
The first step to taking care of yourself and de-stressing is to make sure that your environment is in order. Seeing your house full of clutter can affect your mood negatively and make your personal space seem like a place you want to escape from, rather than something to look forward to coming home to. Organize a "throwing out" day every month to make sure that you don"t have clutter building up. Here are some things you should consider purging from your home: 關愛自己,釋放壓力的第一步就是要保證自己的生活環境整潔乾淨。看見自己的房間被雜物堆滿,你的心情會很差,這時候,只想趕緊逃離這個雜物堆了,而沒有想回家的慾望了。每個月安排一天作為自己的「清空日」,把雜物都處理掉。現在,下面這些雜物你該考慮清空了:

Old magazines 舊雜誌

Get rid of old magazines you have lying around because chances are, you aren"t going to read them again. Find places where you can donate your magazines to such as child care centers, doctor"s offices, nail salons, nursing homes, and libraries. If there"s an article that really speaks to you, scan a digital image of it and keep it in your computer. Or keep a folder of magazine clippings if you like saving magazine articles. 把房間里到處丟的就雜誌趕緊清理了吧,因為你可能再也不會讀了。你可以把這些舊雜誌捐出去,比如:保育院,醫務室,美甲店,養老院或者圖書館。如果其中有些文章對你來講很重要,那麼你可以進行掃描,保存到電腦里;如果你喜歡收集雜誌文章,就做一個剪報收藏。

Clothes 衣服

Use the two-year-rule for clothes — get rid of apparel that you haven"t worn in two years. Sell them to a thrift store or donate them to the needy. 收拾衣服要採用「兩年原則」,即處理掉那些兩年你都沒有穿過的衣服。賣給二手店或者捐給那些有需要的人。

Books 書籍

Go through your bookshelf and gather together books you haven"t touched in months and ones that you aren"t planning on rereading. Be realistic and make sure you"re ruthless. If you haven"t touched it in a year, you"re most likely not going to read it again. Sell the books on Amazon, or eBay. You can always donate them as well! 查看自己的書架,把那些你幾個月都沒碰過的書,或者是你也不打算讀的書,整理到一起。實際點兒,無情點兒,該出手時就出手。如果一年的時間你都還沒看過這本書,估計你也不會再去讀了。你可以把書放到Amazon或者eBay上賣掉,或者把書捐掉。

Medicine and vitamins 藥品和維生素片

Take a look at your medicine closet and clear out drugs that have expired, medicine that has sat on your shelf for too long, or ones that you no longer use. First, check to see what the proper disposal methods are for the medication, and if you can"t find any, check to see if your community has a drug take-back program. 查看一下自己的藥箱,清理掉已經過期的藥物、存放了太長時間的藥物、以及你再也不會服用的藥物。首先,檢查一下這些藥物的處理方法;如果你沒有找到說明,查看一下自己的社區有沒有藥物回收計劃。

Makeup and perfume 化妝品和香水

Go through your beauty cabinet and get rid of makeup that"s too old or that you don"t use. There are programs out there that let you recycle your makeup, such as MAC, which has a program that lets you exchange six empty containers for a new eyeshadow, lip gloss, or lipstick. 查看一下自己的化妝箱,清理掉太舊的或者不用的化妝品。你還可以參與到一些循環利用化妝品的活動中,例如MAC開展的一項活動,這項活動讓你可以用六個空化妝品容器換一個新的眼影、潤唇膏、口紅。

Jewelry 珠寶飾品

Go through your jewelry and dispose of the broken costume jewelry and make plans to sell ones that you don"t wear. For fine jewelry, look up appraisers. Once you have a quoted price, shop around at auction houses, estate buyers, pawnshops, and jewelers to see if you can find a better deal. 查看一下自己的各類珠寶飾品,扔掉那些已經壞掉的人造珠寶,把那些自己不戴的珠寶賣掉。對於貴重的珠寶,你可以去尋找那些珠寶鑒定商。得到報價之後,去拍賣行、預購商、當鋪、和珠寶商各處逛一逛,價比三家。

Food 食物

Go through your pantry and fridge and clear out items that need to be thrown out — the old, unused, and rotting. Do this weekly instead of monthly, just to make sure you don"t have any unpleasant surprises! 查看自己的食品儲藏室和冰箱,清理掉那些需要扔掉的食物——過期的、不吃的、腐爛的。一個星期清理一次,不要一個月才清理一次,確保自己別時不時來點「意外驚喜」。

Some memorabilia 紀念品

Many organizing experts advise to be ruthless and throw away memorabilia like cards and gifts you don"t use. I agree, but I think you can keep some of them by perhaps creating some sort of poster with old cards or designating a small shoe box for memorabilia. Resolve to throw away anything that can"t fit into the box. 很多整理專家建議大家狠心一點兒,扔掉那些沒用的紀念品,例如卡片或者禮物。我同意上述建議,但是個人認為,我們可以利用這些卡片做一些海報,或者設計一個紀念品盒子, 把那些沒法裝進盒子的紀念品就處理掉吧!

Notebooks 筆記本

I don"t know about you, but I have a ton of notebooks lying around. Take a look at them and throw out the ones that you no longer need. 我不了解你是什麼樣的人,不過我可有一噸的筆記本堆在那裡。看看這些筆記本,把那些沒用的就丟掉吧!



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