
原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:太棒了!Angela 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:"s Dalian Wanda to develop $10 billion industrial park in India中國大連萬達在印度開發價值100億美元的工業園

HONG KONG: Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group said on Friday it would develop a $10 billion industrial park in northern India, its first project in the中國企業大連萬達集團於周五表示,將在印度北部建立一個價值100億美元的工業園區,這是它在該國的第一個項目。The company owned by China"s richest man Wang Jianlin said it would be the lead investor in the project"s initial infra and also ask Chinese firms to take part.該公司老總中國首富王健林表示,它將是該項目初步建設的主要投資者,同時也會讓中國企業參與進來。[copy]Construction on the first phase of the 13 square km park in Haryana state is due to start this year, the company said.該公司表示,在哈里亞納邦的13平方公里公園的第一階段建設將於今年開始。"Haryana State will provide Wanda with the most preferential policies," it added in a statement.「哈里亞納邦將為萬達提供最優惠政策,」一份聲明中這樣補充道。Dalian Wanda is aggressively spending on projects and acquisitions ranging from entertainment to financial services in a bid to diversify away from its core, but slowing, domestic real estate operations.大連萬達大舉投資工程項目且其收購範圍涵蓋了從娛樂到金融服務行業,其目的是遠離核心,多元化發展,還有就是放緩國內的房地產業務。[/copy]The conglomerate which posted $44 billion in revenue last year has said it wants more than a third of its revenue to come from abroad by 2020.這個於去年繳納了440億美元稅收的企業表示,它希望到2020年的時候,它稅收中的三分之一都來自國外。


原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:太棒了!Angela 轉載請註明出處論壇地址: LakshminarasimhanGood news好消息[copy]Manguesh RamchandraThis Group was supposed to have joint venture with Anil Ambani Reliance for developing vast tracts of land around Mumbai. What happened?要在孟買周圍開發大片土地,那這個集團應該與Anil Ambani Reliance之間有合資企業。發生了什麼?Venkataramanan Thiruvery good. but what are they going to produce,?非常好。但是他們打算要生產什麼呢?Ashutosh KumarIt is a huge FDI if successfully implemented it would be very positive for our country.這是一大筆外商直接投資啊,如果實施成功了的話,那這對我們國家是非常有利的。Kiran R NairGreat, which would give jobs to 1000 of people.真棒,這將解決數千人的就業問題。[/copy]Siju Rajangreat more FDI for the Indian economy真棒,這對於印度的經濟而言,是更大的一筆外商直接投資。Soumendra Duttahad it been japan or us or germany /france it would have been much better....如果是日本或是我們或是德國/法國的話,那就更好了……Shankar Narayan SarmaSimply say good for make in India.簡單而言,對於印度製造肯定是有好處的。Kotalive Com Om Prakash Gochar, Omi, GujralIf true then it"s a good fdi for India. RBI just loose $3 billion.如果是真的,那這對印度而言是一筆很好的外商直接投資。印度儲備銀行才剛剛發行了30億美元。Guess Whono tax soaps need to be given to these investors. Since they are into real estate most of the money would have been made from political linkages.不需要為這些投資者提供稅收讓利。因為他們是做房地產的,其中的大部分資金都是與政治相聯繫的。Rambabu PvsThe news is positive, but the reason for investing in India instead of China which was a better economy and also cheaper compared to India to be known.消息是積極的,但是在印度進行投資,而不在經濟更好也更便宜的中國進行投資的原因應該公示出來。Uma Sankar Panigrahigood thing to know that china is investing in india.很高興得知中國正在投資印度。Guess Whowont be that good at the end of the day終有一天會發現沒那麼好的Mobin AhmedI think I am liking this Government. Development now we see我想我開始喜歡這個政府了。現在我們看到發展了。KhejureGood news for India to board China into Indian market for investment.將中國引進印度市場進行投資,這對於印度而言是個好消息。Naufalwe need provide proper support of them.我們需要為他們提供適當的支持。Guess Whowhy?they are just putting their extra money in a better economy為什麼?他們只是在將他們多餘的錢用來對一個更好的經濟進行投資而已。NaufalThey can choose other country.他們可以選擇別的國家。Jag MohanGood for the countries.對兩國都好。Mahendra Kumar NayakGood news. There will be more job opportunities and economic development of people of the area.好消息。對於當地的人們而已,將會有更多的工作機會和經濟發展。Javed MirDevelopment for the common good should be appreciated.發展公共利益應該受到感激。Javed MirIt is quite encouraging that the two neighbors are developing trade relationship.非常鼓勵鄰國之間發展貿易關係。Hrushi Keshgood help you to get rid of recessionary phase in developed markets including your own country. It is good news for India as I hope you will appoint lots of Indians.對於幫助你們在發達市場(包括你們自己的國家)擺脫衰退階段是非常好的。對印度來說是個好消息,我也希望你們能指派更多印度人。Jagruti KumbharOMG..that"s huge..天啊。。投資真大。。MpraomokkapatiWill be a boost to Modi"s "Make in India"將對莫迪的「印度製造」起到一個極大的促進作用。Baladhandapani KrishnamurthyNatural that the top honcho have to find greener pastures. Others from the Dragon country May line up to India. It is time that our govt gear up to make the best use of the present global scenario.很自然的,頂頭上司得要找到更綠的牧場。其他來自中國的投資者可能會排著隊來印度。我們的政府是時候充分利用目前的全球視野了。


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