Quora: 什麼阻止中國和美國成為盟國?


Paul Denlinger, Have lived in US, Asia, Europe and am interested in the fieldAnswered Jul 19, 2015They have conflicting interests, and different worldviews.The US actively promotes democracy, which means that it sees China"s current go*nment as pre-democratic. Americans are conflicted between embracing China now, and promoting democracy in China"s future. This desire to change China to a democracy naturally is something which Beijing and many Chinese don"t like.Beijing has a more practical view; it just wants to advance Chinese interests regardless of who is in charge anywhere.14.5k Views · 108 Upvotes · Answer requested by Wing Chau




Wynn Lau, OK, US is great. but the wars are irresponsible.Answered Jul 13The truth: China desperately want to become friend with US, however, US sees China as a threat and want to see China lose.Lived in both countries, what I』ve observed is in China, everyone (including main stream media like CCTV) is talking about US being the best country:the higher level of democracythe innovationhollywood movies, hot actors / actressadvanced technologies, respect for skill and knowlege…the list goes on…When I actually get here, I』d say some of these high reviews are true, but overall it』s probably overrated.





Then when I start to read news on CNN, Fox, NY Times, I see lots of negative news about China.food imported from China are poisonsChinese constantly steal US intellectual propertyin China everything is about building connections, just having the skills will fail you in ChinaChinese gove*ent t*ures minorityChina 『bully』 neighbouring countries.… and the list goes onNon of these are true - I』m not saying China is a perfect country, it』s far from perfect, but the real issue in China was never cared and covered by western media. All these news is designed to make people hate China.29.1k Views · 1,113 Upvotes




Vladimir ProstranAnswered Jul 13It』s the US hostility towards China. China has always been much friendlier to the US than the other way round. The US sees China as an enemy and a rival, and there is nothing China can do about it, except accept it and deal with it appropriately. It』s the same reason why the US cannot be allied with Russia and why the US will never agree to EU armed forces independent of the US and NATO. Having enemies has always been a great business in the US - that allows them attacking other countries and supporting dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, while selling stories to their own people that the US is a 「leader of the free world」 that their 「enemies」 are jealous of. In reality, no country in the world wants to have the US as their enemy - for most it"s their worst fear. Too bad the US always needs enemies - their economy runs on this premise.2.7k Views · 139 Upvotes


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