記得前幾天偶然在一本雜誌上看到這樣一篇文章,感覺不錯,所以抄了下來,貼在日誌上面和友友們分享共勉!Interview with GODI dreamed i had an interview with GOD""So you would like to interview me"GOD asked"If you have the time"I asked GOD smiled"My time is enternity ...""What questions do you have in mind for me?""What surprises you most about humankind?"GOD answered"That they lost their health to make money...and they lost money to restore their healthThat by thinking anxiously about futureThat they live as if they will never dieand die as though they had never lived"GOD"shand took mine and we were silent for a whileAnd then i asked "As a present what are some of life"s lesson you want your children to learn ""To learn they can"t make anyone love themAllthey can do is let themselves be loved To learnto forgive by practicing forgivenessTo learn that a rich person is not one who has the most but is one who needs the least To learn that there are people who love them clearlybut simply do not yet knowhow to express or show their feeling很不錯的一篇文章,單詞也很簡單,讀讀吧,或許能明白點什麼哦