
2016無錫UltraS Festival耐力三項節競賽規程丨2016 Wuxi UltraS Festival Triathlon Rules & Regulations


1.1 比賽時間地點:6月9日~10日,江蘇省無錫市馬山

1.1.1 6月9日(周五):鐵三賽比賽簽到、領取賽事包、賽前技術會

1.1.2 6月10日(周六):鐵人三項賽






1.3 鐵三賽年齡分組


a) 男子18-29歲組

b) 男子30-34歲組

c) 男子35-39歲組

d) 男子40-44歲組

e) 男子45-49歲組

f) 男子50-59歲組

g) 男子60歲及以上組

h) 女子18-34歲組

i) 女子35-49歲組

j) 女子50歲及以上組


a) 男子18-29歲組

b) 男子30-39歲組

c) 男子40-49歲組

d) 男子50-59歲組

e) 男子60歲及以上組

f) 女子18-34歲組

g) 女子35-49歲組

h) 女子50歲及以上組


a) 不分年齡組別

b) 分男子組及女子組

c) 奧林匹克團隊接力中每位女性隊員可在總成績時間上獲1分鐘減時獎勵


1.4 鐵三賽關門時間



a) 奧林匹克距離組、奧林匹克距離團隊組關門時間為比賽開始後4小時

b) 半程奧林匹克距離組關門時間為比賽開始後2小時

c) 挑戰組關門時間為比賽開始後2小時

d) 兒童組關門時間為比賽開始後1小時

1.5 若選手在比賽中離開比賽場地,則視作自願放棄比賽。

第二部分 比賽基本原則

2.1 比賽規則由組委會指定。在比賽中,具體的規則執行由指定裁判進行。

2.2 選手報名比賽,即視作認可並同意遵守組委會指定的賽事規則。

2.2.1 每一位選手需簽署免責聲明,未簽署免責聲明者視作未參賽。

2.2.2 選手需保證提供的資料及信息全部真實。

2.2.3 選手需保證身體健康狀況適宜比賽,並自行對可能出現的生理損害負責

2.3 選手在比賽過程中不得對組織方、參賽者、工作人員及志願者造成危害。包括 但不限於:

2.3.1 在賽場中,選手的一切行為應遵守中華人民共和國法律

2.3.2 選手不得妨礙比賽的正常進行

2.3.3 選手需遵照比賽工作人員的指示完成比賽流程,包括比賽前、比賽中和比賽後

2.3.4 選手需對其他參賽者、志願者、賽場工作人員和醫務人員禮貌尊重

2.3.5 選手需注意保護賽場環境和衛生


3.1 選手須在比賽報到時提供深水合格證或任意鐵三賽事完賽證書,及醫院體檢報告後,方可完成報到手續並領取參賽包。

3.1.1 如未能提供深水合格證或任意鐵三賽事完賽證書者,須在比賽前一天參加統一的游泳測試。測試的時間地點安排將在比賽報到時另行通知。

3.1.2 如未能提供醫院體檢報告,原則上只能參加挑戰組的比賽,比賽組委會對此有最終決定權。


3.2.1 如果選手的比賽器材不符合安全要求,組委會有權剝奪其比賽權利。

3.2.2 如果在比賽中,選手的比賽器材被發現不符合安全要求,組委會有權要求其對器材進行調整,或中止比賽。





3.7賽會醫務人員有判斷選手身體狀況的最高權力,在選手的身體或生命受到威脅 時有權中止其比賽。


4.1 選手在轉換區需服從如下規則

4.1.1 轉換區僅對選手和工作人員開放,觀眾、教練不得入內

4.1.2 轉換區內選手需通過走或跑的方式移動,不得騎車或藉助其他器材移動。

4.1.3 比賽中所有的服裝更換需在轉換區完成。特別地,防寒泳衣只能在轉換區脫下,在通往轉換區的途中可以被打開和被脫離到臀部

4.1.4 在轉換區中,選手的自行車只得推行。開始自行車賽程時,選手需在通過上車線後開始騎車;結束自行車賽程時,選手需在下車線前下車

4.1.5 運動員在轉換區內不可阻止其他運動員的比賽,不可動用其他運動員的比賽裝備

4.2 選手在游泳賽程中需服從如下規則

4.2.1 選手必須佩戴由主辦方提供的泳帽

4.2.2 組委會有權依照比賽當日水溫情況,確定選手是否可以使用防寒泳衣以及是否強制要求使用防寒泳衣。具體的裁定權力由組委會保留

4.2.3 選手可以使用任何泳姿進行比賽,也可以踩水或漂浮

4.2.4 運動員必須按照規定的比賽路線前進

4.2.5 運動員可以站立在水底或抓住靜止物體休息,如浮漂或靜止的船隻

4.2.6 組委會將依照選手的以往賽事經驗和游泳水平、泳姿等,將選手劃分進不同的區域依次出發

4.2.7 禁止使用其他游泳輔助裝備,如鰭、蹼、槳、划水板、浮潛設備等

4.2.8 游泳賽程中禁止穿戴襪子和手套

4.2.9 游泳賽程中禁止佩戴號碼布

4.2.10 賽會以外的船隻禁止駛入游泳賽道

4.2.11 游泳賽程中禁止非比賽人員伴遊

4.2.12 組委會建議選手使用跟屁蟲以保證安全

4.2.13 比賽中選手如發生不適,安全救生人員將直接停止其的游泳賽程

4.2.14 選手自願中止比賽,需向裁判聲明。遇到緊急情況時,選手應高舉單臂求救。一經正式救助,運動員必須退出比賽

4.3 選手在自行車賽程中需服從如下規則

4.3.1 選手須使用符合安全認證的頭盔。無頭盔者不得參加比賽。

4.3.2 自行車賽程僅允許使用標準的鐵人三項車、計時賽車和大組公路自行車。嚴禁山地車、摺疊車、場地和死飛車、通勤車。組委會有權在驗車過程中禁止不符合規定的車輛參賽。

4.3.3 自行車賽程中,選手需將號碼布至於身後,確保參賽號碼可視。

4.3.4 自行車賽程中,選手需全程佩戴頭盔。具體要求為,在上車線前選手需帶好頭盔,扣緊插扣;在下車線前選手不得摘下頭盔。

4.3.5 比賽過程中禁止跟騎。具體要求為:非超車的情況下,選手不得進入前方選手身後10米的範圍內。選手並騎需保持2米以上間距。超車需在30秒內完成。

4.3.6 處罰:如果選手違反4.3.5,將被裁判處以罰時。奧林匹克距離、奧林匹克距離團隊:2分鐘;半程奧林匹克距離:1分鐘;挑戰組:1分鐘

4.3.7 自行車賽程中,選手不得互換比賽車輛,不得接受組委會指定方式之外的器材維護

4.3.8 賽會以外的車輛禁止駛入自行車賽道

4.3.9 自行車賽程中禁止非比賽人員伴騎

4.3.10 選手自願中止比賽,需向裁判聲明

4.4 選手在跑步賽程中需服從如下規則

4.4.1 跑步賽程中,選手需將號碼布至於身前,確保參賽號碼可視

4.4.2 賽會以外的車輛禁止駛入跑步賽道

4.4.3 跑步賽程中,選手只允許跑步和行走

4.4.4 選手自願中止比賽,需向裁判聲明

Part I. RaceDate, Location, Categories & Cut Offs

1.1 Date & Location: June.9~10, Ma Shan(Taihu Lake), Wuxi, Jiangsu

1.1.1 June.9 (Fri): Athletes Registration Check-in, Pre-race Meeting.

1.1.2 June.10 (Sat): Race Day

1.2 Distance Categories

1.2.1 Olympic Distance: Swim 1.5km, Bike 40km, Run 10km

1.2.2 Sprint Distance: Swim 0.75km, Bike 20km, Run 5km

1.2.3 Olympic Distance Team Relay: Swim 1.5km, Bike 40km, Run 10km

1.2.4 Fun Group: Swim 100m, Bike 20km, Run 5km (The safety buoy is compulsoryfor fun group in the swim segment)

1.3 Age Groups

1.3.1 For Olympic Distance (10 Age Groups in Total)

a. Male 18-29 YO

b. Male 30-34

c. Male 35-39

d. Male 40-44

e. Male 45-49

f. Male 50-59

g. Male 60+

h. Female 18-34 YO

i. Female 35-49

j. Female 50+

1.3.2 For Sprint Distance (8Age Groups in Total)

a. Male 18-29 YO

b. Male 30-39

c. Male 40-49

d. Male 50-59

e. Male 60+

f. Female 18-34 YO

g. Female 35-49

h. Female 50+

1.3.3 For Fun Groups&Team Relay

a. Fun Groups will by divided bygender, rather than age.

b. No groups will be divided forteam relay.

c. Each relay team must have atleast one female member.

1.3.4All age group athletes must compete in the agegroup division corresponding to the athlete』s age on December 31st of the yearof the event.

1.4 Cut Off Times

1.4.1From your start time you must complete each section of thecourse within the cut off times.

1.4.2 The cut off times foreach distance categories:

a) Olympic Distance & TeamRelay: 4 hours

b) Sprint Distance: 2 hours

c) Fun Group: 2 hours

1.5 Leavingthe race course in the middle of the race will be deemed asgiving up and marked as DNF.

Part II. Basic Rules

2.1 Rules & Regulations are made by the race committee, and executed bythe referees in the race.

2.2 Athletes agree to comply with the race rules & regulations bysigning up for the race.

2.2.1 Athletes must sign thewavier prior to the race, otherwise willnot be allowed to race.

2.2.2 It』s athlete』s soleresponsibility to ensure that all the information he/she enters is true.

2.2.3 It』s athlete』s soleresponsibility to ensure his/her physical status will meet the demand of therace.

2.3 Athletes must not harm the safety of fellow athletes, organizers, racestaff & volunteers during the race, including but not limited to:

2.3.1 All athletes mustcomply with the laws.

2.3.2 The athletes must nothinder the normal progress of the race.

2.3.3 The athletes shallfollow the directions of the race staff and the procedure of the entire race,including the pre-race, the race and the post-race.

2.3.4 The athletes shallrespect the fellow athletes, the volunteers, the race staff and the medicalstaff.

2.3.5 The athletes shallliter only in the designated area.

Part III. Race Safety & Security

3.1 The Athletes must submit the deep water certification or the finishcertification of any triathlon events, and the valid medical examination reportin order to finish the process of the pre-race registration check-in, and getthe race kit bags.

3.1.1 If the athlete hasneither the deep water certification nor the finish certification of atriathlon event, he/she must attend the swim test on the day before the raceday. The time and location for the swimtest will be announce at the pre-race registration check-in.

3.1.2 If the athlete fails tosubmit the valid medical report, he/she can join the fun group only. The race committee reserves the rights tomake the final decision.

3.2 It』s the athlete』s sole responsibility to ensure his/her equipments aresafe and sound, and meet the safety demand made by the race committee, and willby no means harm the safety of others.

3.2.1 The race committeereserves the rights to not allow the athlete to race should his/her equipmentsfail to meet the safety standard in the pre-race check-in.

3.2.2 The race committeereserves the rights to demand the athlete to pause and adjust the equipments,and/or suspend the athletes in the middle of the race, when his/her equipmentsare considered unsafe.

3.3 The athletes must not carry the items that will threaten the safety ofthe race, including but not limited to: the magnetic items which may interferethe timing chips, glass containers/bottles, harmful & poisoning substance,sharp items etc.

3.4 The athlete shall assess his/her own physical status and contact the racestaff and the medical staff should any condition happen.

3.5 The race committee reserves the final rights to take measures, includingcalling off the race when the safety of the race and the athletes is consideredcompromised.

3.6 The medical staff have the top authority to make decision to suspend theathlete from the race when he/she is considered not safe to continue.

Part IV. Race Regulations

4.1 The Transition Rules

4.1.1 The transition areaopens to the athletes & the race staff only. Spectators and coaches must not enter.

4.1.2 The athletes shall walkor run in the transition area - biking or moving by any means of equipments isprohibited.

4.1.3 Race suits/clothingchanging must be completed in the transition area. Especially the wetsuit should be taken off inthe transition area - the athlete may open and pull down the wetsuit to thewaist while running into the transition.

4.1.4 To start the bikesegment, the athlete takes the bike off the rack, and must push the biketowards the exit of the transition area, and must get on the bike only aftercrossing the mount line. When finish thebike segment, the athlete must get off the bike before the dismount line.

4.1.5 The athlete must nothinder the normal progress of the race of other athletes in the transitionarea, nor move or use other athletes』 equipments.

4.2 The Swim Rules

4.2.1 The athlete must wearthe official swim cap provided by the race organizer during the course of theswim.

4.2.2 The use of the wetsuitwill be decided by the race committee according to the water temperature of therace day and the rules. The racecommittee reserves the rights to make final decision.

4.2.3 The athletes are freeto use any swimming styles, as well as treading the water or floating.

4.2.4 The athletes mustfollow the designated swim course.

4.2.5 Standing in the wateror grabing still objects (buoys, or still boats) to rest is allowed.

4.2.6 If the swim start is arolling start, the race committee will divide the athletes by their swim levelsand styles into several groups and start by certain order.

4.2.7 No fins, aqua socks,gloves, paddles, snorkels or floatation devices of any kind are allowed.

4.2.9 The race bib must notbe worn in the swim segment.

4.2.10 No boats other thanthe race committee』s are allowed to enter the swim course.

4.2.11 No individual paddlersor escorts allowed.

4.2.12 Safety buoys arerecommended to use to ensure the safety.

4.2.13 The life guards willstop the athlete from continuing the swim segment should he/she experience acondition.

4.2.14 The athlete mustreport to the referee if he/she wishes to withdraw from the race. The athlete should wave his/her arm to askfor help when emergency happens. Theathlete must withdraw from the race once he/she gets rescued.

4.3 The Bike Rules

4.3.1 The helmet iscompulsory and must have safety standard approval. The athlete is not allowed to race without ahelmet.

4.3.2 Only traithlon bikes,time trial times and road bikes are allowed to be used in the bike segment. Folding bike, track bikes or fixed gear bikesare prohibited. The race committeereserves the rights to suspend the athlete in the middle of the race who usesthe bike which does not comply with the rules.

4.3.3 The athletes must putthe race bib on the back side of the body in order to be seen in the bikesegment.

4.3.4 Wearing the helmet iscompulsory during the complete course of the bike segment. To be specific: the athlete must have wornthe helmet and tightened the buckle before mounting the bike, and must not takeoff the helmet until dismount the bike.

4.3.5 Absolutely NO DRAFTINGof another bicycle or any other vehicle is allowed. Athletes must keep 10 metres between theleading edge of his/her own front wheel and the trailing edge of the fore-rider』sback wheel, and 2 meters side by side between the bicycles unless making apass. Athletes have 30 seconds tocomplete a pass.

4.3.6 Penalties: Athletes not complying with 4.3.5 willreceive a penalty. The penalties forOlympic distance & team relay is 2 minutes; for sprint distance & fungroup is 1 minute.

4.3.7 Athletes must notswitch bikes in the middle of the bike segment, and must not receive courseservice by the non-official.

4.3.8 No vehicles other thanthe race committee』s are allowed to enter the bike course.

4.3.9 No individual coachesor escorts allowed.

4.3.10 The athlete mustreport to the referee if he/she wish to withdraw.

4.4 The Run Rules

4.4.1 The athlete must putthe race bib on the front side of the body in order to be seen in the runsegment.

4.4.2 No vehicles other thanthe race committee』s are allowed to enter the run course.

4.4.3The athlete must complete the run course by running or walking.

4.4.4 The athlete must reportto the referee if he/she wish to withdraw.


無錫日均45人被確診為癌症 吞噬32個無錫人
九寨溝發生7.0級地震 無錫至九寨溝航班取消

TAG:耐力 | 無錫 | 2016 |