


攝影:丹尼斯·馬馬納(Dennis Mammana),丹尼斯的網站摘要作者:丹尼斯·馬馬納(Dennis Mammana)2012年12月14日的早晨,在澳大利亞昆士蘭州的綠島上,興奮的天空觀察者們聚集在一大塊浮木上,觀察太陽的日全蝕。當時月球的本影古怪地使這個島嶼變得黑暗起來,儘管太陽已經升起了近一個小時,可是看起來像是在薄暮時分。由於視角的原因,月球的陰影顯得多少有些歪斜,好像它是從上面傾斜地掉下到下大氣上面。請注意太陽的日冕從黯然失色太陽盤面向外延伸。在靠近照片框架的頂部可以看到金星。

照片的詳細資料:相機製造商:尼康公司;相機型號:NIKON D700;鏡頭: AF-S Nikkor 14.0-24.0 mm f/2.8;焦距: 18mm (35mm 相當於 18mm);光圈: f/8.0;曝光時間:1.000 Sec.;ISO 感光度:200;處理細節:Lightroom 4.2,PTGui Pro 9.1.6;軟體:Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows. 澳大利亞綠島的地理坐標: -16.7605, 145.9727



攝影:戴夫·林奇(Dave Lynch)

摘要作者:戴夫·林奇(Dave Lynch)

從月球看太陽全部被地球所遮蔽會像什麼樣子?從來沒有人看到過,但不少人在1979年做過猜測。 我請科幻小說藝術家和作家莫里斯·斯科特·都侖斯(Morris Scott Doliens)繪製了這樣的場面。想法是要儘可能符合現實,能展示出日冕、地球周圍明暗界限的明亮紅環(由於地球大氣的散射和吸收)以及閃閃發光遙遠的銀河系。都侖斯細心和準確地演繹了這個想法,包括燦爛的紅環(見視圖右側中的詳細特寫)如上圖所示。此種事件的最有趣方面是略帶紅色的陽光散射地穿過地球的大氣層。同樣的太陽光,使被地球全部遮蔽的月球也略帶了紅色。我想知道世界上是否會有人在任何時候能看到這樣的日蝕。


November 13, 2012


Photographer: Anthony Ayiomamitis

攝影:安東尼·艾因梅米緹斯(Anthony Ayiomamitis)

Summary Author: Anthony Ayiomamitis; Jim Foster

摘要作者:安東尼·艾因梅米緹斯(Anthony Ayiomamitis),吉姆·福斯特(Jim Foster)

The image above shows the Sun"s extended corona as viewed during the total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 from Novosibirsk, Russia. The solar corona is millions of degrees hotter than the Sun"s surface (photosphere) but is perhaps 10 billion times less dense than Earth"s atmosphere. Because the charged particles that compose the corona are so extremely diffuse it can only be observed during totality when the Moon passes in front of the solar disk. Due to the great dynamic range of the eclipsed Sun and its extended corona, a single image can"t capture the corona in its entirety. Some portions of the image would be underexposed while others greatly overexposed. Fifteen individual photos were used to make this image. Note that the star to the right of the Sun is Asellus Australis (delta-Cancri).


With over 10,000 visitors from all over the world converging on Novosibirsk, this spectacle had nearly all of the elements of a Greek tragedy. When I arrived in Novosibirsk, my fears surrounding the forecast for poor weather during the eclipse were confirmed. I almost made a hasty decision to drive south to Mongolia (an all day drive) where clear skies were promised. However, in the end, I stayed where I was and luckily the skies cleared about two hours before first contact and remained perfectly clear until 60 minutes after the eclipse, at which time dense clouds closed in once again.


A total solar eclipse visible over northeastern Australia and parts of the South Pacific Ocean occurs today -- or tomorrow, November 14, depending upon which part of the world one is at the time. Totality will last four minutes and two seconds at the point of greatest eclipse, just east of Australia.


Photo details: Fifteen images ranging in exposure from 1/500 sec. to 1/15 sec.

照片的詳細資料:15張單獨的照片所構成的組合照片,曝光時間排列在1/500 秒到1/15秒之間。

Novosibirsk, Russia Coordinates: 55.016667, 82.933333

俄羅斯新西伯利亞城的地理坐標:55.016667, 82.933333


July 23, 2012


Photographer: Phil Thomson; Phil"s Web site

攝影:菲爾·湯姆森(Phil Thomson);菲爾的網站

Summary Author: Phil Thomson; Jim Foster

摘要作者:菲爾·湯姆森(Phil Thomson);吉姆·福斯特(Jim Foster)

The photo above showing a fantastically reddened sky and sea was taken at the mouth of the Barwon River, where it enters Bass Strait, in Victoria, Australia. Silhouetted against the scarlet sky is Barwon Heads pier and the "At the Heads" Cafe Bar and Restaurant (also known as Diver Dan"s). "At the Heads" was the location for the popular Australian ABC TV series "Seachange."

上面這張顯示天空和海洋變紅得出奇的照片,是在澳大利亞維多利亞州的巴翁河(Barwon River)流進巴斯海峽(Bass Strait)的河口處拍攝的。以紅色天空為背景所顯示出輪廓的是巴翁盡頭的橋墩,和「在盡頭(At the Heads)」 咖啡吧和餐廳(也稱為潛水員丹的咖啡吧和餐廳)。"在盡頭"是澳大利亞廣播公司(Australian ABC) 流行電視連續劇「表演者」的外景拍攝場地。

While a red sky at morn portends rough weather ahead for mariners, the dawning of this spring day was certainly memorable for its beauty. The longer path length of sunlight when the Sun is near the horizon effectively extinguishes most of the shorter wavelength colors (violets, blues and greens) from our view. So if mid and/or high cloud decks are present, the longer wavelength colors (yellow, oranges and reds) may paint the sky in vivid hues. Photo taken on October 25, 2008.

在破曉的紅色天空為水手預示壞天氣即將來臨的同時,春季白天的黎明無疑會因其美麗而使人難以忘懷。當太陽在地平線附近時,較長的陽光路線有效地抑制了我們視線里多數較短波長的各種顏色(紫色、藍色、綠色)。所以,假如存在著中等高度 和/或 高峻的雲蓋,長波的顏色(黃色、桔色和紅色)會把天空描繪得色彩鮮明。照片拍攝於2008年10月25日。

Barwon Heads, Australia Coordinates: -38.279167, 144.491667

● 澳大利亞巴翁盡頭(Barwon Heads)的坐標:38.279167,144.491667

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