書籍分享|The Heart Of A Broken Story by J.D. Salinger
源 The Heart Of A Broken Story by Salinger
整理編輯 良夜
Loving you is the important thing, Miss Lester. There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six oclock-kisses and children, and perhaps it is, Miss Lester. But do you know what I think? I think love is a touch and yet not a touch.
(對於選段中「Love is a touch and yet not a touch」的譯法五花八門,最常見的譯句為「愛是想觸碰又收回手」。對於此譯,良夜本人保留意見)
- 作者:J.D. Salinger
- 國別:美國
- 頁數:6
- 語言:英語
- 文學類型:雜誌文學
- 文學體裁:小說
- 首版時間:1941-05
- 推薦理由:語言生動而富有感染力,二十世紀四十年代美國城市布景由作者一筆輔開。適合高中及以上英語水平的讀者。
- 獲取途徑:鏈接: 密碼:d5cq
提及J.D. Salinger,閱者可能並不十分熟悉,但若提到他的另外一部作品《麥田裡的守望者》,恐怕就不會感覺陌生了。是的,作為一名在美國出生並成長的作家,J.D. Salinger這部早期的短篇《破碎故事之心》本想發布在《紐約客》上,但最終發布在了《Collier周刊》上,原因正如文中所說:
That was the beginning of the story I started to write for Colliers. I was going to write a lovely tender boy-meets-girl story. What could be finer, I thought. The world needs boy-meets-girl stories. But to write one, unfortunately, the writer must go about the business of having the boy meet the girl. I couldnt do it with this one. Not and have it make sense. I couldnt get Horgenschlag and Shirley together properly. And here are the reasons:
Certainly it was impossible for Horgenschlag to bend over and say in all sincerity:
「I beg your pardon. I love you very much. Im nuts about you. I know it. I could love you all my life. Im a printers assistant and I make thirty dollars a week. Gosh, how I love you. Are you busy tonight?」
This Horgenschlag may be a goof, but not that big a goof. He may have been born yesterday, but not today. You cant expect Colliers readers to swallow that kind of bilge. A nickels a nickel, after all.
But Justin Horgenschlag never got to know Shirley Lester. She got off at Fifty-Sixth Street, and he got off at Thirty-Second Street. That night Shirley Lester went to the movies with Howard Lawrence with whom she was in love. Howard thought Shirley was a darn good sport, but that was as far as it went. And Justin Horgenschlag that night stayed home and listened to the Lux Toilet Soap radio play. He thought about Shirley all night, all the next day, and very often during that month. Then all of a sudden he was introduced to Doris Hillman who was beginning to be afraid she wasnt going to get a husband. And then before Justin Horgenschlag knew it, Doris Hillman and things were filing away Shirley Lester in the back of his mind. And Shirley Lester, the thought of her, no longer was available.
And thats why I never wrote a boy-meets-girl story for Colliers. In a boy-meets-girl story the boy should always meet the girl.
就以上選段來看,作者對時文程式化的「男孩與女孩相識」的情節毫不買賬,同時認為矯揉造作的男女對白、油腔滑調的男孩形象硬塞給讀者,委實不妥,且味同嚼蠟。「畢竟讀者是也付了錢的(A nickel is a nickel, after all)」。
作者之所以拒絕寫「A boy-meets-girl story」,正是出於對一九四一年時期市場上風行的商業化、程式化言情文稿的不屑。
*關於「A boy-meets-girl story」一詞,網路上多數譯文為「當男孩遇上女孩」;然而事實上,「Meet」更多時候表示二人有過對話並因此相識,因此在直譯成中文時,往往改為了「遇見」。在此根據上下文與小說主旨,不少譯者認為應該照應前文:
「Oh, the agony of it! The agony of standing over Shirley Lester and not being able to bend down and kiss Shirleys parted lips. The inexpressible agony of it!」
「But Justin Horgenschlag never got to know Shirley Lester.」
作為一名普通讀者,據我與其他讀者分享感悟的情況來看,J.D. Salinger的作品之所以能使與我同齡的讀者產生強烈的共鳴,是因為書中特有的語言色彩及恰到好處的修辭運用。就比如:
「Anyway, it was December and all, and it was cold as a witchs teat, especially on top of that stupid hill.」——《The Catcher In The Rye》
基本上,所有看過《麥田裡的守望者》的讀者,都會記得這句「明喻(Simile)」。這部《破碎故事之心》之中明喻手法也頗為可圈可點,比如「輕似掌中一鴻毛(Light as a feather to carry)」。