
pain sore ache 區別pain sore ache有什麼區別?pain有幾種用法?包含p...

ache KK:[] DJ:[] vi.1.(持續性地)疼痛 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue.母親說她累得渾身疼痛.2.同情,憐憫[( for)][ to-v] His heart ached for the suffering child bride.他對那個受苦的童養媳十分同情.3.感到痛苦[( at)] 4.【口】極為想念,渴望[( for)][ to-v] She was aching for home.她非常想家.n.1.(持續性的)疼痛[C][U] There were aches in his joints.他關節疼痛.sore KK:[] DJ:[] a.1.痛的;疼痛發炎的;一碰就痛的[( from)] I have a sore throat.我喉嚨痛.2.惹人生氣的;引起反感的[B] His origins were a sore subject with him.他的出身是個使他難堪的話題.3.【口】生氣的,惱火的[F][( at/about/over)] She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party.她因他沒有邀請她去參加聚會而生他的氣.4.痛心的,傷心的,悲痛的 The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore.難民的苦難使她心痛.5.極度的,劇烈的 She lived in sore poverty.她過著極度貧窮的生活.n.[C] 1.(身體上的)痛處;瘡,潰瘍 2.(精神上的)痛處,恨事,傷心事 Let"s not reopen old sores.我們可別再提舊時的傷心事了.pain KK:[] DJ:[] n.1.痛,疼痛;痛苦[U] The death of her son gave her infinite pain.她兒子的去世使她悲痛欲絕.2.(身體特定部位的)疼痛[C] She has a pain in her stomach.她胃痛.3.辛苦,努力[P] No pains,no gains.不勞則無獲.4.產痛[P] 5.討厭的人(或事)[S] He is a real pain.他真是個討厭鬼.6.【古】懲罰 vt.1.使煩惱,使痛苦 It pained me to see my child suffer like that.看到我的孩子受這樣的罪,我心裡非常難過.2.使疼痛 vi.1.引起疼痛,感到疼痛 My arm is paining.我手臂疼痛.pain的片語:a pain in the neck [美俚]討厭的傢伙[任務]be at (the) pains 儘力設法,努力be in pains 疼痛; 在苦惱中feel no pain 不覺得痛 醉倒for (all) one"s pains 作為勞苦的報酬 儘管費儘力氣[心機] (反語)費力反而...give sb.a pain [美]令人討厭,惹人生氣,使人感到不舒服give sb.a pain in the neck [美]令人討厭,惹人生氣,使人感到不舒服go to great pains 費很大勁兒; 煞費苦心growing pains 發育性痛,發身期痛 (企業等)早期發展過程中經歷的困難in pain 疼痛; 在苦惱中labour pains (分娩時的)陣痛,產痛No pains,no gains [諺]不勞無獲.No gains without pains [諺]不勞無獲.Nothing to be got without pains [諺]不勞無獲.on pain of 違者以...論處upon pain of 違者以...論處under pain of 違者以...論處put (a person) out of his pain 結束(某人[某動物]的)痛苦; 為憐憫起見殺死(某人[某動物])put (an animal) out of its pain 結束(某人[某動物]的)痛苦; 為憐憫起見殺死(某人[某動物])save one"s pains 節省氣力,不用白費氣力spare no pains 不遺餘力,不辭勞苦,全力以赴take pains 費儘力氣,煞費苦心,儘力設法be at pains 費儘力氣,煞費苦心,儘力設法be at the pains of 費儘力氣,煞費苦心,儘力設法with great pain 煞費苦心地


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