teachers.tv 我喜歡
2003年英國建立了歐洲第一個教師專業頻道teachers『 TV。首期的節目看過之後覺得真好,英國的小孩怎麼那麼幸福。回想自己小學的第一節課首先學到的是手背後坐好。"Teachers TV is a new digital TV channel - the first of its kind. It aims to provide a service to help head teachers, teachers, governors, teaching assistants, school support staff and other people who work in schools to deliver education to the highest possible standard. The channel offers direct and quick access to teaching resources, information and professional development materials for people who work in schools. The channel is currently available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, on the following digital TV platforms: Sky (channel 880), Virgin TV (240) and Tiscali TV (845) and Freeview (11 am - 1 pm). The broadcast TV channel is supported by a website (www.teachers.tv) which allows broadband users to view or download programmes that have been made for the channel. The site currently has an archive of more than 1,000 downloable Teachers TV originated programmes and also carries additional resources and links to other education-related web pages.真的所言不虛!
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