
(周運)佩妮 2013 7.15

白羊座——譯者:LLLCCCC 幾個行星和諧完美,你怎能不提前開始享受這一周呢?誠然,如果你正在承受著任何類型的傷害,那麼你將意識到疼痛不會再繼續了,而且你的未來會有許許多多美好的時刻。而當前應該正在發生的是,你在尋找平衡,尤其是財務上的;當然,有些白羊可能做的一些財產投資,或者簽署合約會帶來額外收入。 生活的另一領域——戀愛關係,可以從行星停戰中獲益,無論是你的長期夥伴還是新人,你都會以最好的方式重燃愛火。 和諧與平衡。 金牛座——譯者:長襪子皮皮 你可能並不總是認為土星是你的朋友,而在現在這種情況下,他絕不是你的敵人。這顆星正穿越的相關區域會幫助一些金牛穩定下來,幫助另一些金牛從愛以及一些年長聰慧的人的支持中有所收穫。你們當中與伴侶關係正處在苦難階段的或者是有一段曖昧關係的,基本上這些就都要結束了。 無論現在情況如何,你採取的行動此刻都是能帶來穩定和實現自己需求的結果的,無論是感情方面還是工作方面。你應該7月中旬結婚,不會有比那時對此更有利的星相了。 到達彼岸。 雙子座——譯者:熒光草 跟隨你的直覺。不是每一天你都能擁有如此幸運的星相主管你的事,所以,如果你有任何想推進的事,那麼,就是現在。在你自我價值區域上的木星與土星及海王星形成角度:一方面,一個業務的鏈接可能導向非凡大事,另一方面,你可能,也應該會做出一個令你的未來更加富足又穩固的決策。 然後,當然,會有完全意想不到的事件發生,它會增強你的信心,讓你感覺到幸福。本周做一些積極的事-你的努力會得到回報。 幸福時光。 巨蟹座——譯者: 羊 嗯,木星進入巨蟹內只不過剛三周,但現在它已經開始展示它的威力了。它與海王星、土星組成了閃耀無比的水相大三角是夢想得以顯露的不二法寶。雖說不見得每個蟹紙都能有膽公開炫舞,但確實只有採取行動才能為未來帶來成功和幸福。 因此讓我們在本次木星肥沃的土壤中播種吧,你會看到繁花盛開的!本周六,水星恢復順行,所以各種延遲反覆情況將逐漸成為過去時。另外,那些會讓你開心高興的消息正在來的路上,把這些影響發揮到最大吧:即使是一個小小的快樂時刻也會迸發出長久的裨益。 喜訊! 獅子座——譯者: 長襪子皮皮 即使有了什麼積極的進展,它們也仍舊尚未顯露出來。但你不能因為你看不到成功的跡象就認為它們不存在。一周之內,太陽就會進入你的星座,你就能夠對情況覺得更有把握了。繼續努力,保持樂觀。周日,水星的順行會幫你消除那些溝通不順暢的地方,並且讓你思考問題的時候更有邏輯。 這就是說:如果你對於房產或者財務方面有什麼預感,就跟隨它。當你的理性和感性能得到最好的結合的時候,會有一些神奇的事情發生。 保持信念。 處女座——譯者:熒光草 海王是一顆可以賜福也可以施咒的麻煩星!這顆星星落在關係區,特別是對愛情生活以及一般的人際關係,它會編織魔法咒語。一些法術可愛友好,一些則不是。然而,此刻海王與實用的土星及慷慨的木星形成了一個極好的角度,所以,在生活與愛情中,你很可能會體驗到最美好。 現在該是時候對一段關係做出承諾,或將你的才智聰明暫放一邊,在那些向你表達愛意與讚賞的人中,最重要的是你要尋求並相信至純至真的情意。破碎的心可以得到撫慰,而傷害可以得到原諒。 簡單,純美。 天秤座——譯者: 天蠍座——譯者:子夜 行星以如此喜人的風格排列已經有很長一段時間了,所以,即便你所有的問題尚未一夜之間都能解決,你也已經在隧道的盡頭看到了一線光明了。此刻要採取行動,不管你是否發自內心地想要表現或展露你的天分與野心,而加入你對結果感到失望,也不要怪罪到行星的頭上——是命運在告誡你你走的不是一條有前途的道路。 你會更加關注遙遠的視界,所以會隨時準備著一趟遙遠之旅——而且,大多數情況下,會是一場遙遠並且經歷豐富的旅程。要敢於冒險啊,蠍紙。你聽過那句格言:命運青睞勇者。那就用實踐檢驗一下吧。 命運青睞勇者。 射手座——譯者:扭森森 射手的心中時常醞釀著一些美好的願望,這樣至少會讓你的7月充滿樂觀的態度和美好的理想。守護你的木星出現在這次大三角星相之中,即使這並不能說明什麼好事一定會發生,也至少能給你的生意事業帶來一股積極向上的動力。 如果你打算向別人推廣、銷售你的創意,或者你希望自我修整、查缺補漏,眼下的時機是再合適不過了。希望你能有所收穫,或者至少說,如果你有足夠的時間和金錢,大可以為了慶祝某件事而好好揮霍一番。 喜慶。 摩羯座——譯者:腳步 未能實現的許諾會令人更加失望,因此我並不想將你的希望值抬得太高。然而這些星星里包含著那麼多積極的能量,即便你找不到什麼準確的理由來打開香檳慶祝,某件大好事還是會開始生根發芽。這段時期里所種下的努力應該會成長起來並獲得豐收,而此時所誕生的嬰兒多半也會有著非常特別的天賦。對許多天國的山羊們而言走過的這半年實在是艱難,但現在正是回報迎面滾滾而來的時期。並且請記住,千里之行,始於足下。說到「行」,周六水星的回歸正軌將會令旅行與交流溝通輕鬆許多。 沐浴祝福之中。 水瓶座——譯者: 雙魚座——譯者:PM 海王星享有將夢想變為現實的盛名,可惜不是以好的方式——喚醒鬧鈴是心靈良藥,但卻苦口——不過,很快你將看到某個夢想得以實現。毋庸置疑,此刻的星象會帶來美好結局。有時小小的進展也預示著希望之光,所以沒必要追求重磅炸彈般的驚喜。 另一方面來說,如果你置身某特別時刻、或是為了某特定目標辛苦努力的話,小宇宙的力量與你同在!水星於周六恢復順行更是錦上添花,助你澄清誤會,直截了當地達成目的,無需再兜圈子。 一切都好。 原文: The Week Ahead for Aries 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 With several planets in perfect harmony, how can you not enjoy the week ahead? Certainly, if you』re bearing a wound of any description, it』s time you recognized that the pain will not last forever, and there are plenty of great events in your future. What should be happening now is that you are finding balance, especially with your finances; indeed, some Arians could be about to invest in a property or sign a contract that will generate extra income. Relationships are another area of life that could benefit from the planetary armistice, whether you are rekindling the flame of love with a long-term partner or someone new is setting you on fire in the nicest possible way. Harmony and balance. The Week Ahead for Taurus 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 You may not always believe Saturn is your friend, but on this occasion he is anything but an enemy. This planet continues its journey through the zone of relating helping some Taureans to 『settle down』 and others to benefit from the love and support of older and wiser people. And then there are those of you who are experiencing difficulties with a partner or who have had a relationship come to an end. Whatever the state of play, the actions you take at this time should lead to the stability and the fulfilment you require, both in a romantic relationship or a working association. Should you indeed be tying the knot during this mid-July period, the signs could not be more propitious. Getting there. The Week Ahead for Gemini 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Follow your hunches. It』s not every day you have such an auspicious alignment presiding over your affairs, so if you want to move anything forward now is the moment to make your move. Jupiter in the zone of self-worth is angling Saturn and Neptune: on the one hand, a business connection made now could lead to great things, and, on the other, a decision aimed at making your future richer and more secure could and should be taken. Then, of course, there』s the completely out of the blue event that boosts your confidence and makes you feel glad to be alive. Do something positive this week – your efforts will be rewarded. Happy days. The Week Ahead for Cancer 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Jupiter has been in your sign for a mere three weeks, but it should be revealing its muscle by now. A truly brilliant connection between this planet and Neptune and Saturn is the stuff of dreams made manifest, and although not every Cancerian is going to be dancing in the streets, actions taken should bring success and happiness in the future. Plant a seed in rich Jupiterian soil and watch it produce abundant blooms! On Saturday, Mercury returns to normal speed, so delays and detours will gradually become a thing of the past. Plus, news could be on its way that will please and delight you. Make the most of these influences: even a small moment of joy can inspire long-lasting benefits. Glad tidings. The Week Ahead for Leo 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Even though there are positive developments taking place, they could be hidden beneath the surface. However, just because you cannot see any sign of success does not mean it』s not there. In week』s time the sun will enter your sign and you will feel more certain about a situation. Press on and remain optimistic. On Saturday, Mercury turns direct straightening out those wrinkles in communications and helping you think in a more logical fashion. That being said, should you get a hunch, especially about a property or financial matter, follow it. There is a degree of magic about these alignments, which is best activated by combining the heart and mind. Keep the faith. The Week Ahead for Virgo 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Neptune can be a blessing and a damn nuisance! Situated in the zone of relationships this planet weaves a magic spell over your love life in particular and relationships in general. And some spells are lovely, and some are not. However, at the moment Neptune is caught up in a divine alignment with practical Saturn and generous Jupiter, so you are likely to experience the best in life and love. Now would be the time to commit to a relationship or put your talents in the hands of others, and above all to seek and believe the best in people who are demonstrating love and admiration for you. A broken heart can be soothed, and a hurt forgiven. Simply beautiful. The Week Ahead for Libra 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 If ever there was an astrological recipe for good fortune, this is it. Jupiter, perched at the highest point in your chart, hooks up to Neptune and Saturn giving you a serious opportunity for success and happiness. Now, this may not be apparent immediately, but the steps you take this week, especially those revolving around career and material benefits, should lead to fulfilment. The only fly in the ointment is Uranus, which turns retrograde on Wednesday. Should a colleague or partner pull out of an agreement now, this may not be the end of it. Given some weeks and months the deal could be back on the table. Remember, this is a fortunate phase for you. Not everything can be seen. The Week Ahead for Scorpio 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 It is a long time since the planets lined up in such a delightful fashion, so while all your problems may not be resolved overnight, there is more than a little light at the end of the tunnel. Take action now, whether you』re allowing your heart to speak or demonstrating your talents and ambitions; and if you』re disappointed at the results, it』s not the fault of your stars: it is destiny informing you that this is not the way forward. The zone of far horizons is in the spotlight, so you could be poised to make a journey – and, as always, that applies to a journey in miles or experience. Be adventurous, Scorpio. You know that aphorism: fortune favours the brave. Put it to the test. Fortune favours the brave. The Week Ahead for Sagittarius 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Tweet Hope springs eternal to the Sagittarian breast. And often! But at least you have a reason to feel optimistic and blessed this July. A trio of planets, including ruler, Jupiter, is inspiring joy, and even if this does not translate as a happy event in your own life, there is an upbeat atmosphere in which to go about your business. Then again, if you have an idea you need to sell to someone or you』ve been hoping to mend a broken fence, the timing could not be better. Hopefully, you will be on the receiving end of a gift of some description, and, at the very least if you have the time and the funds you should not hesitate to push that proverbial boat out. Celebration. The Week Ahead for Capricorn 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Tweet Promises that don』t deliver are more than disappointing, so I do not want to raise your hopes too high. However, there is so much positivity in these stars, something good has to be taking place at root level, even if you cannot find a precise reason to open a bottle of bubbly. An endeavour begun at this time should grow and prosper, and a baby born is likely to have very special gifts. This has been a trying year for many celestial Goats, but this is a period in which the rewards come in thick and fast. And remember, that journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step. And speaking of journeys Blessings. The Week Ahead for Aquarius 15th Jul 2013 - 21st Jul 2013 Tweet Saturn』s dominant position may feel like a giant weight on your shoulders from time to time - this planet brings responsibilities and it can make a sunny day seem on the cold side. However, Saturn is on splendid form this week, producing real results for many Aquarians and helping others see a difficult situation in a chirpier light. Work and finance are in the main frame, so a positive development in your career could lead to monetary improvements, and decisions you make regarding your future should prove highly successful. Then there』s the luck factor. You may turn out to be in the right place at the right time, or someone you haven』t thought of for ages, could reconnect – and with an offer in mind. Looking on the bright side of life.


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