
本帖最後由 您已被此人加入黑名單 於 2016-2-8 15:02 編輯 龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.comNot top gun yet: China struggles with warplane engine technologySINGAPORE: China has built a potent military machine over the past 30 years but is struggling to develop advanced engines that would allow its warplanes to match Western fighters in combat, foreign and Chinese industry sources said.The country』s engine technology lags that of United Technologies unit Pratt & Whitney, General Electric and Rolls-Royce, said Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.外國和中國的業內人士稱,過去30多年裡,中國一直致力於造一台強大的軍事機器,然而苦於研發不出一款能夠使其戰機在格鬥上匹敵西方戰機的先進引擎。倫敦的國際戰略研究所軍事航空領域的高級研究員Douglas Barrie說,中國的發動機技術落後聯合技術的普惠公司,也落後通用和勞斯萊斯。China』s defence ministry, in a brief statement to Reuters, said there was a 「definite gap」 between Chinese military technology and some developed countries, adding Beijing would continue to strengthen its armed forces.Western restrictions on arms exports to China prohibit the sale of Western engines for military use, forcing China to rely on homegrown designs or engines Russia has agreed to sell.國防部在發給路透社的簡短聲明中稱,中國軍事技術和某些發達國家存在一定的差距,北京將繼續加強自己的軍隊。西方對中國的武器進口限制,禁止西方發動機被用于軍事用途,迫使中國依賴國產發動機和俄羅斯同意出售的發動機。

以下是《印度時報》讀者的評論:譯文來源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2016012905.html外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Not-top-gun-yet-China-struggles-with-warplane-engine-technology/articleshow/50772069.cmsSamikshaPress (Paid) is trying to drug us into complacence by saying that China also does not have jet engines. The truth is West does not want to part with jet engine technology because it is a hen that gives them golden eggs every year.媒體喜歡說中國也不具備發動機技術,好讓我們沾沾自喜。真相是西方不願意分享發動機技術,因為這是每年都會下金蛋的母雞。SharmanIndia』s own fighter jet Tejas flew at the Bahrain airshow for the first time and that news was not given front page space and this chinese prehistoric pile of junk makes the cut to the top headlines…who are these presstitutes representing more? chinese and pakis or India印度國產戰機光輝已經在巴林航展上首飛,卻沒有上頭版而中國的舊聞卻上了頭條。Hemant Meenathey are so dedicated in their efforts that they will develop them………..他們非常專註,孜孜不倦,肯定能研發出來的Anil SrikantiahDemocracies breed creativity.India fails due to reservation inspite being a democratic nation.china cannot progress due to this just like Russia皿煮能培育創造性,印度儘管是皿煮國家,然而被預留制毀了中國是因為缺乏這個而不會進步,類似俄羅斯sridhara sridharaI dont believe this report. Media is controlled at China, how come this information leaked ??我不相信這篇報道在中國,媒體是被控制的,這個信息怎麼會泄露出來呢sureshrao_2020This is the efforts that India must put into its research and try to improve its Kaveri and shakti engines.Otherwise we will lag behind the treacherous Chinese by centurie印度必須在發動機研發上付出努力,竭盡全力改進國產發動機,否則會落後中國人幾個世紀Vishnu Swaroop KyanamWe dont need Fighters and Close Combat Dogfights. We need Good And Accurate Missiles and Anti Missile systems.我們不需要戰機,不需要近距離的空中格鬥我們需要的是精確制導zha彈和反導彈系統。Yog MishraThis news is eye opener for them who says that China are running fast in Defense Technology.Always remember the Rabbit and Tortoise story.indian will beat Chinese in all the aspect in coming years時刻要記住龜兔賽跑的故事未來幾年裡,印度人會在各領域打敗中國人的Guy MaxFor the fools who do not understand engines, you cannot reverse engineer a plane engine because of hundreds of thousands of small parts that are made to very high specifications.那些搞不懂發動機怎麼一回事的傻瓜,發動機有成千上萬個零件,規格很高,靠逆向工程是造不出發動機的Ron CThey just started developing and everything takes some time. As long as they are trying someday maybe not too far away they could develop them too. Why isn』t India doing is part yet? Why are we so far behind? Make in India他們剛開始研發而已,一切都需要時間的只要儘力,總有一天會成功的,也許不會遙遠。為什麼我們落後那麼遠? 本帖最後由 您已被此人加入黑名單 於 2016-2-8 15:02 編輯 龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.comNot top gun yet: China struggles with warplane engine technologySINGAPORE: China has built a potent military machine over the past 30 years but is struggling to develop advanced engines that would allow its warplanes to match Western fighters in combat, foreign and Chinese industry sources said.The country』s engine technology lags that of United Technologies unit Pratt & Whitney, General Electric and Rolls-Royce, said Douglas Barrie, senior fellow for military aerospace at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London.外國和中國的業內人士稱,過去30多年裡,中國一直致力於造一台強大的軍事機器,然而苦於研發不出一款能夠使其戰機在格鬥上匹敵西方戰機的先進引擎。倫敦的國際戰略研究所軍事航空領域的高級研究員Douglas Barrie說,中國的發動機技術落後聯合技術的普惠公司,也落後通用和勞斯萊斯。China』s defence ministry, in a brief statement to Reuters, said there was a 「definite gap」 between Chinese military technology and some developed countries, adding Beijing would continue to strengthen its armed forces.Western restrictions on arms exports to China prohibit the sale of Western engines for military use, forcing China to rely on homegrown designs or engines Russia has agreed to sell.國防部在發給路透社的簡短聲明中稱,中國軍事技術和某些發達國家存在一定的差距,北京將繼續加強自己的軍隊。西方對中國的武器進口限制,禁止西方發動機被用于軍事用途,迫使中國依賴國產發動機和俄羅斯同意出售的發動機。

以下是《印度時報》讀者的評論:譯文來源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/2016012905.html外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/Not-top-gun-yet-China-struggles-with-warplane-engine-technology/articleshow/50772069.cmsSamikshaPress (Paid) is trying to drug us into complacence by saying that China also does not have jet engines. The truth is West does not want to part with jet engine technology because it is a hen that gives them golden eggs every year.媒體喜歡說中國也不具備發動機技術,好讓我們沾沾自喜。真相是西方不願意分享發動機技術,因為這是每年都會下金蛋的母雞。SharmanIndia』s own fighter jet Tejas flew at the Bahrain airshow for the first time and that news was not given front page space and this chinese prehistoric pile of junk makes the cut to the top headlines…who are these presstitutes representing more? chinese and pakis or India印度國產戰機光輝已經在巴林航展上首飛,卻沒有上頭版而中國的舊聞卻上了頭條。Hemant Meenathey are so dedicated in their efforts that they will develop them………..他們非常專註,孜孜不倦,肯定能研發出來的Anil SrikantiahDemocracies breed creativity.India fails due to reservation inspite being a democratic nation.china cannot progress due to this just like Russia皿煮能培育創造性,印度儘管是皿煮國家,然而被預留制毀了中國是因為缺乏這個而不會進步,類似俄羅斯sridhara sridharaI dont believe this report. Media is controlled at China, how come this information leaked ??我不相信這篇報道在中國,媒體是被控制的,這個信息怎麼會泄露出來呢sureshrao_2020This is the efforts that India must put into its research and try to improve its Kaveri and shakti engines.Otherwise we will lag behind the treacherous Chinese by centurie印度必須在發動機研發上付出努力,竭盡全力改進國產發動機,否則會落後中國人幾個世紀Vishnu Swaroop KyanamWe dont need Fighters and Close Combat Dogfights. We need Good And Accurate Missiles and Anti Missile systems.我們不需要戰機,不需要近距離的空中格鬥我們需要的是精確制導zha彈和反導彈系統。Yog MishraThis news is eye opener for them who says that China are running fast in Defense Technology.Always remember the Rabbit and Tortoise story.indian will beat Chinese in all the aspect in coming years時刻要記住龜兔賽跑的故事未來幾年裡,印度人會在各領域打敗中國人的Guy MaxFor the fools who do not understand engines, you cannot reverse engineer a plane engine because of hundreds of thousands of small parts that are made to very high specifications.那些搞不懂發動機怎麼一回事的傻瓜,發動機有成千上萬個零件,規格很高,靠逆向工程是造不出發動機的Ron CThey just started developing and everything takes some time. As long as they are trying someday maybe not too far away they could develop them too. Why isn』t India doing is part yet? Why are we so far behind? Make in India他們剛開始研發而已,一切都需要時間的只要儘力,總有一天會成功的,也許不會遙遠。為什麼我們落後那麼遠?

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