The winner is called Ken Cheng, his mother is from Beijing and his dad has Hong Kong roots. Ken was born and raised up in the UK.小哥告訴本報駐英國記者,他名叫Ken Cheng,母親是北京人,父親是香港籍,Ken從小在英國長大,是很典型的BBC(British born Chinese)。Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player.2007年,Ken被劍橋大學數學系錄取,但沒過多久就直接輟學改行做起了專業撲克玩家。He started comedy about six years ago. It was just a hobby at first and he didn"t see it as a possible career until a couple of years ago. Ken reached the final of the 2015 BBC Radio New Comedy and his show 『Two birds with one stone』 made a big success among the audience.大概6年前,Ken開始接觸喜劇笑話。剛開始喜劇於他來說只是興趣愛好,他從未想過會發展成職業。2015年,Ken成功入圍了BBC 舉辦的新喜劇比賽(New Comedy Awards)的決賽,憑藉演出《一石二鳥》瞬間俘獲了大批英國觀眾。
It is Ken』s first time in Edinburgh Festival Fringe which is world』s largest arts festival. He was surprised the joke won the award because it had been a 「groaner」.今年是Ken首次參加愛丁堡藝穗節,也是Ken首次在世界級的藝術節上嶄露頭角。讓Ken沒有想到的是,當初對新一英鎊硬幣發行後的一點吐槽就讓他能獲得如此大的榮譽。「It was when they announced they were going to come up with a new coin, so I first came up with it in 2014.」這個想法最初是2014年有的,當時正宣布說要設計新的硬幣式樣。「Audiences tend to groan at it a lot. I』m generally going after laughs, but I』ll take the groan.」觀眾對此(新一英鎊硬幣)吐槽了很多,我只是力求搞笑,但是也會採納那些吐槽。
這次榮獲最佳笑話的頭銜,Ken也非常的開心。「The joke of the Fringe award is such a prestigious thing, and ultimately it』s just a fun thing to be involved in. I really enjoy it, and people seem to enjoy talking about it.」能獲得藝穗節最佳笑話獎我非常榮幸,而且能參與其中也非常的好玩,我很喜歡,人們看起來也很喜歡討論這個話題。「As a tribute, I will name my firstborn son after this award and call him 『Joke of the Fringe』」我決定這次獲獎之後,給我第一個兒子就取名為『藝穗節最佳笑話』,以示紀念。此次獲獎之後小哥迅速走紅,他的照片瞬間佔領了BBC,衛報,鏡報等主流英國媒體的主頁。
衛報:Ken Cheng的一鎊硬幣段子被選為愛丁堡藝穗節最好笑笑話
鏡報:愛丁堡藝穗節觀眾評選的15個最好笑笑話出爐對於迅速走紅和各媒體的宣傳,小哥也表示非常開心。「It』s been good for exposure, and I hope people come to see my show because of it, even though the joke doesn"t represent the show very well and it』s just one joke, but I』m very proud of the show, it"s something different and I』m glad I』m getting that exposure because of it.」有媒體曝光很好,我也希望人們因此都來觀看我的演出,即使這個笑話不能很好的代表我的演出,而且這僅僅只是一個笑話,但我對自己的演出非常自豪,它很特別,我也很開心能因此帶來更多的知名度。我們來看一段小哥製作的節目,視頻中,他盤點了10句最蠢的英語俗語,挨個狠狠吐槽了一番。語不驚人死不休。
如果排名第一的笑話太冷,拿來感受一下其他參賽作品的溫度如何(按得票順序排列):2. Trump』s nothing like Hitler. There』s no way he could write a book.特朗普和希特勒一點都不像,他可不像希特勒那樣有文化能寫出一本書來。3. I』ve given up asking rhetorical questions. What"s the point?我以後再也不說反問句了。有意思嗎?(註:『有意思嗎』本身就是反問句)4. I』m looking for the girl-next-door type. I』m just gonna keep moving house till I find her.我喜歡鄰家女孩那樣的姑娘,所以為了能找到這樣一個姑娘,我到處搬家換鄰居。5. I like to imagine the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the 『brella』. But he hesitated.一開始發明雨傘(umbrella)的人本來是想叫它傘(brella),但他猶豫了一下。(註:猶豫時會英國人一般會說ummm(恩…)來表示思考中)6. Combine Harvesters. And you』ll have a really big restaurant.把所有的收割機集合起來。這樣我們就會擁有一間很大的餐廳。(註:英國有一家連鎖餐廳就叫Harvesters)7. I』m rubbish with names. It』s not my fault, it』s a condition. There』s a name for it…我記不住名字。這也不是我的問題,而是一種毛病,這毛病叫什麼來著.....8. I have two boys, five and six. We』re no good at naming things in our house.我家有兩個男孩,分別是五歲和六歲,哎,我們家真的是不擅長起名字9. I wasn』t particularly close to my dad before he died… which was lucky, because he trod on a landmine.在我父親去世前,我並沒有和他很親近。不過這也是好事,畢竟他是踩到地雷才……(註:close英文有親近和距離近的意思)10. Whenever someone says 『I don』t believe in coincidences』, I say 『Oh my God, me neither!』每當有人說「我不相信巧合」,我立馬會說「太巧了!我也是!」其實很多的英國人一樣的不買賬,有的認為其他的更好笑,於是評論區開始了英國網友們講笑話大會:
-太空熱嗎?-當然熱!不然你以為菠蘿是哪兒來的?看出來了吧,其實英國人還是很喜歡講笑話的,不管這些笑話好不好笑,起碼幽默的精神不能丟,但這種英式幽默有什麼規律呢?又到底應該怎麼去理解呢?1. Laugh at yourself自嘲2. The key to understanding British humour is to know not to take yourself too seriously and to highlight your own flaws as much as possible. English people love to make jokes out of their own failures so as to show a more humble, approachable personality.理解英式幽默關鍵要學會自嘲並且極大的放大個人的缺陷。英國人喜歡拿自己的失敗來開玩笑,以此來展現出更謙虛,可接近的形象。Example:I am so bad at cooking –I could burn water例:我做飯特別糟糕,都能把水點燃了。
3. Sarcasm and irony諷刺諷喻4. Self-deprecation with a dose of understated sarcasm equals the soul of British humour. But sarcasm and irony are often produced with a deadpan delivery that will leave people wondering if it was a joke or not.自我否定再加上一點諷刺就是英式幽默的精髓了,但是很多時候這種諷刺講出來時講話人都是一張冷漠臉,讓人很難分辨他是不是在講笑話。Sarcasm can be hard to spot in a new culture. The usual clues include an overemphasis on adjectives but British people even stress that less, making it even harder to understand. But it is used so often by British people in day-to-day life and people will detect it soon once they are used to the context.諷刺在全新的文化中很難理解,一般能從形容詞加重部分聽出來,但是英國人卻連這種提示都很少展現,但是英國人在生活中很喜歡這種諷刺,一旦熟悉習慣了說話背景人們就能感覺出來了。Example:I absolutely love it when my train is delayed.例:火車又晚點了,好開心啊。5. Don』t take what they say seriously別當真British people are famous for being gentle and polite, but they do sometimes offend you with some tongue-in-cheek comments. Don』t get them wrong. These are not mean-spirited statements but rather a playful exchange of verbal sparring delivered with a smiling face and no apology.英國人以紳士禮貌而著稱,但他們有時也會用一些『虛情假意』的話來『攻擊』你,不要當真,他們其實並沒有惡意,只不過是笑著說出一些開玩笑的俏皮話,說完也不道歉而已。Example:I can』t be friends with someone who doesn』t drink tea!例:我才不跟不喝茶的人做朋友呢!所以下次,當一個英國人一本正經的跟你開玩笑的時候,為了避免尷尬,還是象徵性的多笑幾聲吧!
(來源:中國日報網 編輯:Julie)