The strategists were traditionally preoccupied bythe possession of territories or the domination of sea routes. More recently,the capacity to control airspace and outer space modified the equation ofnational strength, in the Information Age, a country』s comprehensivepower has become inseparable from her presence in the cyberspace.
Chinese policy makers have not only integratedthe various dimensions of geopolitics but they have rightly paid greatattention to the rapidly evolving domain of cyberpolitics.
By almost exclusively focusing on what itperceives as the limitations and the imperfections of the Chinese internet, theWest has not yet fully realized the significance of the Chinese digitaltransformation. At the intersection of China』s global projection and of herquest for innovation, digital China is one of the most significant stories ofour time.
Not a source of the 18th century IndustrialRevolution which, after its birth in Europe, opened a new era in the history ofmankind, marginalized for 150 years as a consequence of her incapacity torapidly connect with the changes associated with the reign of the machines,China is now marked by her openness to the world』s scientific advancement butalso by her ambition to be at the avantgarde of technological progress.
Following a painful decay whose causes were asmuch internal than external, China is currently, from biotech to the internet,from nano-tech to aeronautics or space exploration, in a quest for relevance.More generally, the ambition not to be a passive spectator in a western ledglobalization but to stand as a source of modernity is one of the definingelements of the Chinese renaissance.
If the Qing dynasty (1644-1912) was neither ableto generate the Industrial Revolution nor to rapidly adjust to the changes itimplied, the PRC is already a catalyst of the digital transformation. Chinamissed the Industrial Revolution but it is a co-architect of the Information Age.
Global cyberspace, like the post WWII system ofinternational relations, is bipolar, not structured around Washington D.C. andMoscow, but articulated around the U.S. and China. The current digitalbipolarity is reflected in the competition between internet companies : Google,Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, Uber, Expedia and Apple Pay are the icons ofdigital America while Baidu, Tencent』s Wechat, Youku, JD.com,Alibaba, DidiKuaidi, Ctrip and Alipay symbolize China』scyberspace. In a sense, global cyberspace is a tale of two internets.
Today, the two top languages of the World WideWeb are English (851 million users) and Chinese (704 million users) but withthe rise of the internet penetration in the Middle Country (around 50% internetpenetration in China against 87% for the U.S.), Mandarin might be soon theinternet number one language.
South Korea whose digital economy represents 10%of her GDP is in many ways a reference in the Information Age but with 50million inhabitants the country』s impact is intrinsicallylimited and it can not affect the dynamics of a bipolar cyberspace.
Some would argue that despite the quantitativedimension of the Chinese internet, China has been qualitatively a mere followerof the Silicon Valley. However, by choosing to protect the development of herown giants she has not only be able to narrow the gap very aptly, but thecountry』s existing digital ecosystem put her in a position to genuinelyinnovate in the infrastructure and the systems of the cyberspace.
The data that the Chinese internet companies havebeen accumulating give them an absolute advantage in what will be soon theworld』s largest economy, and in the field of e-payment where more than 200firms serve the Chinese consumers, the Middle Country』sinitiatives have become driving forces.
The significance of digital China is even morestriking when it is compared with the internet situation in Africa, LatinAmerica, the Arab world or even India whose engineers continue to contribute tothe success of the Silicon Valley. The European Union finds it satisfying to bethe user of tools developed by American companies even if such a dependence isboth from a commercial and a security perspective an incredible long termweakness.
「Google Italy」, 「GoogleFrance」 or 「Google Germany」 have certainly enriched the life of Europeans but they arevariations in a universe centered around Googleplex in Mountain View,California.
Alibaba, the e-commerce giant created 16 yearsago by Jack Ma and whose IPO raised a record $25 billion on the New York StockExchange, is increasing its presence in the European Union in a move which willimmediately benefit the Sino-European trade relations. However, when Europeancompanies export to China through trading platforms conceived by Alibaba theybecome dependent on a new kind of vehicle upon which they have no directcontrol.
A long term view of the European interests in theInformation Age commands to put the development of an ambitious Europeandigital strategy at the top of Brussels』priorities. In the 21st centurya power which ignores the centrality of cyberpolitics condemns itself toirrelevance.
Europe would deserve better than linguisticvariations on the Google main theme and should be able also to grow e-commerceplatforms capable to compete with Amazon or Alibaba. In that context, theEuropean Commission』s team in charge of the Digital Agenda of the European Union shouldcertainly work at the regulatory level for the Digital Single Market but itshould help to shape the conditions for the emergence, beyond startupcompanies, of European digital global businesses.
Any long term European digital strategy has totake into account the creativity of the Silicon Valley but the vision of a NewDigital Silk Road would allow Europe to keep pace with the evolving Chinesecyberspace. While cyber mistrust is not an issue in the relations betweenBrussels and Beijing, a converging Sino-European internet has to complement the「One Belt, one Road」 connectivity.
The discoveries of new continents, starting fromthe discovery of America, marked the beginning of 「Globalization 1.0」 and, equipped with the instruments of the Industrial Revolution,Europe has been in a position to play a preeminent role in the world』s affairs. At the dawn of 「Globalization 2.0」an expansion into unlimited e-territories is combined with theinjection of new digital technology into the production processes.
Would it be possible that the civilization whichwas at the center of 「Globalization 1.0」 ends at the periphery of 「Globalization 2.0」 ? If it is certainly tooearly to tell, Europeans should nonetheless meditate upon two historicalturning points.
During the Renaissance, Italian cities wereleading in the fields of trade, banking, science and art. Following thediscovery of the New World the European center of gravity gradually shiftedfrom the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Incapable of coordinatingtheir efforts to reach the necessary dimension to maintain their rank in a newgeopolitical configuration, the Italian states declined and one had to wait theunification of Italy in the second half of the 19th century for the Italianpeninsula to be back on the map of world politics.
When the Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799) made itimpossible for his Empire to have normal interactions with the 18th centuryEurope, the economy of the Qing dynasty was still more than 20% of the worldeconomy. But, convinced by the idea of the superiority of the Middle Country,the Son of Heaven was unable to anticipate that the age of the machines wouldchange the distribution of power and his complacency caused a humiliatingdecline.
If Europe does not find the political wisdom todeepen her integration and the strength to fully enter the Information Age asone of its co-creators, it simply takes the risk, after a gradualmarginalization, to end at the periphery of a new global order which would havebeen shaped without her effective participation.
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