeping 101. Dating 101 is a lot more fun.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是high maintenance。這是形容一個人需要別人小心謹慎來對待,否則就會不高興,也就是很難伺候的意思。另一個常用語是dating101。這是指有關約會的最基本知識。


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Larry和李華正在吃午飯。Larry好像心情不太好。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:crummy和sack out。

LH: Larry,怎麼啦?你好像不太開心,是什麼事惹你不高興?

LL: Oh, I『m just having a really crummy day. My crummy computer crashed again and my crummy air conditioner isn『t working.

LH: 你的電腦壞了,連你的空調也壞了。你可真倒霉耶!不過,你說了好幾個crummy,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: When you『re talking about a situation, crummy means miserable. When you『re talking about an object, crummy means cheap and poor quality.

LH: 噢,crummy形容一個情況,是指非常難受、很慘。要是形容一個東西,就是指這個東西很次,質量很差。Larry,你真可憐,有沒有什麼我能幫忙的?

LL: Not unless you can fix my crummy computer and my crummy air conditioner.

LH: 抱歉,我真希望我能幫忙,可是我既不會修電腦,也不會修空調。你有沒有通知你的房東,要他來修空調呢?

LL: Yeah, but he『s not a very good landlord. He takes forever to fix anything, and even when he finally fixes something, he usually does a crummy job.

LH: 嗨,這樣的房東!要就不給你修,就是修也修得不怎麼樣。這可真糟糕呢!What a crummy situation!

LL: You said it. I brought my computer to the repair shop and they say that they will have to keep for a week and it will cost $100 to fix.

LH: 什麼!要在修理的店裡放一個星期,還要一百美元?

LL: Yes, I hope they don『t do a crummy job of fixing it. Well, if they do a crummy job the first time, then they should fix it the second time for free.

LH: 當然嘍,如果一次沒修好,他們當然得免費再幫你修。不過如果他們修理的技術太差,要我的話,可不想再回去找他們。

LL: That『s understandable. Well, hopefully, they『ll do a good job.


LL: I think part of the reason I『m having a crummy day is because I『m tired. I think I『ll go home and sack out for an hour or two.

LH: 你累了?可你要回家做什麼?什麼是sack out?

LL: To sack out is to go to sleep. I want to go home and sleep for a while.

LH: 噢,原來to sack out就是睡覺。那不就和hit the sack意思一樣嘛?

LL: That『s right. If I sack out for a couple of hours, then I should wake up in a better mood.

LH: 對了,Larry,你怎麼會這麼累啊?

LL: Well, I didn『t sack out until around 2 this morning because I was trying to fix my crummy computer.

LH: 哇!修電腦修到清晨兩點,怪不得你那麼累!你真應該早點休息!

LL: I know. It was so hard to get out of bed and go to work this morning.

LH: 那當然啦,半夜兩點才睡覺,早上肯定不想起床。如果你現在回家睡覺,那你今晚還睡得著嗎?

LL: I『m so tired that I don『t think it will be a problem. I could probably sack out now and not wake up until tomorrow morning.

LH: 你累到這種程度呀?現在回家睡覺,可以一覺睡到明天早上?看你這個樣子,你再要這樣熬夜早晚得生病的!

LL:I don『t believe you sack out at regular hour every night. You stay late too.


LL:You『re right! I『ll try not to sack out too late.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是crummy, 可以指情況很糟糕,也可以指一樣東西質量很差。另一個常用語是sack out,就是睡覺的意思。


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Larry和李華今天去逛街買衣服。Larry看到李華買了一大包衣服,簡直吃驚。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:clotheshorse和shell out。

LL: Wow, Li Hua! How many clothes do you need? You『re a real clotheshorse, aren『t you?

LH: 哎喲!這些衣服都在大減價,不買可惜耶!對了,你又在說我什麼啦?什麼是clotheshorse?

LL: A clotheshorse is someone who is concerned about fashion and likes to collect a lot of clothes.

LH: Clotheshorse就是指愛時髦,喜歡買很多衣服的人。我不覺得我是clotheshorse啊!我來美國念書後,胖了很多,舊衣服已經穿不下了,所以我才需要買些新衣服嘛!

LL: I think that『s just an excuse to go shopping! You don『t look like you『ve gained weight to me.

LH: Larry,是真的,我沒有騙你,我真的胖了不少!

LL: I guess I『ll take your word for it. Are you sure you『re not a clotheshorse? Didn『t you just go shopping a few weeks ago?

LH: 我幾個星期前去買衣服了? 你弄錯了人吧。我已經有一年多沒有買衣服了!再說,我也不是什麼追求時髦的人,你怎麼能說我是個clotheshorse?

LL: I『m just teasing you. My mother is a true clotheshorse. She has a huge, walk-in closet and it is completely filled with clothes. She loves to buy clothes.

LH: 你媽媽這麼喜歡買衣服啊?難怪她總是打扮的很漂亮,而且她的衣服看來都很新。

LL: It『s funny, but my sister didn『t inherit my mother『s tendencies. She『s not a clotheshorse at all.

LH: 你妹妹不喜歡買衣服嗎? 女孩子不喜歡買衣服,那可不多。

LL: My sister hates going shopping. She would be happy if she could wear the same t-shirt and jeans every day of the year.

LH: 真的?你妹妹寧可每天穿同樣的T恤和牛仔褲?看來,不是每個女人都是clotheshorse。


LL: Hey, Li Hua, how much money did you shell out to buy clothes today?

LH: Shell out?那是什麼意思?

LL: To shell out money means to pay for something.

LH: 噢,to shell out money就是花錢的意思,你是問我今天花了多少錢買這些衣服?其實每件衣服都打了折扣,所以我沒花太多錢。

LL: I『m just curious how much you have to shell out to fill up that huge shopping bag with women『s clothing.

LH: 你好奇?這可奇怪了,你怎麼會突然間對女人衣服的價錢感興趣?你也想買一些啊?

LL: No! I『m just curious, that『s all. I『ve heard that women『s clothes are more expensive than men『s clothes.

LH: 你只是想知道女裝是不是比男裝貴。其實只要你懂得怎麼找減價的衣服,你並不需要花大筆錢買衣服啊!

LL: Next time I have to buy clothes, I『ll ask you for help. I never bother to look for sales and I always end up shelling out more than I should.

LH: 沒問題!買衣服,找折扣品,我最在行了,我一定幫你!

LL: Well, while we『re at the mall, why don『t you help me find a good deal on a pair of jeans.

LH: 找牛仔褲?沒問題!你通常都花多少錢買一件牛仔褲?

LL: I usually shell out around $40.00.

LH: 40塊啊?我能幫你找到一件20塊的牛仔褲,怎麼樣?

LL: That『s awesome!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是clotheshorse,是形容一個講究穿著,喜歡買衣服的人。另一個常用語是shell out,也就是「付出」,尤其指付錢買東西的意思。


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Larry和李華剛看完一部最新的恐怖片,兩人在離開戲院時還在討論這部電影。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:go overboard和guzzle。

LH: 這電影好恐怖,真嚇人噢!

LL: Actually, I think it was kind of disappointing. I think the director went a little overboard with some of the special effects.

LH: 你是在說導演和電影里的特效,但是你說的「went a little overboard",我可不懂。那是什麼意思?

LL: To go overboard with something is to go too far with it or use too much of it. I think the director relied too much on special effects.

LH: 噢,原來to go overboard就是做得過頭了,太過份了。所以你剛才是說這部電影的導演用了太多特效,對嗎?

LL: Exactly. I think the writers went a little overboard, too.

LH: 啊?連編劇都做過頭了,為什麼呀?

LL: Well, the writers created a main character who is a pilot, a linguist, a professor, and an expert in martial arts. That sounds a little overboard to me!

LH: 那倒也是。他們把主角寫成是一個飛行員、語言學家兼教授、而且還是武術高手,是有點太誇張了!一個角色有這麼多才能,好像有點不真實了。

LL: Yup. Of course, maybe I『m going a little overboard by analyzing a movie so much. After all, it is just a movie.

LH: 你覺得你對這部電影的分析太過份啦?我倒沒有這種感覺。是的,這只不過是一部電影。但是看完電影大家不是都討論分析嗎?

LL: Aaaagh?

LH: Larry,你怎麼啦?

LL: My stomach hurts. I think I went overboard with the popcorn.

LH: 我剛才就告訴你別吃那麼多爆米花,你看,現在胃開始疼了吧?


LL: Aaaagh (groan).

LH: Larry,怎麼啦,你的胃還在疼呀?

LL: Well, I pigged out on popcorn and then I was really thirsty, so I guzzled a large soda. Now, I『m really uncomfortable.

LH: Guzzle a large soda? 你是說你喝了一大杯汽水,是這個意思嗎?

LL: Yeah, to guzzle something is to drink it quickly. The salt in the popcorn made me really thirsty, so I guzzled a bunch of soda.

LH: Guzzle就是很快喝下去的意思。我知道,那就是說,你大口大口地喝了好多汽水。哼,你吃了那麼多爆米花,那玩意兒又干又鹹的,你口渴了就往下灌汽水。這麼吃胃不疼才怪呢!

LL: I know. I know. I『m suffering the consequences of my actions.

LH: 對了,你毫無克制地吃爆米花,接著大口地喝汽水。你現在知道這麼做的後果,吃苦頭了吧!你真是自作自受!

LL: Yes, I know. Usually I don『t guzzle soda like that.

LH: 是呀,我從來沒有見你喝過那麼多汽水 - guzzle so much soda。

LL:Yes, I『ve never done that before. I just suffered a temporary lapse in judgment.


LL: That『s a good idea. I have some Pepto Bismol in my medicine cabinet. That should make me feel better.

LH: Larry,你家裡老有這種叫Pepto Bismol的葯呀?我知道那是胃不舒服的時候吃的葯。聽我的勸,Larry,下回再口渴,還是喝白水好!

LL:You『re right!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是go overboard,就是指做什麼事做得太過頭,太過火的意思。另一個常用語是guzzle,是指很快喝下什麼飲料。


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LL: Oh my God! This place is a dump! You couldn『t possibly live here!

LH: 這地方真夠糟的!Larry,你說這是個dump,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: "Dump" as in "garbage dump." I mean that this place is far too dirty and poorly maintained for you to live in it.

LH: 所以dump就是指像垃圾堆一樣,很臟,各種條件都很差....哎呀!有一隻大蟑螂剛跑過去。這地方真的是個dump,怪不得租金這麼便宜。

LL: The paint is peeling off of the walls, the ceiling leaks, and the refrigerator looks 50 years old. I don『t think I『ve ever seen such a dump.

LH: 你說的沒錯,這裡牆上的油漆都剝落了,天花板在漏水,冰箱看起來又舊又臟。算了算了,我們還是走吧!別在這兒浪費時間,我可不想住在這種地方。 It『s really a dump。

LL: Are there any other apartments that you were planning to go and see today?

LH: 還有一個地方我想去看,離這兒只有幾條街,但願那個地方不像這裡那麼差勁。

LL: I don『t know, Li Hua. This really isn『t a very good area of the city. Maybe you should look at apartments somewhere else.

LH: 這個區域不好,我想也是,否則這裡的公寓租金不會這麼便宜! 不過,要是到別處去找,那租金可能比我現在付的更高。

LL: That『s possible. In that case, I think that maybe you should stay in your current apartment.

LH: 是嗎?你認為我該繼續住在我現在的公寓里?也許你說的對,我的公寓租金其實也不算太貴,而且也很舒服呢。

LL: Your apartment is a palace compared to this dump.

LH: 那倒是,和這裡比起來,我的公寓可算是皇宮了。我還是打消搬家的念頭吧!

LL: That『s a good idea.


LL: Hey, Li Hua, are those pictures from the party last weekend?

LH: 沒錯,這些是上禮拜開party時照的照片,昨天才剛洗出來。嘿!你看,Sally真會搶鏡頭,幾乎每張照片都有她。

LL: Yeah, Sally『s a real ham. She loves attention.

LH: She『s a ham? Ham不是火腿嗎?那是一種豬肉嘛!噢!你是說Sally像一隻豬啊?

LL: (Laughing) No, I『m not saying she looks like a pig. Ham is slang for someone who loves attention. People who are hams especially love being videotaped or having their picture taken.

LH: 噢!Ham在這裡是指一個喜歡吸引別人注意的人。這種人特別喜歡錄像,照像。照這麼說,Sally絕對是個ham,她特喜歡別人給她照相。

LL: If we videotape the party, I『m sure she would have played a starring role.

LH: 沒錯,要是那天我們錄像的話,她肯定會象個明星一樣,到處都是她了。對了,Larry,你知道還有誰也可以算是個ham嗎?

LL: I think Jane is a real ham. She『d do anything to attract people『s attention.


LL:No. Who?

LH: 你沒有注意到呀?我那貓咪小雪球啊!她也想盡辦法讓別人注意她。只要有人走進來,她立刻會衝上去,要別人看看她,摸摸她。

LL: My parents『 dog is a real ham, too. He won『t leave you alone until you pet him and give him his fare share of attention.




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Larry下課後在校園裡碰到李華。他問李華需不需要去郵局。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:fixing to do something和tricked-out。

LL: Hey, Li Hua, I『m fixing to go to the post office to mail a package. Do you need to buy stamps or mail something?

LH: Larry,你要去郵局寄包裹。這和修理東西有什麼關係?為什麼你說fixing to go to the post office?是不是你去郵局前,要先修什麼東西啊?

LL: No. Fixing to do something means that you are getting ready to do it. "I『m fixing to go to the post office" means that I『m getting ready to go to the post office.

LH: 啊!我懂了,fixing to do something就是準備要做什麼事。Larry,我從來沒聽過這種說法。

LL: It『s used all over the U.S., but it『s more commonly used in the southern states.

LH: 原來這是在美國南方常用的說法。Larry,我很想和你一塊兒去郵局,不過我準備去圖書館,我想在晚飯前看點書。I am fixing to go to the library to study before dinner. Larry,我這麼說對嗎?

LL: Absolutely! Hey, did you notice how tired Professor Smith looked in class today? He looked as though he was fixing to fall asleep in the middle of his lecture.

LH: 是呀,今天Smith教授看起來好累,在課堂上講課時好想要睡著一樣。不過你知道嗎?他正在為下個月參加馬拉松賽跑作準備,也許他鍛煉過度,所以才這麼累。

LL: I didn『t know that he『s fixing to compete in a marathon? Wow, that『s impressive.

LH: 就是啊!我真難以想像他怎麼能在上課之餘還能找出時間來鍛煉呢。

LL: No wonder he『s tired. I『d be exhausted.

LH: 嗯,對了,我得去圖書館了,一會兒見!

LL: Yeah, I『m going to go and mail this package before post office closes. They should be fixing to close up soon, so I had better hurry.

LH:那就快走吧! 否則郵局關門了。你這包裹就寄不出去了。


LL: Hey, Li Hua. On the way to the post office, I saw Bob『s new car. It『s awesome! It『s totally tricked-out with every accessory you can imagine.

LH: What? 你說Bob的新車怎麼樣?什麼是tricked-out?

LL: If a car, or boat, or other machine is "tricked-out", it means that it has all kinds of luxury accessories.

LH: 噢,tricked-out就是說汽車、船、或其他任何機器有各式各樣的豪華設備。所以你剛才是說Bob的新車有各種新式的裝置,很酷,是吧?

LL: Exactly. It has a satellite radio system, big speakers, special wheels, and an amazing paint job. It has a super turbo-charged engine, too.

LH: 哇,車上有衛星收音系統、大的擴音器、特殊的輪子....啊呀,我可不懂這些東西,但是聽起來真的很酷!Bob『s new car really is "tricked-out."

LL: I can『t imagine what he paid for it. It must have been really expensive. I can『t wait until I can afford such a tricked-out car.

LH: 嗯,肯定是很貴。你想要這樣的車呀?我可不一定想買這種豪華車。我比較喜歡實用的車子,價錢比較便宜,問題可能也比較少。

LL: A simple car would be less expensive than a tricked-out one. But why do you think it would have fewer problems?

LH: 當然啦!你車上的裝置越多,就越容易出故障,修理起來一定也很貴。 這是必然的。

LL: That『s true. It『s probably more expensive to maintain a really tricked-out car because there are more things that could go wrong with it.

LH: 對呀,要維護一輛高級車肯定是很貴的。我的要求是價錢便宜,問題要少。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是fixing to do something, 就是準備要做某件事。另一個常用語是tricked-out,是形容一樣東西很豪華,有各種新式的裝置。


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今天是星期一,Larry和李華約好上完課一塊兒吃午飯。Larry告訴李華他周末做了些什麼事。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:set of wheels和the pits。

LL: Bob gave me a ride in his new set of wheels on Saturday. That car is so awesome. It rides like a dream!

LH: 你說Bob讓你坐他新的什麼?Set of wheels?你是在說Bob的新車吧?

LL: Yeah. "Set of wheels" or just "wheels" is a slang term for car. Or you can just say wheels. Bob『s new wheels are really cool.

LH: 噢,所以set of wheels或者wheels都可以用來指汽車。對了,Bob有沒有告訴你,他花了多少錢買那輛新車?

LL: He didn『t say and I thought it would be rude to ask; but I know that a car like that costs at least $35,000.

LH: 那樣的車至少要三萬五千美元?那可真是一大筆錢哪!

LL: I suppose it『s worth it if you have that much money to spend. For people like us, who are still studying, it seems like a lot of money.

LH: 是啊,像我們這種窮學生,對這麼貴的車,可是想都不敢想。不過,Bob有一份好工作,錢賺的多,所以才能買這麼貴的車。

LL: Just imagine, in a few years, you and I will be able to afford wheels like that.

LH: 嗯,就算以後我能賺這麼多錢,我大概也不會用來買那樣的車。

LL: Why not? I『d buy a set of wheels like that if I had enough money.

LH: 我認為你不必花那麼多錢就能買輛不錯的汽車,而且你還可以把剩下的錢買別的東西,像是買房子啊!

LL: That『s true. I guess it depends on your priorities. If it『s really important to you to have a fancy set of wheels, then it seems worth it.

LH: 每個人的優先考慮都不一樣,如果有一輛豪華車對你來說是重要的,那就值得。我呀,寧可把錢存起來,或用在其他東西上。


LL: Bob got into an accident and ruined his new car. Isn『t that the pits?

LH: 啊!Bob撞車啦!好可怕, 那他受傷了嗎?

LL: He had minor infuries, but he『ll be okay.

LH: 噢,受了輕傷,那倒還算好。Larry,你剛才說the pits,那是什麼意思?

LL: If something or someplace is "the pits" it means it is the worst situation or place imaginable.

LH: 噢,the pits,是指最糟糕,最差勁的意思。就是啊,Bob那麼貴的新車就這樣撞爛了,真是太糟糕了!還好他受的傷並不嚴重。

LL: I visited him yesterday and he『s kind of depressed. Fortunately, his insurance will pay for a new car.

LH: 你昨天去看他啦?他情緒低是可以想像的。不過,保險公司會出錢幫他買新車,那太好了!那Bob什麼時候可以拿到新車?

LL: He has to special order another car like his and it will take several months. Until then, he won『t have a car to drive.

LH: 他為什麼要定做一輛和他一樣的車呢?這不但要等上好幾個月,而且幾個月沒有車開。That『s the pits! 要是我,換一輛車不就行了嗎?

LL: I know. His injuries won『t allow him to walk very well and now he doesn『t have a car to drive either. That really IS the pits.

LH: 真可憐。Larry,我們可以帶Bob去吃晚飯,讓他開心一點啊!我們可以去學校附近那家新餐館。

LL: No, I tried that place last week and it『s really the pits. Let『s take him somewhere a bit nicer.

LH: 你說那家餐館很差勁。好吧,那我們就讓Bob自己決定上哪兒吃飯嘍!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是set of wheels,就是指汽車,你也可以說wheels。另一個常用語是the pits,是指最糟糕,最差勁的意思。


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Larry在告訴李華這個星期他辦公室發生的一場爭論。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:to have a beef with someone和hit pay dirt。

LL: The boss still wants to fire Jim because they had a beef over the last sales report.

LH: 老闆要開除Jim,因為他們有什麼?A beef?你是說他們為了一些牛肉在吵架?

LL: No (laughing), not beef as in the beef that you eat. To have a beef with someone means to have a disagreement. The boss and Jim had a disagreement over the sales report.

LH: 噢,哈哈,原來have a beef with someone就是和某人有爭執。這和我們吃的牛肉一點關係也沒有。你老闆為什麼會和Jim吵架呢?

LL: Well, the boss felt that Jim had done a really bad job of preparing the report and Jim felt that the boss did not give him enough time to do the report properly.

LH: 噢,老闆覺得Jim寫的報告太差,而Jim覺得老闆沒給他足夠的時間,所以兩人就這麼吵起來啦?Jim had a beef with the boss。我說得對嗎?

LL: Yep. Now, the boss is making everyone else miserable because of his beef with Jim.

LH: 他是和Jim鬧不開心,這跟其他人有什麼關係呢?

LL: He『s just been in a really bad mood and he『s being tough on everyone. It『s not fair. His beef is with Jim, not the rest of the people in the office.

LH: 他不高興就對辦公室里每個人都特別厲害。這是很不公平。他是跟Jim吵架,又不是和全辦公室吵架。

LL: Exactly. I『m worried that the situation will go too far and there will be major problems in our office.

LH: 你怕情況發展下去辦公室會出大問題呀?你們為什麼不讓Jim向老闆道個歉。這不就完了嗎?

LL: I don『t think he『ll do that.

LH: 他不會道歉?啊呀,你勸勸他嘛。關鍵在他身上, 道了欠緊張氣氛就化解了,對大家都有好處。

LL: It『s worth a try. Maybe Jim will be willing to sacrifice his own interests and resolve his beef with the boss.


LL: Hey, Li Hua, you really hit pay dirt with that suggestion you made. Jim apologized to the boss and everybody is happy now.

LH: Jim和你們老闆道歉啦?那太好了!不過,Larry,你說hit pay dirt是什麼意思,我聽不懂耶!

LL: To hit pay dirt means that you found something that turned out to be profitable or beneficial.

LH: To hit pay dirt就是發現了很有好處的東西。所以你剛才的意思是我的建議非常有用。不過,這三個詞hit, pay, dirt合在一起挺怪的。這說法是從哪裡來的?

LL: When miners would dig for gold, they would say that they had hit pay dirt when they found dirt that contained gold.

LH: 噢,原來是採金礦的工人在挖到含黃金的礦石時,他們就會說hit pay dirt,這樣一解釋,我就懂了。

LL: They sometimes say "strike pay dirt". Anyway, LI Hua, I also hit pay dirt today.

LH: 你今天也挖到寶啦?怎麼說?

LL: I got a job offer for after I graduate.

LH: 你已經找到畢業後的工作啦!那太好了!是哪家公司要雇你呢?

LL: Actually, the office I『m working in offered me the job.

LH: 真的?就是你現在打工的這家公司?不過你真的想在那兒工作嗎?

LL: At first, I wasn『t that interested, but when they told me what my salary would be, I realized that I『d really hit pay dirt.

LH: 哇,太棒了,你很快就能把你的破車賣了,買一輛高級車,a nice set of wheels。我們一塊兒出去慶祝慶祝吧!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是have a beef with someone,就是和某人爭吵,關係緊張的意思。另一個常用語hit pay dirt,也可以說strike pay dirt,就是指發現了有價值的東西。


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Larry和李華正準備出門,到Larry父母家去過周末。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:hit the road和have a hissy fit。

(Knock on door)

LL: Come on, Li Hua. It『s time to hit the road! We『ve got a long drive ahead of us.

LH: 進來,進來,著什麼急呀!對了,你說It『s time to hit the road? Hit是打的意思,我們為什麼要打馬路?

LL: To hit the road means to leave. It『s time for us to leave.

LH: 噢,to hit the road就是出發,上路的意思。哎呀,我的包還沒裝好耶!

LL: Li Hua, I told you that we need to hit the road by 9:00 am if we『re going to make it to my parents『 house before dark.

LH: 我知道!你說過要在天黑以前到,9點前就必須出發。我再有幾分鐘就好了。

LL: All right, but please hurry up. I hate driving on country roads after dark. It can be dangerous.

LH: 好啦,好啦,別催我啦! 對了。 Larry,我們可不可以先去吃個早餐?

LL: I don『t want to stop right after we hit the road. You can have a snack now and then we『ll stop for lunch.

LH: 什麼?你要我先吃點零食,等到中午才吃午飯啊?可是我現在好餓噢!而且我家裡什麼吃的都沒有。

LL: How about this: If you can be ready to hit the road in five minutes, then we can stop for breakfast. Otherwise, you『re just going to have to wait until lunch.

LH: 你怎麼還要講條件吶!五分鐘內出發我就能吃早飯,否則就得等到中午再吃飯。沒問題,我只要三分鐘就夠了。

LL: Are you sure you have everything you need?

LH: 嗯,我想應該都帶齊了吧。好啦,我們走吧!Let『s hit the road!

LL: It『s about time! I『ll go and put your bag in the car.

LH: 你去把我的包放到車裡呀?那就麻煩你了。別忘了,breakfast before we hit the road!


LH: Larry,你開過麥當勞啦!不是說好了先去吃早餐的嗎?

LL: Sorry, I missed the turn. We can turn around and go back. There『s no need to have a hissy fit.

LH: 你在說什麼?Have a hissy fit?那是什麼意思?

LL: To have a hissy fit means to get really upset about something and throw a tantrum.

LH: To have a hissy fit就是發脾氣的意思。我沒有生氣,我只是以為你是故意不去麥當勞的。

LL: Well, look, I『m going to stop. See? You『re going to get what you want, so there is no need to have a hissy fit.

LH: 我跟你說了,我沒有生氣嘛!你幹嘛一直這樣說我啊?

LL: Oh great. Now, you『re going to have a hissy fit because I asked you not to have a hissy fit.

LH: 等等,等等,你說什麼?我發脾氣是因為你叫我別發脾氣?你都把我搞糊塗了。

LL: Yeah, let『s just forget about the whole thing and go get some breakfast. I『m actually a little hungry, too.

LH: 就是啊,別再說什麼生氣不生氣了。我好餓噢,快坐下來吃早餐吧!

LL:Hey Li Hua, look at that little boy. He『s having a hissy fit!

LH: 那個孩子呀?噢,那邊那個男孩。我們進來的時候他就已經在鬧了。也許他沒有拿到麥當勞的玩具。

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是hit the road,就是出發,上路的意思。另一個常用語是to have a hissy fit,就是發脾氣的意思。


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Larry正開車和李華一起到他父母家過周末。兩人在車上討論這個周末的活動。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:have a ball和tizzy。

(Highway traffic)

LH: 我希望你媽媽會喜歡和我一塊兒去逛街。

LL: Oh, I『m sure that the two of you will have a ball if you go shopping together. You both love to shop.

LH: Have a ball? 哎,我是要和你媽逛街,不是和她去打球?

LL: To have a ball means to have a lot of fun. I think you and my mother would have a lot of fun shopping together.

LH: 噢,原來如此。To have a ball就是玩的非常開心,所以,Larry你的意思是我和你媽會逛的很開心。嗯,我也這麼覺的。

LL: I plan on watching some football with my dad and playing baseball with my cousins. That『s my idea of having a ball.

LH: 和你爸爸看球賽,又和你表弟打球,這些對你來說就是玩得過癮啦!不過啊,我是一點興趣也沒有。

LL: While I『m doing that, you and my mom can go and have a ball shopping. It works out perfectly.

LH: 對了,Larry,你家有游泳池,對吧?

LL: Yep, they have a big pool in the backyard. My cousins have a ball splashing around in it.

LH: 嗯,我想我和你的表兄妹一樣,一定會在游泳池裡玩的很開心!我已經有好久好久都沒有游泳了!

LL: Yeah, I wouldn『t mind going swimming either. This hot weather is great for hanging out in the pool.

LH: 啊,我覺得這個周末一定會玩的很開心!

LL: Yep, everybody is going to have a ball.

LH: 我們還有多久才會到呢?

LL: Another three or four hours.


(Cell phone ringing)

LH: Larry,你媽怎麼一直打你的手機呢?她有什麼急事嗎?

LL: Oh, she『s in a tizzy because she『s excited that we『re coming home for a visit. She misses me while I『m away.

LH: 我知道你媽盼望著你回家。我也知道她很想你,可是她怎麼啦?She『s in a what? Tizzy? 那是什麼意思啊?

LL: A tizzy is a state of nervous excitement. My mom is excited about us coming home, but she『s nervous because she wants to make sure everything is ready for us.

LH: 所以tizzy就是指很緊張,很興奮。你媽媽知道你要回家,所以她很興奮,我媽也是這樣,每次我要回家,她都會把家裡打掃的一塵不染,還買一大堆我喜歡吃的東西。

LL: My mom does the same thing. Be prepared to eat a lot this weekend. My mom gets in such a tizzy that she cooks enough to feed an army.

LH: 哇,你媽媽一興奮就會作好多飯菜啊?她做的菜好吃嗎?

LL: My mom is a great cook! You『re going to have some old-fashioned American food.

LH: 嗯,聽起來好誘惑人噢!我快等不及了。說真的,我也有點tizzy,興奮又緊張了。

LL: Why are you in a tizzy?

LH: 我很興奮因為可以到一個美國人的家庭過周末,吃道地的美國菜。可是我又很緊張,因為我想讓你家人對我有好印象啊!

LL: Don『t worry about that! You know my family thinks you『re great!


今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是to have a ball,就是玩的很痛快,很開心。另一個常用語是tizzy,這是形容一個人很緊張,很興奮。


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Larry的新鄰居非常吵鬧,經常吵的他晚上睡不著。Larry問李華有沒有什麼好辦法可以解決這個問題。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:to knock it off和to conk out。

LL: My neighbors are still making a bunch of noise. I wish that they would just knock it off so that I could get a few hours of sleep. I『m exhausted.

LH: 你的新鄰居還是那麼吵啊?你只睡幾個小時當然會感到疲倦啦!你說希望他們怎麼啦?Knock it off?那是什麼意思?

LL: Knock it off. When someone says "knock it off" it means that they want you to stop whatever you『re doing, most likely because what you『re doing is annoying.

LH: 噢,knock it off就是要人停止做某件事,特別是讓人討厭的事。你的鄰居這麼吵,所以你希望他們安靜下來,別再吵了。

LL: Exactly. They have been yelling, singing, and watching TV nonstop for days. I would give anything if they would just knock it off.

LH: 整天都在大吼大叫,又是唱歌,又是看電視的,難怪你會受不了。那你有沒有跟他們說過叫他們別再吵了?

LL: I『ve thought about it, but I don『t want to get into an argument with them. I『ve even thought about calling the landlord.

LH: 你不想和他們吵,所以你還沒說啊?或許你說的對,先和你的房東談談,讓他去告訴你的鄰居。

LL: But they『ll probably guess that I『m the one who complained.

LH: 就算他們猜到是你去向房東抱怨的,那又怎麼樣?你管他們生不生你的氣?

LL: You『re right, I guess it doesn『t matter if they『re mad at me as long as they knock it off.

LH: 就是啊,只要他們不再吵了,誰管他們高興還是生氣?我的鄰居經常會把他的垃圾丟在我家門口。

LL: Did you tell him to knock it off?

LH: 當然嘍,我很客氣的請他不要再把垃圾放在我家門口。他現在不再那麼做了。

LL: That『s great. I wish my neighbors were as cooperative.

LH: 你要鄰居合作,你就得跟他們講,客氣點就行了嘛。Larry,我覺得你很愛抱怨耶。也許你也應該knock it off.

LL: Very funny, Li Hua.


LH: Larry, 你好像很困,是不是剛起床啊?

LL: I must have really conked out. I fell asleep on the couch a few hours ago. I was so tired that my neighbors couldn『t keep me awake any longer.

LH: 你在沙發上睡了幾個小時,連你那鄰居也沒有把你吵醒。你肯定睡得很沉。Larry,你說你conked out? 是睡得很死的意思吧?

LL: Right. To conk out is slang for falling into a deep sleep.

LH: 你看,我猜對了吧!我知道你過去幾天有多累,能好好睡一覺總是好的。

LL: Yeah, it was wonderful to finally conk out for a few hours. I really needed the sleep.

LH: 我也希望我能像你一樣,conk out a few hours - 睡上幾個小時。可惜我還不能睡;我還有很多功課要做。

LL: Maybe you could conk out early tonight and do your homework in the morning before class.

LH: 啊?你要我早點去睡,明天早上再起來做功課?不行,不行,我如果還有功課沒做完,我是睡不著的。

LL: You『re a little too conscientious, Li Hua. Sometimes, you have to relax and take care of yourself.

LH: 你覺得我太認真呀?別人也是這麼說。看來我真應該放鬆一點。嗯,(yawn),好吧,那我就去睡了,I『ll try to conk out now.

李華今天學到兩個常用語。第一個是to knock it off,意思是要人停止做一件事,通常是令人討厭的事。另一個常用語是to conk out,就是睡的很深,很沉的意思。


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Larry和李華正在商量如何幫助他們的朋友Jane,因為Jane在工作上碰到了困難。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:a can of worms和cut one『s losses。

LL: I think that maybe we should just be supportive of Jane. It『s best not to open a can of worms by trying to give her advice.

LH: 當然我們應該支持Jane。你說我們不要什麼?Open a can of worms? Worms是蟲子,支持Jane,給她提建議和一罐蟲子有什麼關係?而且哪兒有什麼罐子里裝蟲子的?

LL: "To open a can of worms" means to do something that results in a complicated situation full of problems.

LH: 我說呢,open a can of worms是個比喻,不是真的開一罐蟲子。所以To open a can of worms 是指做了某件事會把問題弄得更複雜。可是,Larry, 我不懂,為什麼給Jane提一些建議反而會造成更多問題呢?

LL: Well, if she follows your advice and it doesn『t solve her problem, then she might blame you.

LH: 這倒也是,如果Jane聽了我們的建議,但是問題解決不了,她可能會反過來怪我們。還有,我們也可能因為不了解情況而給她錯誤的建議呀!

LL: Right. There are so many things that could go wrong when you give people advice that I usually avoid opening that can of worms.

LH: 這是沒錯,給人提建議是很可能會出問題的,因為你畢竟不了解他的情況。可是,你也不能因為這樣就避免給人提建議,不能因咽廢食。給朋友出主意也是應該的嘛。對了,Larry, 你還不知道,那天在課堂上我才真的是opened a can of worms.

LL: What did you do?

LH: 我問教授為什麼不討論第13章,結果教授要全班回家讀第13章,而且星期一還要考試呢!

LL: I bet that everyone in your class is unhappy with you right now.

LH: 就是啊,現在全班同學一定在罵我。更慘的是,連教授也生我的氣,因為這本來是他的疏忽,可給我指明了。所以嘍,我真的是招惹了更多麻煩。

LL: Wow, that『s a tough situation. You really did open a can of worms.

LH: 就是啊,所以我現在很後悔,早知道什麼都別說就好了。

LL: Unfortunately, sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the only way to avoid opening a can of worms.


LL: Well, Jane decided to cut her losses and quit her job. She『s going to start looking for a new job tomorrow.

LH: 真的?Jane決定要辭掉那個工作啦?Larry,什麼是cut her losses?

LL: To cut one『s losses means to give up and withdraw from a losing situation.

LH: Cut one『s losses就是看到形勢對自己不利就決定改變方向,這樣可以減少損失。所以Jane決定寧可辭職,也不要再浪費時間去解決工作上的問題。是這個意思嗎?

LL: Exactly. She didn『t see any way to improve her relationship with her co-workers, so she decided to cut her losses and leave.

LH: 嗯,要是根本沒有希望改善和她同事的關係,那還不如趁早離開,免得再繼續受罪。

LL: Sometimes, there『s nothing you can do to improve a situation. All you can do is cut your losses and try to find a better situation.

LH: 說的也是。人生有許多事情真的是你再怎麼努力,也沒辦法改善的。像我一位朋友,她是研究生化專業的博士生,可是她和她的指導教授關係很差。

LL: What happened?

LH: 跟了那個教授三年後,決定不能再浪費時間了。所以她決定cut her losses,拿了個碩士學位就走人。博士學位也不要了。

LL: She gave up on her PhD?

LH: 她實在沒別的選擇,就只能放棄嘍!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是to open a can of worms,意思是做了某件事會造成更多問題。另一個常用語是to cut one『s losses,這是指及時從對自己不利的局面里撤出來,以減少損失。今天的流行美語就進行到這裡,謝謝大家收聽,我們下次節目再見。


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Larry的車子正在廠里修理。今天李華陪他去取車。李華會學到兩個常用語:grease monkey和fender bender。

LL: I hope my car is ready. The grease monkey said it would be fixed by 3:00 this afternoon.

LH: The grease monkey? Larry,你的車不是送到修車廠了嗎?修車廠怎麼會有猴子呢?

LL: (Laugh) No, there aren『t any monkeys like the monkeys in the zoo. Grease monkey is a slang term for auto mechanic.

LH: 你們把汽車修理工叫grease monkey?真有意思。所以你是說,修車的工人告訴你,車子在3點以前會修好。

LL: Right, but I doubt it will be ready. Every time a grease monkey tells my car will be ready, he『s wrong.

LH: 你不相信那修車的人?為什麼每次他們說的時間都是錯的?

LL: Well, last time I had my car fixed. The mechanic said it would be ready the next day. As it turned out, my car wasn『t ready until three days later.

LH: 原來上回修車你就受騙過。說好第二天可以取車,結果拖了三天才修好。怪不得你不相信他們了。對了,Larry,我們可以當著修車工的面叫他們grease monkey嗎?

LL: Some mechanics wouldn『t care, but others might not like being called a grease monkey. If I mean it as a joke, it『s okay; however, it can also be used negatively.

LH: 有些人不在乎,有的人會不高興。這也是很自然的。要是叫他們grease monkey是開玩笑的話,我想應該不會有什麼問題。

LL: Yeah, but it can be an insult.

LH: 那麼到底怎麼樣才算是開玩笑呢?

LL: Well, my sister tried to fix her car and got covered in grease. After that, my father jokingly called her his little grease monkey.

LH: 哈哈,你妹妹自己想修車,結果搞的全身油污,你爸爸叫她my grease monkey。那你呢?你有沒有自己修過車?

LL: No, I『m not very good at fixing cars. I would be a lousy grease monkey.


LH: Larry, 你還沒告訴我,為什麼你的車要送去修啊?

LL: I was in a little fender bender the other day and my tail light needed to be fixed.

LH: 你的車怎麼啦? A fender bender? 那是什麼東西啊?

LL: A fender bender is a minor car accident. Usually, no one is seriously hurt in a fender bender and the cars are not damaged too badly.

LH: A fender bender就是小事故。Larry你撞車啦,怎麼都沒有告訴我呢?

LL: It was just a fender bender, so I didn『t think it was important enough to tell you about.

LH: 小事故也可能會受傷啊。你怎麼樣?你沒什麼事吧?

LL: I『m fine. I didn『t even get a scratch.

LH: 你沒事就好。對了,你怎麼會和別的車擦撞呢?

LL: The girl in the car behind me was talking on her cell phone and she wasn『t paying attention. She drove into the back of my car.

LH: 一面開車一面打手機真的很危險的。那個從後面撞上你的女孩,如果開車速度再快一些,你們都有可能受傷呢!

LL: Fortunately, she wasn『t driving very fast, so it turned out to be just a minor fender bender.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是grease monkey, 是指修理汽車的工人。另一個常用語是fender bender, 這是指小車禍,通常沒有人受傷的事故。


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李華開始在圖書館打工,但是她告訴Larry她擔心自己不能勝任這份工作。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:learn the ropes和put a lid on it。

LH: 我實在搞不清楚怎麼用圖書館的電腦系統。我好怕我會做錯什麼事情。

LL: Don『t worry, Li Hua. You『ll figure it out. It takes a little while to learn the ropes at a new job.

LH: Larry, 你在說什麼啊?To learn the ropes? 我是在圖書館工作,又不是在體育館裡呢。我幹嗎要學習拉繩索。再說,圖書館裡也沒有繩索啊?

LL: No (laughing). "To learn the ropes" is an expression. It means to learn how to do something, especially something related to work.

LH: 噢,to learn the ropes就是學會怎麼做某件事,特別是指跟工作有關的事。這個用法好奇怪噢。你知道這個常用語是怎麼來的嗎?

LL: The expression is related to sailing. When sailors first started working on a boat, they had to learn which ropes were attached to which sails.

LH: 原來這是從航海而來。沒錯,這水手一開始學必須學會哪條繩索是控制哪個風帆的。我也希望我能趕快學會圖書館的一套工作,不然我可能要被開除了!

LL: Don『t worry, Li Hua. Everyone needs some time to learn the ropes at a new job. I『m sure your boss knows that.

LH: 對,每個人到一個新的工作崗位都需要時間才能熟悉自己的工作。可是我真想表現好一些,不讓我老闆失望。

LL: I『m sure you won『t. When I started my most recent job, it took me about three weeks to learn the ropes.

LH: 你花了三個星期才學會你現在的工作啊?那你在那三個星期里有沒有犯錯呢?

LL: Of course, but no one minded because they knew that I was still learning the ropes.

LH: 你的同事真好。他們知道你是新人,所以你犯錯,他們都很包容。那如果你現在還犯錯,他們會怎麼樣?

LL: I don『t have that excuse anymore, but my boss is still relatively understanding. He knows that everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

LH: 你現在再犯錯誤就沒有借口了。可是,你的老闆真好,很能理解工作人員。我希望我的老闆也能如此。不過,謝謝你的安慰,Larry!


LH: 今天有個人來圖書館拿他訂的書,可是書還沒到。他對我好凶噢。我嚇的都不知道該怎麼辦才好。

LL: I would have told him to put a lid on it. After all, it『s not your fault.

LH: Put a lid on it? Lid那不是蓋子的意思嗎?我要他蓋蓋子做什麼?

LL: Telling someone to "put a lid on it" is the same as telling him or her to shut up.

LH: 什麼!Put a lid on it就是叫人閉嘴?我可不能那樣做,那是很不禮貌的!

LL: Well, it sounds as though he was being really rude to you.

LH: 他雖然對我沒禮貌,但我可不能學他那樣。我是在那兒工作的,我可不能叫他閉嘴。

LL: Yeah, you『re probably right. It wouldn『t be very professional to tell the guy to put a lid on it.

LH: 我啊,只希望那個傢伙再也別來圖書館了!

LL: If he does, you can give me a call and I『ll come over and tell him to put a lid on it myself.

LH: 你別擔心我啦。那個人要是再來找麻煩,我就直接找我的老闆去和他談嘍!

LL: That『s a good idea.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是learn the ropes,就是學習,掌握訣竅的意思,通常是指工作方面的事。另一個常用語是put a lid on it,這是叫人閉嘴的意思。


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Larry和李華正在商量要去看哪部電影。李華想看一部新的法國片,但是Larry卻想看別的電影。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:rattle on和third degree。

LH: Larry,我真的很想看那部法國電影嘛!

LL: I『m sorry, Li Hua, but I don『t like French movies. The characters always rattle on and on about philosophy and nothing interesting ever happens.

LH: 你說法國電影怎麼啦?Rattle on那是什麼意思?

LL: To rattle on about something means to talk about it for a long time without really saying anything interesting or important.

LH: To rattle on就是嘮叨個沒完沒了,可是又沒說出什麼有意思的,或重要的事。你說法國電影都在滔滔不絕地談哲學,才不是這樣呢!我之所以喜歡法國電影就是因為他們探討的都是很重要的議題,而且也不是象你說的rattle on and on.

LL: I think they do.

LH: 那你喜歡看英國電影嗎?我知道最近在上演一部新的英國片。

LL: Sorry, but I think British movies are the same as French movies. The characters rattle on about fashion, manners, and society and don『t really do anything.

LH: 什麼!你覺得英國片也經常夸夸其談地說時裝、禮貌、社會風尚,可是卻沒有什麼行動?嗨,那你是不是只愛看武打片?

LL: No, but I do prefer a movie in which people act on their beliefs rather than just rattling on about them.

LH: 你喜歡電影里的角色要為自己的信仰努力,而不喜歡它們嘮嘮叨叨的空談。那我同意!那你到底想看哪一部電影嘛?

LL: I wasn『t rattling on. I was just expressing my opinion. How about this movie about the American Revolution? Is that okay with you?

LH: 那部有關美國革命的電影啊?可以啊,不過我希望電影里的人不要滔滔不絕地講愛國主義,該不會都rattle on and on吧?

LL: Maybe a little, but there should be a lot of action, too.


LH: Larry,你跑哪裡去了,怎麼這麼晚才來嘛!我買好電影票在這裡等你等了20分鐘了!

LL: Hey, don『t give me the third degree! I『m a little late because my mom called, that『s all.

LH: 原來是你媽媽打電話給你。對了,你又說我什麼啦,我給你third degree?那是什麼意思?

LL: To give someone the third degree means to question that person aggressively in order to get him/her to confess to something.

LH: To give someone the third degree就是盤問某人的意思。我可沒有盤問你的意思。我只是等你等了很久,都快發火了嘛!

LL: Sorry. I didn『t expect my mom to call. My mom gave me the third degree, too. She wanted to know why I haven『t called her in such a long time.

LH: 你媽也質問你為什麼這麼久沒打電話回家。那你是怎麼跟她說的?

LL: I just told her that I『ve been really busy. The truth is that I avoid calling her, because every time I do call her, she gives me the third degree about something.

LH: 你也別這樣,我想你媽不是真的在罵你,或生你的氣;她只是很關心你,很擔心你嘛!

LL: You『re probably right, but sometimes she asks so many questions that it really feels like I『m getting the third degree.

LH: 如果你怕你媽問東問西的,也許你應該經常打電話給她。這樣她就不會這麼操心,也不會老是追問你一堆問題嘍!Then she won『t give you the third degree.

LL: You know, Li Hua, that『s a good idea!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是rattle on,這是形容嘮嘮叨叨,講一些無關緊要的事情。另外一個常用語是third degree,這是有質問,盤問的意思。


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李華和Larry正在討論在報紙上看到的幾個犯罪案件。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:bottom feeder和bounce。

LH: Larry,你有沒有看到報上說的那個被警察逮捕的毒販?

LL: Yeah, that guy is a real bottom feeder. I hope that he goes to jail for a long time.

LH: 嗯,像這種壞人真應該被抓到牢里關起來。Larry,你剛才還說這傢伙是個真正的bottom feeder,bottom是底層,feeder不是飼養員嗎?這兩個字怎麼能合在一起,它們和那些壞人有什麼關係?

LL: A bottom feeder is a really low, despicable person. That guy was selling drugs to kids, so he definitely counts as a bottom feeder.

LH: 噢,bottom feeder是形容一個很低下、很卑鄙的人。沒錯,報上說的那個人專門賣毒品給年輕孩子,簡直太可惡了。我認為所有的毒販都是bottom feeders.

LL: Unfortunately, there are a lot of bottom feeders in the world.

LH: 就是啊,這個世界還是有不少這種卑鄙的壞人。對了,Larry,這個bottom feeder是不是只能用來形容犯罪分子?

LL: It can be used to describe other people, too, but it『s a very negative term.

LH: Bottom feeder還能用來形容其他人?那Larry,你給我舉個例子。

LL: Well, some people think that lawyers are bottom feeders because they benefit from other peoples『 misfortunes.

LH: 對,好多人都不喜歡律師,認為律師很卑鄙。我還聽到過好多恥笑律師的笑話呢!可是,Larry,律師不也會保護我們的權利嗎?

LL: That『s true, but some people are upset by the fact that many lawyers get rich defending criminals.

LH: 噢,我明白了,人們之所以討厭律師,是因為律師經常幫犯罪分子辯護,靠著打這種官司來賺錢。嗯,可是不管怎麼說,我還是認為有的律師不能算bottom feeders。

LL: Some people think that tabloid journalists are bottom feeders because they invade the privacy of celebrities and they don『t always verify stories before they publish them.

LH: 這我絕對同意,那些專門報道名人私生活的狗仔記者,真是夠惡劣的。他們經常捏造有關名人的一些很荒謬,不確實的報道。只有卑鄙的人才會寫出這樣的東西來! They are real bottom feeders!


LL: Hey, Li Hua, it was fun discussing the news with you, but I『ve got to bounce. I have to be at the doctor『s office by 2:00.

LH: 噢,你兩點鐘還得去看醫生啊?那你得趕快走了。你說你要bounce,是那個拍皮球bounce a ball的bounce嗎?

LL: "Bounce" can be slang for leave. I『ve got to bounce means that I have to leave.

LH: 噢,我懂了,to bounce就表示,得走了。你說你得要bounce,是因為你得趕著去那個醫生診所了。

LL: Hey, don『t you have to bounce if you『re going to make to class on time?

LH: 我的老天,現在都快兩點了,謝謝你提醒我,我差點兒忘了得去上一堂課呢!看來我得趕緊bounce,趕快走嘍!

LL: Well, I have a little bit of time. If we bounce right now, I can drive you to campus.

LH: 你肯定有時間把我送到學校?那就太好了,要不然,等我走到學校可能就要遲到了。

LL: Okay, are you ready to bounce now?

LH: 嗯,等一會兒,我只要進去把我的書和背包拿出來。

LL: Okay, I『ll go start the car. Just come on outside when you『re ready to bounce.

LH: 沒問題,你先去發動車子,我拿了包就來!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。一個是bottom feeder,這是形容那種下流卑鄙的人。另一個常用語是bounce,這是指要離開,要走的意思。


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Larry和李華正在戶外吃午飯。突然他們看到一隻很大的蟑螂。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:freaky和wig out。

LL: Wow! That was freaky! I『ve never seen such a big cockroach before!

LH: 哎喲,那麼大一個蟑螂!真是噁心死了!Larry,你剛才說freaky,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: Freaky means scary or really weird. That bug was definitely freaky.

LH: 噢,freaky是形容很可怕或者很怪。一點都沒錯,那隻大蟑螂真的是既噁心又可怕。我最怕蟑螂,尤其是這麼大的!

LL: What do you think of spiders?

LH: 蜘蛛?我覺得蜘蛛比蟑螂更可怕!

LL: Yeah, I don『t like spiders very much either. My friend has a pet tarantula, which is a really big hairy spider, and it is the freakiest thing I『ve ever seen.

LH: 我真搞不懂,像你朋友那樣的人怎麼會養蜘蛛當寵物,毛茸茸的蜘蛛想起來就讓人頭皮發麻,怎麼還能當寵物,真是freaky耶!

LL: Pet tarantulas are actually pretty common. You can buy them in any pet shop.

LH: 嗨,我才不管這種蜘蛛寵物是不是很常見。我還是覺得養蜘蛛當寵物真是很怪,很可怕的,very freaky!

LL: There『s a horror movie about giant spiders that is so freaky that I can『t even bear to watch it.

LH: 噢,你是說那部有大蜘蛛的電影?嗯,我還記得看過他們的廣告。別說去看了,我連想都沒想過。如果我真的去看了那電影,大概會做一個月的惡夢。

LL: Yeah, I only watched a few minutes of it before I decided that it was too freaky for me.

LH: 瞧,連你這個大男生都不敢看,那電影一定很freaky。對了,Larry,除了蟑螂、蜘蛛,你覺得蛇是不是也很freaky?

LL: Actually, snakes don『t bother me that much. Rats don『t bother me very much, either.

LH: 啊,你不怕蛇,也不怕老鼠。好怪噢!我啊,我覺得蛇跟老鼠就像蜘蛛一樣恐怖!


LL: Hey, Li Hua, would you wig out and refuse to come to my apartment if I got a pet rat?

LH: 你想在家裡養老鼠當寵物,還問我會不會wig out,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: To wig out means the same as to freak out. It means to get very excited or upset.

LH: 噢,wig out跟freak out意思一樣,就是讓人激動,或者把人嚇壞了。哎,Larry,你是真的想養一隻老鼠當寵物啊?

LL: They actually make good pets and they are relatively easy to care for.

LH: 你覺得養老鼠當寵物比較簡單,那你就去養,我管不著,不過,我可能再也不敢去你家了。

LL: That『s what I was afraid of. I wouldn『t mind having a pet rat, but I don『t want to make all of my friends wig out, either.

LH: 嗯,聽你這麼一說,我倒強烈建議你別養老鼠。我想很多人,特別是女孩子,大概會被你的寵物嚇跑。這樣你想交女朋友的希望就更加渺茫嘍!

LL: I hadn『t thought of that. Yeah, I don『t want to meet a nice girl then cause her to wig out when she finds out that I have a pet rat.

LH: 就是啊,為了一隻老鼠,嚇跑了女朋友,那就不上算了。不過話說回來,Larry,你要是真的很想養寵物,就別太在意別人的想法嘛!

LL: I know, but I don『t want people wigging out every time they come to my apartment.

LH: 你又想養寵物,又怕朋友被嚇跑。對了,或許你可以考慮養魚啊,一般人不會怕魚,有的魚還非常好看吶!

LL:That『s a good idea!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是freaky,是形容很可怕,很怪的意思。另一個常用語是wig out,這是指讓人激動,或者使人很害怕的意思。


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這是一個星期五的晚上,Larry和李華兩人經過一個星期緊張學習後都很累,現在正在一起吃晚飯。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:let off steam和oops。

LL: Wow, it『s nice to relax and let off some steam after a long week at work.

LH: 就是啊,放鬆一下,感覺真好!Larry,你說要let off steam?Steam是蒸氣,你還會放氣呀?

LL: No, not literally. To let off steam can mean to relax or it can mean to express pent-up feelings, usually of anger.

LH: 原來如此。To let off steam就是放鬆,也可以是發泄積壓在心裡的感情,通常是火氣。所以你是說一個星期緊張地學習和工作後放鬆一下,感覺很好。Larry,這個常用語跟steam, 蒸氣有什麼關係呢?

LL: It『s a metaphor. One has to ease the pressure in a steam engine by releasing - or letting off - steam. Otherwise the engine might overheat and explode.

LH: 原來是從蒸汽機的原理來的。沒錯,蒸汽機如果不定時釋放一下的蒸氣,那就可能會爆炸。 Larry,如果你一直不放鬆的話,你該不會爆炸吧?

LL: No, I『m not going to explode. However, letting off steam is important to a person『s mental health.

LH: 嗯,我同意,一個人如果沒有放鬆的機會,那對心理健康有很大影響。我通常就是用跑步運動來讓自己放鬆的。

LL: A lot of people exercise to let off steam. Other people prefer quiet activities like reading.

LH: 對,每個人疏解壓力的方法都不一樣。所以Larry,你是通過看書來讓自己放鬆的?

LL: I like to do exactly what we『re doing now. I let off steam by relaxing and having a nice meal with a friend.

LH: 和朋友吃吃飯,聊聊天是挺放鬆的。可是如果你真的很生氣,非常生氣,那你怎麼發泄你的怒氣呢?

LL: Sometimes it helps to talk to someone. It『s usually better to let off some steam before dealing with the issue directly.

LH: 那倒是,先跟別人談談。火氣很大的時候,最好別去處理那事。


LL: Oops! I forgot that I have to work on Sunday. That just ruins my whole weekend.

LH: Oops? 我常聽到人們這麼說,Larry,這是什麼意思啊?

LL: People usually say oops to acknowledge that they have made a mistake or have had a minor accident. I mistakenly thought I had the whole weekend off, when I actually have to work on Sunday. Oops.

LH: 原來oops就是發現自己犯了小錯誤或出了一點沒有意料的小插曲時說的,有點像中文裡的「哎呀,糟了」。所以你是說,你差點兒忘了星期天還得上班。還好現在是星期五,你要到星期一再想起來,那可真是糟了。恐怕說Oops都太晚了。

LL: That『s true. Oops! I just dropped my fork on the floor.

LH: 叉子掉在地上不是什麼大事,叫服務員再拿個乾淨的就是啦。

LL: That『s okay. There『s an extra one on the next table. I『ll just take that one.

LH: 拿那個桌上的叉子也行,反正哪兒沒人坐。Oh no, 這回輪到我要說oops了。我想起來了,今天晚上我該給我媽媽打電話了。

LL: You still have time. We should be finished here soon and you can go right home to call your mom.

LH: Oops! 吃完飯趕回家也沒用,我忘了買電話卡了。沒電話卡,我怎麼打電話呢?

LL: I have a calling card. You can use it to call your mom. I don『t mind at all.

LH: 啊,幸好你有張電話卡,Larry,真是太謝謝你嘍!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是let off steam,是指發泄怒氣或其他情緒。另一個常用語是oops,這是一種語氣詞,通常是在當一個人犯了小錯誤時會說的。


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李華和Larry正在討論他們剛才看的電影。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:shrink和gross out。

LH: Larry,剛才電影里的男主角說他需要看一個shrink是什麼意思呀?Shrink當動詞用的時候是指縮水,但是在這裡好像不是這個意思。他到底在說什麼啊?

LL: Shrink is a somewhat negative slang term for a psychiatrist. If you tell someone that he needs to see a shrink, it means that you think he『s crazy.

LH: Shrink是指心理醫生啊!你要是說要去看心理醫生,別人就會覺得你這個人腦袋有問題,精神不正常。

LL: Yeah, but shrink isn『t usually a nice way to refer to psychiatrists.

LH: 噢,shrink是指心理醫生,但是是帶貶意的。為什麼呢?

LL: Well, for instance, if my dad were a psychiatrist, I wouldn『t describe him to other people as a shrink.

LH: 你爸爸要是個心理醫生,你就不會說他是個shrink,為什麼?你爸爸是個很糟糕的醫生?

LL: No, it『s because shrink is just not a very respectful word.

LH: 我懂了,所以shrink就是對心理醫生不尊重的稱呼。對了,Larry,你看過心理醫生嗎?

LL: Are you trying to imply that I『m crazy, Li Hua?

LH: 沒有啦,我當然知道你腦子沒有問題。不過,在美國好像很多人都去看心理醫生耶!

LL: It is more acceptable nowadays, but a lot of people are still very uncomfortable about the idea of seeing a shrink.

LH: 是呀,好象這是很普遍的事。原來在美國還是有很多人覺得不能接受,他們覺得去看心理醫生的都是有些問題,腦筋不太正常的人吧!

LL: No, shrinks help people who are depressed or are having family problems. Actually, most of the people who see a shrink probably aren『t what we would call crazy.

LH: 是啊,現代人生活這麼緊張,很多人都得了憂鬱症,這時候心理醫生就能幫上很大的忙。對了,Larry,你認不認識什麼心理醫生啊?

LL: Actually, my Dad『s best friend is a shrink. He works with children that have social disorders.

LH: 真的啊?你爸爸的好朋友就是一個心理醫生?而且專門治療小朋友不合群的問題?Larry,你小的時候有沒有什麼問題,去看過這醫生嗎?

LL: Very funny, Li Hua.

LH: 我是跟你開玩笑的啦!


LL: Hey, Li Hua, were you grossed out by the murder scene in that movie?

LH: 你說電影里那段謀殺的情節怎麼樣?什麼是gross out?

LL: Grossed out means disgusted. So, did that scene gross you out?

LH: Gross out就是讓人感到噁心,你這麼一說我就想起來,那段劇情真是夠可怕的,有好多血噢!我是真的覺得gross out!

LL: Yeah, me too. Usually scenes like that don『t bother me too much because I know they『re fake, but that one was particularly nasty. I was really grossed out.

LH: 我啊,一看到血就受不了了。前幾天,我不小心摔傷了膝蓋,看到血流出來,我差點兒沒昏倒 - I almost grossed out.

LL: I guess that it『s a good thing you decided not to be a surgeon. Otherwise, you『ll be grossed out all the time.

LH: 是呀,我媽媽一心想要我當醫生,可是我這種一看到血就噁心的人,怎麼能進醫學院嘛!

LL: Yeah, in medical school, you have to study dead bodies.

LH: Larry,你別再說了,你越說我越害怕,也越覺得噁心了。別再說了啦!

LL: Wow, I guess you do get grossed out easily.

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是shrink,這是指心理醫生,但是是一種非常不禮貌的稱呼,所以大家在應用時要小心。另一個常用語是gross out,就是讓人噁心的意思。


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Larry和李華在教室里等瓊斯教授把改完的考捲髮下來。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:bad vibe和wake up call。

LL: Li Hua, I have a really bad vibe about this test.

LH: 你覺得你考的怎麼樣?Bad vibe? 那是什麼意思啊?

LL: A vibe is a feeling. Since I don『t think I did very well on this test, I have a bad vibe about the grade I am going to get.

LH: 噢,vibe就是一種感覺,你覺得你這次考試考得不好,所以有種不祥之兆,也就是你所謂的bad vibe。

LL: (Gets test back) Ooh. You see, my bad vibe was right. I got a C.

LH: 嗨,C不算太糟啦,這門課很困難,而且瓊斯教授批分數一貫都很嚴。

LL: Yeah, I actually had a bad vibe about this course before the class ever started. Some of my friends told me it was difficult and I『d have to work hard.


LL:So, what did you get?

LH: 嗯,我得到了A。這次考試算是不錯,不過我很擔心下星期要交的那份報告。I have a bad vibe about that paper.

LL: Why do you have a bad vibe about the paper?

LH: 因為我覺得用英文寫報告是最難的。英文不是我的母語,每次寫完英文報告,我總覺得好像有很多不通順的地方。

LL: Li Hua, you can always ask me or another student to look over your paper before your turn it in. I am sure you『ll do fine. About that, I have a good vibe.

LH: 真的?Larry,你願意修改我的報告?你真好,謝謝你。

LL: Uh-oh. I have a bad vibe about the look Professor Jones is giving us right now.

LH: 對,噓,瓊斯教授在看我們了,別說了,下課後再聊吧。


LL: (After class) You know, Li Hua, getting a C on the test in Professor Jones『 class was a real wake-up call.

LH: 你說拿了C是wake-up call,哎,這個wake-up call不是叫人起床嗎?難道你在上課的時候睡覺啊?

LL: No, no, a wake-up call is not like an alarm clock that wakes you up from your sleep. What I meant was the grade I got woke me up to the fact that I have to work harder for this class.

LH: 噢,wake-up call在這裡不是指鬧鐘叫人起床,而是指一個警告。所以你是說,這次考試成績不好提醒你要在這節課上加把勁,要更用功!

LL: Yeah! Professor Jones gave me a wake-up call in the form of a bad grade. Now that class is over, I『m going to go home and study. Hey! Li Hua! Look out for that bike!

LH: 哎喲!那個騎自行車的人差點兒撞上我。

LL: Yeah, that was a wake-up call for us to be more careful about walking across campus.

LH: 說的也是,這就提醒了我們,在校園裡走路也得小心注意,不然很可能會受傷的。

LL: We should be more careful. Say, Li Hua, where are you going now?

LH: 嗯,我想利用下午沒有課的時間,到體育館的健身房去鍛煉鍛煉。

LL: Why the sudden interest in physical fitness? You don『t usually go to the gym, do you?

LH: 嗨,別說了,你也知道我這個人是從不上健身房的。還不是上回健康檢查時,醫生說我體重有點超重,所以嘍,that was a wake-up call.

LL: You don『t look overweight to me.

LH: Larry,你心地真好,還安慰我看起來不胖。其實我倒不是那麼在意外表看起來胖不胖,主要還是擔心肥胖會影響健康吧!

LL: And maybe it was a wake-up call that you and I shouldn『t go out to have ice cream so often.

LH: 啊?什麼?要我放棄吃冰淇淋?我願意每天上健身房,但是我一定得吃冰淇淋!

今天李華學到兩個常用語。第一個是bad vibe, 就是不好的感覺,不詳的預感。另一個常用語是wake-up call,這是指一個提醒或警告。


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LL: Whoa, Li Hua, don『t put so much detergent into the washing machine!

LH: 我放太多洗衣粉啦?那下回我就少放一些。對了,Larry,你剛才說whoa,那是西部牛仔經常說的話嗎?你剛才說whoa是什麼意思呀?

LL: Li Hua, have you been watching Westerns lately? You are right. Cowboys say "whoa" when they want their horses to slow down.

LH: 原來我還真猜對了。在西部電影里,那些牛仔經常會說whoa,就是要他們的馬兒慢下來。所以你剛才說whoa,就是要我慢點,別倒太多洗衣粉下去。

LL: Right. Whoa, Li Hua, look at all the laundry that guy just brought in!

LH: 等等,Larry,那個人是拿了一大包臟衣服進來,你說whoa是要他慢慢洗嗎? 你又不認識他,跟你又有什麼相干哪!

LL: No, this time I used "whoa" to express amazement. I was amazed at the piles of laundry that guy just brought it. "Whoa" is an exclamation and depending on how you say it, it can mean different things.

LH: 噢,這兒的whoa 是表示驚奇。你說了兩次whao, 可是意思完全不一樣。看來,這個whao 可以表達不同的意思。

LL:You『re absolutely right!

LH:Whoa, Larry,你沒有必要摺衣服摺那麼快嘛!我們還有很多衣服要洗,得在這兒等上好長時間呢!

LL: Hey, that was a good use of "whoa."

LH: 還是得謝謝你這位老師的指導啊!Whoa, Larry,你看到那個人換了多少硬幣要來洗衣服啊?

LL: The guy with all the laundry? He『s going to need a lot of quarters to do all of that laundry. Oh, hey, my next load of laundry is done. Let me take it out.

LH: Whoa, Larry, 你的白襯衫怎麼全變成粉紅色啦?

LL: I think you『ve mastered the use of "whoa," Li Hua.

LH: Whoa, Larry, 我不過是用你剛教的常用語開開玩笑嘛。不過,你的白襯衣是變成粉紅色啦!


LL: Oh, boy, Li Hua, I made a big booboo.

LH: 你做了什麼?A booboo?

LL: Yeah, a booboo means a big mistake! I left a red sock in with my white t-shirts and underwear. Now everything is pink.

LH: Booboo就是犯了個大錯誤。原來你把一隻紅襪子丟進去和白襯衫一塊洗,怪不得現在它們都成了粉紅襯衫了。沒關係啦,Larry,犯錯誤的人多著吶,我昨天也犯了個大錯 - a booboo。

LL: What was that?

LH: 我啊,把錢包和鑰匙放在廚房的桌子上,走出家才想起來,所以就把鑰匙給鎖在家裡了。

LL: That was a booboo, all right. How did you fix your booboo?

LH: 還能怎麼辦,只好請鎖匠來開門。當然啦,就是得花錢,破財消災嘍!Larry,我來幫你把這些粉紅襯衫放到烘乾機里吧!

LL: Thanks. Hey, Li Hua, do you see that kid over there with the booboo on his knee?

LH: The kid with a booboo on his knee? 你是說坐在那兒,那個膝蓋上貼繃帶的小孩啊?

LL: Yeah, I saw him fall down earlier and get a booboo. He just scraped his knee a little. He cried, but his mom cheered him up.

LH: 噢,你看到他摔下來,膝蓋受了傷啊?等等,Larry,這麼說,booboo除了指錯誤,也可以指受傷,對嗎?

LL: Right, but not a serious injury. . . Oh, Li Hua, watch out for the door of the dryer!

LH: Ow! 好痛噢, 我的手指給烘乾機的門夾到了。

LL: Oh, let me see. Look, you『ve got a booboo, too!



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LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear about Kelsey? She just got a cushy new job.

LH: A "cushy" job? 我知道Kelsey最近找到了新工作,但什麼是cushy job?那是不是她找到了很理想的工作?

LL: Oh, yeah. A "cushy" job a cushy job is one that isn『t hard to do and has lots of benefits. A cushy job is soft and has a lot of padding like a cushion.

LH: 我懂了,cushy就是從cushion軟墊子這個詞來的。所以cushy job就是很舒服的工作,就是錢多事少的好差事。Larry,快告訴我,Kelsey的工作到底是什麼性質,為什麼能夠這麼cushy?

LL: Well, she『ll be working as an interpreter for a local businessman who does a lot of work with Chinese companies. Her salary is very high, she『ll get to travel regularly to China, and her other benefits are good, too.

LH: 哇,幫美國商人做翻譯,不但薪水高,還有機會到中國出差。真好!Kelsey的中文很好,個性又活潑,我想這個工作對她來說應該不難。 真是一個cushy job!

LL: Doesn『t it make you want to find a new job, Li Hua? Being a teaching assistant isn『t the cushiest job.

LH: 就是啊,當助教一點也不舒服,每星期我得花很多時間備課,和學生面談,上課,批改作業,但是助教的薪水卻少的可憐。It isn『t a cushy job at all.

LL: But you know, the teaching assistant job gives you valuable experience, and maybe some day you will have a cushy job as a Chinese professor at a major university.

LH: 我也希望如此啊。希望我這個助教工作能為我將來能到名牌大學當教授打下基礎,那可就是個cushy job了。Larry,那你呢?你希不希望你的暑期工作也是個舒服的好工作呢?

LL: Well, it isn『t hard to do, but I am hardly being paid anything, so I don『t think you can call it a cushy job.

LH: 工作雖不難做,可是工資微薄。那沒什麼意思。 那你想找個新工作嗎? 你可以去問問Kelsey 她是怎麼找到的,沒準那公司還要人呢!

LL: Yeah, I am going to talk to Kelsey. Maybe she has some good advice for me.


LL: Well, Li Hua, I talked more to Kelsey about her new job, and now I am a little concerned that it isn『t legit.

LH: 你說,Kelsey的工作怎麼樣?什麼是legit?

LL: Legit. It『s short for legitimate. I am afraid Kelsey『s new job may not be legitimate.

LH: 噢,legit就是合法的意思,是legitimate這個詞的簡化。你是說,你擔心Kelsey找到的工作不合法?為什麼呢?

LL: Kelsey told me she hasn『t actually started her job yet, and she had her interview in a coffee shop.

LH: 嗯,在咖啡廳裡面談,這也不奇怪啊,很多公司覺得在辦公室外面談比較放鬆一些嘛。

LL: But, I tried to look up the company name in the phone book and couldn『t find it. If a company is legit, it should have a listing in the phone book.

LH: 那倒也是。你在電話本里找不到這公司的名字?一個合法的公司應該在電話本里有它的名字呀。或許是你把公司的名字拼錯了?

LL: I am pretty sure that I got it right. The more I think about the job it seems too good to be true.

LH: Larry,我知道你是為Kelsey擔心,不過Kelsey很聰明,這個工作到底合不合法,我想她自己心裡應該很明白。

LL: I guess you『re right. Maybe it is my concerns that aren『t legit.

LH: 不過話說回來,Larry,你替好朋友擔心,這也是很正常的。

LL: Well, that『s true. I should stop worrying about Kelsey.

LH: 好啦,現在什麼都別擔心了,我們一起去吃冰淇淋好不好?

LL: Now, that is a business we KNOW is legit!



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這是一個星期六,Larry 和李華來到學校附近一個社區,那裡的住戶當天都把家裡沒用的東西拿出來廉價銷售。 李華會學到兩個常用語:shindig 和a steal。

LL: Li Hua, this community yard sale is huge. It is quite a shindig!

LH: 啊,這兒好熱鬧喲。 這麼多住家擺攤兒賣舊貨,還有這麼多的人來買便宜貨。Larry? 你說這是一個shindig,什麼是Shindig啊?Shindig聽起來好象不象英文詞。

LL: Oh, it is an English word all right.

LH: Okay, 是英文詞,那麼shindig到底是什麼意思呢?

LL: A shindig is a big, noisy event. It can be a party or any big social occasion where there are lots of people.

LH: Oh, shindig就是規模很大,很熱鬧的聚會,或者是某種社會活動。原來如此!這個社區定在今天大家一起賣舊貨,吸引了很多人來撿便宜貨。這就成了一個shindig。那還有什麼場合可以稱為shindig?

LL: Remember, last year we went to the party for Professor Jackson『s retirement? That was also a big shindig.

LH: 噢,傑克遜教授退休時搞的那次聚會確實可以稱作shindig。 當時,系裡的研究生和教授們都到場了,向他表示敬意。那次shindig的盛況確實難忘;大家又吃,又喝,真是很痛快!

LL: Speaking of shindigs, when are you going to have a shindig at your place, Li Hua?

LH: 你要在我家裡搞一個shindig ? 看來,那麼大的聚會總要等到考試以後才能辦啦。

LL: I can『t think of a better time to have a big shindig than after exams. I can help you plan it.

LH: 就是啊,考完試大家都心情輕鬆,那是舉辦shindig 的最好時候。你願意幫我策劃,那太好了。Larry,要是在你家舉行不是更好嗎?你那裡地方大呀!

LL: Yeah, but it is also a lot dirtier. I wouldn『t want to throw a fancy shindig in my messy place.


LL: You『re right! I will need your help though!

LH: 嘿, 瞧瞧那些碟子! 這正是我需要的。


LL: Wow, Li Hua. Those dishes are a steal!

LH: Steal?不, Larry,我幹嗎要偷呀?那麼便宜我當然買得起呀!即便我買不起,我也不會偷呀!

LL: Oh, Li Hua, I know that. But when something is a very good deal we say it is a steal - STEAL.

LH: 噢,原來如此,對不起,我以為你讓我偷吶!原來a steal就是很合算,和便宜的東西。我們中國人會說,這些碟子簡直便宜得像白撿的一樣,所以就可以說是a steal吧。我把這一套全買下來也只要花五美元!

LL: That is what is great about shopping at a community yard sale. You can find lots of real steals.

LH: 沒錯,在這種社區賣舊貨的地方真能買到便宜貨。Larry, 你看還有別的便宜貨可以撿嗎?Any more steals?

LL: Yeah, look at this lamp. I need a lamp for my living room, and this one is only ten dollars.

LH: 你客廳里需要一盞檯燈?十塊美元, 我可不敢說這也是個steal。

LL: Why not, Li Hua? It appears to work.

LH: 這燈是可以用的,可不一定是steal啊。我的碟子是個steal,那是因為物美價廉,可是這盞檯燈嘛...

LL: Are you saying that the lamp is ugly?

LL: 唉,說實話,這燈是夠難看的。

LH: I am glad you are honest with me, Li Hua. Not everything at a yard sale is a real steal. You『ve just saved me ten bucks!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是shindig, 意思是規模很大,人很多,很熱鬧的盛會。李華學到的另一個常用語是a steal, 那是指便宜得象白檢的東西一樣。


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Larry和李華正在開車去看朋友,可是在紐約皇后區迷了路。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:make a u-ey和step on it。

LL: Uh, Li Hua, I think we are going the wrong way. I think we need to make a u-ey.

LH: 什麼, 我們走錯路了啦?要make a u-ey,那是什麼意思啊?

LL: To make a u-ey is to take a u-turn. U-ey - U-EY. I think you can make a u-ey up at the light ahead

LH: 往回開是對的。但是,Larry,你沒看見在燈前面有不讓調頭的牌子嘛!

LL: Oh, you are right, Li Hua. We can『t make a u-ey there. There is a "No U-turn" sign.

LH: 是啊,這裡明明寫著「不許調頭」。

LL: Yeah, if a cop had seen you, he would have given you a ticket for making a u-ey there.

LH: 我們還是小心點吧,給警察看見一定會罰款的。

LL: Hey, Li Hua, do you see that 7-11 on our right? You can make a u-ey in the parking lot. There is no problem with turning around in a parking lot.

LH: 這是個好主意,右轉到7-11雜貨店的停車場;再在那兒調頭。這肯定沒有問題。 Larry, 你好聰明呦。

(Sound of driving car)

LL: Nice work! Now we should be headed in the right direction.

LH: 方向是對了,可是你千萬不要大意,我可不想再u-ey 了。

LL: Uh...Li Hua, I have some bad news.

LH: 什麼,又有什麼壞消息?

LL: I think we passed the street we need to turn down again. I『m afraid we『ll be making another u-ey after all!

LH: 你說什麼?我們又錯過了該轉的路口?天啊,我們又得找地方調頭了。


LL: We are really running late now, Li Hua. We better step on it!

LH: Step on it? 你要踩什麼?

LL: Step-STEP, step on the gas pedal. We need to hurry up and make this car go faster.

LH: 噢,step on it就是踩油門!我們是有點兒晚了,可是我不想 「step on it.」

LL: You don『t have to speed, Li Hua. Just step on it a little bit. Just go a little faster.

LH: 我可以踩油門,再開快一點。不過安全也很重要呦!

LL: Of course it is important to drive safely, and if you really don『t feel comfortable stepping on it, then you shouldn『t. A little late is all right!

LH: 就是嘛!(Siren sound) 喲,不好了,後面來了警車,要我停下來。

LL: Well, now you better step on it!

LH: Larry!你說什麼?你讓我加速,你瘋了嗎?

LL: I『m just kidding, Li Hua. You really should pull over and see what the police officer wants.

LH: Larry,都是你叫我step on it,你還有心思開玩笑?我把車停在路邊,讓我下車看看警察怎麼說。

(Sound of street and talking)

LL: What did the police say? Did he give you a ticket?

LH: 我以為警察肯定會給我罰票。其實呀,警察覺得我們好象迷路了,問我要不要幫忙。Larry,幸虧我沒有加速。不然我們就就慘了。

LL: That『s great, but now we are even later than before. Let『s step on it!

LH:還要讓我step on it! 你真是瘋啦?

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是make a u-ey, 意思是開車的時候調頭往回開。李華學到的另一個常用語是step on it, 意思是踩油門,加快速度。


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Larry 剛剛給自己的公寓貼了新的牆紙,可是他覺得效果很不理想。 李華今天會學到兩個常用語:diddlysquat和rub it in。

LL: Today, Li Hua, I discovered that I don『t know diddlysquat about putting up wallpaper.

LH: 什麼? diddlysquat?聽你的意思,你好象是說你對貼牆紙什麼也不懂,是嗎?

LL: That『s right. I don『t know diddlysquat means I don『t know anything.

LH:噢,Don『t know diddlysquat就是什麼也不懂,一竅不通。

LL:Right. When I was wallpapering my apartment, I didn『t get the pieces perfectly straight before I put them on, and now the pattern doesn『t line up.

LH: 我也對貼牆紙一竅不通。不過,貼之前好象總得把牆紙弄直了。否則,牆紙的花樣怎麼對得起來呢!

LL: Yeah, but it is harder to do than you might think. I really needed to read instructions in a how-to book before I started, but I didn『t do diddlysquat to prepare.

LH: 原來你什麼準備都沒有做就開始貼牆紙呀!美國有很多關於如何裝修房屋的書,你什麼沒看就動手啦?你膽子也夠大的。得了,你來幫我點忙, 分散一下注意力,心情就會好一些。好嗎?

LL: Sure, how can I help?

LH: 我昨天買了一個新的電腦硬碟,可我在這方面什麼也不懂,I don『t know diddlysquat about computer。 你來幫我裝一下,好嗎?

LL: You are just like my mom, Li Hua. She doesn『t know diddlysquat about computers either─but I am happy to help out. When should I come by?

LH: Larry,你能幫我裝上,那太好了。午飯以後可以過來嗎?

LL: OK, I『ll do that. But maybe you can come help me remove the wallpaper I put up.

LH: 幫你撕牆紙,I don『t know diddlysquat about that! 讓我看看再說吧。


LH: Oh, Larry, 這牆紙還真是沒對齊。

LL: Yeah, I know. Please don『t rub it in.

LH: 不要抹進去?我們不是要把牆紙撕下來嗎?

LL: No, no. By "rub it in", I didn『t mean rub the wallpaper into the wall. I meant that I already know the wallpaper doesn『t line up, so you don『t need to tell me again and make me feel worse.

LH: 我明白了, rub it in的意思是在傷口上抹鹽,令人更難堪。 牆紙沒貼好,你已經很難過了,我又提起這件事,就是rub it in - 讓你更難受,對嗎?

LL: Yeah, especially when it is something you are not happy about. "Rubbing it in" just makes a person feel worse.

LH: Rub it in,只會讓人更難過, 所以我們的朋友Rick撞車之後,你並沒有對他說, 「你怎麼這麼不小心」,因為你不想讓他更難堪。

LL: Right, I didn『t want Rick to feel even worse about his car.

LH: 上個星期考試,我考得好, 你考得不好,我說,「你本來就該好好複習嘛」。這又是 rubbing it in,往傷口上抹鹽,對 不對?

LL: Exactly.

LH: 可是我只是想對朋友提出忠告,並沒有 抹鹽的意思。

LL: I know you didn『t mean to rub it in, Li Hua. Well, let『s go see what we can do about your hard drive.

LH: Great. 好吧,去看看我的電腦吧。

LL: You are really lucky that we are friends! I mean, you don『t know diddlysquat about computers. You『d never be able to install the hard drive without me.

LH: 我知道我對電腦一竅不通, 你就別往傷口上抹鹽了。You don『t have to rub it in!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是don『t know diddlysquat about something,意思是對某件事一無所知,一竅不通。李華學到的另一個常用語是 rub it in, 意思是在某個人的傷口上抹鹽,令人更加難過。


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Larry正在申請下學期學校的資助,可是到處碰壁。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:runaround和take a chill pill。

LL: I am so frustrated! The Financial Aid Office is giving me a real runaround!

LH: Larry,你說資助辦公室給你什麼? Runaround是什麼呀?

LL: To give someone a runaround means to be deceptive and evasive to someone. They sent me from office to office,but no one can give me the right answers.

LH: 噢, to give someone a runaround意思是對某人很虛假,躲躲閃閃的。你是說資助辦公室打發你到這個辦公室那個辦公室,可就沒有人給你一個明確的回答。Larry,那現在怎麼辦呢?

LL: They are still giving me the runaround. They say I didn『t turn in my application on time, but I know I did.

LH: 他們說你沒有交申請表?瞎說,你肯定交了,我還跟你一起去的。你知道, Larry,每次我申請延長學生簽證,他們也是把我象皮球那樣踢來踢去,gave me a runaround。

LL: That『s too bad. Since being given the runaround is no fun, what do you say we go for ice cream somewhere?

LH: 去吃冰淇淋?我不知道能不能去。我今天下午很忙, 要批改很多作文。

LL: How about after you grade your papers?

LH: 批改卷子後,我還要寫論文。

LL: Li Hua, are you giving me the runaround?

LH: Larry,看你說的,我怎麼是在找借口呢?我看你有點多疑吧。

LL: Well, you aren『t giving me a direct answer for one.

LH: 沒有明確回答你。 好吧, Larry, 我的回答是不能去,對不起我不能跟你去吃冰淇淋。這行了吧?

LL:That『s OK! Just don『t give me the runaround anymore. I『ve had enough of that!


LL: I『ve been so frustrated by this whole financial aid mess. I really need to take a chill pill.

LH: 吃什麼藥片?吃了這藥片就能解決資助問題了嗎?

LL: Ha-Ha, very funny. No, to take a chill pill means to calm down. I need to calm down, forget my problems and do something else.

LH: 原來是這個意思。 To take a chill pill是設法平靜下來。我看也是,最好的辦法是平靜下來,做些別的事,先把這事閣一邊。Larry,Rick的車給人撞壞了,他氣死了。我看他也該平靜下來,take a chill pill。

LL: No, Rick did have good reason to be upset. I wouldn『t have told him to take a chill pill in that case.

LH: 是,他有理由生氣。在這種情況下就不能叫他take a chill pill? 那你再舉個例子給我聽聽,什麼情況下可以說take a chill pill呢?

LL: Sometimes when you get so worried before a test, Li Hua, I just want to tell you to take a chill pill.

LH: 每次考試前,我是特別緊張。以後你看見我考試前太緊張,你儘管對我說take a chill pill。我不會生氣的。我也不知道自己為什麼會那麼緊張。

LL: You always study so hard. There is no need to be worried. You should just take a chill pill and relax. You know you『ll do fine.

LH: 我也這麼想呀!我是很用功,每次考試成績也都很好,本來我就不該緊張。不過,有的時候我覺得考試前心情緊張一點反而考的好。

LL:In that case, you don『t have to take a chill pill. But if I were too nervous before a test, I would be unable to think clearly and would certainly fail the test.

LH: 那倒是可能的。每個人不一樣嘛。不過, Larry, 你要是考糊了,你就會非常不高興。到那時,你就得take a chill pill。 我看哪,你還是應該更用功一點,這樣你的成績會更好。

LL: Oh, Li Hua, take a chill pill!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是give someone a runaround, 意思是找借口,躲閃,拖延,特別是對提出要求的人。另一個常用語是take a chill pill, 意思是平靜下來。


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Larry和李華剛剛考試完畢。李華告訴Larry,她考得很不好。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:Kiss something goodbye和Lose one『s cool。

LH: Larry! 今天的考試真難,我連三分之一都沒做完。

LL: What? That『s not good. I guess you have to kiss your 「A」 in that class goodbye.

LH: 你在瞎說八道什麼呀? 我現在很不高興,還要和誰親嘴?

LL: No, no, Li Hua, that『s not what I said! I said 「You have to kiss your 『A』 goodbye". Kiss something goodbye indicates one accepts he or she won『t or can『t have something.

LH: 噢,我明白了,kiss something goodbye在這裡不是指和誰接吻告別,而是指一個人知道不會得到他要得東西了。你是說,我這門課考試沒考好,所以就得不到A了。

LL: That『s right! Li Hua, did you ever have to kiss something goodbye before?

LH: 我有沒有遇到過這種情況呀?我想想...對了。 上次我把手套忘在計程車里了。所以,這手套就再也沒有了。I have to kiss my gloves goodbye! 這意思對不對?

LL: That『s right. But when your bike was stolen last week, I bet you thought you would have to kiss that goodbye.

LH: 沒錯,我真以為那自行車被偷了,從此就沒了。沒想到警察幫我把它找了回來, 我就不必跟自行車「kiss goodbye」。

LL: And when you left China, you had to kiss your mother『s good Chinese cooking goodbye.

LH: 是啊,很久都沒有吃到我媽媽燒的菜了,有的時候真想家。Larry,我畢業以後可能會離開紐約到一個小城市去工作,那我就吃不到紐約許多不同的風味小吃了。

LL: I『m staying here in New York. So if that『s your plan, you『ll also have to kiss interesting conversations with me goodbye.

LH: 是呀,我要是真的離開紐約, 我就不能跟你經常聊天了。不過,我們可以打電話啊。

LL: That『s right. Well, anyway, it『s too bad about that test. I guess you will have to kiss your 「A」 goodbye.

LH: Kiss my「A」 goodbye,我可真不甘心。我得找教授談一談。


LH: 這就是教授的辦公室。

LL: Sure is. OK, Li Hua, when you go into the professor『s office to talk about that test, remember, don『t lose your cool!

LH: Don『t lose your cool! 這是什麼意思?難道我會丟失什麼嗎?

LL: I said 「don『t lose your cool」. Don『t lose your cool means stay calm, don『t get angry.

LH: 噢,don『t lose your cool是要我冷靜, 不要生氣發火。 Larry, 前天我們開車明明沒有超速,可是警察攔住我們, 我當時差一點要發火,可是沒有"lost my cool"?

LL: No, you didn『t lose your cool, you were calm. One time I lost my cool with a bus driver because he didn『t stop the bus at my stop.

LH:你跟司機發脾氣, 當然不會有好結果。

LL: Yep. I had to wait for the next stop and walk back. If I hadn『t lost my cool and had nicely asked him to stop, I wouldn『t have had to walk so far.

LH: 你看,和司機法脾氣沒好處。你得等下一站才能下車,再往回走。看來你要冷靜地和他商量,keep your cool,他沒準就停下來了。

LL: That『s true. I heard more people lose their cool in the evening than in the morning, when they are fresh.

LH: 那是可以想像的。人工作了一天累了就容易發火。早上人很清醒,情緒就比較平靜。好了, 閑話少說,我得進去找教授了。

LL: Remember, when you go in there you don『t want to lose your cool, or you can say, you want to KEEP YOUR COOL. Lose your cool and keep your cool are opposites.

LH: 知道了,lose your cool就是失去冷靜;keep your cool就是保持冷靜。總之,遇事一定要冷靜就是了。

LL: That『s for sure. I『ll wait out here. See you in a few minutes.

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是kiss something goodbye, 意思是失去、損失。李華學到的另一個常用語是lose one『s cool意思是變得不冷靜, 或是說keep one『s cool這是保持冷靜的意思。


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李華今天請Larry到家裡來一起看電視轉播的世界盃比賽。今天是美國隊對捷克隊。李華會學到兩個常用語:make a big stink和to be creamed。

(sound of knocking door)

LH:請進來! Come on in, Larry!

LL: Oh, hey there, Li Hua, I see the game has started. What『s the big stink?

LH: 球賽剛開始。你說這兒有臭味? 我沒有聞到什麼臭味呀!

LL: No, I don『t mean your apartment is stinking. I was asking why the soccer players are making a big stink. Big stink means making a big fuss or complaining.

LH: 噢,你是問電視上這些球員在吵什麼?嗨,美國隊踢進了一個球,可是沒有得分,因為裁判判定失誤,所以就吵了起來。

LL: So, the players are mad, and the U.S. soccer coach is making a big stink by arguing with the referee.

LH: 是啊, 美國隊個個氣得火冒三丈。美國教練通常比較低調, 這次也忍不住跟裁判爭執,表示強烈不滿。

LL: Yeah, but I don『t think making a big stink about the call is going to change the referee『s mind.

LH: 我也這麼想呢, 大吵大鬧是不會改變裁判的決定的,還不如就算了, 接著比賽就好了嘛。

LL: This reminds me of when I played baseball as a kid. Every once in a while a parent would get upset with the umpire and make a big stink.

LH: 這不僅是你小時候打棒球的情況,現在也是那樣。美國家長特別重視孩子的體育活動,有比賽必到現場,為孩子打氣。覺得不公平還會對裁判大喊大叫。 我父母只有在我學習成績不好的時候才會嚴厲批評。

LL: Li Hua, weren『t you the perfect student? I can『t imagine your parents having anything to make a stink about.

LH: 誰說他們不生氣?我上中學的時候, 有個學期我的數學成績很差。 我父母就特別生氣。這對他們來說才是件大事。

LL: Well, they had your best interests at heart. Say, you know what I want to make a big stink about now?

LH: 我當然知道他們是為了我好。You want to make a big stink?有什麼事讓你不滿意呀?

LL: Where is the snack food? You can『t watch soccer without having some snacks.

LH: 嗨,你們美國人呀,看球就非得吃零食。不過,這不是什麼大事。You don『t have to make a big stink。 廚房裡有好多吃的,你自己去拿 吧。


LL: Have some chips, Li Hua. Hmm...it looks like the U.S. is getting creamed.

LH: Creamed? Cream不是奶油嗎?

LL: No, creamed mean getting beaten. And badly.


LL:That『s right. Say, Li Hua, why are you rooting for the U.S. team, anyway?

LH: 我為什麼幫美國隊呀?你忘啦,中國隊在亞洲地區賽中輸給了科威特隊, 根本沒有資格參加世界盃賽。

LL: Oh, yeah, I remember that. They were creamed pretty badly - Six to one, as I recall.

LH: 沒錯,輸給科威特六比一!別說了, 一提起中國隊的慘敗, 我就傷心。 所以現在我支持美國隊, 因為我在美國留學, 可沒想到美國隊也要輸了。The US team is going to be creamed!

LL: The Czech Republic team is really good. I am not surprised the U.S. is getting creamed.

LH: 美國隊看來是輸定了,我們別看球了。出去玩吧。

LL: It『s a nice day, Li Hua. Let『s go out and play some badminton.

LH: Larry,打羽毛球 你可不是我的對手, 說不定會被打得一敗塗地呦。I『m sure you『ll get creamed.

LL: I tell you what, Li Hua, if you cream me at badminton, I promise...

LH: 你保證什麼?

LL: I promise not to make a big stink about it!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是make a big stink, 意思是大吵大鬧、表示強烈不滿。李華學到的另一個常用語是to be creamed意思是被擊敗。




Larry在跟李華講他辦公室里新來的實習生。今天李華會學到兩個常用語:eager beaver和grunt work。

LL: A new intern started working in my office today. He sure is an eager beaver, Li Hua!

LH: Beaver不是海狸嗎?動物怎麼能到辦公室實習呢?

LL: No, the new intern isn『t an actual beaver! But he works hard and is always busy like a beaver building a dam. And he is always eager to do work, so we say he is an "eager beaver.」

LH: 對了,我想起來了。Beaver不僅指海狸,有時也指工作勤勞的人。Eager就是很熱情的意思,所以"eager beaver」指的是做事特別努力,特別積極的人。 Larry, 我看你也是個"eager beaver」,早出晚歸的。

LL: I am not quite the eager beaver that the new intern is - I『ve been in the office a while. People are generally eager beavers when they are new to a job and want to impress their bosses.

LH: 沒錯,一般新到一個地方工作的人會特別熱情積極,因為他們要讓老闆有個好印象。我剛開始教中文的時候, 也特別賣力,每天都花很多時間備課。

LL: And would you say you still are an eager beaver when it comes to teaching Chinese?

LH: 現在呢,不像剛開始那麼賣勁了。像你一樣, 我也不是以前的eager beaver了。

LL: That『s OK, Li Hua. While being an eager beaver can be a good thing, someone can also take it too far.

LH: 勤奮當然是好事呀!居然還會有的人勤奮過頭?這是什麼意思?

LL: Well, the intern in my office is such an eager beaver he wants to do everything! He ends up making my work more complicated.

LH: 這個實習生什麼都要做,這不是很好嗎, 怎麼會給你添麻煩呢?

LL: Yeah, that『s right. He always wants to help, but sometimes I work better on my own.

LH: 你要是有的時候喜歡自己做,不要別人插手的話,你不能對他說你不需要幫忙嘛!對了,Larry,也許你可以 想辦法讓他作一些你不喜歡作的事呀。

LL: What a good idea!


LL: Thanks to your advice, Li Hua, I『ve now got the new intern doing some of my grunt work.

LH: 什麼是grunt work? Grunt不是指豬發出呼嚕呼嚕的聲音嗎?

LL: Yes, pigs grunt. And people make grunting sounds, too, when they are working really hard at something like digging ditches.

LH: 這我知道。人在做挖溝之類的工作時也會發出表示疲勞的聲音。Larry, 那grunt work 是不是就是指繁重的體力勞動?

LL: Not necessarily. Grunt work is basically routine, menial work. There are always some repetitive, boring tasks people working in offices do.

LH: 我明白了,grunt work就是簡單的,枯燥乏味的工作。

LL: Yeah, and grunt work generally doesn『t require a lot of knowledge or experience. That is why I am having the intern do my grunt work.

LH: 做簡單的工作當然不需要豐富的知識,也不需要很多經驗。Larry,說了半天,你究竟讓這位實習生做什麼呢?

LL: I am having him reorganize the office files, make new labels for the file folders, filling out forms and typing up letters.

LH: 你還真讓他干不少活耶!整理辦公室的文件,並把它們存檔, 還要為文件夾貼新的標籤、填表格、打信件。這些事的確是既費事又枯燥的。這位實習生該不會在意吧?

LL: No, I am sure he won『t mind doing the grunt work.

LH: 你怎麼肯定他不在意呀?

LL: He is such an eager beaver, Li Hua, that he will be delighted to do whatever grunt work I give him!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是"eager beaver", 意思是做事特別積極,努力的人。李華學到的另一個常用語是,grunt work意思是簡單枯燥的工作。


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Larry和李華的朋友David這個周末要舉行聚會。Larry和李華在談論為什麼一個朋友不能參加。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:baloney和party animal。

LH: Larry,Laura說她下個周末不能去參加David的聚會,因為她要去看望她的阿姨。

LL: That『s baloney. She『s just making up an excuse not to go to the party.

LH: Laura是在找借口? 我想不會吧!對了,Larry,你說"That『s baloney",這是什麼意思呀?Baloney不是做三明治用的一種大香腸嗎?

LL: Yes, literally, baloney is a lunchmeat; however, in this case, baloney means "nonsense."

LH: 在這種情況下,baloney是指胡說,廢話。你的意思是Laura在胡說。嗨,Laura不去就不去吧, 為什麼要騙人呢?

LL: She doesn『t want to go to the party either because her ex-boyfriend Jack will be there and doesn『t want to be rude.

LH: Larry,婉言謝絕邀請也沒有什麼不禮貌。另外,Laura上次對我說她和Jack雖然分手了,可還是好朋友。我不相信Laura是在找借口。

LL: Now, that『s really baloney. The two of them don『t even speak to each other anymore.

LH: 他們倆現在見了面都不理睬,也不說話?這跟Laura說的完全相反,是誰告訴你的呀?That『s baloney!

LL: That『s what Jack told me the last time I spoke with him. He seemed very disappointed that they weren『t getting along. He sounded really sincere.

LH: 他對和Laura 分手感到很失望!That『s baloney! 要是他感到惋惜,Laura又說他們還是朋友,那為什麼他告訴你兩人見了面象仇人那樣不理睬, 不說話的?我才不相信Jack!

LL: Come on, Jack is a good guy. He wouldn『t tell me something that is baloney.

LH: 可是Laura也不是壞人,她也不是說謊的人哪!。

LL: Okay, okay. Forget what I said! It was all just a bunch of baloney, anyway!


LL: Even if Laura isn『t coming, I am glad Tom is coming to David『s party. Tom is a real party animal!

LH: Larry, 你說什麼?Tom是party animal? Tom是人,不是什麼動物!

LL: Yes, he is a human being, but he is a human being that loves to go to parties! People that love to party are party animals.

LH: 原來party animal指的是特別喜歡參加聚會的人,也就是聚會狂。Tom哪一次聚會都不錯過,要這麼說,他的確是個party animal。 Larry,我看你也是一個喜歡參加聚會的人,也是個party animal!

LL: Yeah, but I am not as much of a party animal as Tom.

LH: 你倒挺謙虛的,覺得自己還比不上Tom。你說說,你哪一點比Tom差呢?

LL: Well, Tom goes out to parties nearly every weekend. I『ve got too much to do, and I really can『t go out all the time.

LH: 那倒是,Tom確實每個周末都去參加聚會,你還沒到這個程度。Larry,David平時很嚴肅,還很害羞,沒想到他會舉辦這個聚會。他絕不是象你和Tom那樣的party animal。

LL: Well, you might be surprised! Sometimes at a party David relaxes and acts just like Tom - like a real party animal!

LH: 我才不信呢!David參加聚會時比平時更放鬆一點是可能的,但絕不會象Tom那樣活寶。我看見過Tom在聚會上的樣子, David不可能是個party animal。

LL: Sure, he laughs, tells jokes and has a good time - and some times he gets crazy and does the funniest things.

LH: 這可出乎我的意料。David居然還會如此談笑風生,講笑話,做逗人笑的事。說明我對他還不了解。

LL: What about you, Li Hua? Are you a party animal?

LH: Larry, 你別胡扯了! 你看我像聚會狂嗎?

LL: Let『s just say if someone said to me "That Li Hua is a real party animal" - I『d say that is baloney!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是baloney, 意思是騙人的鬼話,胡扯。李華學到的另一個常用語是party animal, 指的是特別喜歡參加社交聚會的人。


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Larry最近一直在忙著幫老闆準備講話稿。李華到Larry的辦公室來看望他。李華今天會學到兩個常用語:holed up和come up for air。

LL: It is so nice to see you Li Hua. I『ve been holed up in the office for days trying to get this presentation done for my boss.

LH: Larry,我知道你忙著給你老闆準備報告,可你說在辦公室好幾天幹什麼來啦?Hold up,這不是搶劫嗎?

LL: No, not a hold up. I said "holed up". Well, when I said I had been holed up here in the office, I meant I hadn『t left my office in days,

LH: 原來如此。你是說你在辦公室好幾天沒出去。Holed up就是由於某種原因呆在一個地方很久沒法出去。

LL: Right. I『ve been holed up here for three whole days now. I feel kind of like a rabbit sleeping in his rabbit hole for the winter.

LH: 你覺得自己好象是只兔子鑽在洞里過冬!說得真形象。對了,我是有好幾天沒見到你了,好象不止三天哪!

LL: When you were holed up working on your thesis, Li Hua. I didn『t see you for a long time.

LH: 那到也是。我在趕論文的那段時間常常好幾天都不出門, 真有鑽進了洞里的感覺。

LL: Well, if you have to be holed up somewhere, your apartment is a pretty good place. At least it is comfortable.

LH: 這倒是真的。 我呆在家裡好幾天,是覺得很舒服,不象你這辦公室,累了連個躺的地方都沒有。

LL: There is a sofa in the break room. I『ve been taking naps there.

LH: 你在休息室里的沙發上睡個午睡就行啦? Larry, 你還要多久才能準備好你老闆的報告呀?你這麼老呆在這裡不回家,對你的身體不好。

LL: Never mind, I『m strong. I『ll finish my boss『s presentation in a few days.

LH: 還要幾天才能完成這報告呀?這樣做,時間長了你會生病的。生了病,你可就真的不能出門了。You『ll be holed up at home。

LL: At this point, being holed up at home sounds a lot better than being holed up here at work.

LH: Larry, 還是跟我出去呼吸一下新鮮空氣,你再回去繼續干。


LL: Thanks for getting me out of the office, Li Hua. I just had to come up for air.

LH: 你不用謝我,我寫論文的時候,你也把我拽出來休息休息。Larry,你說"come up for air" 大概是指換換環境,呼吸點新鮮空氣,休息一下,是嗎?

LL: Right, I felt like I was drowning under all that work. Coming up for air was just what I needed.

LH: 我跟你有同樣的感覺。學期結束前我趕著寫一篇報告時候,好幾天沒出門;我覺得自己真的好象被那些書和筆記本給淹沒了。

LL:I know. You looked so pale and evenly sickly. That『s why I practically dragged you out to come up for air.

LH: 我當時確實感到好象要生病的樣子。幸虧你拉我出去換換空氣,休息了一下。好吧,你現在想做些什麼呢?

LL: Well, I remember when you were working on your thesis, Li Hua, I『d get you to come up for air by asking you to go for a walk in the park.

LH: 我記得你帶我去的那個公園。那裡有各式各樣的花。好吧,我們上那公園去散步。

LL: OK, let『s go for a walk in the park for a little while. I know I『ll work better after coming up for some air.

LH: 我敢肯定你散步,休息後工作起來會更有效的。對了,明天我要說服我的同Lisa 也出來休息一下。

LL: Why? What is she working on?

LH: 她正在找工作,所以忙著在網上,報上查招聘廣告,寄幾十份履歷給公司,填寫申請工作的表格...... 她已經有一個星期沒有出門了。

LL: Sounds like she does need to come up for some air. If she wants to come out for air tomorrow, maybe I can join you too.

LH:那太好了。你們倆都應該注意休息。You two should come up for air sometimes!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是" holed up", 意思是一個人由於某種原因在一個地方不能出門。李華學到的另一個常用語是"come up for air", 意思是換換環境,休息一會兒。


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