

Justin Bieber: 5 things we learned from his tour rider

中國日報網 2017-05-18 13:45



We all know celebrities have a long list of demands when they go on tour, but Justin Bieber has taken it to the next level. 明星們巡演的時候會提一大長串要求,對此我們已經見怪不怪了,但賈斯汀·比伯在這方面簡直是登峰造極。

A music journalist in India has claimed to have received a list of the singer"s demands, which he posted on Twitter. 一位印度音樂記者稱收到了歌手比伯的要求清單,並把這份清單發到了推特上。

It"s a pretty extensive list, but then again, Justin has a pretty extensive entourage of 120 people to look after. 這份清單確實不短,但話說回來,賈斯汀可是要顧及足足120位隨行人員。

And, to be fair, most stars pay for the things they request, so he is the one footing the bill for the many demands. 並且,平心而論,大多數明星都對他們的要求自掏腰包,所以這麼多要求也是賈斯汀自己掏錢。

Its authenticity hasn"t been verified by Bieber"s team, but oh how we hope it"s accurate. 雖然清單的真實性還未得到比伯團隊證實,但是,我們多麼希望它是真的。


In every dressing room, Justin needs white crew-neck T-shirts, tank tops and some socks. 賈斯汀需要在每個更衣室中都放有白色圓領T恤、背心和襪子。

All fairly normal right items of clothing right? Well, yes, but the sizes he"s requested are a bit odd. 這些都是再正常不過的衣服了不是嗎?當然,是的,但他要求的衣服尺碼就有點奇怪了。

Let"s take the socks. JB only wants sizes available in XS (extra small) and L (large). 以襪子為例,賈斯汀只要求準備XS號(特小號)和L號(大號)的襪子。

Now, this suggests to us that he"s got one foot significantly bigger than the other. 這告訴我們,可能他其中一隻腳比另一隻大很多。

Either that or his crew is made up of only very large or very small people, so if you"re of average build you might find it hard to join the Bieber clan. 又或者他的員工只有大塊頭和小不點這兩類人,所以你如果是中等身材,那可能很難加入比伯的團隊。


You know what"s, like, really annoying? When you have to go to the effort of opening your fridge to find out what"s actually in it. 你知道特別煩人的一件事是什麼嗎?就是你必須得打開冰箱門,才能知道裡面有什麼。

Bieber has come up with an excellent solution to this problem we all face - specifically requesting a glass-door refrigerator. 比伯想出了一個絕妙的辦法,解決了這個我們都犯難的問題——特別要一個玻璃門的冰箱不就行了。

That way, he"ll be able to see through to his requested energy drinks, cream sodas, protein drinks, half a gallon of almond milk and "24 still water bottles" (no need for the actual water, just the bottles). 這樣一來,他就能輕而易舉地看到他點的能量飲料、奶油蘇打水、蛋白飲料、半加侖杏仁奶和「24個無氣泡礦泉水瓶子」(裡面不需要真的有水,只要瓶子)。

He"ll need some food to go with all that liquid, so there"s also dried fruit, vegetables seasoned with ranch sauce, organic turkey and white cheddar popcorn on the list. 賈斯汀還需要與這些飲品搭配的食物,所以清單上還有乾果、配有牧場沙拉醬的蔬菜、有機火雞和白切達乳酪爆米花。


The list doesn"t just cover snacks - it also offers many clues about the kind of meals A-list singers like to eat while on the road. 這份清單不止包含零食,它還提供了很多線索,告訴我們一線歌手們都喜歡在巡演路上吃哪種食物。

"Top culinary experts will supervise the gourmet food being served to Bieber over the four days with five dishes per day being renamed after his popular songs," it says. 清單上寫道「需要有頂級的烹飪專家為供給比伯的美食把關。這四天中,每天都提供五道以比伯熱門歌曲命名的菜。」

This line is an absolute gift to any chef, surely. 對任何主廚來說,達到這項要求簡直不費吹灰之力。

You could have the Baby burrito, the Boyfriend burger, the Sorry sandwich, the Love Yourself lamb and the What Do You Mean watermelon. 菜單可以是:「寶貝」墨西哥卷餅、「男朋友」漢堡、「對不起」三明治、「愛你自己」羔羊肉和「你什麼意思」西瓜。


"Arrangements for a Jacuzzi have also been made for Bieber"s personal use to unwind before he takes to the stage," the star"s list says. 賈斯汀的清單上寫著「為比伯安排一個專用的極可意水流按摩浴缸,以便他上台前能得到放鬆。」

If whirlpool access could be made law for all people with normal jobs, we"d really appreciate it. 如果從事普通工作的人都能享受到漩渦浴,那我們會感激涕零的。

You do have to Love Yourself, after all, and Justin is clearly a man who believes you should practise what you preach. 你真的要好好「愛自己」(賈斯汀的歌曲名),畢竟,賈斯汀顯然是個言出必行的人。

Which would also explain the other requests for a massage table and an accompanying personal (female) masseuse. 這就不難理解,清單上為啥還要求配備一張按摩床和一名隨行的私人女按摩師了。


It"s quite irritating when you go out to do your food shop and remember to buy bread, milk and veg, but forget to pick up a special Indian yoga casket. 如果你出門採購,買了麵包、牛奶和蔬菜,但卻忘了買個特別的印度瑜伽盒,這可真讓人惱火。

In Bieber"s case, it"s not just any special Indian yoga casket, but a special Indian yoga casket which contains aromatic essential oils, jasmine, mogra and incense sticks. 對比伯來說,這可不止是一個特別的印度瑜伽盒,而是一個裝有精油、茉莉、小茶花和香柱的特別的印度瑜伽盒。

We"re not totally confident we even know what a "mogra" is. 我們甚至不能確切地告訴你「小茶花」是什麼東西。

To complement the casket, "books on chakras and yoga asanas will be placed in Bieber"s suite knowing his love for yoga". We all knew about his love for yoga didn"t we? 除了瑜伽盒外,既然我們都知道比伯愛好瑜伽,所以他的套房裡應放有「關於脈輪和瑜伽體式的書籍。」我們都知道他愛好瑜伽,不是嗎?


No Bieber tour is complete without his requested cola gummies, ping pong table, 12 white handkerchiefs and hydrating lip balm. 此外,如果沒有比伯要求的可樂軟糖、乒乓球台、12條白色手帕和鎖水唇蜜,那麼他的巡演將是不完整的。



幾萬塊錢的一桌菜它還是離不了二元錢一包的鹽。 大家怎麼理解的?

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