
紐約邦瀚斯2017紐約亞洲藝術周春季拍賣會印度、喜馬拉雅及東南亞藝術品 最新成交記錄,整個拍賣會幾乎全部成交,太棒了!最終總:成交額 : 3,934,250 USD

Lot 3001 尼泊爾 十九/二十世紀 度母文殊金銀嘎烏盒

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:7.6 x 6.3 cm

Provenance: Grace Collection, US since mid-late 1990s

成交價: 10,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3002 尼泊爾 十九世紀 金鑲雜寶無量壽佛護身符盒

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:6.3 x 5.7 cm

Provenance: Grace Collection, US since mid-late 1990s

成交價: 6,875 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3003 尼泊爾 十九/二十世紀 文殊菩薩金嘎烏盒一對

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:7.3 x 7.3 cm

Provenance: Grace Collection, US since mid-late 1990s

成交價: 6,875 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3004 西藏 十九世紀 鑲松石青金石紅寶石髮飾一對

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:6.3 x 5 cm

Provenance: Grace Collection, US since mid-late 1990s

成交價: 7,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3005 西藏 十九世紀 松石珊瑚金飾耳墜一對

估價:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:最大者長10.9 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection, acquired in Europe before 1982

成交價: 4,375 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3006 西藏 約1900年 嵌松石銀耳飾一對

估價:2,000-3,000 USD

尺寸:長9 cm

Provenance: Annie Jernander Collection, Brussels Pierre Bergé & Associés, Brussels Private English Collection, acquired from the above, early 2000s

成交價: 1,875 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3007 西藏 十九世紀 松石珍珠金飾俗官耳墜

估價:2,000-3,000 USD

尺寸:長13.9 cm;直徑6.7 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection, acquired in Europe before 1982

成交價: 1,875 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3008 蒙古 十八/十九世紀 金芯銀身嘎烏盒

估價:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:直徑12.1 cm

Provenance: Estate of Richard Bass (1929-2015), Texas Private American Collection

成交價: 8,125 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3009 藏東 十九世紀/二十世紀初 飾金銀腰鏈一對

估價:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:長27.3 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection since 1976

成交價: 2,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3010 德格 藏東 約十八世紀 銅鎏金馬鞍

估價:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:長52 cm

Provenance: Private Texas Estate since 1957, by repute Private Collection, Texas

成交價: 8,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3011 西藏 十四/十五世紀 木雕彩繪雙面護經板一對

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:21.8 x 71 cm

Provenance: Estate of Garry Shandling (1949-2016) by early 2000s Garry Shandling (1949-2016), the beloved late comedian, had practiced Buddhism since his twenties. He was a longtime follower of Thich Nhat Hanh"s zen tradition and helped found Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, Southern California. In his comedy, he would often play with the teachings of mindfulness, impermanence, self, and ego. Regarded within the entertainment community as a sincere and generous personality, he formed lasting friendships and touched many people"s lives. Bonhams is grateful for the opportunity to present Garry Shandling"s unassuming collection of Buddhist art which gave him pause and reflection throughout his years in show business.

成交價: 10,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3012 藏中 十八世紀 釋迦牟尼與道次第傳承唐卡

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:82.7 x 54 cm

Provenance: Estate of Garry Shandling (1949-2016) by early 2000s

成交價: 15,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3013 西藏或中原 十四世紀 銅鎏金佛坐像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高19.2 cm

Provenance: Estate of Garry Shandling (1949-2016) by early 2000s

成交價: 106,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3015 斯瓦特谷地 七/八世紀 觀音銅像

估價:50,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高13.3 cm

Published: Pratapaditya Pal, The Elegant Image, New Orleans, 2011, p.48, no.8. Provenance: Christie"s, New York, 23 March 1999, lot 13 Private Collection

成交價: 100,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3016 西藏 帕拉復興 十八世紀 文殊菩薩銅像

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高10.5 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection since late 1980s

成交價: 7,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3017 克什米爾 十/十一世紀 軍荼利明王銅像

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高14.2 cm

成交價: 28,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3018 西藏 帕拉風格 約十二/十三世紀 觀音菩薩銅像

估價:40,000-60,000 USD

尺寸:高11.2 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 52,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3020 尼泊爾 十三/十四世紀 銅佛坐像

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高9.2 cm

Exhibited: USC Pacific Asia Museum, California, 1978 (affixed label) Journey to Tibet, Lotusland, Montecito, California, 1998. Provenance: Private Collection, acquired in Cape Town, South Africa, late 1960s

成交價: 8,125 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3021 西藏 十四世紀 噶舉喇嘛銅像

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高6.7 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection, acquired in 1999

成交價: 10,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3022 西藏 十三/十四世紀 摧破金剛銅像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高15.2 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3025 西藏 十五世紀 銅鎏銀密勒日巴像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高10.2 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3026 西藏 十四/十五世紀 喇嘛銅像

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高8.9 cm

Exhibited: Journey to Tibet, Lotusland, Montecito, California, 1998. Provenance: Private Collection, acquired in Hong Kong, early 1980s

成交價: 5,625 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3027 西藏 十四世紀 錯紅銅噶舉喇嘛銅像

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高9.5 cm

Exhibited: Journey to Tibet, Lotusland, Montecito, California, 1998. Provenance: Private Collection, acquired in La Jolla, circa 1975

成交價: 6,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3028 西藏 十八世紀 紫檀半托迦尊者像

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高16.5 cm

Provenance: Nagel Auktionen, Stuttgart, 1999 Onno Janssens Collection, Netherlands Christie"s, New York, 22 March 2011, lot 338 Private New York Collection

成交價: 7,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3029 西藏 1724年 蓮花生大士黑唐

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:81.3 x 47 cm;145 x 75 cm

Provenance: Christie"s, New York, 22 March 2000, lot 131 Edwin C. Cohen Collection, New York

成交價: 6,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3030 西藏 約十五世紀 銅鎏金度母像

估價:80,000-120,000 USD

尺寸:高20.3 cm

Published: Heather Stoddard, Early Sino-Tibetan Art, 2nd edition, Bangkok, 2008, p.93, no.69 (misattributed as having a Xuande reign mark). Provenance: Christie"s, New York, 21 March 2001, lot 118 Edwin C. Cohen Collection, New York

成交價: 487,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3032 西藏 十八世紀 宇妥雲丹貢布唐卡

估價:50,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:73 x 48 cm;132.1 x 71.1 cm

Published: Detlef Ingo Lauf, Tibetische Kunst, Bern, 1969, no.82. Pia Van der Wee, A Tibetan Thangka in Private Collection, in Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, March 1970, Volume XIX, no.3. Detlef Ingo Lauf, gYu-thog-pa und Medizingottheiten in Tibet, in Sandoz Bulletin, 1971, no.23. Detlef Ingo Lauf, Das Erbe Tibets, Bern, 1972, p.188. Armand Neven, Lamaistische Kunst, Brussels, 1975, no.129. Armand Neven, Art Lamaique, Brussels, 1975, no.129. Detlef Ingo Lauf, Tibetan Sacred Art: The Heritage of Tantra, London, 1976, no.76. Giles Béguin, Dieux et démons de l"Himalaya: art du bouddhisme lamaique, Paris, 1977, no.255. Fernand Meyer,Contribution à l"étude des médecines traditionnelles: la médecine tibétaine (Doctoral dissertation), Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 1979, p.97-9. Fernand Meyer, Gso-ba rig-pa, le système médical tibétain, Paris, 1981, p.102. Pia and Louis Van der Wee, A Tale of Thangkas: Living with a Collection, Antwerp, 1995, p.71, fig.29. Jan van Alphen and Anthony Aris (eds), Oriental Medicine, Antwerp, 1995, p.113. Theresia Hofer (ed.), Bodies in Balance: The Art of Tibetan Medicine, New York, 2014, p.152, no.7.15. Exhibited: Tibetische Kunst, Zurich, 8 - 30 March 1969; Luzern, 17 April - 11 May 1969; Geneva, 31 May - 22 June 1969. Lamaistische Kunst/Art Lamaique, Société Général de Banque à Bruxelles, Brussels, 15 May - 30 June 1975. Dieux et démons de l"Himalaya: art du bouddhisme lamaique, Galeries Nationales du Grand-Palais, Paris, 25 March - 27 June 1977. Kunst des Buddhismus, Haus der Kunst, Munich, 6 August - 16 October 1977. De Taal van de Thangka, Ethnographic Museum, Antwerp, 1995. The Art of Tibetan Medicine: Bodies in Balance, Rubin Museum of Art, New York, 15 March - 8 September 2014. Provenance: The Van Der Wee Collection, Belgium, acquired in Brussels, July 1964

成交價: 62,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3033 尼泊爾 十四世紀 銅鎏金阿閦佛像

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高13.3 cm

成交價: 15,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3034 尼泊爾 十三/十四世紀 銅鎏金錯銀綠度母像

估價:3,000-5,000 USD

尺寸:高12.7 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, London, 27/28 February 1967, lot 76 Private European Collection Thence by descent

成交價: 6,875 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3035 丹薩替 十四世紀 銅鎏金金剛亥母像

估價:200,000-300,000 USD

尺寸:高41.3 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 487,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3036 丹薩替 十四/十五世紀 銅鎏金雙面塔柱

估價:12,000-16,000 USD

尺寸:高29.8 cm

Provenance: Christie"s, London, 11 December 1973, lot 178 Aalderink Oriental Art, Amsterdam Private Dutch Collection, acquired from the above, mid 1970s Thence by descent

成交價: 12,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3037 西藏 十六世紀 銅鎏金錘迭大鵬金翅鳥飾牌

估價:7,000-10,000 USD

尺寸:高46.5 cm

Provenance: Boris Lisanevich and Inger Pheiffer Collection, by 1955 Thence by descent

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3039 西藏 十五世紀 度母銅像

估價:50,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高25.8 cm

Published: Heather Karmay, Early Sino-Tibetan Art, London, 1975, p. 89, no. 58. Provenance: Christie"s, London, 11 December 1973, lot 94 Private Collection, London

成交價: 68,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3040 不丹 十八世紀 夏仲阿旺朗傑唐卡

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:70 x 47 cm;129.5 x 76 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 43,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3041 不丹 十八世紀 寧瑪多傑林巴傳承法嗣唐卡

估價:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:67.5 x 45 cm;129.5 x 76 cm

Provenance: Private Asian Collection

成交價: 40,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3042 藏東 十八世紀 七世達賴格桑嘉措唐卡

估價:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:66 x 44 cm;122 x 71 cm

Published: Ulrich von Schroeder in Oriental Art, Winter 1972, p.327. Pia and Louis Van der Wee, A Tale of Thangkas: Living with a Collection, Antwerp, 1995, pp.18-20, fig.3. Exhibited: De Taal van de Thangka, Ethnographic Museum, Antwerp, 1995. Provenance: Ulrich von Schroeder, by 1972 The Van Der Wee Collection, Belgium, acquired in Cologne, December 1977

成交價: 37,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3043 清朝 十八世紀 大威德金剛銅像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高41.5 cm

Provenance: Private European Collection, acquired in 1960s, by repute Thence by descent

成交價: 47,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3044 西藏 十八世紀 二十一度母唐卡

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:62.3 x 42.5 cm;114.3 x 64.2 cm

Provenance: The Hundred Antiques Gallery, Toronto Private Canadian Collection, acquired from the above, 1980s

成交價: 23,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3045 清朝 雍和宮風格 十八世紀 彌勒菩薩唐卡

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:63 x 42.6 cm;72.5 x 51.5 cm

Provenanc Collection of Josephine Field, Statesboro, GA Private Collection, Canada

成交價: 31,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3048 尼泊爾 十六/十七世紀 銅鎏金陪臚面具

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高91.4 cm

Provenance: Private London Collection Sotheby"s, New York, 24 September 2004, lot 75 Collection of Dr. Helga Wall-Apelt, Florida James D. Julia Auctioneers, Maine, 23 March 2015, lot 240

成交價: 47,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3049 尼泊爾 馬拉晚期 約1702年 銅鎏金五面哈奴曼像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高53.3 cm

Provenance: Collection of William O Thweatt, acquired in Kathmandu between 1958-1962 Sotheby"s, New York, 24 September 2004, lot 74 Collection of Dr. Helga Wall-Apelt, Florida James D. Julia Auctioneers, Maine, 23 March 2015, lot 184

成交價: 27,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3050 尼泊爾 十七世紀 銅鎏金錘迭杜爾迦摩醯濕飾牌

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高40.7 cm

Provenance: Boris Lisanevich and Inger Pheiffer Collection, by 1955 Thence by descent In 1951 Lisanevich opened Nepal"s first hotel, The Hotel Royal, in a converted Rana Palace. He went on to open the famous restaurant, The Chimney, which later expanded into what is now the Yak & Yeti Hotel.

成交價: 25,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3051 尼泊爾 1816/1817年 斯瓦揚布納特佛塔博巴

估價:5,000-7,000 USD

尺寸:80.1 x 51 cm

Provenance: Private San Francisco Estate, acquired in India, 1924-8 Thence by descent

成交價: 46,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3052 尼泊爾 十八世紀 密宗佛母博巴兩幅

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:31.8 x 23.8 cm;35.5 x 28 cm

Provenance: Private German Collection, since 1980s

成交價: 4,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3053 西藏 十二/十三世紀 銅普巴杵

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:長22.3 cm

Provenance: Spink & Sons, Ltd., London Private New York Collection, acquired from the above, 1981

成交價: 68,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3054 西藏或中原 約十二世紀 鐵鋄金金剛杵

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:長25 cm

成交價: 37,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3055 西藏 約十三/十四世紀 銅普巴杵

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:長21.5 cm

Provenance: Private Canadian Collection, acquired in San Francisco, 1980s

成交價: 9,375 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3056 西藏 約九至十三世紀 銅托甲四枚

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:長6.3 cm

Provenance: Private Canadian Collection, acquired circa 1985

成交價: 5,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3057 西藏 十三/十四世紀 銅噶當佛塔

估價:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高55.8 cm

Provenance: Private New York Collection, acquired in New York, late 2000s

成交價: 31,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3058 西藏 十三/十四世紀 銅噶當佛塔

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高42.5 cm

Provenance: Dragon House, San Francisco, 1980s, by repute Southern Californian Collection

成交價: 20,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3060 西藏 約十五世紀 金剛鈴杵一套

估價:4,000-6,000 USD

尺寸:高17.8 cm;長12.8 cm

Provenance: Estate of Barbara Dupes, California Private Californian Collection since late 1990s

成交價: 5,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3061 克什米爾 約1000年 觀音銅像

估價:60,000-80,000 USD

尺寸:高26.1 cm

Exhibited: Pathway to Enlightenment: Art of Tibet from Australian Collections, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, Australia, 5 September-2 November 2002. Provenance: Sotheby"s Parke-Bernet, 28/29 June 1984, New York, lot 421 Sotheby"s, London, 23 November 1987, lot 44 Gerry Virtue Collection, Sydney Parkham Place Gallery, Sydney Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 106,250 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3062 藏西 克什米爾風格 約十一世紀 文殊菩薩銅像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高19 cm

Provenance: Carlo Cristi, Milan Phillip Adams Collection, Australia, acquired from the above, June 2008

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3063 西藏 十二世紀 菩薩銅像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高29.9 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, London, 17 October 1996, lot 84 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 40,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3064 印度東北部 帕拉時期 約十一世紀 錯紅銅金鋼手銅像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高8.9 cm

Provenance: Josef Neumann Collection, Australia Lawson"s, Sydney, 28 April 1999, Lot 323 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 52,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3065 印度東北部 帕拉時期 十/十一世紀 錯銀錯紅銅文殊菩薩銅像

估價:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高13.3 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, London, 24 April 1990, lot 40 Gerry Virtue Collection, Sydney Parkham Place Gallery, Sydney Phillip Adams Collection, Australia, acquired 8 February 2000

成交價: 68,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3066 印度東北部或西藏 帕拉風格 約十二世紀 銅佛坐像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高14 cm

Provenance: Julian Sterling Collection, Melbourne Mossgreen Auctions, Sydney, 26/27 February 2007, lot 163 Cito Cessna Collection, Sydney Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3068 西藏 約十二世紀 木雕彩漆般若波羅蜜多經板

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:20 x 57.5 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, Melbourne, 2/3 May 2005, lot 585 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 7,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3069 尼泊爾 十二/十三世紀 銅鎏金文殊菩薩像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高10.5 cm

Provenance: Raymond Mitchell Collection, Sydney Mossgreen Auctions, Sydney, 26/27 February 2007, lot 196 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 40,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3070 卡薩瑪拉 十三/十四世紀 銅鎏金佛坐像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高19 cm

Exhibited: Smile of the Buddha: Image of Enlightenment, Australian National University, Canberra, 1 November-16 December 2007. Provenance: Lindsay Phillips Collection, New South Wales Phillip Adams Collection, Australia, acquired from the above, circa 1989

成交價: 25,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3071 尼泊爾 約十四世紀 銅鎏金大日如來坐像

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高11.8 cm

Provenance: Arts of Asia Ltd, Melbourne Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 12,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3073 尼泊爾 十五世紀 銅鎏金觀音像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高14.4 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, London, 14 July 1970, lot 38 The Heeramaneck Collection Sotheby"s, New York, 2 November 1988, lot 84 Philip Adams, Australia

成交價: 25,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3074 西藏 約十四世紀 銅鎏金阿閦佛像

估價:20,000-30,000 USD

尺寸:高21 cm

Provenance: Private Melbourne Collection Mossgreen Auctions, Melbourne, 2 June 2008, lot 37 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 35,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3075 西藏 約十四世紀 銅鎏金阿閦佛像

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高23 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, Melbourne, 15 May 1995, lot 440 Bonhams & Goodman, Sydney, 10 November 2008, lot 306 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 10,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3077 西藏 約十四世紀 銅鎏金金剛總持像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高21.3 cm

Provenance: Josef Neumann Collection, Sydney Lawsons, Sydney, 28 April 1999, lot 314 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 15,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3078 藏中 十五/十六世紀 錯銀錯紅銅無量壽佛銅像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高23.5 cm

Published: David Weldon, Faces of Tibet: The Wesley and Carolyn Halpert Collection, Carlton Rochell Asian Art, New York, 2003, no.18. Exhibited: Smile of the Buddha: Image of Enlightenment, Australian National University, Canberra, 1 November-16 December 2007. Provenance: Wesley and Carolyn Halpert Collection, New York Carlton Rochell Asian Art, 2003 Sotheby"s, New York, 24 March 2004, lot 71 Phillip Adams Collection, Sydney

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3080 西藏 十五世紀 銅鎏金藥師佛像

估價:6,000-8,000 USD

尺寸:高18.7 cm

Exhibited: Smile of the Buddha: Image of Enlightenment, Australian National University, Canberra, 1 November-16 December 2007. Provenance: Peter Lane Gallery, Sydney Phillip Adams Collection, acquired from the above, 1994

成交價: 9,375 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3083 清朝 十八世紀 銅鎏金馬頭明王像

估價:10,000-15,000 USD

尺寸:高17.8 cm

Exhibited: Pathway to Enlightenment: Art of Tibet from Australian Collections, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, Australia, 5 September-2 November 2002. Provenance: Breitbart Collection Sotheby"s, New York, 6 October 1990, lot 311 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 27,500 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3084 清朝 十八世紀 銅鎏金大威德金剛像

估價:30,000-50,000 USD

尺寸:高16.8 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, Hong Kong, by repute Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 93,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3086 西藏 約十五世紀 錯銀毘魯巴銅像

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高10 cm

Exhibited: Pathway to Enlightenment: Art of Tibet from Australian Collections, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, Australia, 5 September-2 November 2002. Provenance: Pan Asian Collection Christie"s, New York, 1 December 1982, lot 14 Galerie Koller, 11/12 November 1988, lot 168 Spink & Sons Ltd, London, 20 November 1989 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3087 西藏 十六世紀 錯紅銅藏紐赫魯嘎銅像

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高13.3 cm

Published: Jean and Marcel Nies, Himalayan Art, Gallery de Ruimte, 1982 Provenance: Marcel Nies, by 1982 Spink & Son Ltd., London, 20 November 1989 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 13,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3088 西藏 十六世紀 密勒日巴銅像

估價:15,000-20,000 USD

尺寸:高11.4 cm

Provenance: Parkham Place Gallery, Sydney Phillip Adams Collection, Australia, acquired from the above, 23 April 2004

成交價: 18,750 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3089 藏中 十五/十六世紀 錯銀竹巴噶舉喇嘛銅像

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高17.8 cm

Provenance: Nagel Auktionen, Stuttgart, 19 May 2006, lot 1540 Phillip Adams Collection, Australia

成交價: 25,000 USD (含買家傭金)

Lot 3090 西藏 約十五世紀 竹巴噶舉喇嘛銅像

估價:8,000-12,000 USD

尺寸:高18.7 cm

Provenance: Sotheby"s, London, 19 October 1995, lot 154 Brendan Lynch and Oliver Forge Ltd, London Phillip Adams Collection, Australia, acquired 17 October 2006

成交價: 10,625 USD (含買家傭金)




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