


[Jan 06, 2011]天文:天文學家首次以多波段測量系外行星偏振!編輯seline報導




天文學家利用西班牙卡納利群島口徑2.5米的北歐光學望遠鏡(Nordic Optical Telescope),分別在U(ultra-violet,紫外光)、B(blue,藍光)、V(visible,可見光,其實波長為綠光)三個波段觀測HD189733b這顆熱木星(距離母恆星很近的氣體巨行星)。

研究的結果發現,這顆行星在藍光的部分最為明亮,這也顯示大氣層中造成偏振的主要機制是雷立散射(Rayleigh scattering),因此這顆行星看起來會和地球天空一樣的湛藍。另外他們還發現偏振的程度在東西大距(母恆星-行星-地球三者成直角的位置)時達到最高,這說明偏振的機制是由行星大氣的散射造成,而非恆星光因巨大的星斑所產生的偏振。



  • Universe Today: First Multi-wavelength Images of an Exoplanet
  • arXiv:1101.0059v1
  • FirstMulti-wavelength Images of an Exoplanet

    byJON VOISEYonJANUARY 4, 2011

    Colors are important in astronomy. They can be used to get a quick feel for the temperature of stars, map out hydrogen alpha, or even find oxygen when it gives off a distinctive green glow from the forbidden transistion. Yet thus far, all images of exoplanets have only been taken in a single color filter leaving astronomers with a flat picture and no understanding of the color of a planet.A new papercorrects this oversight while analyzing the polarization of reflected starlight to develop an understanding of the characteristics of the planet』s atmosphere.

    One of the properties of light is that it often becomes polarized upon reflection. This allows for polarized sunglasses to effectively reduce glare from road surfaces because the reflection tends to polarize the light in a preferred direction. Similarly, light striking a planet』s atmosphere will have a preferred axis of polarization. The degree of polarization will depend on many factors including, the angle of incidence (corresponding to the planetary phase), the types of molecules in the atmosphere, and the color, or wavelength, of light through which the planet is observed.

    The object of interest was HD189733b and observations were taken in using the UBV filters system which uses filters in the ultra-violet, blue, and green (or 「visible」) portions of the spectra. They were conduced at theNordic Optical Telescopein Spain.

    To control for the variations, astronomers would need to observe the planet at several wavelengths to understand how the color was affecting the results, as well as to watch the planet for several orbits to trace how the phase impacted the observations. Presently, the authors have not gone so far as to compare various composition models against these observations as this study was largely intended to be a feasibility study at multi-wavelength polarization detection.

    Results have shown that the planet is brightest in the blue portion of the spectra, a result that confirms earlier, theoretical predictions for hot Jupiters as well as tentative observational findings based on single color studies done last year. This supports the notion that the dominant mechanism of polarization is Rayleigh scattering in the atmosphere. The result of this is that the planet would likely appear to be a deep blue to the naked eye, much the same way our sky appears blue, but a much more vivid color due to the increased depth to which we would look. The observations also confirmed that polarization was greatest when the planet was near greatest elongation (as far to either side of the star as possible instead of near in front or behind when viewed from Earth) which supports that the polarization is due to scattering in the atmosphere as opposed to the starlight being initially polarized from large starspots.

    Certainly, this study has demonstrated the potential for astronomers to begin exploring planetary characteristics with polarization. However, it may be some time before it becomes accepted in general use. While the findings were certainly above the background noise, there existed a significant degree of uncertainty in the measurements resulting from the faint nature of planets. Being a large, hot Jupiter, HD189733b is a strong candidate since it is close to its parent star and thus, receives a large amount of light. Using such methods for other exoplanets, more distant from their parent stars will likely prove an even more daunting task, requiring careful preparation and observations.


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