

I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER PART 1Cast :Julie James : Jennifer Love HewittHelen Shivers : Sarah Michelle GellarBarry Cox : Ryan PhillippeRay Bronson : Freddie Prinze Jr.Missy Egan : Anne HecheBen Willis : Muse WatsonElsa Shivers : Bridgette WilsonMax : Johnny GaleckiWritten By : Kevin WilliamsonDirected By : Jim GillespieTranscribed By : Ryan Smith (1998)EXT. - Camera pan over the ocean and around reapers curve. camera zero"s in on a man sitting on top of reapers curve holding a silver medallion that says "I love you". The man is drinking. Fireworks are set off, it"s the 4th of july. EXT. - The croaker parade --- Floats are up and down the street and people are cheering. INT. The Croaker queen contest.--- MC - That"s got to be the prettiest girl we"ve ever had in this competition, I tell you. Now let"s welcome back our six finalist on stage, come on back out girls. There they are, pretty as can be I tell ya. were proud of you girls. you"ve worked hard. On the balcony. Barry Cox, Julie James and Ray Bronson are cheering on Helen Shiver. Julie - Look at her she was born for this. Ray - I never knew her breasts were so, ample. Barry - She does these exercises to pump "em up. Julie - Guys, I"m on sexist overdrive as it is, kill the commentary. Back on stage MC - Now in the spirit of Mother Teresa what will be your comtribution to your community and the world at large? Helen - Well Bob, at summers end I plan to move to New York City where I will pursue a career as a serious actress, it"s my goal to entertain the world through artistic expression, through art, I shall serve my country. Back to the balcony Ray - Do you believe all this shit? Barry - Work it babe. Their eating it up, look she"s incredible. Back to stage MC - And now. this years Croaker Queen is...Miss Helen Shivers The crowd cheers as the announcers gives Helen her crown and septor. Barry - That"s my girlfriend, yeah!!!! EXT. The streets of SouthPort --- On the street the song My Baby"s Got The Strangest Ways is being preformed live by Southern Culture on the skids a hundreds of locals are parting. Helen and Julie walk in. Helen - How"s my hair? Julie - Hurricane proof. Helen - Hey, it"s all about the hair don"t you forget that. especially when you become some big hot shot laywer those professional women types thinks its all about brains and ability and compleatly ignore the do". Julie - So the do"s vital, got it. Helens sister Elsa appears. Elsa - Hey you riding with me? Helen - No tell mom I"ll be home late. Elsa - Ah is little miss Croaker getting sauteed tonight? Helen - Oh a twit with a wit. Elsa - Eat me. Max runs up to Julie Max - Hey Julie, I brought you a shooter on the house. Julie - Oh thanks Max but I have this mental block, can"t get past the slime. Max - How about I take you out before you leave town, you know kind of a bon voyage. Julie - Ah you know, I don"t think so. Max - We"ve been friends since forever, now you cant just leave without farewell right? Julie - Right. Barry and Ray walk up .Barry takes the shooter from Max. Barry - A toast to us, to our last summer of immature, adolecant decandence. He drinks the shooter Helen - Somebody"s buzzed. Barry (To Max) - Yo chumbake, take a hike. Barry then pushes Max to the ground and a fight breaks out. Ray pulls them apart. Helen - Barry their just friends. Barry - Okay Ray just taking care of your girl like I promised. Ray - Thanks, Buddie, now lets blow. Helen - Yeah okay, lets beem down to Dawson"s beach. Enjoy a ride? Julie (To Max) - Bye. EXT. Reapers curve --- Driving along the highway, driving very dangerously. EXT. SouthPort beach --- The four friends are on the beach. Ray - So the boy and girl are making out right? When they hear over the radio that this lunatic killer"s escaped from an insane asylum, he gots this long sharp hook for a hand. Barry - No, you"re telling it wrong. Ray - Shut Up! So the girl, she gets all scared right? And the boy, all hot and bothered, he gets pissed and peels out. Barry - No, no, no no. That"s not the way it goes, okay the boy goes for help and the girl stays in the car and she hears this scratching sound... Helen (interupting) - It"s not a scratching sound, it"s a drip, drip, drip. Barry - No. its scartching because the guys been hung from a tree limb and his feet are scratching on the roof of the car. Helen - No, he"s been decapitated and it"s the blood for his severed neck that"s dripping on the car going drip, drip, drip. Julie - No he wasn"t decapitated, he was gutted with a hook. That"s the way I heard it. Ray - You"re all wrong, they get back to the girls house and find the lunatics bloody hook in the car door. Now that"s the original story, that"s the way it really happened. Barry - Hey, hey none of it really happened, it"s a bullshit ghost story to begin with . Ray - No it"s not, it"s true. Helen - Yeah I don"t think so Ray Ray - I swear it. Julie - Please, it"s a fictional story created to warn young girls of the dangers of having premarital sex. Ray - Well actually honey, you know how terrified I am of your IQ but it"s an urban legend, american folklore and they all usually originate from some real life incident. Ray smiles. Some time has passed on the beach and Helen is running around while Barry is laying on the ground. Helen - So by that time, I will just be finishing my two year contract on Guiding Light, coinciding with your first year as starting quaterback for the steelers... Barry - Cowboys! Helen - Whatever. Then we can elope in Europe or the Caymans or wherever where I will let you impregnate me with the first of thrre children, before you head off to rehab and then we can live hapily... Another part of the beach. Julie is walking alone on the beach calling out for Ray. Ray (running behind her) - I"m gonna hook you!! Julie - Hey Ray you don"t really believe all that crap do you? Ray - That"s true. Julie - Please, it"s really a phallic symbol. Ray - Oh really? Julie - Yeah ultimatly castrated. God I"m gonna miss you. They sit down on the sand. Ray - You don"t have to, you can always ditch this Boston thing and come to New York with me. Julie - Yeah well we can"t all sit in the village coffee house and ramble esoterically on our laptops. There just isn"t enough room. Ray - See, no one gets me the way you do. Julie - I understand your pain Ray - Precisely. Julie - I hate this. I really hate this. You"re gonna go off and fall for some head shaving-black wearing-tattoo covered-body peircing philosophy student. Ray - That sounds attractive. Julie - And I"ll never see you again. Ray - Hey, did you know the success rate of high school sweetheart realationships is higher than any other type of relationship? Julie - Yeah? Name your source. Ray then puts his hand on his heart. Julie begins to remove her jacket. Ray - Are you sure? Julie nods yes. Music comes up and the two begin to kiss as they lay on the ground. Cut to - Helen and Barry at Barry"s car. Barry wan"t the keys to his car. Helen - Okay manmeat give me the keys. Barry - Who"s car is this? Nobody drives my car but me. Helen - I know that baby but the Croaker Queen has to get home now. Helen then grabs the keys from Barry. Helen - Thank you. Julie and Ray walk up. Helen - Hey you two. Helen tosses the keys to Ray. Barry - Give me my fuckin" keys. Ray - You"re trashed pal. Helen - Come ride in the back with me, I"ll let you do things to me. Barry (to Ray) - Nobody drives my car but me you got that shit smear? Ray - Loud and clear. Get in the car. IndexNextKevin WilliamsonThis Free Ebook is Produced By "Eshu Space".Need More Free Ebooks, Pls Go Tohttp://eshu.yeah.net/ I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER PART 2INT. Barry"s car. --- Ray is driving, Julie is in the passanger seat and Barry and Helen are in the back seat making out. The car shifts and Barry sits up. Barry - You can"t drive for shit you know that? Julie (to Barry) - Can you say Al-co-hol-ic??? Sappy music is playing on the radio. Barry - What the hell is this crap? Barry then puts on some thrash music and climbs out the sunroof while swilling back the booze and screaming. Barry then drops his bottle on Ray and the car starts to slide. Julie - You asshole. Ray - What"s wrong with you? Barry - WATCH OUT!!!!!!! The car hits something hard and skids off the road. Helen - What was that? Ray - I don"t know. Julie - Is everybody okay? Helen - Yeah Ray - Maybe it was an animal Barry comes down through the sunroof. Helen - Oh my god you"re bleeding. Barry wipes the blood of his face. Barry - It"s not mine. Ray - It must have been a dog or something. Barry (screaming) - Jesus Christ, my fuckin" car. They all hop out and look at the smashed up car. Barry - Fuck! Can"t you see where you"re going?? Ray - Look, it came out of nowhere, I didn"t see it. Julie - A dog couldn"t have done that. Barry - Yeah well a fucking deer could. Ray - You dropped your bottle, I was just... Barry (interupting) - My dad is gonna freak on my ass. Helen - It was an accident leave him alone. Julie - Where is it? If it was a deer then where is it?? Ray - Maybe it ran off. Helen - I hope so, I hope we didn"t kill it. Barry - Fuck that. Lets go. Julie sees a mans boot on the side on the road with blood on it. Julie - Oh my god. She runs and picks it up. Ray - No way. Julie - Oh my god. Helen - But I thought... Ray - I didn"t see it. Barry - No there"s no way. Julie - Oh my god this isn"t happening. Barry runs and gets some flashlights out of the trunk of the car. They begin looking. Barry - You check that side. Ray - Yeah. Barry - Come on Helen. Julie screams in horror, there is a body laying on the side of the road. Ray - I couldn"t see him, I swear. Helen - Is he dead.? Ray - I don"t know Barry - Check his pulse. Ray - No way Barry - You"re the one who rammed him. Julie - Just do it. Ray goes towards the body and checks his pulse. Ray - I think he"s dead. Barry - SHIT....FUCK!!! Helen - Who is he? Ray - I can"t tell, his face is all messed up. Barry - What the hell was he doing out here? Julie - We"ve got to call the police and get an ambulance out here. Barry - Hey hey what"s your hurry? The guys dead. Julie - You"re not a doctor you don"t make that descison. Barry - Use your brain Julie, we call the police and were fucked. Julie - It was an accident. Ray - Look, lets think about this a minute. Julie - Think about what? Think about what? He was crossing the road in the middle of the night okay it was an accident, you weren"t drinking or speeding. Ray - There"s liquor all over the car. Julie - But you"re sober. Ray - They will never believe I was driving. Barry - It"s my car, they"ll nail my ass. Helen - That"s not true. Barry - Are you kidding? Look at me, I"m drunk as shit, I"m fucked. Helen - So we"ll call the police, just tell them the truth, they"ll believe us. Ray - It"s manslaughter. We"re gonna fry no matter who takes the fall. Barry - Then we leave right now. Julie - No way are you crazy? Ray - The grills busted, there"s blood everywhere. Barry - We can clean it up, come on. Julie - Listen to yourselves, NO we are going to the police. Barry (still screaming) - We don"t have time for your shit, you understand? we"ve got to move fast. Ray - Hey, now lets try to stay calm. Focus. Julie - Don"t you get it? If there"s some of him on the car, there"s some of the car on him, their gonna trace it back to you, you"re looking at a hit and run. Barry - Then we dump the body. Julie - You"ve lost it. Helen - Like just pretend we were never here. Barry - We could drag him into the water and dump him in, they wouldn"t find the fucker for weeks by that time all the evidence would be washed away. Ray - If they found him at all... The currents are strong, the undertow could carry him out to sea. Julie - I won"t be any part of it. Ray - Look I"m scared Julie, I"m not like the rest of you, I don"t have the family or the money to get me out of this. Please. Barry - This is your future Julie, think about it, college, your schloarship. The guy"s already dead, if we go to the police we"re dead too. A truck starts coming down the road towards them. Barry - Fuck. Helen - What do we do? Barry (to Ray) - Help me. Barry and Ray pick up the body and carry him over to the other side of the guardrail. Helen - Shit, they"re slowing down. Who is it? Julie - It"s Max. Barry - Get rid of him. Max stops the truck. Max - Julie? What you got car trouble? Max and Julie look over to the guardrail where Barry is pretedning he is vomiting. Julie - Actually, it"s barry, he"s had way too much to drink and were trying to keep the up-chuck out of the new car. Max looks back at the smashed up car. Max - Doesn"t look so new anymore Julie - Yeah, don"t drink and drive. Max - Daddy"s gonna be mad. Ray comes over to the truck. Ray - What can I do for you Max? Max - You can wipe that "my shit don"t stink grin off your face". Ray - Okay Max, will do. Have a goodnight. Max - You almost got that rich boy act down Ray. Ray - We"ll be seeing you Max. Max - Yup. Take care Julie. Max drives away. LastIndexNextKevin WilliamsonThis Free Ebook is Produced By "Eshu Space".Need More Free Ebooks, Pls Go Tohttp://eshu.yeah.net/ I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER PART 3EXT. Down at the docks. --- Barrys car is arriving, they get out and open the trunk and Barry and Ray start dragging the body down to the water. Barry - Even if his body washes ashore in the next couple of weeks, he"ll be eaten by crabs and small fish. Maybe we"ll get lucky with a shark. Take him to the side. they start to lower him on to the side of the wharf. Barry - Put him down. Ray - Easy, that"s it. Barry - Lets do it. Julie - Wait. Ray - What? Julie - Should we check his wallet and see who he is? Barry - Why? Julie - I don"t know okay, just to know. Helen - I don"t want to know. Barry - Let"s just pretend he"s some escaped lunatic with a hook for a hand and we"re doing everybody a favor. Ray help me. Ray - I don"t think I can Barry. Barry - Shit, we agreed Julie - God, come on Barry it"s not too late. Barry (screaming) - You, shut up just shut up. Helen (wanting to get it over with) - Christ already I"ll do it. Helen and Barry start to move the body towards the water when all of the sudden the man wakes up and grabs Helens crown, they all scream and push him in the water. Helen (Hystrical) - My crown, he"s got my crown. Barry jumps in the water after the crown and swims to the bottom where the man has landed with the crown in his hand. Barry reaches for it and as his hands touches the crown the mans eyes pop open and Barry beats the crown away from him while screaming his head off and swims back to the top leaving the man underwater. Ray - Over here. Barry slams the crown to Helen and walks towards the car. Ray - Let"s get out of here. Barry - We"re going home now and never, ever, under any circumstances known to God speak about this again is that clear? It is now mearly a futural therapy bill agreed? Barry (Screaming) - Helen?? Helen - I"ll never mention it again. Barry - We make a pact, right here and now we take this to our grave. Ray - Agreed. Barry - Julie? Julie nods her head in agreement. Barry (livid) - Don"t you nod your head you fuckin say it. Julie (somber) - Yeah okay. Barry runs and grabs Julie by the neck pushing her against the car. Barry - We take this to our grave, let me hear it. Ray - Let her go Barry. Barry - you fucking say it! Julie - Okay Barry, we take this to the grave. Barry gets in the car wet and furious. Ray (to Julie) - It will be okay. Julie begins to cry. And they all get in the car and leave. Camera pans in on the ground where a silver medallion that says "I love you" is laying. ONE YEAR LATEREXT. Julies college. --- Students are running around on campus. INT. Julies dormroom. --- Julies roommate Deb walks in. Deb - Yo, it"s time to go. Julie turns around from her computer revealing that the last year has sure taken its toll on her. Deb - Come on, move your tired ugly ass girl we"re late. Julie - I changed my mind, I"m not going. Deb - Julie, get your white as death, chalky corpse in the car now. Pause. Deb - I said come on. Julie you"re going home for the summer and you"re going to get a tan on that pasty pale tail of yours. They both giggle. Deb - Let"s go. EXT. - Julies house - Deb is pulling the car into the driveway. Julie takes her bag from the backseat. Deb - Remember, sun and fun. Julie - Yeah. Deb drives off leaving Julie home, where she doesn"t want to be. Mrs. James - Julie? Welcome home dear. Julie turns around to see her mother who she hasn"t seen since last summer. Mrs. James - I missed you. INT. - Julies Kitchen - Julie and her mother are eating. Mrs. James - How"s the snapper? Julie just fakes a smile. Mrs. James - I really wanted monkfish but it"s been a bad season. Julie sits stonefaced. Mrs- James - Are you on drugs? Julie is surprised by the question. Julie - What? Mrs. James - I just wanted to surprise you, I want an honest reaction. Julie - No. No mom no drugs. Mrs. James - Well than what is wrong? I mean you look like death. Julie - Yeah well I"ve had a rough year. Julies mom clears the table and Julie gets up and walks towards the living room looking at old awards and pictures of her father. Julies mother walks in. Mrs. James - You got some mail, a letter came today, not your report card though, that came last week. Julie - Mom I know it looks bad but the summer session went really well. Mrs. James - Well it would have to because acording to the dean you only have one more chance. Julie - It"s not that serious really. Mrs. James - What happened to my daughter? I mean you went away and you don"t call and you don"t visit. Mrs. James begins to walk out of the room. Mrs. James - Your father must be turning over in his grave. Julie begins to cry as she opens the plainly marked envelope so see the words written boldy in black marker "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" she looks at it terrified as she begins to cry harder. Julie (Holding back the tears) - Who sent this? There"s no postmark or return address. Mrs. James - Your guess is as good as mine why what does it say? Julie - Nothing. Julie runs up the stairs to her bedroom. She sits on a sofa looking at the letter all night long wondering who could have sent it. She hears a noise outside and runs to shut her window and curtains. She is scared. EXT. - The streets of southport --- Julies car drives up to the store named Shivers. INT. - Shivers --- Back entrance Elsa is talking to some guys unloading merchandise. A man drops one of the boxes. Elsa - Guys, easy. It"s called glass, it breaks. She walks into the main part of the store greeting some shoppers and begins to arrange some things. Julie walks into the store. Elsa - Well well look what the cat drug in. Julie - Elsa, hi. You know what? I need to talk to Helen and I was wondering if you could give me her New York number? Elsa - Her New York number? Julie - Yeah I need to talk to her. Elsa - Fact check Julie, Helen doesn"t have a New York number, if you need to speak to her I suggest you go to womens fragrances, 10 feet to your left. Camera pans off to show Helen who is arranging some bottles of perfume. Elsa - Frightning isn"t it? Helen looks up and sees the friend that she hasn"t seen in a year and smiles. Helen - Julie? Julie walks over to her. Helen - When did you get home? Julie - Yesterday. Helen - It"s good to see you. Julie - What happened to New York. Helen - I went for a while and it didn"t really work out. Julie pulls the letter from her pocket. Julie - Somebody sent this to me. A look of fear crosses Helens face. Helen - Oh my God. Julie - Somebody knows Helen. Helen - How? Julie - I don"t know. Helen - Julie we were so carefull. Julie - Were we? Were we? What if somebody saw us? What if somebody else was there that night? Helen - Who? It"s been a year. Julie - I don"t know. Helen - Has Barry seen this? LastIndexNextKevin WilliamsonThis Free Ebook is Produced By "Eshu Space".Need More Free Ebooks, Pls Go Tohttp://eshu.yeah.net/


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