為何你的孩子要撒謊 | Parents Can Be Reasonable


Once, I was just pottering around the garden. Suddenly, I encountered a crowd of mothers, sitting together and sharing their parenting experience. One topic is how to discern their children』s lies. Hearing the theme, my heart sunk.


Life is full of lies, some are white lies and some are malicious lies. Telling a lie is one of our human nature and no one can guarantee that he never tells a lie in his whole life. As a matter of fact, lying is an inevitable part of children』s growth stage.


Actually, how to tell the kids』 lies is not important. And what』s important is seeing what behind all lies. Namely, the reason why the kids lie. Commonly, children take the burden of guilt and embarrassment deep in heart. The clever parents are able to handle and resolve it skillfully and appropriately. On the contrary, most parents just uncover the lies and overlook the problem itself.


Problem 1 Children Fail to Live Up Parents』 Requirements

Many parents set their own requirements for kids and neglect kids themselves on characteristic development. Especially, school children tend to tell a lie in assignments and scores. For example, children clumsily use red pen to alter falling grades.



Problem 2 Parents Pay Too Little to Kids

As a practical issue, people survive in great living pressure. Many parents have to be engaged in work and leave their kids to older generation. Consequently, parents have much too less time to accompany their children. Even, some kids have to pretend to be sick and make their parents stay at home with them.



Problem 3 Inadequate Influence of Parenting

As the first teachers for kids, parents play an important role in their lives. Sometimes, parents promise kids something for temporarily comforting them. Eventually, parents don』t keep their promise and let kids down. Hence, kids must be edified by what they see and learn lying skills.



Problem 4 Kids』 Temporary Lack of Sense of Security

Many parents believe that kids are too young to know something. Whereas, kids are very sensitive and intelligent. As my nephew was two years old, he was sent to kindergarten. His father and mother picked him up after class. But my nephew said there was mice in the kindergarten and he didn』t want to go to kindergarten any more. Actually, there was no mouse in kindergarten and he just felt lack of security as he got into a new surroundings.



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As a result, parents should make kids』 starting points clear after lying. Do not treat them with a cookie-cut approach and scold them which would push away the kids farther and farther!!!


Knowledge Points (知識點)


美 [d?"s?rn] 英 [d?"s??(r)n]

v. 覺察出,識別,了解;(依稀)看出,分辨出,聽出

to know, recognize or understand sth, especially sth that is not obvious; to see or hear sth, but not very clearly


He almost could not discern the road in the dark.



美 [m?"l???s] 英 [m?"l???s]


having or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings


It is not a malicious hoax.



美 [?n"?d?kw?t] 英 [?n"?d?kw?t]

adj. 不充分的,不足的,不夠的;不勝任的,缺乏信心的

not enough, not good enough; not able, or not confident enough, to deal with a situation


No one likes to be laughed at. It makes one feel inadequate and out of sorts.



父母的職責 The Duties of Parents 萊爾(J.C. Ryle)著 張澄道 譯

TAG:孩子 | 撒謊 | Parent |