XXX Don Mills Road
Unit XXX
Toronto, ON
Canada XXX XXX
Phone: 1-416-XXXXXXX
April 30, 2007 Canadian Consulate General
Immigration Section
1367 Nanjing Xi Lu
Suite 668
Shanghai, China (PRC)
Phone: 86-21-62798400
Dear Sir or Madam:
My graduation ceremony will take place in June 2007.Sincethey have supported my throughout my college years, I would like toinvite my parents to visit Canada and attend the ceremony.
Myname is XXX and I was born on XXX. In XXX, I left my motherland to cometo Canada to study XXX at Seneca College of Applied Arts andTechnology, so I am a visa student right now. During the three-yearperiod of my life of studying (1 year for language and 2 years for mymajor), my mother, XXX, and my father, XXX, spent a lot of energy andmoney to support my completing these courses.Thus, I believe that attending my Graduation Ceremony would be an excellent opportunity to repay them for their support.I know they will be proud of and happy for me.
In additional, summer is a great season for tourism and shopping in Canada.It would give my family the chance to enjoy Canada and family life.This is especially true for my father who he is a businessman who always works hard to ensure his business is successful.I also gave up my two summer vacations to do my best to finish my program sooner. As a result, we have not seen each other for three years.
The visit would begin on June 1st, 2007 and end at August 31, 2007. For their visit, they plan to stay with me during the three month summer vacation period.I and my roommate XXX have rented an apartment located in XXX.Ithas 2 bedrooms and 1 living room and the basic rental is XXX formonthly. I and my roommate shared the rental which I have to pay XXXfor monthly from September 1st, 2006 until to August 31, 2007.(Residential Tenancy Agreement will be enclosed) I have a part timejob, so I believe that I am able to pay for this rental and otherexpense while my parents are here.
My mother was born in XXX and my father was born in XXX. They reside at XXX.Their home telephone is XXX. Theyare submitting their application document (IMM5257B), along with thisletter, to your office for processing. As the inviter, to the best ofmy knowledge, I have provided the required materials in order tofacilitate the processing.
I am eagerly looking forward to your favorable processing and to seeing my parents in Canada soon.
Should you need more information, please let me know. I can be reached…………..
以上邀請信樣本已經過我Business Writing教授的修改,而且我當時是把CIC的邀請信要求一起發給她的,所以本人認為應該沒有什麼大問題了。所虛準備材料:必須材料:1.學校邀請信(原件)2.擔保人邀請信(原件)見樣本3.擔保人護照及有效學生簽證複印件(複印件)4.出生公證(公證件)5.親屬關係公證(公證件)4和5個人認為可以用留學申請時的公證件,所以如果你出國時沒有帶出來, 那就是你父母準備了6.擔保人資金證明(原件)如果是父母一起來,建議擔保金盡量在$15,000 CAD左右,總之要讓簽證官 覺得這些錢能保證你們三在3個月的訪問期夠用
7.擔保人照片2張 這個我不是很確定要不要擔保人的照片,我只是覺得有備無患輔助材料:8.現在學校錄取通知書(原件)9.原學校錄取通知書(原件)因為我是之前有轉學,所以是這樣提供10.學費收據(列印件)T220,各位應該都有,以後可以抵工資報稅11.現在學校成績單(列印件)12.原學校成績單(列印件)13.所獲所有證書(複印件)14.房租收據(原件),現住房合同(複印件)這個個人認為很有必要,邀請信中也有所提到,因為CIC的邀請信上就有這麼個要求15.駕照、學生證、社保卡、醫療卡等(複印件)16.購車合同(複印件)終於寫完了,
官方check list:1. 申請人每人須提供:1. 兩份用英文或法文填寫的「臨時居民簽證申請表」,並簽名、註明日期。在每份表格上須親筆簽名。注意:將你僱主的電話和傳真號碼一併填寫在表格第10 欄內。2. 一份用中文及英文,或中文及法文填寫的「家屬表/教育和就業細節表」,並簽名、註明日期。在每份表格上須親筆簽名。3. 四張在近六個月以內拍攝的護照像尺寸的照片(彩色或黑白均可),並在每張照片的背面用漢語拼音清晰地註明該申請人的姓名和出生日期(依照「日/月/年」的順序)。4. 護照或旅行證件的原件,其中必須至少有一頁空白頁,其有效期至少要持續到你計劃從加拿大離境日期後的一個月。5. 兩張寫好自己通訊地址的可粘貼標籤,將你的姓名、地址和郵政編碼用中文填寫在上面。6. 準確數額的申請費。請注意:持外交或公務護照的申請人無需交費,但持因公普通護照或私人護照的申請人需要交費。申請費用詳情請見「收費標準」頁。7. 完整的「代理人信息表」(IMM5476E 表),如果有其他人幫助你進行申請。8. 18 周歲以下的兒童需要提供父母允許孩子出國的同意書。因私訪問 (探親訪友)申請人需提供:1. 如果你有工作,請提供一份由僱主出具的使用單位抬頭信箋的准假信,信中須包含:你的姓名、職務、現在的工資數額;信中還須用中文註明你僱主的姓名、地址,及電話和傳真號碼;2. 如果你已經退休,請提供註明退休金數額的退休證明;3. 資金證明原件且要反映出資金的積累歷史;4. 在中國的財產證明 (例如: 房產證明、車輛註冊證明等) ;5. 與加拿大邀請人的關係證明 (出生證複印件,結婚證複印件,往來信件證明等等)。邀請人需提供:1. 說明訪問目的的邀請函;2. 邀請人的家庭成員名單;3. 邀請人的公民或移民身份證件複印件 (例如: IMM1000 表、永久居民卡―正反面複印件、學習許可、工作許可);4. 下列文件的原件:a) 由加拿大海關和稅務總署 (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) 出據的邀請人及其配偶的稅收狀況證明;b) 如受雇,說明邀請人及其配偶收入情況的受雇信;c) 如在校學習,所在學校出據的錄取通知書及成績單。
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