

名人資料:JesseLivermore-TheWallstreet"sboyplunger這是一份2001年在國外網站收集的關於Jesse Livermore的介紹資料,有編輯整理,作為檔案留存。Jesse Lauriston Livermore was one of the best-known traders of the 20th Century. Few could accumulate money, or lose money, as quickly as Livermore.Known as the "boy plunger" because of the manner in which he would take large stock or commodity positions, Livermore lived as he traded - full steam ahead. He was very popular with members of the opposite sex due to his good looks and flamboyant life style.

Just Who Was Jesse Livermore?Jesse Livermore was born in South Acton, Massachusetts, in 1877. The son of a farmer, he left school in his early teens, and traveled to Boston where he became a "board boy" for Paine Webber. His position required him to update stock, bond and commodity prices on their large chalkboard.As Livermore recorded the ever-changing prices, he noted that prices often moved in predictable patterns. He soon concluded that the markets could be beaten, and that large sums of money could be made.At that time Livermore did not have sufficient money to trade in stocks himself, so he spent his lunch hours in bucket shops, where he could attempt to make money by predicting the direction of selected stocks and commodities. By the age of 15 he had made more than $1,000 - which would be a considerable sum in today"s dollars.Bucket shops were little more than gambling dens. After ignoring a warning to keep away from these establishments by his supervisor at Paine Webber, Livermore was sacked from his position.The Boy Plunger was now a full-time trader. Such was his success that he was banned from entering the bucket shops in Boston. He then tried the mid-West and East Coasts, where he made some $50,000. He resorted to disguises and used false names in order to circumvent the bans. In his 20s, Jesse Livermore moved to New York.In New York Livermore commenced his career as one of the greatest stock traders of all time. In 1906 he received a tip to short Union Pacific, and did so in a big way. The stock began to rise, and Livermore was in trouble. The San Francisco earthquake caused Union Pacific stock to plummet, leaving Livermore with a $250,000 profit. It also left him with a clear understanding of the dangers of blindly following tips.In 1907, he gained a reputation as a "bear raider", trading the short side of the market on a massive scale. It is believed that the powerful J.P. Morgan sent go-betweens to Livermore to ask him to scale down his activities.W.D. Gann, in45 Years in Wall Street(page 117) described Livermore as "one of the most spectacular traders of his day". Gann stated that Livermore was an honourable man who "believed in paying debts even after he had been relieved through the courts of bankruptcy".In fact, Livermore and many other traders and investors, including Gann himself, once lost their money when the brokerage firm Murray Mitchell and Company failed in 1913. In Gann"s words "In 1917 when Livermore came back and made a fortune, he not only paid back my proportionate part of money which I lost through the Mitchell failure, but paid everyone else". Gann added, "This was an honourable thing to do, and because of Livermore"s honor and honesty, in 1934 when he was broke, I backed him and got other people to raise money and back him. Livermore came back again and made money".Gann"s one criticism of Livermore was that Livermore had only studied how to make money - not how to keep money. In Gann"s words "He had the greed and the drive for power, and when he got a large amount of money, he could not trade conservatively. He tried to make the market go his way instead of waiting until the market was ready to follow the natural trend".Livermore"s success gave him a lifestyle that many could only dream about. The tall, thin blonde speculator bought a 200-foot yacht, the Anita. He dated famous women, including actress Lillian Russell. His trading exploits soon became well known, and people would often comment that someone was "as rich as Jesse Livermore".During World War I, Livermore anticipated that coffee would have a substantial rise in price, and established huge long positions. His profits amounted to millions of dollars, however the coffee contract was voided. The government believed that he was profiteering at wartime. This bankrupted Livermore for the third time.An aggressive trader, Livermore made, and subsequently lost, four million dollar fortunes. Much of the money was made using tactics prior to them being declared illegal by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the 1930s. The new regulations either prevented, or limited, tactics such as:using inside information;concealing his market positions;cornering stocks; and / orarranging for misleading, or incorrect, information to be published.Livermore became well known for his tactic of waiting until a stock he had bought had risen to the point where he had made substantial paper profits, and then "confiding" in a journalist from the New York Times, or other influential newspapers, that the stock was a great buy. Livermore would then unload his massive position, selling into the buying frenzy created by the journalist"s article.At his peak, he owned huge estates in several countries, Rolls Royce cars, and yachts, and was famous for his lavish parties.He also maintained a secret suite of offices in Fifth Avenue. It was in these offices that Livermore ran a full-scale brokerage operation, with numerous telephone lines and private telegraph lines. The office featured a full size quote board, updated by his clerks. He also employed a team of research staff. The sole purpose of this office was to facilitate his own trading and investment activities.In 1933, Livermore was suffering from depression. After a 26-hour drinking binge, he fell into a police station and told the policemen that he had lost his memory.Unable to accumulate money at the rate he previously did, Livermore decided to sell his trading secrets in the form of a book.How to Trade Stockswas published in 1940 in two versions - a leather-bound edition, and an "any man"s" edition. The book failed to capture the trading public"s hearts and minds.Later that year, Jesse Livermore consumed two drinks in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in Manhattan. He wrote an eight-page letter to his third wife, saying to her "my life has been a failure".The man who had affectionately become known as the Boy Plunger, the Great Bear, and the Cotton King, then walked into the hotel"s hat-check room, sat in a chair, and shot himself in the head. So ended the life of someone who was arguably the greatest trader of all time. Jesse Livermore, trader extraordinaire, the man who had made millions, left an estate of less than $10,000.The New York Times had Jesse Livermore"s epitaph as its editorial:What good he did, what harm he did, what his life meant to himself and to others - such questions are for the novelist… His passion drove him on… He lived in a time when the speculating he did came to seem like that of boys pinching pennies… He left no clouds of glory behind him, nor any miasma of human misery that he had created… The "Street" in which he operated is not what it used to be. His death punctuated the end of an era.Livermore"s LegacyJesse Livermore died more than 60 years ago. He left the world of trading three things:How to Trade In Stocks :How to Trade In Stocks was copyrighted in 1940 - the year Livermore died. It is believed that he wrote the book in a desperate attempt to raise capital. The book talks about the rationale of Livermore"s decision-making process while trading.Following are some quotations from How to Trade in Stocks:The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the man of inferior emotional balance, nor for the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.(Page 15)On doing your own work and thinking for yourself:… let me warn you that the fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions.(Page 16)On the best trades:Experience has proved to me that real money made in speculating has been in commitments in a stock or commodity showing a profit right from the start.(Page 19)On taking losses:Profits always take care of themselves but losses never do. The speculator has to insure himself against considerable losses by taking their first small loss.(Page 21)On holding and hoping:If my stock does not act as I anticipated, I immediate determine that the time is not yet ripe - so I close out my commitment.(Page 22)On "buy and hold" investing:Speculators in stock markets have lost money. But I believe that it is a safe statement that the money lost by speculators alone is small compared with the gigantic sums lost by so-called investors who have let their investments ride.(Page 25)From my point of view, the investors are the big gamblers. They make a bet, stay with it, and if all goes wrong, they lose it all.(Page 25)On history repeating, and learning from the past:The price pattern reminds you that every movement of importance is but a repetition of similar price movements, that just as soon as you can familiarize yourself with the actions of the past, you will be able to anticipate and act correctly and profitably upon forthcoming movements.(Page 51)On tips:Beware of inside information… all inside information.(Page 58)…and if there was any easy money lying around, no one would be forcing it in your pocket.(Page 58)The chart tells the entire story:The only reason an investor or speculator should ever want to have pointed out to him is the action of the market itself. Whenever the market does not act right or in the way it should - that is reason enough for you to change your opinion and change it immediately… Remember, there is always a reason for a stock acting the way it does. But also remember: the chances are that you will not become acquainted with that reason until some time in the future, when it is too late to act on it profitably.(Page 71)Reminiscences of a Stock Operator :This trading and investment classic, supposedly written by Edwin Lefevre in 1923, is arguably the most popular book ever written about speculation.Lefevre was a financial journalist, and the book was dedicated to Jesse Livermore. It is supposedly a novel about a fictional trader called Larry Livingston.In reality, Livermore almost certainly wrote the book himself, with Lefevre being the editor. The book is a thinly disguised account of Livermore"s life.Despite the book being one of the most enjoyable books on trading ever written, Reminiscences of a Stock Operator contains market truths from cover to cover. A few examples include:To learn that a man can make foolish plays for no reason whatever was a valuable lesson.[Pages 155 and 156]In fact, I always made money when I was sure I was right before I began. What beat me was not having brains enough to stick to my own game - that is, to play the market only when I was satisfied that precedents favored my play.[Page 14]The speculator"s chief enemies are always boring from within. It is inseparable from human nature to hope and to fear.[Page 129]… after a while, I heard a lot of calamity howling and the old stagers said everybody - except themselves - had gone crazy.[Page 34]… and the only thing to do when a man is wrong is to be right by ceasing to be wrong.[Page 103]But in actual practice a man has to guard against many things, and most of all against himself.[Page 122]No trading library should be without a copy of Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. It is no wonder that many authors today regularly quote passages from this book.Martin Zweig once stated that Reminiscences of a Stock Operator was "The best book I"ve read. I keep a supply for people who come to work for me".Jack Schwager, author of Market Wizards and New Market Wizards says of the book:In my interviews with over 30 of the best traders of our time, there were some questions that I raised in each conversation. One of these was: "Are there any books that you find particularly valuable and would recommend to aspiring traders?" By far, the most frequent response was "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator".Jesse Livermore"s third legacy to the world was his life story. On the one hand he was an honourable man who paid debts that he was not legally required to pay. On the other hand, he was a big time trader who would use any legal tactic to enhance his chances of making money.The one thing his supporters and his critics agree on is that he was a true market master.名人資料:傑西·利文摩爾(JesseLivermore)生平簡介Jesse Livermore生於1877年 7月26日逝於1940年11月27日,閃亮而富有魅力的一生,投機行業里無出其右的奇才。充滿了神秘的氣息,有華爾街大熊與獨狼之稱,他的一生是交易的經典。Jesse Lauriston Livermore在孩童時代他的快速理解力和遠超常人的數學天賦就引人注目,13歲時父親對他說上學對農夫來說是無用的,14歲時把他從學校帶走從事農活,Jesse Lauriston Livermore遇到了打擊,他的母親私下裡支持他,14歲那年他帶著口袋裡僅有的5美元離開了父母。他搬到了波士頓,在那找到了第一份工作,在當地Paine Webber分公司當Chalkboard Boy。他對自己記下的數據的意義很感興趣,在數據專欄里尋找樣本。一個月後,那是1892年他剛15歲,他用午休的時間在附近的"Bucket Shop" (一個股票交易場所)自己進行投機交易。當他的上司知道後,跟他談話威脅他如果不放棄的話炒他魷魚。Jesse Lauriston Livermore選擇了離開,他很高興,結束了時間很短的首個工作。儘管那是他當時唯一可以逗留的地方,雖然離開的時候,顯得不太體面。後來他在當地Bucket Shops賺錢維生。16歲時他賺了1000美元,對他這樣的年齡來說是一筆不小的數額。他一個人工作,不對任何人說他做什麼,沒有搭檔,從不借錢。他很成功,被人們稱為神奇男孩,投機男孩。後來,他帶著2500美金(期間已經賺了10000美金)開始了華爾街的冒險,但是最終失敗了。他只能向Ed Hutton借了1000美金。再次在Bucket Shops他熟悉的領域尋找機會。1899年22歲時他帶著10000美金的起始資金再次開始了華爾街的冒險。1901年他從牛市中贏得了巨大的利潤,50000美金並開始做空。這是他還必須學習的一課。儘管他判斷對了市場的方向,但糟糕的操作毀掉了他的計劃。他再次輸光了。他的夫人拒絕把首飾當掉,只好又到Bucket Shops尋找機會。當他再次湊夠了足夠的資金,又回到了華爾街。他改良了系統,特別研究失敗者的態度,因為他不想再次成為失敗者。最終他成功了,1906年初29歲時他做空數千Union Pacific的股票。那年4月18日舊金山發生大地震,Union Pacific三天後向石頭般下落,他獲得了250000美金的利潤。1907秋30歲時他已經有了1百萬美元。他認為自己看對了方向,在他獲利了結後去了歐洲旅行。直覺告訴他他僅僅是為了不在失去利潤而了結沒有任何理由,回到紐約後再次大量做空。後來10月發生了真正的崩潰,24日他第一次賺到了1百萬美元,僅一天之內,這天還沒過去,他相信自己的交易規則,在交易日結束前他又獲得了巨大的利潤。他的保證金足夠多第二天又可以向市場投入給市場死亡之吻。如果他成功了,那將不是1百萬而是1千萬的利潤甚至兩千萬,另一方面他將會不確定,是否交易市場還會再開。朋友Warren Augustus Reed的拜訪軟化了他的決定,請求放棄做空,這個請求不是來自隨便什麼人而是JP Morgan,在那時已是傳奇。Jesse Lauriston Livermore31歲時他的成就他的力量達到了暫時的高峰,他掌握著像morgan那樣的力量,至少在一天之內。Jesse Lauriston Livermore同意了,不僅出於無私也是出於計算。他將沒有更多的股票可以做空,第二天開始獲利了結,然後他開始瘋狂買進,引起了市場反彈,他買進了其他100000股在交易日結束時獲得了3百萬的利潤。好景不長。同一年他遇到了Percy Thomas, 棉花大王。這給他帶來了厄運。儘管Livermore原則上拒絕和別人合作,儘管在與Thomas認識出問過自己重要的問題如果他能很好的了解訊息為什麼會破產,Thomas還是把他拉下了水。Livermore漸漸扔掉了多年來獲得的經驗,在這次冒險中越陷越深,這一課陪上了3百萬美元,而只有不到300000的回報。當他試圖儘快贏回他的損失時,犯下了又一個錯誤。在下個月絕望的嘗試中最終背上了1百萬的債務。幾個月後他才找到力量去分析他的態度,第一次意識到了自己交易中的情緒部分。他的衰落源於自我。他已經習以為常的去應付失敗,然而真正把他甩出成功之路的是1907年10月24日那次過高的成就。他痛苦的學到,有時成就比失敗更讓人難以承受。1915年2月Livermore38歲時宣布破產。思想輕鬆了帶著一個老朋友的起始資金,他又開始了嘗試。事態發展的不錯,1917年初他償還了債務,儘管由於破產這不是必須的,他的債務人毫無例外的謝絕了他提供的利息。二十年代期間Livermore總是報道的主題,他對這些基本從不評論。他的態度更增添了他的傳奇。二十年代是他的好時候。從1929年夏Livermore察覺到了過熱的市場和惡化的供求比例。他嘗試著小規模的做空多種股票,但是很快兌現了因為市場還沒有準備好,Livermore停止了做空。在第三次的嘗試才獲得了他的位置,開始用久經考驗的方式建倉。這給他在短期內帶來超過1億的財富。這比美國大蕭條初期多半破產更具影響,他收到了很多絕望的人們的死亡威脅,要突然襲擊殺死他,他應該對這個災難負責。他達到了成就的頂峰。然而快樂並沒有伴他而來,和第二任妻子的離異使他更加的沮喪,失去了投機遊戲的興趣,他的財富很快的蒸發掉了。1934年僅僅他最輝煌成就的5年後再次宣布破產,失去了一切。1939年他寫了一本書如何交易股票,最後嘗試著東山再起,他受到了打擊,他那傳奇示的感覺不復存在。1940年11月27日,他在Sherry Netherland Hotels的廁所里用手槍結束了他的生命。江恩在《江恩:華爾街四十五年》中的章節「歷史上的大炒家」,列舉了不少大炒家的故事,其中一個就是股票作手利文摩爾。江恩稱利文摩爾是個有信用的人,他雖然屢屢破產,但只要恢復元氣,一定還債(包括欠江恩的錢)。高夫曾提到利文摩爾在1929年便徹底失敗,而江恩說他在1934年再次破產後又賺了錢,當然最後確實在破產狀態下自殺。《金融心理學》的作者拉斯-特維德還提到過利文摩爾是如何逃過1929年大崩盤的,當時他僱傭40名「統計員」作為助手,在沒有計算機的情況下,對下跌和上漲的股票家數進行計算。在他們廣泛選取的1002隻股票中,有614隻同一時期下跌,只有338隻上漲,所以儘管工業指數成份股漲勢喜人,利文摩爾感到大勢不妙,趕緊走人。江恩對這位大炒家的總結是:「利文摩爾的弱點之一是他除了學習如何賺錢之外,什麼都不學。他從不學習保存資金的方法。他貪心,有權力欲,所以當他賺了一大筆錢以後,就不再穩妥地進行交易。他試圖讓市場跟著他的意願走,而不是等待市場自然地轉勢」。這也是所有最終失敗的大炒家的通病,當他們賺到大錢後,就忘卻了遇事小心謹慎的成功之道,變得過度交易,沒考慮意外的出現,忘乎所以,最後市場經常只有他一個買家,其他都是賣家。Livermore最後自殺是因為婚姻生活的失敗導致抑鬱症,而非破產自殺。(如果你做過研究你會知道他曾經四次破產,所以破產對於他不是什麼打擊,並且他破產後的生活還算過的可以;1934年破產後的第一件事是與他妻子去歐洲旅行了20月,在上甲板前,他對記者說:「我希望解決我思想中的一些問題」)。除了他自己的最後不幸,他的家人大多也以悲劇收場,他妻子曾經槍擊他的兒子Jesse livermore Jr.,他的兒子Jesse Livermore Jr. 深度酒精中毒,虐待妻子並且差一點殺死他妻子。股票作手回憶錄是在1929年股災後他的人生達到最高峰時寫的,由一位記者進行編輯潤色,類似回憶錄,但是並非完全史實,而是有些藝術虛構。。。(文章摘自外匯論壇,發貼人:Leonardo1977)Izul註:本篇介紹資料提到Livermore在Sherry Netherland Hotels的廁所里自殺,但有國外其它資料記載的是他在飯店裡醉酒後留下遺言,然後坐在衣帽間的沙發上開槍自殺。文章引用自:http://y2.cn對傑西·利文摩爾(JesseLivermore)的生時校正在金融市場這個領域,W.D. Gann(William D. Gann:威廉·江恩)和Jesse Livermore(Jesse L. Livermore:傑西·利文摩爾,利文摩爾也有翻譯成利物莫、利物默等)是兩位令我敬仰的大師。Gann以其深奧、玄妙而精準的分析技術流傳至今,被他的時代譽為交易大師。而Livermore則被稱為最具傳奇色彩的投機奇才,一生閃亮而富有魅力,至今仍是許多青年專業投資家的偶像。多年以前我專門收集過他們兩位的資料。Gann的信息很容易獲得,應有盡有,由於他出版的專著多,加上聲名顯赫,所以在AstroDatabank的名人資料庫里就可以找到他的記載。Livermore就不同了,他雖名望盛極一時,也有著作出版,但影響範圍主要是在專業領域,另外,以自殺作為其人生最後的收局也為他的一世英名蒙上了缺憾。一直以來我沒有找到他的完整出生資料,以此為憾。令人意外的是,前兩天和朋友聊天時提起了他,他的出生日期竟被朋友找到了。。。拿到他的出生日期,我腦子裡閃過的第一個念頭就是要找出他的出生時間。根據記載,他的出生日期是1877年7月26日,出生於美國的South Acton。South Acton的經緯數據為:42.27N,71.27W,根據美國州數據採用的時區馬塞諸塞州按西5區計算。下面來記錄對他的本命盤時間的推導細節,以紀念這位傳奇人物。對於Livermore留給人們最深刻的印象是:自我、高傲、正直、對數字擁有極好的記憶力和敏銳的思維、喜好賭博和投機、財來財去、多情、奢侈的生活、三次婚姻、不爭氣的下一代、以及最後自殺結束生命。首先看日盤特徵,自我、高傲是獅子座的典型特徵,木星落射手強勢,與金星形成準確的相位利財,日水合相為人聰明好思考,火土合相凶星力量集中,既代表頑強的意志力、專橫固執的行為,也存在著危險、暴力傾向。大凡生出名人的盤,多數盤中擁有準確相位的行星。Livermore是金木準確相拱在一度之內,財運極強,另外,日水合相的同時形成緯照,智慧超凡。這個日盤沒有顯著的恆星照耀,所以初步推測必定有關鍵行星落在四角。

再來考慮定位宮位問題。賭博投機興趣和運氣以5宮為首要,先放入木星,木星廟旺落本位宮,投機天賦很強。火土凶星匯聚並未對其關鍵行星產生大的刑克,所以自殺的悲慘結局就首先考慮火土落入8宮,這樣上升點就定位在獅子座,進一步強化了他的自我而正直的特徵。接著,數字天賦和交易(短線投機)才華以水星為代表,僅是日水相位還不足以透視出他超群的水星力量,將上升點調整到水星附近,讓水星在盤中最為突出,相應地水星為2宮和11宮的主宰星,突出了他的財運和人緣(多次破產均有朋友相助,同時一生亦以喜好豪華party聞名)。剩下的金星落1宮,符合他為人多情、奢侈豪華生活的特點,月亮落在7宮,重視婚姻家庭生活,但宮主星為土星,與火星合在8宮受克,婚姻給他帶來的災難是深重的。在沒有強力恆星的支持下,考慮到Livermore對數字的超人天賦,就進一步將水星定位在準確與上升點相合的位置。這樣福點落在水瓶座22-23度,福點有金木相位守護大吉,但同時定位星土星受克,幸運與災難相輔相成,太陽也與上升點相合,但落在了12宮,這與他為人神秘、低調、不事張揚相符,同時12宮的精神、心理障礙亦是他晚年自殺的主要原因之一,12宮主宰星月亮落7宮,體現出婚姻家庭是造成太陽(命主)悲劇的罪魁禍首。最後剩下的基本點是關於其子女情況。Livermore的兩位公子都是絕對的帥哥,相貌堂堂,但卻是「逆子」,兩個兒子的放縱和逆天行為估計也給他的晚年帶來很大的沮喪和痛苦。星盤中5宮落入木星,但對其子女卻未能發揮其投機天賦般的作用。木星是受到火土的潛在威脅的,但這個相位由木星主導,不算兇險,只是在開啟了子女點(男性)這個命運點後,就會發現它落在了雙子19-20度,準確地與火土相刑,這才是關鍵。那麼針對5宮的投機情況,打開投機點,它出現在巨蟹24度,恰屬於恆星Procyon的位置,這是一顆凶吉屬性都很極端的星,代表行動力、突然的成功然後陷入災難、提升及暴力,凶吉參半亦是Livermore一生交易的真實寫照,巨蟹24度屬性為火,主宰星為木星,從另一個側面體現出其投機運和操作風格。這樣,Livermore的星盤就基本出來了。接下來再根據他的大事記結合推運對生時進行校驗和調整。由於有關Livermore的事件記載很少有精確到日的,所以時間校正的精確程度不求分秒必爭。我習慣以Degree-for-year象徵推運作為主要手段,對個別有日期記載的事件,再考量流年的影響。據說校正生時最好的方法是精確計算的主限法,若根據ZET軟體中的Direction Equatorial推導,Livermore的生時應比5:12提早一些,不過比較之後我感覺簡化了的Direction效果更好,其校正的結果配合流年事件的對應效果也較Direction Equatorial更佳。1、1891年,Livermore14歲時離開家鄉打工,同時開始投機交易。對只有年份的事件,我按其生日做Direction推運盤。這一年,水星攜上升點推進到獅子座的25度,與木星形成準確的相位,代表機遇和新發展。同時火土推進到白羊3-4度,與本命太陽形成準確相位,這個考驗也體現出了那年的磨難,先是從家鄉逃離到波士頓,然後再是在工作中因參與投機交易的緣故而被解僱。之後,Livermore開始了專職投機之路。


3、1907年10月,他達到了一生之中的第二個頂峰,JP Morgan(摩根財團)請求Livermore停止放空以挽救市場,這一年他獲利豐厚。但命運再次弄人,也是這一年發生了轉折,因合作問題被人拉下水,隨後即開始虧錢,最終虧掉全部後並負債百萬美元。資料記載的是10月24日Morgan派人拜訪他,這一天的流年是木星經過上升點和水星,太陽經過下中天,金星位於天底支持著經過上升點的木星,是他春風得意之刻。







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