

  這份工作要求的確很高,但是據知情人士透露,這份工作的工資也相當不菲!根據她們各自的工作時間和經驗保姆門每年能拿到5萬-15萬美元不等的工資。這意味著這對夫婦在照顧孩子們這一方面每年要花至少50萬美元。 我們也很贊同父母給孩子們提供最好的資源讓他們接受到最好的教育.Want to earn $150,000? If you speak multiple languages, have a college degree and are willing to travel the world with the Brangelina family — then read on to see how you could be their nanny!更多英語閱讀

 Raising six children is a full time job, so imagine how hard it must be for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to juggle making movies, doing charity work, and being parents. The beautiful couple needs a lot of hired help to get the job done, but they aren』t looking for your average run-of-the-mill babysitters.    First of all, Brad and Angelina have one nanny for each of their six children. These women are required to speak two languages (with one being the native language of the child), must have college degrees in education or child development, and be willing to travel with the family who splits their time in California, New Orleans, and France.    The job is demanding, but a source says it pays off! Nannies are compensated $50,000 to $150,000 a year depending on time and experience. This means the elusive A-list couple spends more than half a million dollars on childcare each year!  But we applaud the parents for providing their children with the best of the best, and ensuring they are educated to the highest standards possible.

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