Yes we care.
Met a Schwartzman Scholar from South Sudan at the World Refugee Day event in Beijing today. Intelligent, humble & driven. Reminds me that great people are working hard to fix this broken world.
However not everyone has the fortune to put a face to every generalised social group and see the reality out of common misconceptions. There should never be a debate over "them" versus "us" - just that some of us arent lucky enough to have a safe and prospering community like the rest of us do.
We all know how it feels to lose our purpose, to lose that light of hope. For the less fortunate ones, be it from Syria or Korea, many of them are much more driven than you and I, and much more keen to bring about good to our society.
And to do that, all they need is hope. Hope that they will get access to the tools to prospering, hope that they will come across that pathway to greatness and happiness, like the rest of us already do. Damn, thats not much to wish for!
So yes I care. And I know you care as well. Lets give them the support. Give them the tools. Give them that hope - that they can do good, and they can do it well. And if that hope is best found in a clear, unobstructed path into our community, so be it. Agree?
Spread the UN refugees petition. Work together to fix this broken world. Today.
Because we care.
Link to the UN #WithRefugees petition below:
Show your support and sign the #WithRefugees petitionThank you.
今天在聯合國難民署舉辦的世界難民日活動上認識了一位來自南蘇丹的清華蘇世民學者。幼時獨自在肯亞的難民營生活了十年,自學考入耶魯經濟系,後來獲得了黑石創始人蘇世民發起的獎學金,到清華蘇世民書院讀研。聰明,謙虛,執著。聽完他的故事,不禁慚愧 - 當別人奮力修補這個殘破的世界時,我輩把二十年教育拿去換資格到泡沫里游泳。
難民對中國是個邊緣話題。中國經濟增長太快,社會價值觀變得太快;我們及父輩窮過,現在多多少少都不愁吃穿了。中國政府舉世罕見的執政能力讓多數人理所當然的認為 - 窮是因為懶,東南亞人懶,非洲人懶,好吃懶做,救濟無用。
我不能說以上觀點我不曾持分毫。然而,窮是因為不作為,不作為的原因又是什麼呢?今天看了聯合國難民署製作的難民營紀錄片After Spring,我有了初步的答案:比懶惰更讓人消沉的,是沒有希望。
遺憾的是,對難民來說,這些小目標在戰爭中已支離破碎。對於一個活著要靠運氣,吃飯要靠施捨的敘利亞人來說,相信努力就有回報是多麼心酸而可笑的事。After Spring里的主人公們居住的約旦難民營如同一個洞穴,而偶爾被歐美難民安置計劃接納的難友,是洞口傳入的僅有的、微弱的光。如果沒有這一道光,走出敘利亞和死在故鄉的廢墟里,又有多大分別?
我很感激聯合國難民署發起了世界難民日,讓我可以接觸到真實的難民。說是難民,其實和我們又有什麼分別呢?我們都有過對生活的憧憬,有過在低谷中的絕望和為了一個祈禱中出現的人生機會而奮鬥的過往;只不過他們沒有我們的好運氣,生在一個安全的社區中,一個有無限機會的國度里。安全的社區,創造自己幸福的機會 - 我們習以為常的權利,對難民來說,可能是努力活下去的指引。誰能指責他們貪心要求多呢?
誠懇的請各位知友看聯合國難民署的這部紀錄片:After Spring。英文原文後的鏈接為簽署支持難民情願的聯合國官方鏈接。
Yes we care.
※敘利亞難民發愁,政府軍改土歸流 | 地球知識局