CRM 在 Salesforce 的 AI 化
據 InfoTrends 提供的數據, 2017 年已經有 1.2 trillion 張數碼照上傳到了互聯網。針對龐大的圖片資源,需要有一種可視化識別的方式,提供有效的搜索和識別品牌等方法。鑒於salesforce 在圖形化演算法方向的突破,該公司已經完成了該項功能,並提供圖象識別API介面給開發者使用.
Salesforce 將這項技術稱為 EinsteinVision. 他可以完成的功能有:
選自salesforce的blog :
1. visual search : 可視化搜索,將圖片上傳到Einstein
Vision , 就可以被識別和匹配,反饋購買地點和庫存信息,更有用的應用期待社區開發人員來挖掘。就像微信小程序一樣,底層API以及文檔都提供給了開發者,作品就任由開發者自己的想像原文如下:
provides customers with visual filters to find
products that best match their preferences and take photos of your products to
discover where they can make purchases in-store or online.
2. Brand detection :如果某一類用戶都在社群討論熱點品牌的衣服,寶石,鞋包,利用圖像識別就可以鑒定某一品牌的產品在大眾的認可。如此便可有效地服務於計算廣告
allows marketers to increase marketing reach,
brand integrity and ad campaign ROI by analyzing user-generated images incommunities, review boards and social media. Now marketers can build a better
understanding of customer preference and lifestyle to improve customerexperiences.
3. Product Identification:在無人超市中,只要定時對貨架拍照,通過識別就可以判斷物品在貨架上是否擺放合理以及存量,以方便調貨。
treamlines sales and service by giving reps the
ability to evaluate product issues before sending technicians into the field,
discover which products are out of stock or misplaced and measure shelf-shareto optimize product mix and selling potential.
除了圖像識別技術, salesforce 在2017年還推出了基於文本的挖掘方法,和圖像識別一起,並稱為 salesforce Einstein platform 。主要提供三種服務:
Einstein Sentiment: 情感分析,通過抓取用戶的回饋消息,郵件和社交評論,預測用戶的情感,喜好和情緒,用來輔助決策的制定。
Einstein Intent: 意圖預判,同樣也是通過文本的抓取分析,得出用戶最關心解決的問題,比如配送,推薦。
Einstein Object Detection: 圖像識別,利用 Einstein Vision, 找到圖中可以利用的所有的對象,將其分類,聚合,比如判斷上架率,庫存等等
以上主要參考 salesforce 的blog :
- Einstein Sentiment will allow developers to classify the tone of any text—from prospect emails and social media posts to customer reviews and message boards—as positive, negative or neutral so that companies can quickly gain insight into customer attitudes and then take appropriate actions. For example, a cable provider could create a custom app that uses Einstein Sentiment to analyze customer service emails and escalate negative inquires to a supervisor if they reach a certain threshold.
- Einstein Intent will allow developers to train a model to classify the underlying intent of customer inquiries to automatically route leads, escalate service cases and personalize marketing campaigns. For example, a retail company could use EinsteinIntent to build a custom app that automatically classifies customer reviews on a community site to identify which customers are looking for product recommendations or experiencing shipping problems and then proactively provide personalized recommendations or tracking details
- Einstein Object Detection will enable developers to train models to recognize multiple unique objects within a single image, as well as the location, size and quantities of those objects. Einstein Object Detection can be applied to improve customer service,inventory management, and share of shelf analysis. For example, a beverage company can streamline inventory management by automatically analyzing photos of retail shelves to count the product, understand their share of shelf, and then calculate and process a new order.
Salesforce 承諾的是,任何水平的開發人員都可以調用einstein platform 提供的服務介面,來開發自己的產品。可見 AI 就是吳恩達所比喻的「新世紀的電力」,只要開關一開,信息流就像電一樣流進來 ,我們開發者所要關心的就是「電廠」,「水廠」,「煤氣公司」等供應商提供的服務和質量,米飯,好菜還是需要靠自己做的,如果我們自己有能力建造一個家用發電機,那自是最好不過。
文中沒有詳細說的是 salesforce 建造 einstein platform 所用的理論和技術,以至於我們開發在造自己的輪子的時候,完全是像在Python中調用 NumPy 一樣的感覺,如果salesforce
開源了這套理論,我相信在自己家造發電機也就指日可待了。但人家這份優勢是用來打市場的,豈會拱手讓人?無獨有偶,微軟的 Dynamics 365 也提供了 Relationship Insights ,和 Einstein Plantform 有異曲同工之效,依託於 Azure 的雲平台,強大的算力,AI 在 CRM 的運用也是風生水起 。
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