

1. do up

To fasten an item of clothing

Eg:Do upyour coat or you』ll get cold.

2. dress up

Put on different clothes to look smarter than usual

Eg: He went to the partydressed upas a Chicago gangster.

3. hang out

To dry clothes outside after washing

Eg: The weather was fine, so shehung outthe washing.

4. hang up

To put something on a hook or a hanger

Eg: Don"t leave your clothes on the floor,hangthemup.

5. have on

To be wearing a piece of clothing or type of clothing

Eg: Jimmyhadnothingonbut his socks.

6. kick off

To remove your shoes quickly

Eg: Shekicked offher shoes.

7. put on

To dress yourself or someone else with an item or items of clothing

Eg:Put onmy hat.

8. slip on

Put on an item of clothing very easily.

Eg: Sheslipped onher flip flops before she went into the sea.

9. take off

To remove a piece of clothing

Eg: Charlie wastaking offhis shirt when the phone rang.

10. try on

To put on an item of clothing to find out whether it fits or is suitable.

Eg: She alwaystriedshoesonbefore she bought them.

11. throw on

To put on an item of clothing quickly and carelessly

Eg: Ithrew ona pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

12. turn up

Shorten some trousers, a dress or a skirt so that they fit better

Eg: Mr Smith』s jeans were too long, so asked Mrs Smith toturn upthe bottom of the jeans so they fitted.

13. wrap up

To put on warm clothes

Eg: She waswrapped upin a thick winter coat.

14. zip up

To fasten something using a zip, or to become fastened using a zip

Eg: The dresszipped upat the front.

15. come off

To become removed from an item of clothing

Eg: He was then running too fast and his shoescame off.

16. go with

Suit each other

Eg: Those shoesgo withyour dress.



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