


滬江英語 發表於 2012年05月07日 09:37 閱讀(4477) 評論(15) 分類: 滬江英語 舉報

相關搜索詞: 滬江網 空中飛人 就業市場 不要說謊 面試


1.I do kind of live here我在這裡有住處If you"ve used a different address on your résumé totailorit to where the job is based, don"t lie about it when it comes up in the interview. If yourpotentialemployer asks you where you live, tell them where you currently live, but let them know that you"re willing to move for the job. The problem with this lie is you may have several rounds of interviews and you"ll have to keep flyingback and forthfor them. If they think you live in the city, they"ll probably give you short notice for interviews and those last-minute flights can be really expensive.如果你為了應聘某個工作而在簡歷上修改了你的住址的話,那麼在面試的時候,如果說到住處的問題,你最好還是不要隱瞞。如果你的未來僱主問你住在哪,你可以告訴他們你現在的住址,但是讓他們知道你願意為了這份工作而搬家。對現住址撒謊的後果是:在之後幾輪的面試中,你不得不當空中飛人來回奔波。如果未來僱主認為你就住在公司所在的城市,他們就可能不會提前很久通知你下一輪面試,而臨時購買機票往往是很貴的。2.I make so much more than my real salary在薪酬上虛報If your interviewer asks you how much you made at your last job, you may think it"s awhite lietofudgethe numbers a little. However, some employers ask for a copy of your W2, so you may want to becautiousabout giving afakeamount because it can beconstruedasunethical. If you don"t want tocough upyour previous salary, let it be known that you don"t think it has any bearing on this new job and cite the typical industry number.如果面試官問你上一份工作的薪酬是多少,你是不是想多報一點呢?但記住,老闆很有可能問你要你工資條的複印件來核實,如果你虛報的話,那麼僱主就會覺得你缺乏職業道德。如果你不想談及自己以前的薪酬的話,那就告訴面試官,你原來薪酬多少不會影響到這份工作,或者就給出該行業的平均薪酬就好。3.That"s totally my GPA你的平均成績是多少If you think thatinflatingyour grade point average will get you the job, you may want to reconsider. Some companies request a copy of yourtranscriptorverificationwith the school, especially those with job positions that require a minimum GPA.如果你覺得把平均成績說高一點,會讓你獲得這份工作,那麼你要三思了。有些公司,特別是那些要求最低平均成績的公司,在詢問了你的成績後,會向你索取學校提供的平均成績的副本。4.I didn"t get fired at my last job我不是被炒魷魚的Given the bad economy, there are plenty of people that have been laid off so don"t be afraid to let the interviewer know. Try not to go into the details, and let her know what happened and what you learned from the experience.鑒於現在的就業市場不景氣,很多人都是被裁員的。所以,不要害怕讓面試官知道你是被炒魷魚的這個事實。但不要說得太具體,讓面試官知道到底發生了什麼事,你從上一份工作中學到了什麼就夠了。Remember, the generalrule of thumbis to behonestduring your interview. It"s different for everyone, but if you get asked uncomfortable questions, there"s always a polite way of refusing to answer.記住,面試中的黃金定律是要誠實。要求每個人做到誠實也是不太現實的,不過如果你覺得面試官的問題讓你不舒服,那就婉拒回答這個問題就可以了。=========================================== 小編寄語:面試中千萬不要說謊,因為那是你通過的重要標準!


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