
Gained in Translation:細數外國地名的美翻譯

編者按說起漢語的博大精深,有時會體現在對外國名稱的翻譯上。老一輩中國人,對國外一些著名的人名、地名、品牌名,都有不少經典的翻譯,可謂「信達雅」的典範。比如朱自清將法國的Fontainebleau宮翻譯成「楓丹白露」,一股優雅之氣躍然紙上。徐志摩將它翻譯成「芳丹薄羅」,發音雖然更接近,但和楓丹白露相比,卻還是遜色了,最終沒能流行開。另外說起最經典的名稱翻譯,非「可口可樂」莫屬。據說1927年,可口可樂剛開始在上海銷售的時候,品牌被翻譯成了「蝌蝌啃蠟」,這還有人敢喝嗎?!後來美國人發現了這個問題,就舉辦了一場公開徵名活動,登報懸賞求譯名。一位上海教授蔣彝,便以「可口可樂」四個字擊敗其他對手,輕鬆拿走了獎金。到現在為止,這個詞流行了近百年,其「信達雅」自不必多說。今天呢,CD君就帶你盤點那些被翻譯的美得不像話的國外旅遊勝地名。The Chinese names of seven top world tourism destinations

1. Buckingham Palace (UK)

Origin: Buckingham Palace was created by the Duke of Buckingham in 1703. He built the Buckingham House for himself as his grand London home.

Chinese Translation: 白金漢宮(Bai Jin Han Gong). A transliteration from its English pronunciation to Chinese characteristics, "Bucking" sounds like the "Bai Jin" in Chinese. "Bai Jin" means platinum.

2. Fontainebleau (France)

Origin: The Palace of Fontainebleau is located in commune of Fontainebleau, 55 kilometers southeast of the center of Paris. The name "Fontainebleau" evolves from the concept of "fontaine belle eau", which means "beautiful fountain".

Chinese Translation: 楓丹白露(Feng Dan Bai Lu). The name, transliterated by Zhu Ziqing, refers to two images: red maple and white dew, outlining fascinating autumnal scenery.

3. Champs Elysees Avenue (France)

Origin: The Avenue des Champs-élysées is a boulevard in Paris. It is known for its theatres, cafés, luxury shops, and for the annual military parade that celebrates French National Day. In English, "Champs-élysées" means the Elysian Fields, the paradise for dead heroes in Greek mythology.

Chinese Translation: 香榭麗舍(Xiang Xie Li She). The literal translation is 「Fragrant Pavilion and Beautiful House」.

4. Yosemite National Park (US)

Origin: The name "Yosemite" (meaning "killer" in Miwok), originally refers to the name of an Indian tribe who lived in the central eastern portion of the US state of California.

Chinese Translation: 優山美地(You Shan Mei Di)or 優詩美地(You Shi Mei Di). The literal translation is "Beautiful Mountain and Land" or "Beautiful poem and land".

5. Aegean Sea (Europe)

Origin: The sea was traditionally known as Archipelago (in Greek, Αρχιπ?λαγο?, meaning "chief sea"), but in English the meaning of the word has changed to better represent the Aegean Islands.

Chinese Translation: 愛琴海(Ai Qin Hai). "Ai Qin" can be associated in Chinese with love and music. Because it sounds like 愛情 (Aiqing) which means love and affection, it has become a very romantic place and wedding destination for Chinese people.

6. Honolulu (US)

Origin: Honolulu, which means "sheltered harbor" or "calm port", is the capital of the US state of Hawaii.

Chinese Translation: 檀香山(Tan Xiang Shan)means "Mountains of fragrant sandalwood". It"s believed that the Chinese people brought by the sandalwood trade in Hawaii since the 18th century gave Honolulu its Chinese name.

7. San Francisco (US)

Origin: San Francisco was founded on June 29, 1776. The city by the bay was once a Mexican village named Yerba Buena (Good Grass). In 1846, during the Mexican War, Commodore John Sloat renamed the settlement for its "San Francisco de Asís" mission (better known as Mission Dolores).

Chinese Translation: 舊金山(Jiu Jin Shan)means "Old Gold Mountain". The name "Gold Mountain" was given by Chinese immigrants during the California Gold Rush (1848-55).

Later, Australia"s Melbourne would have a gold rush of its own. That was called "New Gold Mountain", and San Francisco became the "Old Gold Mountain".

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