



Kate Spade killed herself after her husband demanded a divorce and moved out as her sister says she suffered from manic depression for years and was obsessed with Robin Williams suicide


Kate Spade fell into a deep depression days before she committed suicide because her husband Andy wanted a divorce.


TMZ reports that the couple were living separate lives, and that Andy had moved into a separate apartment after 24 years of marriage.


He was in the apartment however when Kate , 55, hanged herself with a scarf in her Park Avenue home in Manhattan on Tuesday morning.


The designer left behind a heartbreaking suicide note to her daughter Frances Beatrix, 13, which read: Bea - I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!

凱特給她的女兒弗朗西絲.碧翠絲 (Frances Beatrix) 絲留下了一封令人心碎的自殺遺書,她的女兒今年剛好13歲,這封遺書寫到:「碧,我永遠愛你。這不是你的錯,問你的父親去吧!」

Andy was seen with the couples only child on Tuesday at the girls school, with a source telling DailyMail.com that he arrived with a police officer to get his daughter and tell her the news.


Kates sister said that the designer had been battling mental illness throughout her life, but it wasnt until comedian Robin Williams killed himself in August 2014 that she began to realize Kates obsession with suicide and her unraveling mental health.


Kates suicide was not unexpected according to her family who say she struggled for years with bipolar disorder - but was too scared to seek help in case it hurt her brand.


Her older sister Reta Saffo said Kate struggled to cope with her celebrity status, which only made her suspected bipolar disorder worse.

她的姐姐雷塔.薩福(Reta Saffo)稱,凱特一直都接受不了她的明星身份,這是讓她的潛在躁鬱症惡化的原因。

My little sister Katy was a precious, precious little person, Saffo told DailyMail.com. Genuine in almost every way.


Just dear - but she was surrounded by YES people, for far too long, therefore she did not receive the proper care for what I believed to be (and tried numerous times to get her help for) bipolar disorder... stemming from her immense celebrity.


Saffo said the 55-year-old never anticipated how successful her brand would become - and how she, with it, would become a household name: She never expected it - nor was she properly prepared for it.


Saffo told?The Kansas City Star shed noticed worrying signs of mental illness even when Kate was young - but the pressure of running her own brand meant her sister began to crack.


She was always a very excitable little girl, she said adding that this was not unexpected by me.


I felt all the stress/pressure of her brand (KS) may have flipped the switch where she eventually became full-on manic depressive...


The heartbroken sister said Kate would self-medicate her suspected bipolar disorder with alcohol, because she was too scared to seek professional help in case it damaged the brand.


Unfortunately, untreated, it finally took its toll on her, she told DailyMail.com. A very tragic and sad ending to the life of a very colorful and delightful being.


She described how they were together at a hotel in Santa Fe when news broke of his death. And while she says they were both shocked and saddened, Kate seemed unable to tear herself away from the footage.


She kept watching it and watching it over and over, she said. I think the plan was already in motion even as far back as then.


Increasingly concerned about her mental state, Saffo says that she and Andy repeatedly urged her to go for treatment, including to the same treatment program where Catherine Zeta-Jones went for her successful bipolar treatment.


But shed always chickened out at the last moment.


Wed get sooo close to packing her bags, but — in the end, the image of her brand (happy-go-lucky Kate Spade) was more important for her to keep up. She was definitely worried about what people would say if they found out.


In the end, she said, Kates death was heartbreaking but not unexpected.


Sometimes you simply cannot SAVE people from themselves! said Saffo.


One of the last things she said to me was, Reta, I know you hate funerals and dont attend them, but for me would you PLEASE come to MINE, at least. Please! I know she perhaps had a plan, but she insisted she did not.


The couple launched their design line back in 1993, starting at first with just handbags before expanding to clothes and other accessories.


Three years in the couple was able to open their first store, and for the next decade continue to grow the company.


She had launched international and home lines by 2004, having by that point sold off most of her company.


Andy also launched a mens line of bags, Jack Spade, in 1996, which is still sold at stores such as Barneys.


Neiman Marcus purchased 56 per cent of the company in 1999 and the remaining 44 per cent by 2006, at which time Kate left the business to raise her daughter.


She told People at the time that she wanted to focus on her family.


When the two of us sold the company with our other two partners to Neiman Marcus, it was kind of a time for us to take a break.


So we sold Kate Spade and I personally, I dont know about Andy, I took off a good nine years raising my daughter and absolutely adored every moment of it.


And then I realized she was becoming 12 and didnt want me around so much, so I thought I would get back into the business.


Andy continued to work with brands including Target, J.Crew and Warby Parker while also launching the design studio partners & Spade.

安迪繼續和美國塔吉特,J.Crew以及瓦爾比派克眼鏡等公司合作,同時,他的工作室partners & Spade也開業了。

By 2006, the company was valued at $125 million, and Kate left for good the following year after Neiman sold Kate Spade & Co to Liz Claiborne that same year.

2006年,這個公司總價值為1.25億元,在內曼·馬庫斯公司將Kate Spade & Co公司賣給 Liz Claiborne公司後,凱特就完全淡出了這個行業。

Kate Spade had an enviable gift for understanding exactly what women the world over wanted to carry, said Vogue editor Anna Wintour.

「凱特.斯蓓對於包的品味是令人羨慕的,她了解世界上所有女性的需要,」vogue雜誌編輯安娜·溫圖爾 (Anna Wintour)說道。

She launched her label at a time when everyone thought that the definition of a handbag was strictly European, all decades-old serious status and wealth.


Then along came this thoroughly American young woman who changed everything.


There was a moment when you couldnt walk a block in New York without seeing one of her bags, which were just like her; colorful and unpretentious.


In the decade since she sold her ownership Kate Spade has continued to grow, and in 2017 the brand was purchased by Coach for an astonishing $2.4 billion.

在她賣掉凱特. 斯蓓品牌時,這個品牌還在逐漸上升,2017年這個品牌被蔻馳以24億美元的天價收購。

In 2016, Kate told People how the couple survived living and working together.


Treat them as well as you would any other employee. What I mean is we need to respect one another as much as you do the other people in the office. Ive had to learn to be as respectful.


She added that both had different personalities.


Hes more relaxed more of a risk taker and Im a little more detailed and uptight neurotic.


Kate had just recently tried to reenter the fashion world with the launch of Frances Valentine, a line of luxury handbags and shoes.

最近,凱特還想以弗朗西絲.瓦倫丁( Frances Valentine)這個品牌重返時裝界。弗朗西絲.瓦倫丁旗下經營的是奢侈包和鞋子。

The couple took no investors and focused on slowly rolling out the brand in select markets.


In an interview with WWD in 2015 she discussed how she came to name the brand, stating: My grandfather, father, brother, and my daughters name is Frances. And then Valentine was my moms dads middle name because he was born on Valentines Day.

凱特. 斯蓓在和《女裝日報》的一次採訪中討論這個品牌的來源時說:「我的祖父、父親和兄弟以及我的女兒的名字都是法郎西絲。瓦倫丁是我外公的中間名,因為他出生在情人節。」

The line was sold at Nordstrom, Saks and Bloomingdales.


She was twice honored by the Council of Fashion Designers of America in 1996 as an emerging accessories designer to watch and again in 1998 as the best accessories designer of the year.


That same group held its annual gala and awards show on Monday in Brooklyn, which Spade did not attend.


In a statement released shortly after her death, CFDA heads Steven Kolb and Diane von Furstenberg said: The CFDA is devastated to hear the news of our friend, colleague, and CFDA member Kate Spades tragic passing. She was a great talent who had an immeasurable impact on American fashion and the way the world viewed American accessories.

在她死後的的遺書中,美國時裝設計師協會(CFDA)負責人史蒂文.考博( Steven Kolb )及黛安·馮芙絲汀寶(Diane von Furstenberg )稱,「美國時裝設計師協會聽到這一消息非常難過。她是一個對美國時尚界有著重要影響的人物,她讓美國附件品牌家喻戶曉。」

We want to honor her life and her major contribution to the fashion business and express our most sincere condolences to the family.


Spade was a member of the CFDA and would have been invited to the groups annual event on Monday but did not attend, with the designer making few public appearances after giving birth.


A number of celebrities paid tribute to Spade on Tuesday in the wake of her death.


#KateSpade, whose lively, colorful, and yes, joyous designs has died. My deepest sympathy to her family and friends, and her many fans around the world, who loved the wonderful illusions she created. I am stunned, wrote Bette Midler.

貝特·米德勒(Bette Midler)在微博上寫道「#凱特.斯蓓那生動鮮活、令人愉悅的設計不復存在了。我怕對她的家人和朋友,以及她世界上許多的熱愛她設計的粉絲給予最深的慰問。

I am heartbroken about the news of Kate Spade. I have worn her clothes many, many times. They were colorful, bold, cheerful, and encouraged women to find the twinkly person inside them. You couldnt walk into her boutiques and not smile. Rest In Peace, Kate, said Mindy Kalling.

明迪.卡林(Mindy Kalling)說:「我聽到她死亡的消息非常難過,我曾多次身著她設計的服飾。他們色彩豐富、大膽、明朗,讓你自信。你進入她的店子都忍不住要微笑一下。安息吧,凱特。」

My grandmother gave me my first Kate Spade bag when I was in college. I still have it. Holding Kates family, friends and loved ones in my heart, Chelsea Clinton posted on Twitter.

切爾西.柯林頓在推特上寫到:「大學時我的祖母給我買了第一個凱特. 斯蓓的包。凱特的家人、朋友和她愛的人,我與你們同在。」

Ivanka Trump also tweeted, saying: Kate Spades tragic passing is a painful reminder that we never truly know anothers pain or the burden they carry. If you are struggling with depression and contemplating suicide, please, please seek help.


Nikki Haley also tweeted a similar message, writing: The passing of Kate Spade is a stark reminder that we never know the struggles of a person regardless of their outward persona. If you or anyone you love is struggling, there is help. You dont have to be alone.

妮基·哈蕾(Nikki Haley )也在推特中發了類似的信息稱:「凱特.斯蓓蕾的去世,提醒我們,光看人們的外在,你永遠不知道他們內心有多麼的掙扎。如果你或者任何人正處於掙扎中。到處都是幫助你的人。你不會孤單的。」

The designer was born Kate Brosnahan in Kanasas City, where she attended an all-girls sc hool before heading off to college at the Univeristy of Kansas.

凱特. 斯蓓的原名是凱特.布羅斯納安, 她上過女校,隨後進入了堪薩斯大學。

She said that production got underway on what she felt the handbag market was missing at the time.


At the time, things were very - bags were too complicated. And I really loved very simple kind of architectural shapes. And I would wear these very simple shapes, none of which were famous designers. I mean, there were no names. If someone were to say, whose is that? Id say, I dont know, I bought it at a vintage store or its a straw bag I got in Mexico, explained Kate.


So - and they were all very square and simple. And I thought, gosh, I mean, why cant we find something just clean and simple and modern?


A year after launching the company, Kate and Andy were married.


She continued to expand for the 15 years she worked at her eponymous company, and in 2002 entered the very lucrative fragrance market, teaming up with Estee Lauder to release bath and body products as well as a honeysuckle fragrance.


By 1998, Kate had one of the most successful brands in fashion, and a year later Neiman Marcus purchased a controlling share of the company, valued then at $23 million.


It was that same year that the two bought their Park Avenue palazzo, just a few blocks from Central Park and the Met.


They also purchased a home on Main Street in Southampton in 1996 for $218,500 according to property records.


Kates eponymous company also released a statement on Tuesday, saying: Kate has not been affiliated with the brand for more than a decade, she and her husband and creative partner, Andy, were the founders of our beloved brand. Kate will be dearly missed. Our thoughts are with Andy and the entire Spade family at this time.


Kates pioneering work paved the way for such talent as Tory Burch and Jenna Lyons of J Crew, while her initial designs are still strikingly similar to many of the handbags being sold by major American fashion brands.

凱特為托里·伯奇(Tory Burch)、 J Crew的萊恩茲 里昂斯(Jenna Lyons)這些品牌的出現打下了基礎,她早期的設計和很多美國主要時尚品牌非常的相似。

In a 2016 interview with Wall Street Journal, Kate spoke about how even through she had returned to the world of fashion her daughter was still her priority.


I kind of thought taking that time off was unbelievably amazing, she said of her decade-long absence .


I thought it was, like, a gift. I really did.


Once back at work, it was including her only child that made work a delight for Kate, and she described her excitement at getting to go to the studio with Frances on the weekends.


Kate is the third major designer to take her life in the past decade, with LWren Scott committing suicide in 2014 and Alexander McQueen also ending his life in 2010.

在過去的十年中,凱特是第三個自殺的主要設計師,他們分別是2014年自殺的斯科特, 史考特(LWren Scott)和2010去世的亞歷山大·麥昆(Alexander McQueen)。

All three hanged themselves.




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