一招讓你口音純正到像老外 自信流利交流無障礙
As an English language learner, do you find yourself struggling to be understood by others when speaking English? Is it frustrating or embarrassing to have your endless hours of studying result in a blank, confused look by the person you"re trying to communicate with? 如果你學英語,會不會覺得自己在說英語的時候很難讓對方理解你在說什麼?學了這麼長時間,費盡口舌想要交流換來的卻是對方疑惑的表情,實在是讓人既尷尬又心塞。 Over the years I"ve spent helping language learners, both with English and with other languages, the one thing everyone has in common is a fear of sounding 「dumb」 or 「weird」 or having people laugh and point as you try to make yourself understood. 多年以來,我一直在幫助外語學習者(無論是學英語還是其他外語),他們都有一大共同點:害怕自己說外語聽上去「傻傻的」或者「怪怪的」,擔心被他人嘲笑,想讓自己說的話能夠讓人聽得懂。 This sort of thing almost never happens in real life, but despite that, it can still seem like English is nearly impossible to master. But I"m here to tell you that, actually, English is easy! 現實生活中上述囧境不太發生,可即使如此,英語好像還是太難說了。不過在這裡我要說一句,其實啊,英語太簡單了! And I"m not just saying that because it is my mother tongue. It"s true! I"ll show you how. I"ve taken a few hacks from my guide Why English is Easy to share with you below. You can use these tricks right away to start speaking English more confidently. 我這麼說並不是因為英語是我的母語。英語真的很簡單!不信看我露一手,教大家幾招訣竅。學會這幾招,你的英語馬上就能說得更自信。 Hacking Your Language Study 巧學英語 My favourite tricks focus on the aspects of English that are very easy to master, and I develop ways around the parts of English that are 「hard」 to understand. Usually, it"s not the language itself that"s 「hard」, but your method for studying might be causing the language to seem more challenging. If you look at those challenges in a new light then they can become much easier! 英語學習的訣竅中,我最喜歡的最容易掌握,最「難」理解的部分我會重點擊破。一般來說,語言本身並不「難」,「難」的是學習的方法不佳往往難上加難。如果你換一個角度看這些難點,它們就會變得簡單多了。 Once you"re able to identify these small language learning tricks (or, as I like to call them, 「hacks」) you"ll find that you can get over these hurdles and start to really build your fluency. 一旦你掌握了這些語言學習的訣竅(我喜歡叫它們「絕招」),那你絕對能突破瓶頸,說一口流利的外語。 And this is definitely true with pronunciation and sounding more like a native speaker. 這樣一來,你的發音絕對更地道更純正。 Sure, you could get bogged down with a lot of different ways to practice and develop a proper accent in English, but I"d like to share with you one simple trick I"ve learned that will give you a big boost with your pronunciation. 當然,為了提升英語發音,你可能會糾結於各種方法,覺得還是無法突破。但我還是想跟你分享一個快速提高的絕招。 You can use this hack right away. And because so many English learners get this pronunciation point wrong, by mastering it now, you"ll sound way more fluent, and people will understand you better. 你可以馬上使用這個絕招。因為大部分學英語的都沒有意識到這一點發音的錯誤,如果你能掌握這個絕招,就意味著你可以說得更流利,老外就更能懂你。 Simple Rules for Pronouncing ~ed ~ed的發音規則 One of my favourite pronunciation hacks for English learners is how to properly pronounce ~ed. 這是我最愛的英語發音絕招之一,如何正確發出~ed這個音 In my experience this is one of the most obvious parts of a foreign accent. Luckily, it"s also one of the easiest to fix. Learning the right way to say ~ed can have a huge impact on your accent. But best of all it is very easy to learn. 以我的經驗來看,這個部分的發音錯誤最明顯,不過這個部分也是最容易糾正的。如何正確發出~ed對你的英語口語有重大影響。最最重要的還是這一點,它糾正起來最最簡單。 There are only three possible ways to pronounce this, and (unlike much of the English language) the rules are consistent: ~ed只有三種發音,它可不像其他英語發音千變萬化,它的發音規則是有跡可循的: Rule #1: After a d or t, pronounce it as [?d]. 規則1:跟在d或者t後面,請發[?d]. In English, it"s not possible to say a t and d sound immediately after each other, so we add in the vowel sound. Do this in words like wanted, painted, ended, admitted, suggested, started, etc. 英語中t和d連在一起不可能直接發這兩個音,所以兩者之間需要加一個母音。將這個規則用在如下單詞:wanted, painted, ended, admitted, suggested, started等。 Rule #2: After the sounds p, f, s, ch, sh and k, pronounce it as [t]. 規則2:如果~ed跟在p,f,s,ch,sh和k之後,請將其發成[t]。 These sounds cannot be followed by a d in English, so the sound changes to a [t]. Do this in words like stopped, laughed (f sound), finished, and walked. 以上一連串的字母不可以直接接d,所以需要變音為[t]。請發音如下單詞: stopped, laughed (尾部是f的發音 ), finished, 以及 walked Rule #3: In all other cases, pronounce it as [d]. 規則3:其他的情況下,ed發音為[d] Take care not to pronounce the e sound in ~ed here: just pronounce the [d]. Try it in the words imagined, cleaned, enjoyed, cried, and allowed. 請注意,不要將~ed中的e真正發出來,發[d]就好。請嘗試朗讀如下單詞:imagined, cleaned, enjoyed, cried, and allowed Do you hear the difference? 你可以聽出區別嗎? The Position of Your Mouth 注意口型 Another way to remember this is to think of the position of your mouth in the part of the word before the ~ed. 還有一種方法,記住發~ed音的時候你的口型是怎樣的。 For the first rule, notice that d and t are both sounds created by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Because they"re in nearly the same spot, it"s hard to move between them without adding in a vowel! Try it out. 對規則1來說,要發出d和t兩個音,都需要將舌頭頂住上齶,發音位置近乎一致。所以要連續發這兩個音是很困難的,必須要在中間加一個母音!現在再發音試試看吧。 For the second rule, all but one of the sounds (k) is made by putting your lips or teeth together. 對於規則2,所有的音(除了k)都需要嘴唇或者牙齒閉合。 For the third rule, most of the sounds have either a hummed sound (like n or m) or an open, vowel position (like a or o) prior to the ~ed. 規則3,跟在~ed之前,大部分的音都跟「哼」的聲音很像(像n或者m的發音),或者是一個開母音的發音位置(如a或者o的發音)。 Just remember that certain mouth positions lend themselves to being compensated for with different ways of saying ~ed, and you"re good to go! 只要記住一些口型是為了迎合~ed發音而變化的,發准音絕沒問題! And if that is still too confusing? 如果你還是覺得沒弄明白的話怎麼辦? Then just remember this one rule: for the majority of cases, when you see ~ed, you should pronounce it like [d] (rather than [?d], which is only relevant after d or t). If you use this pronunciation by default when you"re not sure, you"re most likely to get it right. 只要記住這一條法則就行:大部分情況下,你看到~ed就發音為[d](而不是[?d],因為只有d和t同時出現的時候才需要)。如果在你不確定的時候那就這麼發音吧,發音正確的概率還是很高的。 Making English Easy 讓英語變得小菜一碟 Even if you only follow this one, easy rule, it will help you with your English pronunciation, and soon enough the looks of confusion on the faces of your English-speaking friends will turn to smiles and nods of understanding. 單單這一個絕招,就能幫你提升英語發音。很快你的外國朋友會舒展臉上疑惑的眉頭,一展理解的笑容,頻頻點頭。 Seeking out these 「hacks」 for language learning can dramatically speed up your study of the English language, so I encourage you to always be on the lookout for ways to simplify the language learning process. 像上述那些學習英語的「絕招」,只要找到他們,就可以飛速提高你的英語水平。我建議大家為了簡化學習語言的過程,尋找訣竅不要停。 This applies to all languages you may be learning, not just English. If you"re also learning Spanish, French, German, Italian, or Chinese along with English, you"ll find more hacks you can use right away in the FI3M language guides. 不僅是英語,對於學習所有的外語這都適用。如果你除了英語還在學西班牙語、法語、德語、義大利語或者中文,FI3M語言學習網站總能讓你學會更多絕招。 When you get a few of these hacks under your belt, you"ll make even faster progress with your language studies, and you"ll soon see exactly why English is easy! 一旦你學了這幾招,語言學習就會飛速進步,你就會明白為什麼英語學習so easy啦!