? 2/ 20 美國總統之城昆市Quincy 舉辦首屆總統日冬季節慶典

總統日(英文:Presidents" Day)是聯邦節日,是美國的10個法定節日之一,定在每年二月的第三個星期一,與陣亡將士紀念日,感恩節等享有同等地位;每年的這一天美國人都會用一些特殊的方式來重溫歷史、緬懷人們心中備受尊敬的偉大總統,學校和家長也會在這一天對孩子進行愛國主義教育,讓他們了解和熟悉美國的歷史。

享有 「總統之城」 美譽的昆市 Quincy 將於 2月20日下午在昆市市府大樓門前綠地舉辦首屆總統日冬季節(Presidents Day Winter Festival)。


活動時間:2/20 周一 下午4點到7點

活動地址:1305 Hancock St, Quincy, MA 02169


交通:紅線地鐵 Braintree 方向,在 Quincy Center 下車,昆市政府大樓位於地鐵站出口右手邊。

昆市 Quincy 是美國馬薩諸塞州諾福克縣的一座城市,毗鄰波士頓,面積69.6平方公里。根據2000年美國人口普查,共有人口88,025。

昆市 Quincy 之所以被稱為「總統之城(The City of Presidents )」 是因為美國第2任總統約翰·亞當斯和第6任總統約翰·昆西·亞當斯都出生在這裡。


約翰·亞當斯(John Adams,1735年10月30日-1826年7月4日),馬薩諸塞州人,律師出身,美國政治家。曾經參與獨立宣言的共同簽署,被美國人視為其中一位開國元勛。並在1789年-1797年間,出任美國第一任副總統。其後,在1797年-1801年間,接替華盛頓成為美國第2任總統。 他的長子約翰·昆西·亞當斯,之後成功當選為美國第六任總統,成為美國第一對父子皆任總統的父子。

約翰·昆西·亞當斯(John Quincy Adams,1767年7月11日-1848年2月23日),美國第六任總統(1825年-1829年)。 他是第二任總統約翰·亞當斯及第一夫人愛比蓋爾·亞當斯的長子。

The City of Presidents will be celebrating the first annual President"s Day Winter Festival, a free event for the whole family on Monday, February 20th from 4 PM to 7 PM at Hancock/Adams Green in front of City Hall. The free festival will include, Massachusetts National Guard Quintet, teen pop group 3D, a 35 foot snow slide for the kids, fire breathing and stilt walking, a video gaming truck, a marionette show, a green screen photo booth, live entertainment inside and outside, Old City Hall and Church of the Presidents tours with costumed re-enactors and more. All attractions and entertainment are free (restaurants excluded). Mayor Thomas P. Koch wants to shine a light on the green by creating an atmosphere of... community. When the Hancock Adams Green is completed, the mayor plans on designating it as a place for family friendly events. 「President』s Day is also the start of February vacation, so a family friendly event is a great start.」 Said Koch, 「Quincy is the City of Presidents. We should be celebrating that on a grander scale and this is a good beginning. We plan on expanding the festival and making this an annual tradition.」

The 2017 Presidents Day Winter Festival is being produced by the City of Quincy, in conjunction with JM Productions. A partnership between the City of Quincy and the city』s official tourism arm, Discover Quincy. In addition, support has been provided by The United First Parish Church (Church of the Presidents) & the Adams National Park. The 2017 Presidents Day Winter Festival is being produced by the City of Quincy, in conjunction with JM Productions. A partnership between the City of Quincy and the city』s official tourism arm, Discover Quincy. In addition, support has been provided by The United First Parish Church (Church of the Presidents) & the Adams National Park. An Array of Local Quincy Food Establishments Purfection, Cucina Mia, Craigs Cafe, Rozafa, Montilio』s, Dunkin Donuts & Louis! Produced by JM Productions & The City of Quincy



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