建築辭彙小彙集以下是翻譯建築類網路文章中遇到並彙集,做個積累,歡迎補充。 火力發電廠建築thermal power plant 薄膜建築thin-film construciton 木結構建築timber construction 地下建築underground structure 紡織長建築textile mill 鋼鐵廠建築steel works 建築標準化standardization in architectural design 體育建築sports building 太陽能建築solar building 造船廠建築shipyard construction
市場辭彙小彙集以下是最近口譯翻譯經濟類文章時遇到的,彙集一下,做個積累。歡迎補充。 壟斷市場to monopolize the market 投入市場to be on the market 第四市場the quaternary market 第三市場tertiary market 重要市場staple market 投機市場speculative market 市場衰退market slump 市場疲軟sluggish market
英國的國立中學60年代以前,英國主要有兩類國立中學:文法中學和現代中學。文法中學是為最聰明的學生辦的,而現代中學則是為「不太聰明」的孩子辦的。 許多人覺得這個制度不公平。在60年代和70年代期間,政府決定把文法中學和現代中學合併起來,變成較大規模的新學校,叫做「綜合學校」。 在英國,80%以上的國立中學都是綜合學校。人們希望綜合學校能解決國家教育的問題。人們希望,如果兒童能從許多科目中做出選擇,他們會學得更好些。 他們相信,那些「不太聰明」的孩子們同那些聰明的孩子一同學習會學到更多的東西。他們認為,實踐性強些的教育能為國家培育出更好的科學家和企業家。但是,新教育制度的結果並不能令每個人滿意。 Before the 1960s there were two kinds of state secondary schools in Britain:「grammar」schools and 「secondary modern」schools. The grammar schools were for the most intelligent children and the secondary modern schools were for the 「less intelligent」children. Many people felt that this system was unfair. During the 1960s and 1970s the government decided to join the grammar and secondary modern schools. The new, bigger schools were called 「comprehensives」. More than eighty percent of state secondary schools in Britain are nwo comprehensives. Everyone hoped that comprehensive schools would be the answer to the nation`s education provblems. They hoped that children would do better if they chose from many different subjects. They believed that the not best clever would learn more when they work with the best clever. They thought that a more pracitical education would give the country better scientists and businessmen.But not everyone was pleased with the results.
奧運辭彙小彙集 以下是翻譯文章時積累的幾個關於奧運的詞語,彙集如下(歡迎補充):奧林匹克公園Olympic Green人文奧運People`s Olympics綠色奧運Green Olympics奧林匹克精神the Olympic spirit申辦2008年奧運會bid for 2008 Olympics申辦城市the bidding cities國際奧委會the International Olympic Committee(IOC)科技奧運the Scientific Olympics
你知道雞毛毽子用英文怎麼說嗎? 正在幫一位朋友寫篇網路英文新聞報道,是關於退休老年人退休後如何健身的。是說老年人做太極拳、踢毽子,等等。 突然不知道「毽子」用英文怎麼說? 十八年以來,每天都在積累記憶單詞,卻發現還有很多的生詞。 經過查詢,答案是:shuttlecock。
語言學習兩點注意 關於語言學習有兩點值得注意。第一是為學生提供熟悉或有趣的環境。研究結果顯示,如果學生的注意力集中於活生生的現實環境,他們便能更有效地學習語言。第二是在交談中學習的重要性。交流即人與人之間的交談,也是學習語言的基本目的。在語言課上,交換有實際用途的信息才是真正的交流。 Two points are worth highlighting concerning language learning. The first is about providing a context that students find familiar or interesting. Research suggests that students learn more effectively when their attention is focused on real-life situations. The second poind is about the importance of learning through interaction. Communication-a primary objective of language learning-is about people interaction.In the language classroom, real interation must involve the sharing of real information.
輕鬆法語三分鐘括弧里是英文的解釋。Etes-vous nombreux?(Are there lots of members of your family?)J`ai trois freres.(There are three brothers in my family.)Voici mon pere. II est medecin.(This is my father, he is a doctor.)Au revoir.(Good-bye.)Depeche-toi!(Hurry up.)Attention!(Pay attention.)Pourquoi?(Why)Quoi?(what)Quand?(When)A propos,?(By the way.)Qu`est-ce que c`est?(What is this?)Comment faire?(How to do?)Quelle heure est-il?(What time is this?)Encore une fois!(try again.)Silence!(quiet)
輕鬆法語三分鐘 括弧里是英文解釋 Bonne idee!(good idea!) Superbe!(great!) Que c`est beau!(How beautiful!) Vous parlez bien chinois.(You speak chinese well.) Bon succes!(Wish you success.) Bien.(Good.) Tres bien.(Very good.) Je I`oublie.(I forgot.) C`est mon carte de visite.(This is my business card.) Bonjour,je m`appelle Yulu, Je suis enterprete.(Hello, this is Yulu, I am an interpreter.) C`est I`heure.(Time is up.) II est dix heures juste.(It is just ten o`clock.)
西雅圖 下面是一小段翻譯練習。 西雅圖以潮濕的氣候及其雨林而聞名。西雅圖人說他們喜歡雨水使城市常青,喜歡雨後清新的空氣。 晴朗、燦爛的天氣和碧藍的天空把西雅圖人從舒適的小屋子裡拽出來,準備曬太陽和玩樂。人們去遠足、騎自行車、劃獨木舟。 人們在園子里幹活,洗車,參加公園裡的露天音樂會——全在同一天里完成! 人們舉辦戶外燒烤、野餐,滑水聚會等活動。在這兒,不好好享受美好一天的每一時刻是一種罪過。 譯文:(歡迎批評指正) Seattle is famous for its damp weather and its rainforest. Seattleites will say they like how rain keeps the city green,how clean the air tastes afterwards. The sunny, gorgeous weather and blue skies draw Seattleites from their cozy little homes, ready to dry out and have fun. People go hiking, biking, and canoeing. Folks work in their gardens, wash their cars and attend outdoor concerts in the park-all in the same day! People host barbecues and picnics and water-skiing parties. It`s a sin around here to not thoroughly enjoy every moment of every golden day.
黃石公園 下面是一小段翻譯練習。 歡迎來到世界第一座國家公園,美國的黃石公園!在這個人間仙境里,大自然呈現著壯觀的景色。大家看!溫泉展現出藍、黃、橙等艷麗的色彩。地球上再也找不到任何地方可與此地相婫美。 科學探險隊在1870和1871年來到懷俄明州西北角的這快地方。目睹此地奇景的人意識到保護美景的必要。通過他們的努力,黃石國家公園終於於1872年誕生。 溫泉區是這個國家公園的特色。雖然紐西蘭和冰島也有溫泉,但是黃石公園的溫泉數比全世界其他地區加起來的總數還要多。 整個公園布滿了200多個溫泉及一萬多個溫泉景觀。今天,所有這些都受到保護。公園不允許遊客偏離步道或觸摸溫泉景觀。(摘自《高級口譯》) 譯文:(歡迎批評指正) Welcome to the world`s first national park, the Yellowstone Park of the United States!In this paradise, nature takes on spectacular view.Hot springs desplay brilliant colors of blue, yellow and orange. You could not find any place else like this. Scientifec expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871. The men who ovserved the wonders of the area saw the need to protect them. Through their efforts, which was born in 1872. The park`s thermal areas make it unique. Hot springs are also found in New Zealand and Iceland. But Yellowstone has more hot springs than the rest of the earth combined. More than 200 hot springs and 10,000 thermal features dot the park.And are protected. The park does not allow visitors to wander off the walkways or touch the thermal features.
體育運動下面是一小段中英文翻譯練習。 體育運動是人類的共同語言,是促進和平與發展的重要因素。自遠古時代起,體育運動就已超越種族、膚色、文化的差異,承載著人類對和平美好世界的嚮往與追求。 中國代表團認為,在21世紀的今天,世界各國仍應繼續堅持《聯合國憲章》的宗旨與原則,積極倡導奧林匹克精神,增進不同文明間的對話與交流。 奧林匹克理想是人類不斷的追求,體育運動和體育教育則是實現這一追求的具體實踐。 體育運動不僅讓我們擁有強健的體魄,更讓我們學會溝通、合作和尊重他人學會接受失敗。體育成了不同文明之間加強聯繫的重要媒介。(摘自《高級口譯》) 譯文:(歡迎批評指正) Sport is a universal language,and an important factor in promotion of peace and development.That is an of humanity`s aspirations for and pursuit of a peaceful and better world among races,colors and cultures. The chines delegation think, in the 21th century, all countries should continue to uphold the objectives and principles of the UN Charter,and actively advocate the Olympic spirit so as to enhance dialogues and exchanges among civilizaions. Sport is the pursuit of the Olympic ideal.Sport and education are the practices. Sport not only builds one`s physique, but also teaches us how to communicate,cooperate,respect the others, and learn acceptance of failure. As such, it is an important medium for strengthening ties among different civilizations.
試將李白的《送友人》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。送友人(李白)青山橫北郭,白水繞東城,此地一為別,孤蓬萬里征。浮雲遊子意,落日故人情,揮手自茲去,蕭蕭班馬鳴。譯文:See off my friend(LiBai)Green mountains cross the North,Limpid water surrounds the East,Once we separate here,You go ten-thousands-li road alone.Cloud float,and your who far away meaning, The sun falls, my friend`s idea,Waves hands and leaves alone,Horses sing XiaoXiao.
讀《語言風格的語音標記與翻譯》後作者:曹合建文章題名:語言風格的語音標記與翻譯發表刊物:《翻譯季刊》2003年第28期摘要:本文指出。小說和散文中語言風格的語音標記主要體現在以下幾個層面:雙母音,長母音與輔音聯綴的使用:短母音的使用:單音節、雙音節和多音節的使用;諧音與變異在語音層面的使用。通過實例分析,文章指出分析在語言風格和語音標記之間存在某種關聯,且在翻譯過程中,將原文中體現語言風格的語音標識在譯文中重新再現是完全可以做到的。關鍵詞:語言風格;語音標記;翻譯作者聯繫地址:湖南省長沙市湖南大學外國語學院,郵編410012Author:Cao HeijianTitle:Phonological Markers語音標記of Linguistic Style and TranslationPublication:Translation Quarterly,2003,No.28Abstract:This paper investigates phonological markers of linguistic style in fiction and pross from the following aspects:the use of diphthong(名詞,雙母音),long vowels and consecutive consonats(未查到);the use of vowils;the use of mono-syllables(名詞,音節);disyllables(名詞,雙音節詞) and poly(名詞,多,聚)-syllables;the use of homophones(名詞,同音字)and phonetic(形容詞,語音的)distortion at the phonological level.Through analysis of specific examples, we believe that there is certain linkage between linguistic style and phonological devices and that it is possible to reproduce the original language style represented by phonological markers in the process of translation.Key words:linguistic style;phonological markers;translationAddress:School of Foreign Languages, Human University, Changsha 410012,China讀後:經查並在英文總註明的生詞。diphthong(名詞,雙母音)consonats(未查到) syllables(名詞,音節)disyllables(名詞,雙音節詞) poly(名詞,多,聚)homophones(名詞,同音字)phonetic(形容詞,語音的)
中國菜單的英文翻譯(雨露雨婷) 根據新聞報道,最近,一份中國菜單的英文翻譯正式公布。 中國地大物博,各地的許多特色小吃還有很多。那麼,你有沒有遇到過菜名翻譯時什麼有趣的經歷呢?歡迎參加討論。
積累的部分食物名的英文:餃子dumpling餛飩ravioli,wonton芹菜celery蕎麥buckwheat麵條noodle米飯rice蘋果apple蘋果醬apple butter香腸sausage,banger豆腐bean curd豆漿soybean milk油菜rape白菜cabbage茄子eggplant,aubergine西紅柿tomato雞蛋egg雞肉chicken葡萄酒sherry,Tokay,wine土豆potato,murphy黃瓜cucumber西瓜watermelon玉米餅hoecake,pone,tortilla玉米corn,maize,mealie火鍋chafing dish荔枝lichee,litchi,lychee草莓strawberry楊梅red bayberry香瓜muskmelon,cantaloup,cantaloupe香瓜banana鹽salt醋vinegar醬catsup,soy sauce醬油sauce,soy sauce,soy花椒pepper魚fish肉meat鵝肉goose,geese帶魚hairtail鯉魚carp粉flour瓜子melon seeds餅乾biscuit,cracker,cookie,cooky蛋糕cake羊肉mutton蔥onion蒜garlic姜ginger菠籮pineapple菠菜spinach桔子orange橙子orange梨pear桃子peach辣椒chill,capsicum,cayenne,pimiento蘿蔔radish,turnip棗Chinese date
讀《從後現代的角度看待法律翻譯》後 作者:謝聰 文章題名:從後現代的角度看待法律翻譯 發表刊物:《翻譯季刊》2002年第24期 摘要:長久以來,英語始終都是香港的法律語言。它是法令所使用的語言,是法庭所使用的語言,是法律文件所使用的語言等等。即使有中文版本,但是當出現異議的時候,仍然是以英語版本為準。鑒於這種情況,法律翻譯就好像是一個灰姑娘。但是在1985年簽署中英聯合聲明後,這種情況發生了巨大的變化。1987年頒布的官方語言法令(修正案)和翻譯及總條款法令(修正案)標誌著,在法律領域中。英語作為壟斷語言的時代到了盡頭。現在,過去用英語寫的法律條令都被司法部門譯成了漢語,新頒布的法律都有漢語和英語兩種版本。更重要的是,兩種語言的版本都被視為是準確的,都具有同等的法律效力。這個在法律方面範式的轉變為法律翻譯的研究注入了新的活力。在John Joseph「不確定性、翻譯和法律」一文中,Joh Joseph提出了三種處理法律翻譯的原則(這正是他所認為的立法方面的翻譯)。第一條原則就是在口號中所體現的「要解釋而不應僅僅是翻譯」。第二條原則是「讓文本在語義角度、文體角度和心智角度上進行充分的融合」,因為「這會使隱含於法律決定論的作者和譯者浮出水面。」最後一條原則就是過去認為翻譯應該減弱原文的這個理論應該被取消。倘若香港和其他地區法律方面的專業人士的保守態度能夠允許的話,這篇文章就是要解釋這些原則在多大程度上可以解決法律翻譯人員所面臨的問題。 關鍵詞:香港;法律翻譯;後現代視角 作者聯繫地址:中國香港九龍達之路香港城市大學語文學部 Author:Alan Tse Title:A Post-modern Approach towards Legal Translation:A Critical Review Publication:Translation Quartly, 2002,No.24 Abstract:All along, the English language had been the language of the law in Hong Kong.It was the language of the statutes, the court and the legal literature, etc.Even when a Chinese version was available, it was always the English version which would prevail in the event of discrepancy(名詞,相差,差異,矛盾,出入,不同,不一致).Against this backdrop(名詞,背景),legal translation had become some sort of a Cinderella.The situation took an about-turn after the singing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the future of Hong Kong in 1985.The passage of the Official Languages (Amendment)Ordinance and the Interpretaion and General Clauses (Amendment)Ordinance in 1987 spelt and end to the monopoly of the English language in the legal domain. Now, all statutes previously written in English have been translated into Chinese by the Department of Justice and all new statues are enacted(及物動詞,頒布,制定法律)in both Chinese and English. More importantly, both language versions are regarded as authentic(形容詞,可靠的,真實的,可信的)and have equal status. This paradigm(名詞,範例)shift in the linguo-legal scenario(名詞,劇本,劇情,方案,概要) has given a fresh impetus(名詞,衝力,原動力)to the study of legal translation in the local context. In this essay, "Indeterminacy, Translation and the Law"(1985), John Joseph proposes three (macro)principles in tacking legal translation(by which be probably means translation of legislation, or statues). The first principle is encapsulated(動詞,壓縮)in the slogan "interpreting rather than merely translating." The second principle is "interviewing in texts,semantically(語義地),stylistically,intellectually"because "this undoes the absence of author translator that underlies the determinism."The final principle holds that the myth of legal that translation should have all the ease of original composition should be dismissed as meaningless. The present paper attmpts to show the extent to which these principles can answer some of the major questions encountered by the legal translator, given the conservative attitude of the legal profession in Hong Kong and probably elsewhere. Key words:Hong Kong; legal translation;the post-modern approach Address:Division of Language Studies, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 雨露雨婷讀後:經查並在英文中註明的生詞。 discrepancy(名詞,相差,差異,矛盾,出入,不同,不一致) backdrop(名詞,背景) enacted(及物動詞,頒布,制定法律) authentic(形容詞,可靠的,真實的,可信的) paradigm(名詞,範例) scenario(名詞,劇本,劇情,方案,概要) impetus(名詞,衝力,原動力) encapsulated(動詞,壓縮) semantically(語義地)
孟郊的《遊子吟》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。遊子吟(孟郊)慈母手中線,遊子身上衣,臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸,誰言寸草心,報得三春暉?譯文:The son far away home(MengJiao)Mother with thread in hand,That is the clothes of the son,Seaming densely,before son leaves,Worry to come back late,Who knows the heart of mother,How to repay and reward the mother?
讀《新詞翻譯與譯名統一》後 作者:李德鳳 文章題名:新詞翻譯與譯名統一 發表刊物:《中國科技翻譯》2003年第3期 摘要:在眾多的領域中,新詞出現得最快最頻繁的恐怕莫過於信息科技。本文以信息科技為例,討論了英語新詞漢譯與譯名統一的問題。文章首先分析了英語新詞漢譯中存在的主要問題,如一詞多譯,中英夾雜,詞性、詞義配譯失當,譯名太長,解釋代替翻譯,與社會通用名詞與專業術語不符,以及錯譯等,並對其中最突出的問題,即一詞多譯的現象藉以產生的政治、文化、語言、地理等方面的原因進行重點分析。一詞多譯的現象及其所帶來的各種問題,已受到人們的注意。但是如何看待或者解決這種問題,特別是中國內地、香港及台灣三地之間英語新詞漢譯的差異,大家看法不一。部分學者認為,譯名的差異導致閱讀不便,給交流造成了一定的困難,應設法統一三地的譯名。持這種觀點的似乎以內地學者居多。另一部分學者則認為,由於內地、香港及台灣三地用語固有許多差異,各有特色,因此,對於英語新詞,三地宜盡其所長,根據各自語言文化的習慣翻譯,不必「統一」。持這種觀點的似乎以港台學者居多。本文認為,從理論上講,內地、香港及台灣三地統一譯名具有實際意義,可以減少交流溝通的不便,避免混亂。但是,基於三地的社會文化因素確實存在一定的差異,目前譯名統一缺乏切實可行的辦法,現階段的目標應該是內地、香港及台灣三地儘力做到區內統一,而非整個大中華(the Greater China)地區的統一,而三地之間可以維持相對獨立的譯名。 關鍵詞:新詞;翻譯;統一 作者聯繫地址:香港新界沙田香港中文大學翻譯系 Author:Li Defeng Title:Translation and Standardization of Neologisms(名詞,新語,創造或使用新語) Publication:Technology Translators Journal,2003,No.3 Abstract:Translation of neologisms has received considerable attention among translators, translation theorists, lexicographers(名詞,辭典編篡人)and even philosophers.Iexicographers and even philosophers. This issue has been particularly of interest to Chinese translation scholars due to the fact that multiple Chinese translations are often found for one single new word or phrase in English and different translations are produced and used in different geographical regions in the Greater China Area(e.g.,Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan). With the example of translating neologisms in the area of information technology, the present article delves(動詞,鑽研)into the political, socio-cultural, linguistic and geographical factors behind phenomenon of multiple Chinese translations being produced for a single new word or phrase in English. Many Chinese translation scholars, particularly those based in the Chinese mainland, seem to converge(動詞,整合,會聚)in their belief that translations of neologisms should be standardized across such regions as the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and even other countries in the Greater China area, in order to facilitate communication between them.The present author argues, however, that such a goal, ideal in theory, is next to impossible to achieve in present social, political, cultural, geographical context.Rather than striving for standardization across Greater China area, present efforts should be directed towards standardization within different areas such as the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.The author further makes recommendations about the methods to reach this goal. Key words:neologisms;translation;standardization Address:Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 讀後:converge(動詞,整合,會聚)lexicographers(名詞,辭典編篡人)delves(動詞,鑽研)
讀《論科技翻譯與可伺利用的網路資源的關係》後 作者:張耀華 文章題名:論科技翻譯與可伺利用的網路資源的關係 發表刊物:《長安大學學報》2002年第3期 摘要:互聯網為現代社會帶來了一場信息革命,同時也使當代翻譯研究進入到一個藉助現代網路技術進行翻譯實踐的巨大變革時代,這種變革的集中體現之一就是計算機和網路的迅猛發展和應用與翻譯實踐之間的關係。網路技術打破了傳統的以部門為主的條塊分割的科技資料翻譯的壟斷格局,不僅把專業科技翻譯人員從故紙堆里解放了出來,也使信息傳播方式突破了人們被動接受的局限,使那些對科技翻譯感興趣的業餘翻譯人員獲取有價值信息進行翻譯實踐活動成為可能,為業餘科技翻譯人員進行翻譯實踐活動開闢了一條可行的途徑。翻譯工作者應該利用網路資源的互動優勢,主動搜集大量相關信息,全面了解和掌握第一手資料,拓展知識面,提高自己比對信息和甄別有用信息的能力,使之儘快轉化為新的生產力。在現代技術迅猛發展的信息時代,任何人都不能以不變應萬變的態度對待日新月異的現代知識的更新。在科技翻譯實踐過程中,特別是將中文技術資料翻譯成外文時,翻譯人員難免會碰到一些生僻和令人困惑的辭彙和語句。解決這一問題的有效方法便是利用自己的語言優勢,直接登陸到國外的相關網站對相對陌生的技術信息做進一步的了解。通過網路資源參考目標語在相關信息的表述方式,從而對那些枯燥、晦澀的文字信息進行相應的處理,使翻譯出的語言信息能夠更加準確、流暢地反映出作者的原意。本文在敘述科技翻譯與網路資源的關係的同時還簡要地列舉了一些作者自己利用網路資源進行翻譯實踐的實例。 關鍵詞:網路資源,印刷信息,變譯,語料庫 作者聯繫地址:長安大學外國語學院,郵編710064 Author:Zhang Yaohua Title:Study on the Relation Between Sci-and Tech-translation and Available Web Resources Publication:Journal of Chang`an University,2002,No.3 Abstract:Internet has not only brought avout the information revolution upon modern society, but also made large-scale changes in translation activities in the way of making use of web resources.The changes is reflected by the relation between hightly developed worldwide computer network and translation acitvities. The network eventually helps to break out the traditional monopolization(名詞,獨佔,專賣,壟斷)erected by various departments, which has a lot of barriers in the field of Sci-and Tech-translation.With the help of web technique, professional translators are no longer confined in the endless printing materials, instead, both the professional and amateur translators may surf(名詞,衝浪)on the wev resources to search for useful information themselves so as to have it translated in time. The interactive advantages of web resources make it possible for translators to get first-hand materials, which may help translators to cultivate their knowledge background and upgrade their ability in the respect of selecting and defining useful information, as to have it turned into productive force as soon as possible. Also, in translation activeties, especially when Chinese data is to be turned into foreign languages, there are many cases that some strange words or awkward sentences will inevitably be encontered. The effective way to deal with such issues is to log on the web side hosted by the native speakers of the target languages to consult how the topic is expressed, so as to have the data translated naturally and smoothly. In talking about the relations between Sci-and Tech-translation and web resources, this article offers some experiences that the author made use of web resources in the translation practice. Key words:web resources;printing materials;variation translation;corpus(名詞,文集,本金) Address:School of Foreign Languages Chang`an University, Chang`an 710064,China 讀後:經查並在英文中註明的單詞如下。monopolization(名詞,獨佔,專賣,壟斷)surf(名詞,衝浪)corpus(名詞,文集,本金)
讀《中國台灣地區翻譯批評之初步分析》後 作者:胡功澤 文章題名:中國台灣地區翻譯批評之初步分析 發表刊物:《翻譯季刊》2003年第27期 摘要:在中國台灣省的歷史上,1950年是一個重要的轉折點。除了在政治和經濟上的轉折之外,文化領域也正在經歷一個轉變。正如Itamar Even-Zohar曾經提到的,在轉折期間,文化作品產出的這一層面,翻譯起到了重要作用。從20世紀50年代起,在台灣文化環境中大量的學術研究都集中在翻譯的重要性。但是直到1970年才有一本正式的關於翻譯批評的雜誌問世。這本雜誌的內容和在其他材料上的批評都給台灣的翻譯實踐和翻譯批評提供了一個新的視角。台灣早期的翻譯批評主要是強調「同化」原則,提出譯作應該「通順」,讀起來就像是「原文」或者是「沒有翻譯的痕迹」。梁實秋文學將就以這個作為標準。但是在20世紀80年代和90年代,隨著Lifevere, Even-Zohar和後殖民理論而產生的批評,「文化轉折」對翻譯批評產生了巨大影響。這些都試圖考察存在系統干涉情況下的翻譯條件。從一開始就注意到了翻譯實踐的批評,但是這些標準都只是適用於文學翻譯。這樣的標準有時對於翻譯實踐來說沒有太多的用處。比如說,由於航空手冊的不當翻譯導致了飛行事故。而且關於翻譯實踐的本質,譯者和編輯之間也存在著分歧。所有的這些事實都表明,不論是文學文本還是非文學文本,我們需要細化的翻譯標準。 關鍵詞:翻譯批評;台灣 作者聯繫地址:中國台灣輔仁大學德語系 Author:Hu Gongze Title:Analysis on Translation Criticism in Taiwan(China) Publication:Translation Quarterly,2003,No.27 Abstract:The year 1950 marks a turning point in the history of Taiwan.The cultural sphere entered a period of transition(名詞,轉移,變化).As Itamar Even-Zohar has argued, translations play an important role in generating literary production during such a transition, and from the 1950s, a certain amount of scholarly research began to focus on the importance of translation to the emerging Taiwan literary milieu(名詞,環境,周圍)But it was not until 1971 that there appeared a journal more seriously devoted to the publishing of translation criticism. The contents of this journal provide an initial insight into the practice and needs of translation criticism in Taiwan. Earlier translation criticism in Taiwan primarily stressed "domesticating(未查到)"arguing that a translation should read"fluently", be "like an original" or have "no translation style". The Liang Shiqiu translation prizes further developed such criteria.In the 1980s and 1990s, however, the so-called "cultural turn"exerted an influence on translation criticism, with critiques drawing on the ideas of Lefevere, Even-Zohar and post-colonial theory. These try to examine translation conditions under which systematic interference is discovered. Criticism of practical translations has also been undertaken since the very beginning, but the criteria have mainly been those used for literary translation. Such criticism has sometimes thus proved of little use to practical translation. It was even suggested that air accidents have been caused from unsuitable translation of airplane manuals. Furthermore, disagreements between translator and editor arise from differing views as to the nature of practical translation. All the facts show that we need more clearly differentiated criteria for translation criticism, both for literary and non-literary texts. Key words:translation criticism;Taiwan Address:German Department, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, China 讀後:經查並在英文中著名的單詞。transition(名詞,轉移,變化)milieu(名詞,環境,周圍)domesticating(未查到)
將劉長卿的《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》翻譯成英文 試將劉長卿的《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》翻譯成英文,歡迎批評指正。逢雪宿芙蓉山主人(劉長卿)日暮蒼山遠,天寒白屋貧,柴門聞犬吠,風雪夜歸人。譯文:Lodge in host of Fu Rongshan for snowing(Liu Changqin)With the sun falling,the mountain seems far,It is cold, the house is simple and crude, The door is made of wood,the dog bays,Go home with wind and snow for night.
※西雅圖的雨 - 追憶留學的似水年華