

1.I am fine.we are both fine.That"s what matters. 我很好。我們都還好。這才是最重要的。

2.I met a girl. We talked.That was epic... 我遇到一個女孩。我們聊天,就像詩歌一樣浪漫。。。 3.I know the risk,but I have to know her. 我知道這很危險,但是我必須認識她。 4.Anyone"s gonna kill you,it"s gonna be me 你只能死在我手上

5.this morning is...different. 這個早晨...很不一樣 .there is change. i can sense it, 有所不同 我能察覺到feel it. 感受到 stefan: i"m awake. 我醒著 for the first time in a long time, 長久以來第一次真正的醒來 i feel completely and undeniably wide awake. 徹徹底底 真真切切 for once,i don"t regret the day before it begins. 這一次 我沒有為拂曉的褪去而惋惜 i welcome the day... 我迎接這白晝

both: because i know... 因為我知道... stefan: i will see her again. 我會再見到她 i will see him again. 我會再見到他 for the first time in a long time, 長久以來我第一次i feel good. 感到輕鬆愉悅

6、for over a century,I have lived in secret.一個世紀以來,我都秘密地活著。 7、I will start fresh.我要重新開始,做全新的自我。

8、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我預言今年將會是很了不起的一年kick ass有3個意思:1.給某人點顏色看看,2.拍馬屁 3.了不起,很牛X(這裡應該是第3個意思吧,意思是說這一年會很精彩) 9、 Hawt-e staring @ u 帥哥在看你

10、I"m good.表示說「不用,謝謝」 11、she took my breath away.她把我迷住了。12、major lack of male real estate 優質男市場匱乏 13 、She』s a dead ringer for Katherine.(她和凱瑟琳一摸一樣)dead ringer 固定片語 ph. 酷似的人;看上去一模一樣的東西

14、There』re rings and then there』s that.(E說S的戒指特別) 15、He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃 16、I can"t be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我餘生都不會再碰車了。 17、I am cool with it.對此我很滿意18 why didn"t he go for me?他為什麼不喜歡我? 19.I make the deal,I keep a deal. 20. Hello Jone,Goodby Jone

21. Better you die than I 22. I don"t deserve you 我配不上你 23. You can trust me.這是一句讓Damon全無招架力的話,只要E一出此言,D就可以豁出一切~~

24. I love you ,and it"s because I love you that I can"t be selfish with you ,why you don"t know this,I don"t deserve you……but my brother does. God, I wish you didn"t have to forget this. But you do.心碎的台詞

25. I can"t lose the way I feel about you...D幫助E的弟弟除去記憶那集,E對S說的 26. D描述E性格猶豫,需要撥一撥動一動時的一句話挺有趣的「 you"re always one step from 『maybe』, a tiny nudge to 『yes』」

27. We met, and we talked, and it was epic, but then the sun came up and reality set in 28. 「you done?」——你鬧完了? D to E得知S被關進山洞裡 E想衝進去時 D攔住E時講的。

Someone alive. But it"s not that easy. The bad things stay with you. They follow you. You can"t escape them, As much as you want to. All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, You invite it in,because you need it. I need it. 31. why you don"t know this 聽到這句心都碎了.. 32. "When you lose someone,it stays with you.Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt." 33. All I need in the world is my brother

29. Kathrine say :it"s always be Stefan 30. S01E01最後,Elena坐在飄窗上寫的日記,後來看見Stefan在門外就邀請他進來。 I had a plan. I wanted to change who i was;Create a life as someone new, Someone without the past. Without the pain. 34. S對K說:I know we"ve only know each other for a short while. And I know I"m in competition for your affections. But I『ve never met a woman quite like you. I look at you and I see an Angle. I touch your skin...and my entire body ignites...I kiss you and I know that I"m falling in love... 35. You can"t,Don"t threaten me again

36. You hate me,huh?That sounds like the beginning of a love story,Stefan,not the end of one.37. D:Bad day ! K:Bad century !

38. damon的那句「I will always choose you」,太感人了




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