大衛貝克漢姆攜萌小七哈珀逛街 萬人迷盡顯父愛

He spent most of last week globetrotting in Germany and China.上周他花了好些時間環遊在德國和中國。

So after arriving back home in London this week, David Beckham couldn"t wait to have some quality time with his children.所以這周剛回到倫敦,好爸爸大衛貝克漢姆就等不及和他的寶貝孩子們共度黃金時光了。

With sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz at school, the Paris St Germain footballer took charge of daughter Harper for the day.兒子布魯克林,羅密歐和科魯茲都在上學,這位巴黎聖日耳曼的球星好好享受了和寶貝女兒在一起的時光。

The father-of-four, 37, was spotted taking his little girl for a walk near their West London home on Wednesday morning.這位37歲的4位孩子的父親,周三早上被拍到和他的女兒在他們倫敦西部的家附近散步。

With the temperatures still freezing, the 20-month-old was wrapped up warm in blue leggings, a quilted red hooded jacket and matching velcro trainers. 由於天氣還是比較寒冷,這位20個月大的七公主裹著藍色的打底褲,紅色的棉風衣配一雙紅色的運動鞋。


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TAG:父愛 | 逛街 | 貝克漢姆 |