
中國Nio的EP9電動超跑創下紐博格林賽道記錄 2017-05-17 龍騰網訂閱號 龍騰網訂閱號




The quickest street-legal car to lap the Nürburgring is electric.刷新紐博格林賽道記錄的街道跑車(相較於賽道跑車,street-legal指符合燈光、安全等規定可上路的車輛)是電動的。[copy]The Nio EP9 an electric supercar built by Chinese startup NextEV lapped the famous German racetrack in just 6 minutes 45.90 seconds. That』s a substantial improvement over the 6:52.01 set by the Lamborghini Huracán LP640-4 Performante last fall. But because just 16 copies of the EP9 will be built some will likely consider the Lambo』s lap time to be more meaningful as a yardstick for production cars.由中國人創辦的蔚來汽車生產的電動超跑Nio EP9在著名的德國賽道上跑出了單圈6分45.90秒的成績。這相比去年秋天由蘭博基尼颶風LP640-4創下的6:52.01記錄是一個顯著提升。但因為EP9隻生產16台,有些人可能會認為蘭博基尼的記錄對量產汽車更有意義。-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------This is actually the second time the EP9 has visited the Nürburgring. Last fall it set a lap time of 7:05.12. Nio said the 19.22-second improvement was achieved thanks to better weather conditions on the second attempt.實際上這是EP9第二次拜訪紐博格林。去年秋天它取得過單圈7:05.12的成績。蔚來公司稱第二次試跑成績提高了19.22秒是因為更好的天氣狀況。[/copy]The EP9 is powered by four electric motors producing a combined 1342 horsepower. While Nio won』t quote a 0 to 60 mph time it claims the EP9 can do 0 to 200 kph (0 to 124 mph) in 7.1 seconds and reach a top speed of 124 mph. The supercar also features an 「interchangeable battery system」 that allows charging in 45 minutes an estimated range of 265 miles and autonomous-driving capability.EP9由四台獨立電機驅動,一共可提供1342馬力動力。蔚來公司沒有提供其0到60英里時速的加速時間,但聲稱EP9可在7.1秒內加速至最高時速200公里(0到時速124英里)。「可置換電池系統」也是該超跑一大特色,該系統下充電45分鐘續航可達265英里,還具備自動駕駛能力。


原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:翻譯加工廠 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------ZX"er8 hours agoEP9"s top speed is actually 195 mph. You can"t set a Nürburgring record with a top speed of 124mph. It wouldn"t be possible.EP9的最高時速應該是195英里,124英里的時速可破不了紐博格林記錄,這是不可能的。Kyle R8 hours agoTop speed is actually 194 mph. Classic Yahoo misprint I Googled the correct answer as 124 looked a bit slow...實際上最高時速是194英里,雅虎小編粗心大意的毛病又犯了,124看著太低了所以我谷歌了正確數值。david8 hours agoTop speed of 124? My Tacoma truck will do that. Maybe a typo?最高時速124?我的豐田皮卡也能做到,應該是打錯了吧?Loki8 hours agoMY 1976 IMPALA WILL DO 58 TOP SPEED我的1976年產雪佛蘭Impala最高時速高達58英里。Jing6 hours agoPretty soon Americans are going to steal this technology to improve their inferior cars just like what Americans have been doing for years stealing Chinese supercomputing technology.很快美國人就要竊取這個技術來提升他們的爛車了,就像美國這些年一直在竊取中國的超算技術一樣。-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:高辛琅華------------[copy]Whatever7 hours agoElectric motors always spool up faster than gas engines. So the acceleration time if quicker in short runs. This is not rocket science to anyone. The Tesla electric street cars are faster 0-60 than any stock gasoline car also.電動機總是比內燃機加速快,所以加速時間短是顯而易見的。特斯拉電動汽車的0-60加速性能比任何汽油車都好。Life Happens6 hours agoAll that and you can only go 265 miles on a charge. Show me an electric car that gets 1000 miles on one charge that every family can afford and you would have a a true engineering feat.那又如何?你充次電才跑265英里,什麼時候有一款續航1000英里、人人買得起的電動車,那才算傑出的工程成就。John7 hours agoImagine a Chinese beating Tesla that costs 25K. Think it can"t happen?想像一下中國人用25000塊的產品擊敗特斯拉,你覺著不可能嗎?-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------kipernicus6 hours agoFor those questioning where the technology was "stolen" from keep in mind that Elon Musk has been openly sharing his patented technologies. He"s not just another business ego trying to rack up his billions he is fully dedicated to making our planet a cleaner place. I guarantee this startup company has been in touch with mr Musk from the beginning of this project.那些疑惑這項技術「偷」自哪兒的人記住了, Elon Musk(特斯拉CEO)一直在免費分享他的專利技術,他不像一般商人那樣貪婪無度,而是致力於讓我們的星球更加清潔。我保證這家公司在項目伊始就接觸了Musk先生。[/copy]Notty Relevanti7 hours agoWonder what technology they stole to get this out the door?好奇這技術是從哪兒偷來的?Chris Sweeney7 hours ago1300 hp and 124mph top speed? i am assuming that is not correct1300馬力才124的最高速度?這數字八成錯了吧。-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------sruddy7 hours agoIt"s fast and after one lap it needed to charge for two hours. In the meantime every other car continued to put in the laps.它如閃電般跑完一圈,然後要充電兩個小時,與此同時其他車輛在繼續跑圈。X6 hours agoDone with stolen technology. And if China is such a "great" country why do all mainland Chinese want to run to the greatest country in the world(USA)?偷來的技術,如果中國真的偉大,那為什麼所有大陸人都想跑到世界上最偉大的國家美國?(您可真敢往自己臉上貼金)Captian6 hours agoHoly !@#$ it has liquid cooled batter packs lol. Capable of pulling 2.5 lateral G"s that is better than a lot of race cars that has to be racing slicks. It"s on the heavy side at 3825lbs though.That 6:45 is an insanely fast time at the ring. The world beating Viper ACR best time is 7:12 and the super human 918 is 6:57.我的天啊,它採用了液體冷卻電池組技術,可提供2.5G的橫向加速度,這比很多賽車還牛,肯定是用了光頭胎。而且3825磅的全車質量可不算輕了。6:45的成績太瘋狂了,震撼世界的道奇Viper ACR最好成績是7:12,保時捷918是6:57。-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:BXHin1995------------Scott6 hours agoWait a minute now 2.53 lateral g"s in the corners? This is a race car then. No regular tires can pull that. These have to be some 300mm wide monsters or some such. Still awesome.等一下,過彎橫向加速度2.53G?那它就是賽車了,常規輪胎沒那麼大的抓地力,那肯定是300mm寬度的怪物輪胎之類的。不過還是棒極了!Adam7 hours agoUnless it used road legal tires it doesn"t count.用的不是普通道路輪胎的話是不算數的。Just Sayin1 hour agoSince when does building 16 cars make it a "production" model?什麼時候製造16輛車就稱得上「批量生產」型號了?-------------譯者:黎明暉燼-審核者:BXHin1995------------Yahoo Reader5 hours agoSo who"d they steal the technology from?那麼他們是從哪兒偷來的技術?WTF6 hours agoIn the USA you can"t even unleash cars of much less horsepower without a trip to the iron house unless you track it I don"t see the logic.在美國,飈馬力比這小得多的車也會讓你吃牢飯,講點道理好嗎?Matt7 hours agoI wonder whose technology they stole?我很好奇他們偷了誰的技術?


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