英語口語:關於聚會的英語表達 你知道多少?

2016-08-25來源:中國日報網英語點津【 】85 美國外教 在線口語培訓不管是在學校還是職場中,我們經常都會和同學或者同事出去嗨一把,那除了吃喝玩樂,你知道如何用英語表達聚會嗎?快點看過來吧~Party / party hard 聚會、盡情玩樂We partied all last weekend.我們上周末聚會玩了一整周。They party hard every weekend.他們每周末都會盡情開趴玩耍。Have a wild weekend 周末玩得很嗨The students had a bit of a wild weekend and didn』t recover until Wednesday.學生們過了一個很嗨的周末,到了周三才緩過神來。Let your hair down 放鬆心情盡情玩耍I like letting my hair down at the weekend because I study hard all week.我喜歡在周末放鬆心情並且盡情玩樂,因為我已經刻苦學習了一周了。Stay up all night 熬夜They went out on Saturday and stayed up all night.他們在周六出去熬夜了。

Right up my street 正合我意The hip hop is right up my street.這個說唱正是我喜歡的。Up for a laugh 想要玩樂Other people at the party were up for a laugh.舞會上的其他人也很想嗨。Electric (氣氛)活躍The atmosphere of the ball room is very electric.舞會房間的氣氛充滿動感。Fancy-dress 有主題的服裝(用於那些主題舞會,比如萬聖節舞會)The fancy-dress for a Halloween party is probably witch hat and pumpkins.萬聖節舞會的主題服裝很有可能是女巫帽和南瓜。Family gathering 家庭聚會Family gathering is one of the best times in the year.家庭聚會是一年中最好的時光之一。Cocktail party 雞尾酒舞會You have to dress up for the cocktail party.你得在雞尾酒舞會裡穿得正式點。Ball 正式舞會We have to leave at 5 if we want to be on time for the ball.如果我們不想在舞會遲到的話,我們五點就得出發。Drink-up 在酒吧的聚會You can dress up casually at a drink-up.你可以在酒吧的聚會裡穿得隨意一些。Dinner dance 舞會(比較老式的那種,一般都跳華爾茲)頂一下(0)0.00%踩一下(0)0.00%

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