

1.GC: You will give atthis time a discourse on what are known as Sun Spots, explaining the cause ofthese phenomena and their effect on the earth and its inhabitants.凱西夫人:此時你將給出關於太陽黑子的論述,並解讀太陽黑子形成的原因及它對人類的影響。2.EC: In giving that aswe find would be as helpful information in the experience of individuals gathered here, many conditions and phases of man"s experience in the earth are to be considered.凱西:考量人類在地球經歷中的許多條件和階段,我們發現要給出的信息對聚集在這裡的人是有幫助的。3.When the heavens and the earth came into being, this meant the universe as the inhabitants of the earth know same; yet there are many suns in the universe, - those even about which our sun, our earth, revolve; and all are moving toward some place, - yet space and time appear to be incomplete.當天地形成,這意味著宇宙如人類所知的一樣;然而宇宙中有許多的太陽---它們甚至和我們的太陽、我們的地球及其旋轉相關;並且所有的星體全都朝向宇宙的某處移動---然而時空似乎是不完全的。 4.Then time and spaceare but one. Yet the sun, that is the center of this particular solar system,is the center; and, as has been indicated and known of old, it is that aboutwhich the earth and its companion planets circulate, or evolve[revolve?].但時間和空間是一。太陽是此特殊太陽系統的中心;並如已指出的和古時所知的,太陽是地球和它伴隨行星的循環或旋轉中心。5.The beginnings of the understanding of these, and their influences upon the lives of individuals,were either thought out, evolved or interpreted by those of old, without the means of observing same as considered today necessary in order to understand.理解這些星體的開始,和它們對個體生命的影響,要麼通過詳細的考慮、演變,要麼根據古時的解釋,因為沒有像現今一樣為理解所必需的觀測手段。6.Astronomy is considered a science and astrology as foolishness. Who is correct? One holds that because of the position of the earth, the sun, the planets, they arebalanced one with another in some manner, some form; yet that they have nothing to do with man"s life or the expanse of life, or the emotions of the physical being in the earth.天文學被認為是一門科學,而占星學卻被認為是愚蠢的。誰是對的呢?人們持此觀點是因為他們認為:地球、太陽和行星所處的位置,它們只是以某種方式、某種形式達成彼此的平衡狀態;然而這些星體卻對地球上人類生命或生命活動,或物質身體的情感毫無影響。7.Then, why and how dothe effects of the sun SO influence other life in the earth and not affectMAN"S life, man"s emotions?難道太陽只對地球上其它生命體有巨大的影響力,卻對人類的生命與情緒毫無影響?8.Asthe sun has been set as the ruler of this solar system, does it not appear tobe reasonable that it HAS an effect upon the inhabitants of the earth, as wellas upon plant and mineral life in the earth?當太陽被設立作為太陽系的支配者,它影響著地球上的居民,也影響著地球上的植物與礦物,這似乎不合理嗎?9.Then if not, why, howdid the ancients worship the sun AS the representative of a continuousbenevolent and beneficent influence upon the lifeof the individual?如果不是這樣,那為什麼古人如此崇拜太陽,把太陽視為仁慈的象徵和對個體生命有益的影響力?10.Thus as we findgiven, the sun and the moon and the stars were made also, -this being the attempt of the writer to convey to the individual therealization that there IS an influence in their activity! For,remember, they - the sun, the moon, the planets - have their marchingorders from the divine, and they move in same.因此,如我們發現被給出的,太陽、月亮和星星一同被造,---做為一種存在,創造者試圖表達給個體這種領會,在這些星體在各自的活動中存有某種影響力!因為,記住,它們---太陽、月亮及行星---有它們來自聖靈的行進規則,它們按同樣的方式在移動。11.Man alone is giventhat birthright of free will. He alone may defy his God!唯有人類被賦予了與生俱來的自由意志;唯有人類會抗拒他的上帝。12.How many of you havequestioned that in thine own heart, and know that thy disobedience in the earthreflects unto the heavenly hosts and thus influencesthat activity of God"s command! For YOU - as souls and sons and daughters ofGod - DEFY the living God!你們中有多少人在自己的內心中存有疑問,並且知道你們在地上的違抗反應至天主,從而影響到上帝命令的執行!因為你們---做為靈魂和神的兒女---對抗鮮活的上帝!13.As the sun is made toshed light and heat upon God"s children in the earth, it is then of thatcomposition of which man is made, or of that termed the earth; yet, as ye haveseen and know, there is solid matter, there is liquid, there is vapor. All areone in their various stages of consciousness or of activity for what? Man -GODLY MAN! Yet when these become as in defiance to that light which wascommanded to march, to show forth the Lord"s glory, His beauty, His mercy, Hishope, - yea, His patience, - do ye wonder then that there become reflected uponeven the face of the sun those turmoils and strifes that have been and that arethe sin of man?當太陽被創造去散發光和熱,照耀在地球上的神之子們,那時這也是人類或地球被創造的一個組成部分;然而,正如你們所見和所知的,物質界存在有固態、液態和氣態物質,這些都是【一】的不同意識狀態或活動狀態,這為什麼?是為了人類---神聖的人類!。然而,當這些變為違抗那【光】---祂命令你們前行,去展示祂的榮耀,祂的美,祂的仁慈,祂的期望,---還有,祂的耐心--- ,那麼你們還懷疑人類的混亂和爭鬥,這些人類的罪,甚至會反應到太陽的表面上嗎?14.Whence comes this?這從何而來?15.All that was made wasmade to show to the sons, the souls, that God IS mindful of His children.所有這些被造的,是上帝展示給祂的孩子們、這些靈魂們,祂關注著祂的孩子們。16.How do they affectman? How does a cross word affect thee? How does anger, jealousy, hate,animosity, affect thee AS a son of God? If thou art the father of same, oft yecherish same. If thou art the recipient of same from others,thy brethren, how does it affect thee? Muchas that confusion which is caused upon the earth by that which appears as a sunspot. The disruption of communications of all natures between men is what?Remember the story, the allegory if ye choose to call it such, of the tower ofBabel.它們如何影響人類?一句氣話如何影響你們?那憤怒、嫉妒、憎惡、仇恨是怎樣影響神之子的?如果你是同樣的父親,你們會時常珍愛你的孩子們。如果你是他人、你的同胞們言行的承受者,那麼這會如何影響你?許多那在地球上因憤怒、嫉妒、憎惡、仇恨引發的混亂,會在太陽表面上呈現為太陽黑子。是什麼使人類之間所有的自然溝通發生斷裂?記住這個故事,這個寓言,如果你們選擇如此稱呼它,那名為「巴別塔」的。17.Yea,ye say ye trust God, and yet want to show Him how to do it!是啊,你們說你們相信上帝,然而卻想告訴給祂如何去做!18.These become, then,as the influences that would show man as to his littleness in even entertaininghate, injustice, or that which would make a lie.那時,這些成為顯現給人類的影響力,因為人類的卑劣甚至款待憎恨、不公或那製造謊言的。19.Be honest withthyself, as ye would ask even the ruler of thine earth - the sun - to harken tothe voice of that which created it and to give its light IRRESPECTIVE of how yeact! For, as given, the sun shineth upon the just and the unjustalike, yet it is oft reflected in what happens to thee inthy journey through same.真誠的面對你自己,因為你們甚至尋求向地球的支配者---太陽---去聆聽那創造者之音,祂創造太陽、給它光,而不論你們做了什麼!因為,正如已給出的,太陽既照耀正義之人,也同樣照耀不公之人,然而太陽常常反應你在那通向合一的旅程中,發生了什麼。20.The more ye becomeaware of thy relationships to the universe and those influences that controlsame, the greater thy ability to help, to aid, - the greater thy ability torely upon the God-force within; but STILL greater thy RESPONSIBILITY to thyfellow men. For, as ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto thy Maker, - even asto the sun which reflects those turmoils that arise with thee; even as theearthquake, even as wars and hates, even as the influences in thylife day by day.你們越明了你同宇宙的關係和那掌控事物的同一影響力,對你的幫助就越大,---就越能依靠於你內在的神的力量;然而,你對你同胞的責任也就越大。因為,你們對你最小的兄弟所做的,就是對你的神所做的,---正如於太陽反應你當中的那些混亂;甚至是地震,甚至戰爭和仇恨,甚至是你生命中每天的影響力。21.Then, what are thesun spots? A natural consequence of that turmoil which the sons ofGod in the earth reflect upon same.那麼,太陽黑子是什麼?是地上神之子的混亂反應到太陽上的自然結果。22.Thus they oft bringconfusion to those who become aware of same.因此它們常常給那些意識狀態上同樣混亂的人帶來困擾。23.Let notyour hearts be troubled; yet believe in God. Then just act like it - to others.不要讓你的心陷入不安;而是要相信上帝。然後如此行---展示給他人。24.He has given thee amind, a body; an earth, and land in which to dwell. He has set the sun, themoon, the planets, the stars about thee to remind thee, even as the psalmistgave, "Dayunto day uttereth speech, night unto night sheweth knowledge."祂給你們心智、身體;地球和居住的土地。祂創造了太陽、月亮、行星,以及星星圍繞你們,去提醒你們,正如那詩篇中所言:「這日到那日發出言語,這夜到那夜傳出知識」。25.These ye know, theseye have comprehended; but do ye take thought of same?這些你們知道,這些你們已了解,但你們如此去認知了嗎?26.KNOW that thy mind -thy MIND - is the builder! As what does thy soul appear? A spot, a blot uponthe sun? or as that which giveth light unto those who sit indarkness, to those who cry aloud for hope?要知道你的心智---心智是建設者!你靈魂的顯現如同什麼?太陽上的斑點,污點?還是如那給那些身處黑暗之中的人帶來光明,給那些哭喊的人帶來希望的?27.Hast thou createdhope in thy association with thy fellow men?你在與你同胞的聯合中創建希望了嗎?28.Ye fear and cringewhen ye find that the spots upon thy sun cause confusion of any nature.當你們發現太陽黑子引發任何性質的混亂時,你們害怕和畏縮。29.How MUST thySavior feel, look, appear, when ye deny Him day by day; when yetreat thy fellow man as though he were as dross and trash before thee?當你們日復一日否定上帝,當你們對待同胞如同你面前的渣滓和垃圾時,那麼【上帝必定】如何感受、如何看待、如何顯現呢?30.We are through.我們完成了。翻譯:夢中的阿蘭蒂婭

十八屆四中全會公報新亮點 新舉措解讀

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