
Gravitational isthe interaction between 2 fields which are opposite to each other andmagnetical which is similar which they reject each other, atmosphere of theearth we call it magnetical, gravitational of the earth we call what it pullsand holds to.


So one creates the shielding and the other creates the hold to what youhave and this is the behave of any plasma, earth has the same, it has ashielding we call the atmosphere, it has a gravitation that it holds onto it,sun has the same, proton has the same electron has the same so this is thebehaviour of a plasma and when you are in a plasmatic condition, it meanscontinuously you are in the process of getting attracted or you connect yourself, when you get attracted you connect yourself in this line ,when youattract ,you connect yourself in this line.



So continuouslyyou give and you take and you connect , if you look at the totality of itthe plasma like earth creates a flow of gravitational and magnetical in 360degree in a spherical shape, but the flow of the gravitational field in it andthe flow of magnetical field out of it creates a constant flow that it can existin its environment.


In simple physicslanguage is the interaction of magnetic gravitational field forces which thetotality creates and environment that collectively they interact with theenvironment, call this collective interaction plasma for proton or earth or sunor the universe ,there is no difference ,it』s the amount of the field in theentity, the less we have created name for it ,smaller size, the bigger we havecreated the difference name for it in bigger size ,how the mass ofgravitational magnetic field strength within the centre of this entity ,so ifyou put trillions and trillions and trillions of electrons together you stillcreate yourself a sun.



If you put trillions and trillions of suns ,gravitationalfield plasma together, you can create the power of a galaxy , so it』s as itreduces in strength in gravitational magnetic field it appears in differentstate, the state of matter as we always say is somewhere here because it』s verylow, the state of emotion is somewhere here ,the state of universal central plasmais somewhere here, but in fact they are all plasma even in a matter state is aplasma, but a plasma where the magnetic gravitational field in respect to theenvironmental gravitational magnetic field of the earth manifests itself as asolid tightly packed ,we change the environment of it we saw them on nanomaterial ,we change the environment ofthem ,we saw them releasing themselves that』s what we call gans and you seetomorrow ,so we as human being now have the ability to create conditionswithout the environment but with gravitational magnetic field forces.





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